class JobMonitoringHandler(RequestHandler):

  def initialize(self):

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue('/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo)

    return S_OK()

  types_getApplicationStates = []

  def export_getApplicationStates():
    """ Return Distinct Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('ApplicationStatus')

  types_getJobTypes = []

  def export_getJobTypes():
    """ Return Distinct Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobType')

  types_getOwners = []

  def export_getOwners():
    Return Distinct Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Owner')

  types_getProductionIds = []

  def export_getProductionIds():
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup')

  types_getJobGroups = []

  def export_getJobGroups(condDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup', condDict,

  types_getSites = []

  def export_getSites():
    Return Distinct Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Site')

  types_getStates = []

  def export_getStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Status')

  types_getMinorStates = []

  def export_getMinorStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('MinorStatus')

  types_getJobs = []

  def export_getJobs(attrDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
    # queryDict = {}

    # if attrDict:
    #  if type ( attrDict ) != dict:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
    #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
    #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
    #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
    #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

    print attrDict

    return gJobDB.selectJobs(attrDict, newer=cutDate)

  types_getCounters = [list]

  def export_getCounters(attrList, attrDict=None, cutDate=''):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

    # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
    # self.queryAttributes.

    # for attr in attrList:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
    # for attr in attrDict:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

    cutDate = str(cutDate)
    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}

    return gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', attrList, attrDict, newer=cutDate, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')

  types_getCurrentJobCounters = []

  def export_getCurrentJobCounters(attrDict=None):
    """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}
    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    last_update = Time.dateTime() -
    resultDay = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, newer=last_update,
    if not resultDay['OK']:
      return resultDay

    resultDict = {}
    for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
      status = statusDict['Status']
      resultDict[status] = count
      if status in FINAL_STATES:
        resultDict[status] = 0
        for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
          if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
            resultDict[status] = ccount

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStatus = [int]

  def export_getJobStatus(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Status')

  types_getJobOwner = [int]

  def export_getJobOwner(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Owner')

  types_getJobSite = [int]

  def export_getJobSite(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Site')

  types_getJobJDL = [int, bool]

  def export_getJobJDL(jobID, original):

    return gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=original)

  types_getJobLoggingInfo = [int]

  def export_getJobLoggingInfo(jobID):

    return gJobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)

  types_getJobsParameters = [list, list]

  def export_getJobsParameters(jobIDs, parameters):
    if not (jobIDs and parameters):
      return S_OK({})
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, parameters)

  types_getJobsStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsStatus(jobIDs):
    if not jobIDs:
      return S_OK({})
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Status'])

  types_getJobsMinorStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsMinorStatus(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'])

  types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsApplicationStatus(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'])

  types_getJobsSites = [list]

  def export_getJobsSites(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Site'])

  types_getJobSummary = [int]

  def export_getJobSummary(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, SUMMARY)

  types_getJobPrimarySummary = [int]

  def export_getJobPrimarySummary(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobsSummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsSummary(jobIDs):

    if not jobIDs:
      return S_ERROR('JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list')

    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, SUMMARY)
    # return result
    restring = str(result['Value'])
    return S_OK(restring)

  types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [dict, list, int, int]

  def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectJobs=True):
    """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
    resultDict = {}
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = self.jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to evaluate user rights')
    if result['Value'] != 'ALL':
      selectDict[('Owner', 'OwnerGroup')] = result['Value']

    # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
    if sortList:
      orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
      orderAttribute = None

    statusDict = {}
    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], selectDict,

    nJobs = 0
    if result['OK']:
      for stDict, count in result['Value']:
        nJobs += count
        statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count

    resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
    if nJobs == 0:
      return S_OK(resultDict)

    resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

    if selectJobs:
      iniJob = startItem
      if iniJob >= nJobs:
        return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')

      result = gJobDB.selectJobs(selectDict, orderAttribute=orderAttribute,
                                 newer=startDate, older=endDate, limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryJobList = result['Value']
      if not self.globalJobsInfo:
        validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(summaryJobList,
        summaryJobList = validJobs

      result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get job summary: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryDict = result['Value']

      # Evaluate last sign of life time
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
          jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
          lastTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['LastUpdateTime'])
          hbTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['HeartBeatTime'])
          # There is no way to express a timedelta of 0 ;-)
          # Not only Stalled jobs but also Failed jobs because Stalled
          if ((hbTime - lastTime) > (lastTime - lastTime) or
              jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled" or
              jobDict['MinorStatus'].startswith('Job stalled') or
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

      tqDict = {}
      result = gTaskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs(summaryJobList)
      if result['OK']:
        tqDict = result['Value']

      # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
      if not summaryDict.keys():
        return S_OK(resultDict)

      # prepare the standard structure now
      key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
      paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

      records = []
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        jParList = []
        for pname in paramNames:
        jParList.append(tqDict.get(jobID, 0))

      resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
      resultDict['Records'] = records

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStats = [basestring, dict]

  def export_getJobStats(attribute, selectDict):
    """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', [attribute], selectDict,
    resultDict = {}
    if result['OK']:
      for cDict, count in result['Value']:
        resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsPrimarySummary(jobIDs):
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobParameter = [[basestring, int, long], basestring]

  def export_getJobParameter(jobID, parName):
    return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])

  types_getJobParameters = [[int, long]]

  def export_getJobParameters(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID)

  types_traceJobParameter = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                             basestring, [basestring, None],
                             [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until):
    return gJobDB.traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until)

  types_traceJobParameters = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                              [list, None], [list, None],
                              [basestring, None], [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until):
    return gJobDB.traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until)

  types_getAtticJobParameters = [[int, long]]

  def export_getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters=None, rescheduleCycle=-1):
    if not parameters:
      parameters = []
    return gJobDB.getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle)

  types_getJobAttributes = [int]

  def export_getJobAttributes(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)

  types_getJobAttribute = [int, basestring]

  def export_getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute)

  types_getSiteSummary = []

  def export_getSiteSummary():
    return gJobDB.getSiteSummary()

  types_getJobHeartBeatData = [int]

  def export_getJobHeartBeatData(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)

  types_getInputData = [[int, long]]

  def export_getInputData(jobID):
    """ Get input data for the specified jobs
    return gJobDB.getInputData(jobID)

  types_getOwnerGroup = []

  def export_getOwnerGroup():
    Return Distinct Values of OwnerGroup from the JobsDB
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('OwnerGroup')
class JobMonitoringHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initialize(self):

        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
        self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue(
            '/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,

        return S_OK()


    types_getApplicationStates = []

    def export_getApplicationStates():
        """ Return Distinct Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('ApplicationStatus')


    types_getJobTypes = []

    def export_getJobTypes():
        """ Return Distinct Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobType')


    types_getOwners = []

    def export_getOwners():
    Return Distinct Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Owner')


    types_getProductionIds = []

    def export_getProductionIds():
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup')


    types_getJobGroups = []

    def export_getJobGroups(condDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup',


    types_getSites = []

    def export_getSites():
    Return Distinct Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Site')


    types_getStates = []

    def export_getStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Status')


    types_getMinorStates = []

    def export_getMinorStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('MinorStatus')


    types_getJobs = []

    def export_getJobs(attrDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
        # queryDict = {}

        # if attrDict:
        #  if type ( attrDict ) != DictType:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
        #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
        #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
        #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
        #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

        print attrDict

        return gJobDB.selectJobs(attrDict, newer=cutDate)


    types_getCounters = [ListType]

    def export_getCounters(attrList, attrDict=None, cutDate=''):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

        # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
        # self.queryAttributes.

        # for attr in attrList:
        #  try:
        #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
        #  except:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
        # for attr in attrDict:
        #  try:
        #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
        #  except:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

        cutDate = str(cutDate)
        if not attrDict:
            attrDict = {}

        return gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs',


    types_getCurrentJobCounters = []

    def export_getCurrentJobCounters(attrDict=None):
        """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

        if not attrDict:
            attrDict = {}
        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        last_update = Time.dateTime() -
        resultDay = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],
        if not resultDay['OK']:
            return resultDay

        resultDict = {}
        for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
            status = statusDict['Status']
            resultDict[status] = count
            if status in FINAL_STATES:
                resultDict[status] = 0
                for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
                    if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
                        resultDict[status] = ccount

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobStatus = [IntType]

    def export_getJobStatus(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Status')


    types_getJobOwner = [IntType]

    def export_getJobOwner(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Owner')


    types_getJobSite = [IntType]

    def export_getJobSite(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Site')


    types_getJobJDL = [IntType, BooleanType]

    def export_getJobJDL(jobID, original):

        return gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=original)


    types_getJobLoggingInfo = [IntType]

    def export_getJobLoggingInfo(jobID):

        return gJobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)


    types_getJobsParameters = [ListType, ListType]

    def export_getJobsParameters(jobIDs, parameters):
        if not (jobIDs and parameters):
            return S_OK({})
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, parameters)


    types_getJobsStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsStatus(jobIDs):
        if not jobIDs:
            return S_OK({})
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Status'])


    types_getJobsMinorStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsMinorStatus(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'])


    types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsApplicationStatus(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'])


    types_getJobsSites = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsSites(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Site'])


    types_getJobSummary = [IntType]

    def export_getJobSummary(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, SUMMARY)


    types_getJobPrimarySummary = [IntType]

    def export_getJobPrimarySummary(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)


    types_getJobsSummary = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsSummary(jobIDs):

        if not jobIDs:
            return S_ERROR(
                'JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list')

        result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, SUMMARY)
        # return result
        restring = str(result['Value'])
        return S_OK(restring)


    types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [DictType, ListType, IntType, IntType]

    def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self,
        """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
        resultDict = {}
        startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
        if startDate:
            del selectDict['FromDate']
        # For backward compatibility
        if startDate is None:
            startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
            if startDate:
                del selectDict['LastUpdate']
        endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
        if endDate:
            del selectDict['ToDate']

        result = self.jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to evaluate user rights')
        if result['Value'] != 'ALL':
            selectDict[('Owner', 'OwnerGroup')] = result['Value']

        # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
        if sortList:
            orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
            orderAttribute = None

        statusDict = {}
        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],

        nJobs = 0
        if result['OK']:
            for stDict, count in result['Value']:
                nJobs += count
                statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count

        resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
        if nJobs == 0:
            return S_OK(resultDict)

        resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

        if selectJobs:
            iniJob = startItem
            if iniJob >= nJobs:
                return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')

            result = gJobDB.selectJobs(selectDict,
                                       limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'])

            summaryJobList = result['Value']
            if not self.globalJobsInfo:
                validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
                    summaryJobList, RIGHT_GET_INFO)
                summaryJobList = validJobs

            result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get job summary: ' +

            summaryDict = result['Value']

            # Evaluate last sign of life time
            for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
                if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
                    jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
                    lastTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['LastUpdateTime'])
                    hbTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['HeartBeatTime'])
                    if (hbTime - lastTime) > (
                            lastTime -
                            lastTime) or jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled":
                        jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
                        jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

            tqDict = {}
            result = gTaskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs(summaryJobList)
            if result['OK']:
                tqDict = result['Value']

            # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
            if not summaryDict.keys():
                return S_OK(resultDict)

            # prepare the standard structure now
            key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
            paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

            records = []
            for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
                jParList = []
                for pname in paramNames:
                jParList.append(tqDict.get(jobID, 0))

            resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
            resultDict['Records'] = records

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobStats = [StringTypes, DictType]

    def export_getJobStats(attribute, selectDict):
        """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
        startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
        if startDate:
            del selectDict['FromDate']
        # For backward compatibility
        if startDate is None:
            startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
            if startDate:
                del selectDict['LastUpdate']
        endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
        if endDate:
            del selectDict['ToDate']

        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', [attribute],
        resultDict = {}
        if result['OK']:
            for cDict, count in result['Value']:
                resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsPrimarySummary(jobIDs):
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)


    types_getJobParameter = [[StringType, IntType, LongType], StringTypes]

    def export_getJobParameter(jobID, parName):
        return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])


    types_getJobParameters = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getJobParameters(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID)


    types_traceJobParameter = [
        StringTypes, [IntType, StringType, LongType, ListType], StringTypes,
        [StringType, NoneType], [StringType, NoneType]

    def export_traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until):
        return gJobDB.traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until)


    types_traceJobParameters = [
        StringTypes, [IntType, StringType, LongType, ListType],
        [ListType, NoneType], [ListType, NoneType], [StringType, NoneType],
        [StringType, NoneType]

    def export_traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList,
                                  date, until):
        return gJobDB.traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList,
                                         attributeList, date, until)


    types_getAtticJobParameters = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getAtticJobParameters(jobID,
        if not parameters:
            parameters = []
        return gJobDB.getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle)


    types_getJobAttributes = [IntType]

    def export_getJobAttributes(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)


    types_getJobAttribute = [IntType, StringTypes]

    def export_getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute)


    types_getSiteSummary = []

    def export_getSiteSummary():
        return gJobDB.getSiteSummary()


    types_getJobHeartBeatData = [IntType]

    def export_getJobHeartBeatData(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)


    types_getInputData = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getInputData(jobID):
        """ Get input data for the specified jobs
        return gJobDB.getInputData(jobID)


    types_getOwnerGroup = []

    def export_getOwnerGroup():
    Return Distinct Values of OwnerGroup from the JobsDB
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('OwnerGroup')
Example #3
class JobMonitoringHandler(RequestHandler):

  def initializeHandler(cls, svcInfoDict):
    cls.gJobDB = JobDB()
    cls.gJobLoggingDB = JobLoggingDB()
    cls.gTaskQueueDB = TaskQueueDB()

    cls.gElasticJobParametersDB = None
    useESForJobParametersFlag = Operations().getValue(
        '/Services/JobMonitoring/useESForJobParametersFlag', False)
    if useESForJobParametersFlag:
      cls.gElasticJobParametersDB = ElasticJobParametersDB()
    return S_OK()

  def initialize(self):
    Flags useESForJobParametersFlag (in /Operations/[]/Services/JobMonitoring/) have bool value (True/False)
    and determines the switching of backends from MySQL to ElasticSearch for the JobParameters DB table.
    For version v7r0, the MySQL backend is (still) the default.

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue('/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo)
    self.jobPolicy.jobDB = self.gJobDB

    return S_OK()

  def getAttributesForJobList(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Utility function for unpacking
    res = cls.gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(*args, **kwargs)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK(strToIntDict(res['Value']))

  types_getApplicationStates = []

  def export_getApplicationStates(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    """ Return Distinct Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('ApplicationStatus', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getJobTypes = []

  def export_getJobTypes(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    """ Return Distinct Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobType', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getOwners = []

  def export_getOwners(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    Return Distinct Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Owner', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getProductionIds = []

  def export_getProductionIds(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getJobGroups = []

  def export_getJobGroups(cls, condDict=None, older=None, cutDate=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup', condDict, older, newer=cutDate)

  types_getSites = []

  def export_getSites(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    Return Distinct Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Site', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getStates = []

  def export_getStates(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    Return Distinct Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Status', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getMinorStates = []

  def export_getMinorStates(cls, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None):
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('MinorStatus', condDict, older, newer)

  types_getJobs = []

  def export_getJobs(cls, attrDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
    # queryDict = {}

    # if attrDict:
    #  if type ( attrDict ) != dict:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
    #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
    #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
    #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
    #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

    return cls.gJobDB.selectJobs(attrDict, newer=cutDate)

  types_getCounters = [list]

  def export_getCounters(cls, attrList, attrDict=None, cutDate=''):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

    # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
    # self.queryAttributes.

    # for attr in attrList:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
    # for attr in attrDict:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

    cutDate = str(cutDate)
    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}

    return cls.gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', attrList, attrDict, newer=cutDate, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')

  types_getCurrentJobCounters = []

  def export_getCurrentJobCounters(cls, attrDict=None):
    """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}
    result = cls.gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    last_update = Time.dateTime() -
    resultDay = cls.gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, newer=last_update,
    if not resultDay['OK']:
      return resultDay

    resultDict = {}
    for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
      status = statusDict['Status']
      resultDict[status] = count
      if status in FINAL_STATES:
        resultDict[status] = 0
        for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
          if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
            resultDict[status] = ccount

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStatus = [int]

  def export_getJobStatus(cls, jobID):

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Status')

  types_getJobOwner = [int]

  def export_getJobOwner(cls, jobID):

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Owner')

  types_getJobSite = [int]

  def export_getJobSite(cls, jobID):

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Site')

  types_getJobJDL = [int, bool]

  def export_getJobJDL(cls, jobID, original):

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=original)

  types_getJobLoggingInfo = [int]

  def export_getJobLoggingInfo(cls, jobID):

    return cls.gJobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)

  types_getJobsParameters = [list, list]

  def export_getJobsParameters(cls, jobIDs, parameters):
    if not (jobIDs and parameters):
      return S_OK({})
    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, parameters)

  types_getJobsStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsStatus(cls, jobIDs):
    if not jobIDs:
      return S_OK({})
    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Status'])

  types_getJobsMinorStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsMinorStatus(cls, jobIDs):

    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'])

  types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsApplicationStatus(cls, jobIDs):

    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'])

  types_getJobsSites = [list]

  def export_getJobsSites(cls, jobIDs):

    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Site'])

  types_getJobSummary = [int]

  def export_getJobSummary(cls, jobID):
    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, SUMMARY)

  types_getJobPrimarySummary = [int]

  def export_getJobPrimarySummary(cls, jobID):
    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobsSummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsSummary(cls, jobIDs):

    if not jobIDs:
      return S_ERROR('JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list')

    result = cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, SUMMARY)
    # return result
    restring = str(result['Value'])
    return S_OK(restring)

  types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [dict, list, int, int]

  def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectJobs=True):
    """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
    resultDict = {}
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    # Provide JobID bound to a specific PilotJobReference
    # There is no reason to have both PilotJobReference and JobID in selectDict
    # If that occurs, use the JobID instead of the PilotJobReference
    pilotJobRefs = selectDict.get('PilotJobReference')
    if pilotJobRefs:
      del selectDict['PilotJobReference']
      if 'JobID' not in selectDict or not selectDict['JobID']:
        if not isinstance(pilotJobRefs, list):
          pilotJobRefs = [pilotJobRefs]
        selectDict['JobID'] = []
        for pilotJobRef in pilotJobRefs:
          res = PilotManagerClient().getPilotInfo(pilotJobRef)
          if res['OK'] and 'Jobs' in res['Value'][pilotJobRef]:

    result = self.jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to evaluate user rights')
    if result['Value'] != 'ALL':
      selectDict[('Owner', 'OwnerGroup')] = result['Value']

    # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
    if sortList:
      orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
      orderAttribute = None

    statusDict = {}
    result = self.gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], selectDict,

    nJobs = 0
    if result['OK']:
      for stDict, count in result['Value']:
        nJobs += count
        statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count

    resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
    if nJobs == 0:
      return S_OK(resultDict)

    resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

    if selectJobs:
      iniJob = startItem
      if iniJob >= nJobs:
        return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')

      result = self.gJobDB.selectJobs(selectDict, orderAttribute=orderAttribute,
                                      newer=startDate, older=endDate, limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryJobList = result['Value']
      if not self.globalJobsInfo:
        validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(summaryJobList,
        summaryJobList = validJobs

      result = self.getAttributesForJobList(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get job summary: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryDict = result['Value']

      # Evaluate last sign of life time
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
          jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
          lastTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['LastUpdateTime'])
          hbTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['HeartBeatTime'])
          # Not only Stalled jobs but also Failed jobs because Stalled
          if ((hbTime - lastTime) > timedelta(0) or
                  jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled" or
                  jobDict['MinorStatus'].startswith('Job stalled') or
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

      tqDict = {}
      result = self.gTaskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs(summaryJobList)
      if result['OK']:
        tqDict = result['Value']

      # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
      if not summaryDict.keys():
        return S_OK(resultDict)

      # prepare the standard structure now
      key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
      paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

      records = []
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        jParList = []
        for pname in paramNames:
        jParList.append(tqDict.get(jobID, 0))

      resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
      resultDict['Records'] = records

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStats = [basestring, dict]

  def export_getJobStats(cls, attribute, selectDict):
    """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = cls.gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', [attribute], selectDict,
    resultDict = {}
    if result['OK']:
      for cDict, count in result['Value']:
        resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsPrimarySummary(cls, jobIDs):
    return cls.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobParameter = [[basestring, int, long], basestring]

  def export_getJobParameter(cls, jobID, parName):
    :param str/int/long jobID: one single Job ID
    :param str parName: one single parameter name
    if cls.gElasticJobParametersDB:
      res = cls.gElasticJobParametersDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      if res['Value'].get(int(jobID)):
        return S_OK(res['Value'][int(jobID)])

    res = cls.gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK(res['Value'].get(int(jobID), {}))

  types_getJobOptParameters = [int]

  def export_getJobOptParameters(cls, jobID):
    return cls.gJobDB.getJobOptParameters(jobID)

  types_getJobParameters = [[basestring, int, long, list]]

  def export_getJobParameters(cls, jobIDs, parName=None):
    :param str/int/long/list jobIDs: one single job ID or a list of them
    :param str parName: one single parameter name, a list or None (meaning all of them)
    if cls.gElasticJobParametersDB:
      if not isinstance(jobIDs, list):
        jobIDs = [jobIDs]
      parameters = {}
      for jobID in jobIDs:
        res = cls.gElasticJobParametersDB.getJobParameters(jobID, parName)
        if not res['OK']:
          return res

      # Need anyway to get also from JobDB, for those jobs with parameters registered in MySQL or in both backends
      res = cls.gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobIDs, parName)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      parametersM = res['Value']

      # and now combine
      final = dict(parametersM)
      # if job in JobDB, update with parameters from ES if any
      for jobID in final:
        final[jobID].update(parameters.get(jobID, {}))
      # if job in ES and not in JobDB, take ES
      for jobID in parameters:
        if jobID not in final:
          final[jobID] = parameters[jobID]
      return S_OK(final)

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobIDs, parName)

  types_traceJobParameter = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                             basestring, [basestring, None],
                             [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameter(cls, site, localID, parameter, date, until):
    return cls.gJobDB.traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until)

  types_traceJobParameters = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                              [list, None], [list, None],
                              [basestring, None], [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameters(cls, site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until):
    return cls.gJobDB.traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until)

  types_getAtticJobParameters = [[int, long]]

  def export_getAtticJobParameters(cls, jobID, parameters=None, rescheduleCycle=-1):
    if not parameters:
      parameters = []
    return cls.gJobDB.getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle)

  types_getJobAttributes = [int]

  def export_getJobAttributes(cls, jobID, attrList=None):
    :param int jobID: one single Job ID
    :param list attrList: optional list of attributes

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, attrList=attrList)

  types_getJobAttribute = [int, basestring]

  def export_getJobAttribute(cls, jobID, attribute):
    :param int jobID: one single Job ID
    :param str attribute: one single attribute name

    return cls.gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute)

  types_getSiteSummary = []

  def export_getSiteSummary(cls):
    return cls.gJobDB.getSiteSummary()

  types_getJobHeartBeatData = [int]

  def export_getJobHeartBeatData(cls, jobID):
    return cls.gJobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)

  types_getInputData = [[int, long]]

  def export_getInputData(cls, jobID):
    """ Get input data for the specified jobs
    return cls.gJobDB.getInputData(jobID)

  types_getOwnerGroup = []

  def export_getOwnerGroup(cls):
    Return Distinct Values of OwnerGroup from the JobsDB
    return cls.gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('OwnerGroup')
Example #4
    def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self,
        """Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format

        resultDict = {}

        startDate, endDate, selectDict = self.parseSelectors(selectDict)

        # initialize jobPolicy
        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        ownerDN = credDict["DN"]
        ownerGroup = credDict["group"]
        operations = Operations(group=ownerGroup)
        globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue(
            "/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo", True)
        jobPolicy = JobPolicy(ownerDN, ownerGroup, globalJobsInfo)
        jobPolicy.jobDB = self.jobDB
        result = jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR(
                "User and group combination has no job rights (%r, %r)" %
                (ownerDN, ownerGroup))
        if result["Value"] != "ALL":
            selectDict[("Owner", "OwnerGroup")] = result["Value"]

        # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
        if sortList:
            orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
            orderAttribute = None

        result = self.jobDB.getCounters("Jobs", ["Status"],
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        statusDict = {}
        nJobs = 0
        for stDict, count in result["Value"]:
            nJobs += count
            statusDict[stDict["Status"]] = count

        resultDict["TotalRecords"] = nJobs
        if nJobs == 0:
            return S_OK(resultDict)

        resultDict["Extras"] = statusDict

        if selectJobs:
            iniJob = startItem
            if iniJob >= nJobs:
                return S_ERROR("Item number out of range")

            result = self.jobDB.selectJobs(selectDict,
                                           limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            summaryJobList = result["Value"]
            if not globalJobsInfo:
                validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
                    summaryJobList, RIGHT_GET_INFO)
                summaryJobList = validJobs

            result = self.getJobsAttributes(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            summaryDict = result["Value"]
            # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
            if not summaryDict:
                return S_OK(resultDict)

            # Evaluate last sign of life time
            for jobDict in summaryDict.values():
                if not jobDict.get(
                        "HeartBeatTime") or jobDict["HeartBeatTime"] == "None":
                    jobDict["LastSignOfLife"] = jobDict["LastUpdateTime"]
                elif False:
                    # Code kept in case this is not working, but if we update the HeartBeatTime
                    #     at each status change from the jobs it should not be needed
                    # Items are always strings
                    lastTime = TimeUtilities.fromString(
                    hbTime = TimeUtilities.fromString(jobDict["HeartBeatTime"])
                    # Try and identify statuses not set by the job itself as too expensive to get logging info
                    # Not only Stalled jobs but also Failed jobs because Stalled
                    if (hbTime > lastTime
                            or jobDict["Status"] == JobStatus.STALLED
                            or jobDict["MinorStatus"] in (
                            or jobDict["MinorStatus"].startswith("Stalling")):
                        jobDict["LastSignOfLife"] = jobDict["HeartBeatTime"]
                        jobDict["LastSignOfLife"] = jobDict["LastUpdateTime"]
                    jobDict["LastSignOfLife"] = jobDict["HeartBeatTime"]

            # prepare the standard structure now
            # This should be faster than making a list of values()
            for jobDict in summaryDict.values():
                paramNames = list(jobDict)
            records = [
                list(jobDict.values()) for jobDict in summaryDict.values()

            resultDict["ParameterNames"] = paramNames
            resultDict["Records"] = records

        return S_OK(resultDict)