Example #1
  def test_NoParameters(self):

    clad = ClassAd( TEST_JDL_NO_PARAMETERS )
    result = getParameterVectorLength( clad )
    self.assertTrue( result['OK'] )
    nParam = result['Value']
    self.assertTrue( nParam is None )
Example #2
    def test_NoParameters(self):

        clad = ClassAd(TEST_JDL_NO_PARAMETERS)
        result = getParameterVectorLength(clad)
        nParam = result['Value']
        self.assertTrue(nParam is None)
Example #3
    def test_Simple(self):

        clad = ClassAd(TEST_JDL_SIMPLE)
        result = getParameterVectorLength(clad)
        nParam = result['Value']

        self.assertEqual(nParam, 3)

        result = generateParametricJobs(clad)

        jobDescList = result['Value']
        self.assertEqual(nParam, len(jobDescList))

        # Check the definition of the 2nd job
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDescList[1])
        self.assertEqual(jobClassAd.getAttributeString('Arguments'), 'b')
        self.assertEqual(jobClassAd.getAttributeString('JobName'), 'Test_1')
Example #4
    def test_SimpleBunch(self):

        clad = ClassAd(TEST_JDL_SIMPLE_BUNCH)
        result = getParameterVectorLength(clad)
        nParam = result["Value"]

        self.assertEqual(nParam, 3)

        result = generateParametricJobs(clad)

        jobDescList = result["Value"]
        self.assertEqual(nParam, len(jobDescList))

        # Check the definition of the 2nd job
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDescList[1])
        self.assertEqual(jobClassAd.getAttributeString("Arguments"), "5")
        self.assertEqual(jobClassAd.getAttributeString("JobName"), "Test_1")
Example #5
  def test_SimpleBunch(self):

    clad = ClassAd( TEST_JDL_SIMPLE_BUNCH )
    result = getParameterVectorLength( clad )
    self.assertTrue( result['OK'] )
    nParam = result['Value']

    self.assertEqual( nParam, 3 )

    result = generateParametricJobs( clad )

    jobDescList = result['Value']
    self.assertEqual( nParam, len( jobDescList ) )

    # Check the definition of the 2nd job
    jobClassAd = ClassAd( jobDescList[1] )
    self.assertEqual( jobClassAd.getAttributeString( 'Arguments' ), '5' )
    self.assertEqual( jobClassAd.getAttributeString( 'JobName' ), 'Test_1' )
Example #6
    def submitJob(self, jdl, jobDescriptionObject=None):
        """Submit one job specified by its JDL to WMS.

        The JDL may actually be the desciption of a parametric job,
        resulting in multiple DIRAC jobs submitted to the DIRAC WMS

        if os.path.exists(jdl):
            with open(jdl, "r") as fic:
                jdlString = fic.read()
            # If file JDL does not exist, assume that the JDL is passed as a string
            jdlString = jdl

        jdlString = jdlString.strip()

        gLogger.debug("Submitting JDL", jdlString)
        # Strip of comments in the jdl string
        newJdlList = []
        for line in jdlString.split("\n"):
            if not line.strip().startswith("#"):
        jdlString = "\n".join(newJdlList)

        # Check the validity of the input JDL
        if jdlString.find("[") != 0:
            jdlString = "[%s]" % jdlString
        classAdJob = ClassAd(jdlString)
        if not classAdJob.isOK():
            return S_ERROR(EWMSJDL, "Invalid job JDL")

        # Check the size and the contents of the input sandbox
        result = self.__uploadInputSandbox(classAdJob, jobDescriptionObject)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        # Submit the job now and get the new job ID
        result = getParameterVectorLength(classAdJob)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        nJobs = result["Value"]
        result = self.jobManager.submitJob(classAdJob.asJDL())

        if nJobs:
            gLogger.debug("Applying transactional job submission")
            # The server applies transactional bulk submission, we should confirm the jobs
            if result["OK"]:
                jobIDList = result["Value"]
                if len(jobIDList) == nJobs:
                    # Confirm the submitted jobs
                    confirmed = False
                    for _attempt in range(3):
                        result = self.jobManager.confirmBulkSubmission(jobIDList)
                        if result["OK"]:
                            confirmed = True
                    if not confirmed:
                        # The bulk submission failed, try to remove the created jobs
                        resultDelete = self.jobManager.removeJob(jobIDList)
                        error = "Job submission failed to confirm bulk transaction"
                        if not resultDelete["OK"]:
                            error += "; removal of created jobs failed"
                        return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, error)
                    return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "The number of submitted jobs does not match job description")

        if result.get("requireProxyUpload"):
            gLogger.warn("Need to upload the proxy")

        return result
Example #7
  def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
    """ Submit a job to DIRAC WMS.
        The job can be a single job, or a parametric job.
        If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.

        :param str jobDesc: job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Can't submit using a limited proxy")

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Failed to get job policies')
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Job submission not authorized')

    # jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parametric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
    result = getParameterVectorLength(jobClassAd)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    nJobs = result['Value']
    parametricJob = False
    if nJobs > 0:
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a parametric job. So we start unpacking
      parametricJob = True
      if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
        return S_ERROR(EWMSJDL, "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" % self.maxParametricJobs)
      result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDescList = result['Value']
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a single job.
      jobDescList = [jobDesc]

    jobIDList = []

    if parametricJob:
      initialStatus = 'Submitting'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Bulk transaction confirmation'
      initialStatus = 'Received'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Job accepted'

    for jobDescription in jobDescList:  # jobDescList because there might be a list generated by a parametric job
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription,
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source='JobManager')


    # Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup)
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK(jobIDList)
      result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result
Example #8
    def test_MultiBad(self):

        clad = ClassAd(TEST_JDL_MULTI_BAD)
        result = getParameterVectorLength(clad)
        self.assertTrue(not result['OK'])
Example #9
  def test_MultiBad(self):

    clad = ClassAd( TEST_JDL_MULTI_BAD )
    result = getParameterVectorLength( clad )
    self.assertTrue( not result['OK'] )
Example #10
  def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
    """ Submit a job to DIRAC WMS.
        The job can be a single job, or a parametric job.
        If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.

        :param str jobDesc: job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Can't submit using a limited proxy")

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Failed to get job policies')
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Job submission not authorized')

    # jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parametric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
    result = getParameterVectorLength(jobClassAd)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Issue with getParameterVectorLength:", result['Message'])
      return result
    nJobs = result['Value']
    parametricJob = False
    if nJobs > 0:
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a parametric job. So we start unpacking
      parametricJob = True
      if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
        gLogger.error("Maximum of parametric jobs exceeded:",
                      "limit %d smaller than number of jobs %d" % (self.maxParametricJobs, nJobs))
        return S_ERROR(EWMSJDL, "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" % self.maxParametricJobs)
      result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDescList = result['Value']
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a single job.
      jobDescList = [jobDesc]

    jobIDList = []

    if parametricJob:
      initialStatus = 'Submitting'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Bulk transaction confirmation'
      initialStatus = 'Received'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Job accepted'

    for jobDescription in jobDescList:  # jobDescList because there might be a list generated by a parametric job
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription,
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source='JobManager')


    # Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup)
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK(jobIDList)
      result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    # Ensure non-parametric jobs (i.e. non-bulk) get sent to optimizer immediately
    if not parametricJob:
    return result
Example #11
    def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
        """Submit a job to DIRAC WMS.
        The job can be a single job, or a parametric job.
        If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.

        :param str jobDesc: job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.

        if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
            return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Can't submit using a limited proxy")

        # Check job submission permission
        result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Failed to get job policies")
        policyDict = result["Value"]
        if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
            return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Job submission not authorized")

        # jobDesc is JDL for now
        jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
        if jobDesc[0] != "[":
            jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
        if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
            jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

        # Check if the job is a parametric one
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
        result = getParameterVectorLength(jobClassAd)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Issue with getParameterVectorLength",
            return result
        nJobs = result["Value"]
        parametricJob = False
        if nJobs is not None and nJobs > 0:
            # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a parametric job. So we start unpacking
            parametricJob = True
            if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
                    "Maximum of parametric jobs exceeded:",
                    "limit %d smaller than number of jobs %d" %
                    (self.maxParametricJobs, nJobs),
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" %
            result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            jobDescList = result["Value"]
            # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a single job.
            jobDescList = [jobDesc]

        jobIDList = []

        if parametricJob:
            initialStatus = JobStatus.SUBMITTING
            initialMinorStatus = "Bulk transaction confirmation"
            initialStatus = JobStatus.RECEIVED
            initialMinorStatus = "Job accepted"

        for jobDescription in jobDescList:  # jobDescList because there might be a list generated by a parametric job
            result = self.jobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            jobID = result["JobID"]
            self.log.info('Job added to the JobDB", "%s for %s/%s' %
                          (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))



        # Set persistency flag
        retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN,
        if "Value" not in retVal or not retVal["Value"]:
            gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

        if parametricJob:
            result = S_OK(jobIDList)
            result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

        result["JobID"] = result["Value"]
        result["requireProxyUpload"] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        # Ensure non-parametric jobs (i.e. non-bulk) get sent to optimizer immediately
        if not parametricJob:
        return result
Example #12
  def export_submitJob( self, jobDesc ):
    """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)" )

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get job policies' )
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[ RIGHT_SUBMIT ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Job submission not authorized' )

    #jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parametric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd( jobDesc )
    result = getParameterVectorLength( jobClassAd )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    nJobs = result['Value']
    parametricJob = False
    if nJobs > 0:
      parametricJob = True
      if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
        return S_ERROR( EWMSJDL, "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" % self.maxParametricJobs )
      result = generateParametricJobs( jobClassAd )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDescList = result['Value']
      jobDescList = [ jobDesc ]

    jobIDList = []
    for jobDescription in jobDescList:
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB( jobDescription, self.owner, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.diracSetup )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info( 'Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % ( jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup ) )

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source = 'JobManager' )

      jobIDList.append( jobID )

    #Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup )
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True )

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK( jobIDList )
      result = S_OK( jobIDList[0] )

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    self.__sendJobsToOptimizationMind( jobIDList )
    return result