Example #1
class TaskBase:
  def __init__(self):
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

  def prepareTransformationTasks(self,transBody,taskDict,owner='',ownerGroup=''):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTransformationTasks(self,taskDict):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTasksToExternal(self,task):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self,taskDict):
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sortList(taskDict.keys()):
      transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
      if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(transID,taskID,'Submitted',str(taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID']))
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn("updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission" , "%s %s" % (taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'],res['Message']))
        updated +=1
    gLogger.info("updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % (updated,time.time()-startTime))
    return S_OK()
  def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedFileStatus(self,fileDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
Example #2
class TaskBase:
  def __init__(self):
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

  def prepareTransformationTasks(self,transBody,taskDict,owner='',ownerGroup=''):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTransformationTasks(self,taskDict):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTasksToExternal(self,task):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self,taskDict):
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sortList(taskDict.keys()):
      transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
      if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(transID,taskID,'Submitted',str(taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID']))
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn("updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission" , "%s %s" % (taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'],res['Message']))
        updated +=1
    gLogger.info("updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % (updated,time.time()-startTime))
    return S_OK()
  def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedFileStatus(self,fileDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
Example #3
class TaskBase(object):
    ''' The other classes inside here inherits from this one.
    def __init__(self, transClient=None, logger=None):

        if not transClient:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient

        if not logger:
            self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('TaskBase')
            self.log = logger

    def prepareTransformationTasks(self,
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTasksToExternal(self, task):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self, taskDict):
        """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
        updated = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        for taskID in sorted(taskDict):
            transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
            if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
                res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(
                    transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                if not res['OK']:
                        "updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission",
                        "%s %s" %
                        (taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'], res['Message']))
                updated += 1
            "updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" %
            (updated, time.time() - startTime))
        return S_OK()

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
Example #4
class TaskBase( TransformationAgentsUtilities ):
  ''' The other classes inside here inherits from this one.

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger

    self.pluginLocation = 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin'
    self.transInThread = {}
    self.debug = False

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '',
                                  bulkSubmissionFlag = False ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTasksToExternal( self, task ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( self, taskDict ):
    """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():
      transID = task['TransformationID']
      if task['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                                                      str( task['ExternalID'] ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          self._logWarn( "Failed to update task status after submission" ,
                         "%s %s" % ( task['ExternalID'], res['Message'] ),
                         transID = transID, method = 'updateDBAfterSubmission' )
        updated += 1
    if updated:
      self._logInfo( "Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % ( updated, time.time() - startTime ),
                     transID = transID, method = 'updateDBAfterSubmission' )
    return S_OK()

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )
Example #5
class TaskBase( object ):
  ''' The other classes inside here inherits from this one.

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTasksToExternal( self, task ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( self, taskDict ):
    """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
      if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                                                      str( taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'] ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.warn( "updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission" ,
                         "%s %s" % ( taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'], res['Message'] ) )
        updated += 1
    self.log.info( "updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % ( updated, time.time() - startTime ) )
    return S_OK()

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )
Example #6
class TaskBase(TransformationAgentsUtilities):
    ''' The other classes inside here inherits from this one.
    def __init__(self, transClient=None, logger=None):
        """ c'tor """

        if not transClient:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient

        if not logger:
            self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('TaskBase')
            self.log = logger

        self.pluginLocation = 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin'

        super(TaskBase, self).__init__()

    def prepareTransformationTasks(
            _taskDict,  # pylint: disable=no-self-use, unused-argument
            bulkSubmissionFlag=False):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        if owner or ownerGroup or ownerDN or bulkSubmissionFlag:  # Makes pylint happy
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, _taskDict):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTasksToExternal(self, _task):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self, taskDict):
        """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
        updated = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():
            transID = task['TransformationID']
            if task['Success']:
                res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(
                    transID, taskID, 'Submitted', str(task['ExternalID']))
                if not res['OK']:
                        "Failed to update task status after submission",
                        "%s %s" % (task['ExternalID'], res['Message']),
                updated += 1
        if updated:
            self._logInfo("Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" %
                          (updated, time.time() - startTime),
        return S_OK()

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, _taskDicts):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, _taskDicts):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, _fileDicts):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class """
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
class TaskManagerAgentBase(AgentModule):

  def initialize(self):
    self.section = self.am_getOption("section")
    gMonitor.registerActivity("SubmittedTasks","Automatically submitted tasks","Transformation Monitoring","Tasks", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    return S_OK()

  def execute(self):
    """ The TaskManagerBase execution method. """

    # Determine whether the task status is to be monitored and updated
    enableTaskMonitor = self.am_getOption('MonitorTasks','')
    if not enableTaskMonitor:
      gLogger.info("execute: Monitoring of tasks is disabled.")
      gLogger.info("execute: To enable create the 'MonitorTasks' option")
      res = self.updateTaskStatus()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('execute: Failed to update task states', res['Message'])

    # Determine whether the task files status is to be monitored and updated
    enableFileMonitor = self.am_getOption('MonitorFiles','')
    if not enableFileMonitor:
      gLogger.info("execute: Monitoring of files is disabled.")
      gLogger.info("execute: To enable create the 'MonitorFiles' option")
      res = self.updateFileStatus()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('execute: Failed to update file states', res['Message'])

    # Determine whether the checking of reserved tasks is to be performed
    enableCheckReserved = self.am_getOption('CheckReserved','')
    if not enableCheckReserved:
      gLogger.info("execute: Checking of reserved tasks is disabled.")
      gLogger.info("execute: To enable create the 'CheckReserved' option")
      res = self.checkReservedTasks()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('execute: Failed to checked reserved tasks',res['Message'])

    # Determine whether the submission of tasks is to be executed
    enableSubmission = self.am_getOption('SubmitTasks','')
    if not enableSubmission:
      gLogger.info("execute: Submission of tasks is disabled.")
      gLogger.info("execute: To enable create the 'SubmitTasks' option")
      res = self.submitTasks()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('execute: Failed to submit created tasks', res['Message'])

    return S_OK()
  def _selectTransformations(self,transType=[],status=['Active','Completing'],agentType=['Automatic']):
    selectCond = {}
    if status:
      selectCond['Status'] = status
    if transType:
      selectCond['Type'] = transType
    if agentType:
      selectCond['AgentType'] = agentType
    res = self.transClient.getTransformations(condDict=selectCond)
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("_selectTransformations: Failed to get transformations for selection.",res['Message'])
    elif not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info("_selectTransformations: No transformations found for selection.")
      gLogger.info("_selectTransformations: Obtained %d transformations for selection" % len(res['Value']))
    return res

  def updateTaskStatus(self):
    gLogger.info("updateTaskStatus: Updating the Status of tasks")
    # Get the transformations to be updated
    status = self.am_getOption('UpdateTasksStatus',['Active','Completing','Stopped'])
    res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType,status=status,agentType=[])
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      # Get the tasks which are in a UPDATE state
      updateStatus = self.am_getOption('TaskUpdateStatus',['Checking','Deleted','Killed','Staging','Stalled','Matched','Rescheduled','Completed','Submitted','Received','Waiting','Running'])
      condDict = {"TransformationID":transID,"ExternalStatus":updateStatus}
      timeStamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks(condDict=condDict,older=timeStamp, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("updateTaskStatus: Failed to get tasks to update for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.verbose("updateTaskStatus: No tasks found to update for transformation %s" % transID)
      res = self.getSubmittedTaskStatus(res['Value'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("updateTaskStatus: Failed to get updated task statuses for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      statusDict = res['Value']
      for status in sortList(statusDict.keys()):
        taskIDs = statusDict[status]
        gLogger.info("updateTaskStatus: Updating %d task(s) from transformation %d to %s" % (len(taskIDs),transID,status))
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus(transID,taskIDs,status)
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error("updateTaskStatus: Failed to update task status for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
    gLogger.info("updateTaskStatus: Transformation task status update complete")  
    return S_OK()

  def updateFileStatus(self):
    gLogger.info("updateFileStatus: Updating Status of task files")
    #Get the transformations to be updated
    status = self.am_getOption('UpdateFilesStatus',['Active','Completing','Stopped'])
    res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType,status=status,agentType=[])
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      # Get the files which are in a UPDATE state
      updateStatus = self.am_getOption('FileUpdateStatus',['Submitted','Received','Waiting','Running'])
      timeStamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
      condDict = {'TransformationID' : transID, 'Status' : ['Assigned']}
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationFiles(condDict=condDict,older=timeStamp, timeStamp='LastUpdate')
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("updateFileStatus: Failed to get transformation files to update.",res['Message'])
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.info("updateFileStatus: No files to be updated for transformation %s." % transID)
      res = self.getSubmittedFileStatus(res['Value'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("updateFileStatus: Failed to get updated file statuses for transformation","%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      statusDict = res['Value']
      if not statusDict:
        gLogger.info("updateFileStatus: No file statuses to be updated for transformation %s." % transID)
      fileReport = FileReport(server=self.transClient.getServer())
      for lfn,status in statusDict.items():
      res = fileReport.commit()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("updateFileStatus: Failed to update file status for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message']))
        for status,update in res['Value'].items():
          gLogger.info("updateFileStatus: Updated %s files for %s to %s." % (update, transID, status))
    gLogger.info("updateFileStatus: Transformation file status update complete")  
    return S_OK()
  def checkReservedTasks(self):
    gLogger.info("checkReservedTasks: Checking Reserved tasks")
    # Get the transformations which should be checked
    status = self.am_getOption('CheckReservedStatus',['Active','Completing','Stopped'])
    res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType,status=status,agentType=[])
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      # Select the tasks which have been in Reserved status for more than 1 hour for selected transformations
      condDict = {"TransformationID":transID,"ExternalStatus":'Reserved'}
      time_stamp_older = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
      time_stamp_newer = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7))
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks(condDict=condDict,older=time_stamp_older,newer=time_stamp_newer, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("checkReservedTasks: Failed to get Reserved tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.verbose("checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID)
      res = self.updateTransformationReservedTasks(res['Value'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.info("checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID)
      noTasks = res['Value']['NoTasks']
      taskNameIDs = res['Value']['TaskNameIDs']
      # For the tasks with no associated request found re-set the status of the task in the transformationDB
      for taskName in noTasks:
        transID,taskID = taskName.split('_')
        gLogger.info("checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created as no associated task found" % (taskName))
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus(int(transID),int(taskID),'Created')
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn("checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % (taskName,res['Message']))
      # For the tasks for which an associated request was found update the task details in the transformationDB
      for taskName,extTaskID in taskNameIDs.items():
        transID,taskID = taskName.split('_')
        gLogger.info("checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created with ID %s" % (taskName,extTaskID))
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(int(transID),int(taskID),'Submitted',str(extTaskID))
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn("checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % (taskName,res['Message']))
    gLogger.info("checkReservedTasks: Updating of reserved tasks complete")  
    return S_OK()

  def submitTasks(self):
    gLogger.info("submitTasks: Submitting tasks for transformations")
    res = getProxyInfo(False,False)
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("submitTasks: Failed to determine credentials for submission",res['Message'])
      return res
    proxyInfo = res['Value']
    owner = proxyInfo['username']
    ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']
    gLogger.info("submitTasks: Tasks will be submitted with the credentials %s:%s" % (owner,ownerGroup))
    # Get the transformations which should be submitted
    tasksPerLoop = self.am_getOption('TasksPerLoop',50)
    status = self.am_getOption('SubmitStatus',['Active','Completing'])
    res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType,status=status)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      transBody = transformation['Body']
      res = self.transClient.getTasksToSubmit(transID,tasksPerLoop)
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("submitTasks: Failed to obtain tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      tasks = res['Value']['JobDictionary']
      if not tasks:
        gLogger.verbose("submitTasks: No tasks found for submission for transformation %s" % transID)
      gLogger.info("submitTasks: Obtained %d tasks for submission for transformation %s" % (len(tasks),transID))
      res = self.prepareTransformationTasks(transBody,tasks,owner,ownerGroup)
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("submitTasks: Failed to prepare tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      res = self.submitTransformationTasks(res['Value'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("submitTasks: Failed to submit prepared tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
      res = self.updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(res['Value'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("submitTasks: Failed to update DB after task submission for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID,res['Message']))
    gLogger.info("submitTasks: Submission of transformation tasks complete")  
    return S_OK()
Example #8
class TaskManagerAgentBase( AgentModule ):
  ''' To be extended. The extension needs to:
      - provide a taskManager object as data member
      - provide a shifterProxy (string) as data member
      - provide a transType (list of strings) as data member

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    ''' c'tor
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.taskManager = None
    self.shifterProxy = ''
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transType = []


  def initialize( self ):
    ''' agent initialization
    if not self.taskManager:
      return S_ERROR( 'No task manager provided!' )

    if not self.shifterProxy:
      return S_ERROR( 'No shifter proxy provided!' )
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', self.shifterProxy )

    if not self.transType:
      return S_ERROR( 'No transformation types to look for!' )
    gLogger.info( "Looking for %s" % self.transType )

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "SubmittedTasks", "Automatically submitted tasks", "Transformation Monitoring", "Tasks",
                               gMonitor.OP_ACUM )

    return S_OK()


  def execute( self ):
    ''' The TaskManagerBase execution method.

    # Determine whether the task status is to be monitored and updated
    enableTaskMonitor = self.am_getOption( 'MonitorTasks', '' )
    if not enableTaskMonitor:
      gLogger.info( "execute: Monitoring of tasks is disabled." )
      gLogger.info( "execute: To enable create the 'MonitorTasks' option" )
      res = self.updateTaskStatus()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'execute: Failed to update task states', res['Message'] )

    # Determine whether the task files status is to be monitored and updated
    enableFileMonitor = self.am_getOption( 'MonitorFiles', '' )
    if not enableFileMonitor:
      gLogger.info( "execute: Monitoring of files is disabled." )
      gLogger.info( "execute: To enable create the 'MonitorFiles' option" )
      res = self.updateFileStatus()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'execute: Failed to update file states', res['Message'] )

    # Determine whether the checking of reserved tasks is to be performed
    enableCheckReserved = self.am_getOption( 'CheckReserved', '' )
    if not enableCheckReserved:
      gLogger.info( "execute: Checking of reserved tasks is disabled." )
      gLogger.info( "execute: To enable create the 'CheckReserved' option" )
      res = self.checkReservedTasks()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'execute: Failed to checked reserved tasks', res['Message'] )

    # Determine whether the submission of tasks is to be executed
    enableSubmission = self.am_getOption( 'SubmitTasks', '' )
    if not enableSubmission:
      gLogger.info( "execute: Submission of tasks is disabled." )
      gLogger.info( "execute: To enable create the 'SubmitTasks' option" )
      res = self.submitTasks()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'execute: Failed to submit created tasks', res['Message'] )

    return S_OK()

  def _selectTransformations( self, transType = [], status = ['Active', 'Completing'], agentType = ['Automatic'] ):
    ''' get the transformations
    selectCond = {}
    if status:
      selectCond['Status'] = status
    if transType:
      selectCond['Type'] = transType
    if agentType:
      selectCond['AgentType'] = agentType
    res = self.transClient.getTransformations( condDict = selectCond )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "_selectTransformations: Failed to get transformations for selection.", res['Message'] )
    elif not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "_selectTransformations: No transformations found for selection." )
      gLogger.info( "_selectTransformations: Obtained %d transformations for selection" % len( res['Value'] ) )
    return res

  def updateTaskStatus( self ):
    ''' Updates the task status
    gLogger.info( "updateTaskStatus: Updating the Status of tasks" )
    # Get the transformations to be updated
    status = self.am_getOption( 'UpdateTasksStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Stopped'] )
    res = self._selectTransformations( transType = self.transType, status = status, agentType = [] )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      # Get the tasks which are in a UPDATE state
      updateStatus = self.am_getOption( 'TaskUpdateStatus', ['Checking', 'Deleted', 'Killed', 'Staging', 'Stalled',
                                                             'Matched', 'Rescheduled', 'Completed', 'Submitted',
                                                             'Received', 'Waiting', 'Running'] )
      condDict = {"TransformationID":transID, "ExternalStatus":updateStatus}
      timeStamp = str( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( minutes = 10 ) )
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( condDict = condDict,
                                                     older = timeStamp,
                                                     timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to get tasks to update for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.verbose( "updateTaskStatus: No tasks found to update for transformation %s" % transID )
      res = self.taskManager.getSubmittedTaskStatus( res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to get updated task statuses for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
      statusDict = res['Value']
      for status in sortList( statusDict.keys() ):
        taskIDs = statusDict[status]
        gLogger.info( "updateTaskStatus: Updating %d task(s) from transformation %d to %s" % ( len( taskIDs ),
                                                                                               transID, status ) )
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus( transID, taskIDs, status )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to update task status for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )

    gLogger.info( "updateTaskStatus: Transformation task status update complete" )
    return S_OK()

  def updateFileStatus( self ):
    ''' Update the files status
    gLogger.info( "updateFileStatus: Updating Status of task files" )
    #Get the transformations to be updated
    status = self.am_getOption( 'UpdateFilesStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Stopped'] )
    res = self._selectTransformations( transType = self.transType, status = status, agentType = [] )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      timeStamp = str( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( minutes = 10 ) )
      condDict = {'TransformationID' : transID, 'Status' : ['Assigned']}
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationFiles( condDict = condDict, older = timeStamp, timeStamp = 'LastUpdate' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "updateFileStatus: Failed to get transformation files to update.", res['Message'] )
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.info( "updateFileStatus: No files to be updated for transformation %s." % transID )
      res = self.taskManager.getSubmittedFileStatus( res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "updateFileStatus: Failed to get updated file statuses for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
      statusDict = res['Value']
      if not statusDict:
        gLogger.info( "updateFileStatus: No file statuses to be updated for transformation %s." % transID )
      fileReport = FileReport( server = self.transClient.getServer() )
      for lfn, status in statusDict.items():
        fileReport.setFileStatus( int( transID ), lfn, status )
      res = fileReport.commit()
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "updateFileStatus: Failed to update file status for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                      res['Message'] ) )
        for status, update in res['Value'].items():
          gLogger.info( "updateFileStatus: Updated %s files for %s to %s." % ( update, transID, status ) )
    gLogger.info( "updateFileStatus: Transformation file status update complete" )
    return S_OK()

  def checkReservedTasks( self ):
    gLogger.info( "checkReservedTasks: Checking Reserved tasks" )
    # Get the transformations which should be checked
    status = self.am_getOption( 'CheckReservedStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Stopped'] )
    res = self._selectTransformations( transType = self.transType, status = status, agentType = [] )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      # Select the tasks which have been in Reserved status for more than 1 hour for selected transformations
      condDict = {"TransformationID":transID, "ExternalStatus":'Reserved'}
      time_stamp_older = str( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( hours = 1 ) )
      time_stamp_newer = str( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( days = 7 ) )
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( condDict = condDict, older = time_stamp_older,
                                                     newer = time_stamp_newer )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to get Reserved tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
      if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.verbose( "checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID )
      res = self.taskManager.updateTransformationReservedTasks( res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.info( "checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID )
      noTasks = res['Value']['NoTasks']
      taskNameIDs = res['Value']['TaskNameIDs']
      # For the tasks with no associated request found re-set the status of the task in the transformationDB
      for taskName in noTasks:
        transID, taskID = taskName.split( '_' )
        gLogger.info( "checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created as no associated task found" % ( taskName ) )
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus( int( transID ), int( taskID ), 'Created' )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % ( taskName,
                                                                                                      res['Message'] ) )
      # For the tasks for which an associated request was found update the task details in the transformationDB
      for taskName, extTaskID in taskNameIDs.items():
        transID, taskID = taskName.split( '_' )
        gLogger.info( "checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created with ID %s" % ( taskName, extTaskID ) )
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( int( transID ), int( taskID ), 'Submitted', str( extTaskID ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % ( taskName,
                                                                                                      res['Message'] ) )
    gLogger.info( "checkReservedTasks: Updating of reserved tasks complete" )
    return S_OK()

  def submitTasks( self ):
    """ Submit the tasks to an external system, using the taskManager provided
    gLogger.info( "submitTasks: Submitting tasks for transformations" )
    res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to determine credentials for submission", res['Message'] )
      return res
    proxyInfo = res['Value']
    owner = proxyInfo['username']
    ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']
    gLogger.info( "submitTasks: Tasks will be submitted with the credentials %s:%s" % ( owner, ownerGroup ) )
    # Get the transformations which should be submitted
    tasksPerLoop = self.am_getOption( 'TasksPerLoop', 50 )
    status = self.am_getOption( 'SubmitStatus', ['Active', 'Completing'] )
    res = self._selectTransformations( transType = self.transType, status = status )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for transformation in res['Value']:
      transID = transformation['TransformationID']
      transBody = transformation['Body']
      res = self.transClient.getTasksToSubmit( transID, tasksPerLoop )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to obtain tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID, res['Message'] ) )
      tasks = res['Value']['JobDictionary']
      if not tasks:
        gLogger.verbose( "submitTasks: No tasks found for submission for transformation %s" % transID )
      gLogger.info( "submitTasks: Obtained %d tasks for submission for transformation %s" % ( len( tasks ), transID ) )
      res = self.taskManager.prepareTransformationTasks( transBody, tasks, owner, ownerGroup )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to prepare tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                              res['Message'] ) )
      res = self.taskManager.submitTransformationTasks( res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to submit prepared tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                      res['Message'] ) )
      res = self.taskManager.updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to update DB after task submission for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
    gLogger.info( "submitTasks: Submission of transformation tasks complete" )
    return S_OK()