Example #1
 def _executeAction( self, trid, proposalTuple, clientInitArgs ):
   clientTransport = self._transportPool.get( trid )
   credDict = clientTransport.getConnectingCredentials()
   targetService = proposalTuple[0][0]
   actionType = proposalTuple[1][0]
   actionMethod = proposalTuple[1][1]
   idString = self._createIdentityString( credDict, clientTransport )
   #OOkay! Lets do the magic!
   retVal = clientTransport.receiveData()
   if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
     gLogger.error( "Error while receiving file description", retVal[ 'Message' ] )
     clientTransport.sendData( S_ERROR( "Error while receiving file description: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] ) )
   if actionType == "FileTransfer":
     gLogger.warn( "Received a file transfer action from %s" % idString )
     clientTransport.sendData( S_OK( "Accepted" ) )
     retVal = self.__forwardFileTransferCall( targetService, clientInitArgs,
                                               actionMethod, retVal[ 'Value' ], clientTransport )
   elif actionType == "RPC":
     gLogger.info( "Forwarding %s/%s action to %s for %s" % ( actionType, actionMethod, targetService, idString ) )
     retVal = self.__forwardRPCCall( targetService, clientInitArgs, actionMethod, retVal[ 'Value' ] )
   elif actionType == "Connection" and actionMethod == "new":
     gLogger.info( "Initiating a messaging connection to %s for %s" % ( targetService, idString ) )
     retVal = self._msgForwarder.addClient( trid, targetService, clientInitArgs, retVal[ 'Value' ] )
     gLogger.warn( "Received an invalid %s/%s action from %s" % ( actionType, actionMethod, idString ) )
     retVal = S_ERROR( "Unknown type of action (%s)" % actionType )
   #TODO: Send back the data?
   if 'rpcStub' in retVal:
     retVal.pop( 'rpcStub' )
   clientTransport.sendData( retVal )
   return retVal
Example #2
def loadJDLAsCFG(jdl):
  Load a JDL as CFG
    def cleanValue(value):
        value = value.strip()
        if value[0] == '"':
            entries = []
            iPos = 1
            current = ""
            state = "in"
            while iPos < len(value):
                if value[iPos] == '"':
                    if state == "in":
                        current = ""
                        state = "out"
                    elif state == "out":
                        current = current.strip()
                        if current not in (",", ):
                            return S_ERROR(
                                "value seems a list but is not separated in commas"
                        current = ""
                        state = "in"
                    current += value[iPos]
                iPos += 1
            if state == "in":
                return S_ERROR('value is opened with " but is not closed')
            return S_OK(", ".join(entries))
            return S_OK(value.replace('"', ''))

    def assignValue(key, value, cfg):
        key = key.strip()
        if len(key) == 0:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid key name")
        value = value.strip()
        if not value:
            return S_ERROR("No value for key %s" % key)
        if value[0] == "{":
            if value[-1] != "}":
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Value '%s' seems a list but does not end in '}'" %
            valList = List.fromChar(value[1:-1])
            for i in range(len(valList)):
                result = cleanValue(valList[i])
                if not result['OK']:
                    return S_ERROR("Var %s : %s" % (key, result['Message']))
                valList[i] = result['Value']
                if valList[i] == None:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "List value '%s' seems invalid for item %s" %
                        (value, i))
            value = ", ".join(valList)
            result = cleanValue(value)
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR("Var %s : %s" % (key, result['Message']))
            nV = result['Value']
            if nV == None:
                return S_ERROR("Value '%s seems invalid" % (value))
            value = nV
        cfg.setOption(key, value)
        return S_OK()

    if jdl[0] == "[":
        iPos = 1
        iPos = 0
    key = ""
    value = ""
    action = "key"
    insideLiteral = False
    cfg = CFG()
    while iPos < len(jdl):
        char = jdl[iPos]
        if char == ";" and not insideLiteral:
            if key.strip():
                result = assignValue(key, value, cfg)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
            key = ""
            value = ""
            action = "key"
        elif char == "[" and not insideLiteral:
            key = key.strip()
            if not key:
                return S_ERROR("Invalid key in JDL")
            if value.strip():
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Key %s seems to have a value and open a sub JDL at the same time"
                    % key)
            result = loadJDLAsCFG(jdl[iPos:])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            subCfg, subPos = result['Value']
            cfg.createNewSection(key, contents=subCfg)
            key = ""
            value = ""
            action = "key"
            insideLiteral = False
            iPos += subPos
        elif char == "=" and not insideLiteral:
            if action == "key":
                action = "value"
                insideLiteral = False
                value += char
        elif char == "]" and not insideLiteral:
            key = key.strip()
            if len(key) > 0:
                result = assignValue(key, value, cfg)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
            return S_OK((cfg, iPos))
            if action == "key":
                key += char
                value += char
                if char == '"':
                    insideLiteral = not insideLiteral
        iPos += 1

    return S_OK((cfg, iPos))
Example #3
class MySQL:
  Basic multithreaded DIRAC MySQL Client Class
    __initialized = False

    def __init__(self,
    set MySQL connection parameters and try to connect
        global gInstancesCount
        gInstancesCount += 1

        self._connected = False

        if 'logger' not in dir(self):
            self.logger = gLogger.getSubLogger('MySQL')

        # let the derived class decide what to do with if is not 1
        self._threadsafe = MySQLdb.thread_safe()
        self.logger.debug('thread_safe = %s' % self._threadsafe)


        self.__hostName = str(hostName)
        self.__userName = str(userName)
        self.__passwd = str(passwd)
        self.__dbName = str(dbName)
        self.__port = port
        # Create the connection Queue to reuse connections
        self.__connectionQueue = Queue.Queue(maxQueueSize)
        # Create the connection Semaphore to limit total number of open connection
        self.__connectionSemaphore = threading.Semaphore(maxQueueSize)

        self.__initialized = True

    def __del__(self):
        global gInstancesCount
            while 1 and self.__initialized:
                    connection = self.__connectionQueue.get_nowait()
                except Queue.Empty:
                    self.logger.debug('No more connection in Queue')
            if gInstancesCount == 1:
                # only when the last instance of a MySQL object is deleted, the server
                # can be ended
            gInstancesCount -= 1
        except Exception:

    def _except(self, methodName, x, err):
    print MySQL error or exeption
    return S_ERROR with Exception

            raise x
        except MySQLdb.Error, e:
            self.logger.debug('%s: %s' % (methodName, err),
                              '%d: %s' % (e.args[0], e.args[1]))
            return S_ERROR('%s: ( %d: %s )' % (err, e.args[0], e.args[1]))
        except Exception, e:
            self.logger.debug('%s: %s' % (methodName, err), str(e))
            return S_ERROR('%s: (%s)' % (err, str(e)))
Example #4
    def putAndRegister(self, index, requestObj, subAttrs, subFiles):
        """ putAndRegister operation processing

    :param self: self reference
    :param int index: execution order
    :param RequestContainer requestObj: request object
    :param dict subAttrs: sub-request attributes 
    :param dict subFiles: sub-request files
    :return: S_OK( requestObj ) or S_ERROR
        self.info("putAndRegister: processing subrequest %s" % index)
        if requestObj.isSubRequestEmpty(index, "transfer")["Value"]:
                "putAndRegister: subrequest %s is empty, setting its status to 'Done'"
                % index)
            requestObj.setSubRequestStatus(index, "transfer", "Done")
            return S_OK(requestObj)

        ## list of targetSEs
        targetSEs = list(
                for targetSE in subAttrs["TargetSE"].split(",")
                if targetSE.strip()
        if len(targetSEs) != 1:
                "putAndRegister: wrong value for TargetSE list = %s, should contain one target!"
                % targetSEs)
            return S_ERROR(
                "putAndRegister: TargetSE should contain one target, got %s" %

        targetSE = targetSEs[0]
        ## dict for failed LFNs
        failed = {}

        catalog = ""
        if "Catalogue" in subAttrs and subAttrs["Catalogue"]:
            catalog = subAttrs["Catalogue"]

        for subRequestFile in subFiles:
            lfn = subRequestFile["LFN"]

            self.info("putAndRegister: processing file %s" % lfn)
            if subRequestFile["Status"] != "Waiting":
                self.info("putAndRegister: skipping file %s, status is %s" %
                          (lfn, subRequestFile["Status"]))

            self.addMark("Put and register", 1)

            pfn = subRequestFile["PFN"] if subRequestFile["PFN"] else ""
            guid = subRequestFile["GUID"] if subRequestFile["GUID"] else ""
            addler = subRequestFile["Addler"] if subRequestFile[
                "Addler"] else ""

            ## missing parameters
            if "" in [lfn, pfn, guid, addler]:
                self.error("putAndRegister: missing parameters %s" %
                           (", ".join([
                               k for k, v in {
                                   "PFN": pfn,
                                   "GUID": guid,
                                   "Addler": addler,
                                   "LFN": lfn
                               }.items() if v in ("", None)
                    "putAndRegister: setting file status to 'Failed' and Error to 'WrongParams'"
                    index, "transfer", lfn, "Error", "WrongParams")
                    index, "transfer", lfn, "Status", "Failed")

            ## call RM at least
            putAndRegister = DataManager(catalogs=catalog).putAndRegister(
                lfn, pfn, targetSE, guid=guid, checksum=addler)
            if putAndRegister["OK"]:

                if lfn in putAndRegister["Value"]["Successful"]:

                    if "put" not in putAndRegister["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]:

                        self.addMark("Put failed", 1)
                            lfn, "PutFail", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")
                        self.info("putAndRegister: failed to put %s to %s." %
                                  (lfn, targetSE))
                        failed[lfn] = "put failed at %s" % targetSE
                            "putAndRegister: setting file Error to 'FailedToPut'"
                            index, "transfer", lfn, "Error", "FailedToPut")

                    elif "register" not in putAndRegister["Value"][

                        self.addMark("Put successful", 1)
                        self.addMark("File registration failed", 1)

                            lfn, "Put", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")
                            lfn, "RegisterFail", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")

                        putTime = putAndRegister["Value"]["Successful"][lfn][
                            "putAndRegister: successfully put %s to %s in %s seconds"
                            % (lfn, targetSE, putTime))
                            "putAndRegister: failed to register %s at %s" %
                            (lfn, targetSE))
                            index, "transfer", lfn, "Error",

                        fileDict = putAndRegister["Value"]["Failed"][lfn][
                        registerRequestDict = {
                            "Attributes": {
                                "TargetSE": fileDict["TargetSE"],
                                "Operation": "registerFile"
                            "Files": [{
                                "LFN": fileDict["LFN"],
                                "PFN": fileDict["PFN"],
                                "Size": fileDict["Size"],
                                "Addler": fileDict["Addler"],
                                "GUID": fileDict["GUID"]
                            "putAndRegister: setting registration request for failed file"


                        self.addMark("Put successful", 1)
                        self.addMark("File registration successful", 1)
                            lfn, "Put", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")
                            lfn, "Register", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")
                        putTime = putAndRegister["Value"]["Successful"][lfn][
                            "putAndRegister: successfully put %s to %s in %s seconds"
                            % (lfn, targetSE, putTime))
                        registerTime = putAndRegister["Value"]["Successful"][
                            "putAndRegister: successfully registered %s to %s in %s seconds"
                            % (lfn, targetSE, registerTime))


                    self.addMark("Put failed", 1)
                        lfn, "PutFail", targetSE, "", "TransferAgent")
                    reason = putAndRegister["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]
                        "putAndRegister: failed to put and register file %s at %s: %s"
                        % (lfn, targetSE, reason))
                        index, "transfer", lfn, "Error",
                    failed[lfn] = reason


                self.addMark("Put failed", 1)
                self.dataLoggingClient().addFileRecord(lfn, "PutFail",
                                                       targetSE, "",
                    "putAndRegister: completely failed to put and register file: %s"
                    % putAndRegister["Message"])
                reason = putAndRegister["Message"]
                    index, "transfer", lfn, "Error",
                failed[lfn] = reason

            if lfn not in failed:
                    "putAndRegister: file %s processed successfully, setting its startus do 'Done'"
                    % lfn)
                    index, "transfer", lfn, "Status", "Done")
                self.error("putAndRegister: processing of file %s failed" %
                self.error("putAndRegister: reason: %s" % failed[lfn])

        if requestObj.isSubRequestDone(index, "transfer")["Value"]:
                "putAndRegister: all files processed, will set subrequest status to 'Done'"
            requestObj.setSubRequestStatus(index, "transfer", "Done")

        return S_OK(requestObj)
Example #5
    def optimize(self):
        """Merges together the operations that can be merged. They need to have the following arguments equal:
        * Type
        * Arguments
        * SourceSE
        * TargetSE
        * Catalog
        It also makes sure that the maximum number of Files in an Operation is never overcome.

        CAUTION: this method is meant to be called before inserting into the DB.
                So if the RequestID is not 0, we don't touch

        :return: S_ERROR if the Request should not be optimized (because already in the DB)
                S_OK(True) if a optimization was carried out
                S_OK(False) if no optimization were carried out

        # If the RequestID is not the default one (0), it probably means
        # the Request is already in the DB, so we don't touch anything
        if hasattr(self, "RequestID") and getattr(self, "RequestID"):
            return S_ERROR(
                "Cannot optimize because Request seems to be already in the DB (RequestID %s)"
                % getattr(self, "RequestID")
        # Set to True if the request could be optimized
        optimized = False
        # Recognise Failover request series
        repAndRegList = []
        removeRepList = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.__operations__):
            insertNow = True
            if i < len(self.__operations__) - 1:
                op1 = self.__operations__[i]
                op2 = self.__operations__[i + 1]
                if getattr(op1, "Type") == "ReplicateAndRegister" and getattr(op2, "Type") == "RemoveReplica":
                    fileSetA = set(list(f.LFN for f in op1))
                    fileSetB = set(list(f.LFN for f in op2))
                    if fileSetA == fileSetB:
                        # Source is useless if failover
                        if self.dmsHelper.isSEFailover(op1.SourceSE):
                            op1.SourceSE = ""
                        repAndRegList.append((op1.TargetSE, op1))
                        removeRepList.append((op2.TargetSE, op2))
                        del self.__operations__[i]
                        del self.__operations__[i]
                        # If we are at the end of the request, we must insert the new operations
                        insertNow = i == len(self.__operations__)
            # print i, self.__operations__[i].Type if i < len( self.__operations__ )
            # else None, len( repAndRegList ), insertNow
            if insertNow:
                if repAndRegList:
                    # We must insert the new operations there
                    # i.e. insert before operation i (if it exists)
                    # Replication first, removeReplica next
                    optimized = True
                    insertBefore = self.__operations__[i] if i < len(self.__operations__) else None
                    # print 'Insert new operations before', insertBefore
                    ops = [op for _, op in sorted(repAndRegList, key=lambda x: x[0])]
                    ops += [op for _, op in sorted(removeRepList, key=lambda x: x[0])]
                    for op in ops:
                        _res = self.insertBefore(op, insertBefore) if insertBefore else self.addOperation(op)
                        # Skip the newly inserted operation
                        i += 1
                    repAndRegList = []
                    removeRepList = []
                    # Skip current operation
                    i += 1
                # Just to show that in that case we don't increment i

        # List of attributes that must be equal for operations to be merged
        attrList = ["Type", "Arguments", "SourceSE", "TargetSE", "Catalog"]

        i = 0
        while i < len(self.__operations__):
            while i < len(self.__operations__) - 1:
                # Some attributes need to be the same
                attrMismatch = False
                for attr in attrList:
                    if getattr(self.__operations__[i], attr) != getattr(self.__operations__[i + 1], attr):
                        attrMismatch = True

                if attrMismatch:

                # We do not do the merge if there are common files in the operations
                fileSetA = set(list(f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i]))
                fileSetB = set(list(f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i + 1]))
                if fileSetA & fileSetB:

                # There is a maximum number of files one can add into an operation
                    while len(self.__operations__[i + 1]):
                        fileToMove = self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
                        self.__operations__[i] += fileToMove

                        # If the object is mapped to SQLAlchemy object with a relationship
                        # having the delete-orphan option, the fileToMove will have
                        # already disappeared from the original operation. Silly...
                        # If not, we have to remove it manually

                        if len(self.__operations__[i + 1]) and (self.__operations__[i + 1][0] == fileToMove):
                            del self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
                        optimized = True
                    del self.__operations__[i + 1]
                except RuntimeError:
                    i += 1
            i += 1

        return S_OK(optimized)
Example #6
    def getRequestSummaryWeb(self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems):
        """ Returns a list of Request for the web portal

    :param dict selectDict: parameter on which to restrain the query {key : Value}
                            key can be any of the Request columns, 'Type' (interpreted as Operation.Type)
                            and 'FromData' and 'ToData' are matched against the LastUpdate field
    :param sortList: [sorting column, ASC/DESC]
    :type sortList: python:list
    :param int startItem: start item (for pagination)
    :param int maxItems: max items (for pagination)

        parameterList = [
            'RequestID', 'RequestName', 'JobID', 'OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup',
            'Status', "Error", "CreationTime", "LastUpdate"

        resultDict = {}

        session = self.DBSession()

            summaryQuery = session.query(Request.RequestID,
                                         Request.RequestName, Request.JobID,
                                         Request.OwnerDN, Request.OwnerGroup,
                                         Request._Status, Request.Error,

            for key, value in selectDict.items():

                if key == 'ToDate':
                    summaryQuery = summaryQuery.filter(
                        Request._LastUpdate < value)
                elif key == 'FromDate':
                    summaryQuery = summaryQuery.filter(
                        Request._LastUpdate > value)

                    tableName = 'Request'

                    if key == 'Type':
                        summaryQuery = summaryQuery.join(Request.__operations__)\
                                                   .group_by(Request.RequestID, Operation.Type)
                        tableName = 'Operation'
                    elif key == 'Status':
                        key = '_Status'

                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        summaryQuery = summaryQuery.filter(
                            eval('%s.%s.in_(%s)' % (tableName, key, value)))
                        summaryQuery = summaryQuery.filter(
                            eval('%s.%s' % (tableName, key)) == value)

            if sortList:
                summaryQuery = summaryQuery.order_by(
                    eval('Request.%s.%s()' %
                         (sortList[0][0], sortList[0][1].lower())))

                requestLists = summaryQuery.all()
            except NoResultFound, e:
                resultDict['ParameterNames'] = parameterList
                resultDict['Records'] = []

                return S_OK(resultDict)
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR('Error getting the webSummary %s' % e)

            nRequests = len(requestLists)

            if startItem <= len(requestLists):
                firstIndex = startItem
                return S_ERROR(
                    'getRequestSummaryWeb: Requested index out of range')

            if (startItem + maxItems) <= len(requestLists):
                secondIndex = startItem + maxItems
                secondIndex = len(requestLists)

            records = []
            for i in range(firstIndex, secondIndex):
                row = requestLists[i]
                records.append([str(x) for x in row])

            resultDict['ParameterNames'] = parameterList
            resultDict['Records'] = records
            resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nRequests

            return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #7
            if assigned:
                session.execute( update( Request )\
                                 .where( Request.RequestID == requestID )\
                                 .values( {Request._Status : 'Assigned',
                                           Request._LastUpdate : datetime.datetime.utcnow()\
                                                                .strftime( Request._datetimeFormat )} )

            return S_OK(request)

        except Exception as e:
            log.exception("getRequest: unexpected exception", lException=e)
            return S_ERROR("getRequest: unexpected exception : %s" % e)

    def getBulkRequests(self, numberOfRequest=10, assigned=True):
        """ read as many requests as requested for execution

    :param int numberOfRequest: Number of Request we want (default 10)
    :param bool assigned: if True, the status of the selected requests are set to assign

    :returns: a dictionary of Request objects indexed on the RequestID


        # expire_on_commit is set to False so that we can still use the object after we close the session
        session = self.DBSession(expire_on_commit=False)
Example #8
class ExecutorMindHandler( RequestHandler ):

  MSG_DEFINITIONS = { 'ProcessTask' : { 'taskId' : ( types.IntType, types.LongType ),
                                        'taskStub' : types.StringType,
                                        'eType' : types.StringType },
                      'TaskDone' : { 'taskId' : ( types.IntType, types.LongType ),
                                     'taskStub' : types.StringType },
                      'TaskFreeze' : { 'taskId' : ( types.IntType, types.LongType ),
                                       'taskStub' : types.StringType,
                                       'freezeTime' : ( types.IntType, types.LongType ) },
                      'TaskError' : { 'taskId': ( types.IntType, types.LongType ),
                                      'errorMsg' : types.StringType,
                                      'taskStub' : types.StringType,
                                      'eType' : types.StringType},
                      'ExecutorError' : { 'taskId': ( types.IntType, types.LongType ),
                                          'errorMsg' : types.StringType,
                                          'eType' : types.StringType } }

  class MindCallbacks( ExecutorDispatcherCallbacks ):

    def __init__( self, sendTaskCB, dispatchCB, disconnectCB, taskProcCB, taskFreezeCB, taskErrCB ):
      self.__sendTaskCB = sendTaskCB
      self.__dispatchCB = dispatchCB
      self.__disconnectCB = disconnectCB
      self.__taskProcDB = taskProcCB
      self.__taskFreezeCB = taskFreezeCB
      self.__taskErrCB = taskErrCB
      self.__allowedClients = []

    def cbSendTask( self, taskId, taskObj, eId, eType ):
      return self.__sendTaskCB( taskId, taskObj, eId, eType )

    def cbDispatch( self, taskId, taskObj, pathExecuted ):
      return self.__dispatchCB( taskId, taskObj, pathExecuted )

    def cbDisconectExecutor( self, eId ):
      return self.__disconnectCB( eId )

    def cbTaskError( self, taskId, taskObj, errorMsg ):
      return self.__taskErrCB( taskId, taskObj, errorMsg )

    def cbTaskProcessed( self, taskId, taskObj, eType ):
      return self.__taskProcDB( taskId, taskObj, eType )

    def cbTaskFreeze( self, taskId, taskObj, eType ):
      return self.__taskFreezeCB( taskId, taskObj, eType )

  # End of callbacks

  def initializeHandler( cls, serviceInfoDict ):
    gLogger.notice( "Initializing Executor dispatcher" )
    cls.__eDispatch = ExecutorDispatcher( cls.srv_getMonitor() )
    cls.__callbacks = ExecutorMindHandler.MindCallbacks( cls.__sendTask,
                                                         cls.exec_taskError )
    cls.__eDispatch.setCallbacks( cls.__callbacks )
    cls.__allowedClients = []
    if cls.log.shown( "VERBOSE" ):
      gThreadScheduler.setMinValidPeriod( 1 )
      gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask( 10, lambda: cls.log.verbose( "== Internal state ==\n%s\n===========" % pprint.pformat( cls.__eDispatch._internals() ) ) )
    return S_OK()

  def setAllowedClients( cls, aClients ):
    if type( aClients ) not in ( types.ListType, types.TupleType ):
      aClients = ( aClients, )
    cls.__allowedClients = aClients

  def __sendTask( self, taskId, taskObj, eId, eType ):
      result = self.exec_prepareToSend( taskId, taskObj, eId )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
    except Exception, excp:
      gLogger.exception( "Exception while executing prepareToSend: %s" % str( excp ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot presend task" )
      result = self.exec_serializeTask( taskObj )
    except Exception, excp:
      gLogger.exception( "Exception while serializing task %s" % taskId )
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot serialize task %s: %s" % ( taskId, str( excp ) ) )
Example #9
    def initialize(self, loops=0):
        """ Watchdog initialization.
        if self.initialized:
            self.log.info('Watchdog already initialized')
            return S_OK()
            self.initialized = True

        setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
        if not setup:
            return S_ERROR('Can not get the DIRAC Setup value')
        wms_instance = getSystemInstance("WorkloadManagement")
        if not wms_instance:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance')
        self.section = '/Systems/WorkloadManagement/%s/JobWrapper' % wms_instance

        self.maxcount = loops
        self.log.verbose('Watchdog initialization')
        self.log.info('Attempting to Initialize Watchdog for: %s' %
        # Test control flags
        self.testWallClock = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckWallClockFlag', 1)
        self.testDiskSpace = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckDiskSpaceFlag', 1)
        self.testLoadAvg = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/CheckLoadAvgFlag',
        self.testCPUConsumed = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckCPUConsumedFlag', 1)
        self.testCPULimit = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckCPULimitFlag', 0)
        self.testMemoryLimit = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckMemoryLimitFlag', 0)
        self.testTimeLeft = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/CheckTimeLeftFlag', 1)
        # Other parameters
        self.pollingTime = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/PollingTime',
                                            10)  # 10 seconds
        self.checkingTime = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/CheckingTime',
                                             30 * 60)  # 30 minute period
        self.minCheckingTime = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/MinCheckingTime', 20 * 60)  # 20 mins
        self.maxWallClockTime = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/MaxWallClockTime',
            3 * 24 * 60 * 60)  # e.g. 4 days
        self.jobPeekFlag = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/JobPeekFlag',
                                            1)  # on / off
        self.minDiskSpace = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/MinDiskSpace',
                                             10)  # MB
        self.loadAvgLimit = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/LoadAverageLimit', 1000)  # > 1000 and jobs killed
        self.sampleCPUTime = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/CPUSampleTime',
                                              30 *
                                              60)  # e.g. up to 20mins sample
        self.jobCPUMargin = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/JobCPULimitMargin',
            20)  # %age buffer before killing job
        self.minCPUWallClockRatio = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/MinCPUWallClockRatio', 5)  # ratio %age
        # After 5 sample times return null CPU consumption kill job
        self.nullCPULimit = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/NullCPUCountLimit', 5)
        if self.checkingTime < self.minCheckingTime:
                'Requested CheckingTime of %s setting to %s seconds (minimum)'
                % (self.checkingTime, self.minCheckingTime))
            self.checkingTime = self.minCheckingTime

        # The time left is returned in seconds @ 250 SI00 = 1 HS06,
        # the self.checkingTime and self.pollingTime are in seconds,
        # thus they need to be multiplied by a large enough factor
        self.fineTimeLeftLimit = gConfig.getValue(
            self.section + '/TimeLeftLimit', 150 * self.pollingTime)
        self.scaleFactor = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor', 1.0)

        return S_OK()
Example #10
  def getCompatibleMetadata( self, queryDict, path, credDict ):
    """ Get distinct metadata values compatible with the given already defined metadata

    pathDirID = 0
    if path != '/':
      result = self.db.dtree.findDir( path )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if not result['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( 'Path not found: %s' % path )
      pathDirID = int( result['Value'] )
    pathDirs = []
    if pathDirID:
      result = self.db.dtree.getSubdirectoriesByID( pathDirID, includeParent = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if result['Value']:
        pathDirs = result['Value'].keys()
      result = self.db.dtree.getPathIDsByID( pathDirID )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if result['Value']:
        pathDirs += result['Value']

    # Get the list of metadata fields to inspect
    result = self.getMetadataFields( credDict )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    metaFields = result['Value']
    comFields = metaFields.keys()

    # Commented out to return compatible data also for selection metadata
    #for m in metaDict:
    #  if m in comFields:
    #    del comFields[comFields.index( m )]

    result = self.__expandMetaDictionary( queryDict, credDict )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    metaDict = result['Value']

    fromList = pathDirs
    anyMeta = True
    if metaDict:
      anyMeta = False
      for meta, value in metaDict.items():
        result = self.__findCompatibleDirectories( meta, value, fromList )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        cdirList = result['Value']
        if cdirList:
          fromList = cdirList
          fromList = []

    if anyMeta or fromList:
      result = self.__findDistinctMetadata( comFields, fromList )
      result = S_OK( {} )
    return result
Example #11
  def getTimeLeft(self, cpuConsumed=0.0, processors=1):
    """Returns the CPU Time Left for supported batch systems.  The CPUConsumed
       is the current raw total CPU.
    # Quit if no scale factor available
    if not self.scaleFactor:
      return S_ERROR('/LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor not defined for site %s' % DIRAC.siteName())

    if not self.batchPlugin:
      return S_ERROR(self.batchError)

    resourceDict = self.batchPlugin.getResourceUsage()
    if not resourceDict['OK']:
      self.log.warn('Could not determine timeleft for batch system at site %s' % DIRAC.siteName())
      return resourceDict

    resources = resourceDict['Value']
    self.log.debug("self.batchPlugin.getResourceUsage(): %s" % str(resources))
    if not resources['CPULimit'] and not resources['WallClockLimit']:
      # This should never happen
      return S_ERROR('No CPU or WallClock limit obtained')

    # if one of CPULimit or WallClockLimit is missing, compute a reasonable value
    if not resources['CPULimit']:
      resources['CPULimit'] = resources['WallClockLimit'] * processors
    elif not resources['WallClockLimit']:
      resources['WallClockLimit'] = resources['CPULimit']

    # if one of CPU or WallClock is missing, compute a reasonable value
    if not resources['CPU']:
      resources['CPU'] = resources['WallClock'] * processors
    elif not resources['WallClock']:
      resources['WallClock'] = resources['CPU']

    timeLeft = 0.
    cpu = float(resources['CPU'])
    cpuLimit = float(resources['CPULimit'])
    wallClock = float(resources['WallClock'])
    wallClockLimit = float(resources['WallClockLimit'])

    validTimeLeft = enoughTimeLeft(cpu, cpuLimit, wallClock, wallClockLimit, self.cpuMargin, self.wallClockMargin)

    if validTimeLeft:
      if cpu and cpuConsumed > 3600. and self.normFactor:
        # If there has been more than 1 hour of consumed CPU and
        # there is a Normalization set for the current CPU
        # use that value to renormalize the values returned by the batch system
        # NOTE: cpuConsumed is non-zero for call by the JobAgent and 0 for call by the watchdog
        # cpuLimit and cpu may be in the units of the batch system, not real seconds... (in this case the other case won't work)
        # therefore renormalise it using cpuConsumed (which is in real seconds)
        timeLeft = (cpuLimit - cpu) * self.normFactor * cpuConsumed / cpu
      elif self.normFactor:
        # FIXME: this is always used by the watchdog... Also used by the JobAgent
        #        if consumed less than 1 hour of CPU
        # It was using self.scaleFactor but this is inconsistent: use the same as above
        # In case the returned cpu and cpuLimit are not in real seconds, this is however rubbish
        timeLeft = (cpuLimit - cpu) * self.normFactor
        # Last resort recovery...
        timeLeft = (cpuLimit - cpu) * self.scaleFactor

      self.log.verbose('Remaining CPU in normalized units is: %.02f' % timeLeft)
      return S_OK(timeLeft)
      return S_ERROR('No time left for slot')
Example #12
    def selectJob(self, resourceDescription):
        """ Main job selection function to find the highest priority job
        matching the resource capacity

        startTime = time.time()
        resourceDict = self.__processResourceDescription(resourceDescription)

        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        #Check credentials if not generic pilot
        if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict['properties']:
            #You can only match groups in the same VO
            vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(credDict['group'])
            result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(vo)
            if result['OK']:
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = result['Value']
            #If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
            if Properties.PILOT in credDict['properties']:
                gLogger.notice("Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN")
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            #If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
            # belongs to the same group
            elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict['properties']:
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']
                    "Setting the resource group to the credentials group")
                if 'OwnerDN' in resourceDict and resourceDict[
                        'OwnerDN'] != credDict['DN']:
                    ownerDN = resourceDict['OwnerDN']
                    result = Registry.getGroupsForDN(resourceDict['OwnerDN'])
                    if not result['OK'] or credDict['group'] not in result[
                        #DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
                            "You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!"
                            % ownerDN)
                        resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            #Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']

        # Check the pilot DIRAC version
        if self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/CheckVersion", True):
            if 'ReleaseVersion' not in resourceDict:
                if not 'DIRACVersion' in resourceDict:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Version check requested and not provided by Pilot')
                    pilotVersion = resourceDict['DIRACVersion']
                pilotVersion = resourceDict['ReleaseVersion']

            validVersions = self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/Version", [])
            if validVersions and pilotVersion not in validVersions:
                return S_ERROR( 'Pilot version does not match the production version %s not in ( %s )' % \
                               ( pilotVersion, ",".join( validVersions ) ) )
            #Check project if requested
            validProject = self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/Project", "")
            if validProject:
                if 'ReleaseProject' not in resourceDict:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Version check requested but expected project %s not received"
                        % validProject)
                if resourceDict['ReleaseProject'] != validProject:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Version check requested but expected project %s != received %s"
                        % (validProject, resourceDict['ReleaseProject']))

        # Update pilot information
        pilotInfoReported = False
        pilotReference = resourceDict.get('PilotReference', '')
        if pilotReference:
            if "PilotInfoReportedFlag" in resourceDict and not resourceDict[
                gridCE = resourceDict.get('GridCE', 'Unknown')
                site = destination = resourceDict.get('Site', 'Unknown')
                benchmark = benchmark = resourceDict.get('PilotBenchmark', 0.0)
                    'Reporting pilot info for %s: gridCE=%s, site=%s, benchmark=%f'
                    % (pilotReference, gridCE, site, benchmark))
                result = gPilotAgentsDB.setPilotStatus(pilotReference,
                if result['OK']:
                    pilotInfoReported = True

        #Check the site mask
        if not 'Site' in resourceDict:
            return S_ERROR('Missing Site Name in Resource JDL')

        # Get common site mask and check the agent site
        result = gJobDB.getSiteMask(siteState='Active')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Internal error: can not get site mask')
        maskList = result['Value']

        siteName = resourceDict['Site']
        if siteName not in maskList:
            if 'GridCE' not in resourceDict:
                return S_ERROR('Site not in mask and GridCE not specified')
            #Even if the site is banned, if it defines a CE, it must be able to check it
            del resourceDict['Site']

        resourceDict['Setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']

        gLogger.verbose("Resource description:")
        for key in resourceDict:
            gLogger.verbose("%s : %s" % (key.rjust(20), resourceDict[key]))

        negativeCond = self.__limiter.getNegativeCondForSite(siteName)
        result = gTaskQueueDB.matchAndGetJob(resourceDict,

        if DEBUG:
            print result

        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        result = result['Value']
        if not result['matchFound']:
            return S_ERROR('No match found')

        jobID = result['jobId']
        resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID,
                                         ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'Status'])
        if not resAtt['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not retrieve job attributes')
        if not resAtt['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('No attributes returned for job')
        if not resAtt['Value']['Status'] == 'Waiting':
            gLogger.error('Job matched by the TQ is not in Waiting state',
            result = gTaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            return S_ERROR("Job %s is not in Waiting state" % str(jobID))

        attNames = ['Status', 'MinorStatus', 'ApplicationStatus', 'Site']
        attValues = ['Matched', 'Assigned', 'Unknown', siteName]
        result = gJobDB.setJobAttributes(jobID, attNames, attValues)
        # result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, status = 'Matched', minor = 'Assigned' )
        result = gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID,

        result = gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get the job JDL')

        resultDict = {}
        resultDict['JDL'] = result['Value']
        resultDict['JobID'] = jobID

        matchTime = time.time() - startTime
        gLogger.info("Match time: [%s]" % str(matchTime))
        gMonitor.addMark("matchTime", matchTime)

        # Get some extra stuff into the response returned
        resOpt = gJobDB.getJobOptParameters(jobID)
        if resOpt['OK']:
            for key, value in resOpt['Value'].items():
                resultDict[key] = value
        resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup'])
        if not resAtt['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not retrieve job attributes')
        if not resAtt['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('No attributes returned for job')

        if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True):
            self.__limiter.updateDelayCounters(siteName, jobID)

        # Report pilot-job association
        if pilotReference:
            result = gPilotAgentsDB.setCurrentJobID(pilotReference, jobID)
            result = gPilotAgentsDB.setJobForPilot(jobID,

        resultDict['DN'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerDN']
        resultDict['Group'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerGroup']
        resultDict['PilotInfoReportedFlag'] = pilotInfoReported
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #13
    def addShifter(self, shifters=None):
    Adds or modify one or more shifters. Also, adds the shifter section in case this is not present.
    Shifter identities are used in several places, mostly for running agents

    :param dict shifters: has to be in the form {'ShifterRole':{'User':'******', 'Group':'aDIRACGroup'}}

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
        def getOpsSection():
      Where is the shifters section?
            vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
            setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

            if vo:
                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' %
                                          (vo, setup))
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup))

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' %
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')

            return S_ERROR("No shifter section")

        if shifters is None:
            shifters = {}
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized

        # get current shifters
        opsH = Operations()
        currentShifterRoles = opsH.getSections('Shifter')
        if not currentShifterRoles['OK']:
            # we assume the shifter section is not present
            currentShifterRoles = []
            currentShifterRoles = currentShifterRoles['Value']
        currentShiftersDict = {}
        for currentShifterRole in currentShifterRoles:
            currentShifter = opsH.getOptionsDict('Shifter/%s' %
            if not currentShifter['OK']:
                return currentShifter
            currentShifter = currentShifter['Value']
            currentShiftersDict[currentShifterRole] = currentShifter

        # Removing from shifters what does not need to be changed
        for sRole in shifters.keys():  # note the pop below
            if sRole in currentShiftersDict:
                if currentShiftersDict[sRole] == shifters[sRole]:

        # get shifters section to modify
        section = getOpsSection()

        # Is this section present?
        if not section['OK']:
            if section['Message'] == "No shifter section":
                gLogger.info("Adding shifter section")
                vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
                if vo:
                    section = '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo
                    section = '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter'
                res = self.__csMod.createSection(section)
                if not res:
                    gLogger.error("Section %s not created" % section)
                    return S_ERROR("Section %s not created" % section)
                return section
            section = section['Value']

        # add or modify shifters
        for shifter in shifters:
            self.__csMod.removeSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User')
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group')
            self.__csMod.setOptionValue(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User',
                section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group',

        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)
Example #14
    def runIt(self):
    Called by Agent
    Execute the following:
      - define the platform
      - check for presence of ROOTSYS variable
        self.result = S_OK()
        if not self.platform:
            self.result = S_ERROR('No ILC platform selected')
        elif not self.applicationLog:
            self.result = S_ERROR('No Log file provided')
        if not self.result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Failed to resolve input parameters:",
            return self.result

        res = getEnvironmentScript(self.platform, "root",
        self.log.notice("Got the environment script: %s" % res)
        if not res['OK']:
            self.log.error("Error getting the env script: ", res['Message'])
            return res
        envScriptPath = res['Value']

        if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
                'Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' %
                (self.workflowStatus['OK'], self.stepStatus['OK']))
            return S_OK(
                'ROOT should not proceed as previous step did not end properly'

        if len(self.script) < 1:
            self.log.error('Macro file not defined, should not happen!')
            return S_ERROR("Macro file not defined")

        self.script = os.path.basename(self.script)

        scriptName = 'Root_%s_Run_%s.sh' % (self.applicationVersion,
        if os.path.exists(scriptName):
        script = open(scriptName, 'w')
        script.write('#!/bin/sh \n')
            '# Dynamically generated script to run a production or analysis job. #\n'

        script.write('source %s\n' % envScriptPath)

        if os.path.exists("./lib"):
            script.write('declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n')

        script.write('echo =============================\n')
        script.write('echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH is\n')
        script.write('echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | tr ":" "\n"\n')
        script.write('echo =============================\n')
        script.write('echo PATH is\n')
        script.write('echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"\n')
        script.write('echo =============================\n')
        script.write('env | sort >> localEnv.log\n')
        script.write('echo =============================\n')
        comm = "root -b -q %s" % self.script
        if self.arguments:
            ## need rawstring for arguments so we don't lose escaped quotation marks for string arguments
            comm = comm + r'\(%s\)' % self.arguments
        comm = comm + "\n"
        self.log.info("Will run %s" % (comm))

        script.write('declare -x appstatus=$?\n')
        script.write('exit $appstatus\n')

        if os.path.exists(self.applicationLog):

        os.chmod(scriptName, 0755)
        comm = 'sh -c "./%s"' % (scriptName)
        self.setApplicationStatus('ROOT %s step %s' %
                                  (self.applicationVersion, self.STEP_NUMBER))
        self.stdError = ''
        self.result = shellCall(0,
        #self.result = {'OK':True,'Value':(0,'Disabled Execution','')}
        resultTuple = self.result['Value']
        if not os.path.exists(self.applicationLog):
                "Something went terribly wrong, the log file is not present")
            self.setApplicationStatus('root failed terribly, you are doomed!')
            return S_ERROR('root did not produce the expected log')
        status = resultTuple[0]
        # stdOutput = resultTuple[1]
        # stdError = resultTuple[2]
        self.log.info("Status after the application execution is %s" %

        return self.finalStatusReport(status)
Example #15
    def __updateConfiguration(self, setElements=None, delElements=None):
        Update configuration stored by CS.
        if setElements is None:
            setElements = {}
        if delElements is None:
            delElements = []

        log = self.log.getSubLogger("__updateConfiguration")
        log.debug("Begin function ...")

        # assure existence and proper value of a section or an option
        for path, value in setElements.items():

            if value is None:
                section = path
                split = path.rsplit("/", 1)
                section = split[0]

                result = self.csAPI.createSection(section)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    log.error("createSection() failed with message: %s" %
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("Exception in createSection(): %s" %
                          repr(e).replace(",)", ")"))

            if value is not None:
                    result = self.csAPI.setOption(path, value)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        log.error("setOption() failed with message: %s" %
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error("Exception in setOption(): %s" %
                              repr(e).replace(",)", ")"))

        # delete elements in the configuration
        for path in delElements:
            result = self.csAPI.delOption(path)
            if not result["OK"]:
                log.warn("delOption() failed with message: %s" %

                result = self.csAPI.delSection(path)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    log.warn("delSection() failed with message: %s" %

        if self.dryRun:
            log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
            # update configuration stored by CS
            result = self.csAPI.commit()
            if not result["OK"]:
                log.error("commit() failed with message: %s" %
                return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes to CS.")
                log.info("Committed changes to CS")

        log.debug("End function.")
        return S_OK()
Example #16
    def getTransportURL(self, path, protocols=False):
        """ obtain the tURLs for the supplied path and protocols

    :param self: self reference
    :param str path: path on storage
    :param mixed protocols: protocols to use
    :returns: Failed dict {path : error message}
             Successful dict {path : transport url}
             S_ERROR in case of argument problems
        res = checkArgumentFormat(path)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        urls = res['Value']

            'GFAL2_SRM2Storage.getTransportURL: Attempting to retrieve tURL for %s paths'
            % len(urls))

        failed = {}
        successful = {}
        if not protocols:
            protocols = self.__getProtocols()
            if not protocols['OK']:
                return protocols
            listProtocols = protocols['Value']
        elif isinstance(protocols, basestring):
            listProtocols = [protocols]
        elif isinstance(protocols, list):
            listProtocols = protocols
            return S_ERROR(
                "getTransportURL: Must supply desired protocols to this plug-in."

        # Compatibility because of castor returning a castor: url if you ask
        # for a root URL, and a root: url if you ask for a xroot url...
        if 'root' in listProtocols and 'xroot' not in listProtocols:
            listProtocols.insert(listProtocols.index('root'), 'xroot')
        elif 'xroot' in listProtocols and 'root' not in listProtocols:
            listProtocols.insert(listProtocols.index('xroot') + 1, 'root')

        # Compatibility because of castor returning a castor: url if you ask
        # for a root URL, and a root: url if you ask for a xroot url...
        if 'root' in listProtocols and 'xroot' not in listProtocols:
            listProtocols.insert(listProtocols.index('root'), 'xroot')
        elif 'xroot' in listProtocols and 'root' not in listProtocols:
            listProtocols.insert(listProtocols.index('xroot') + 1, 'root')

        # I doubt this can happen... 'srm' is not in the listProtocols,
        # it is normally, gsiftp, root, etc
        if self.protocolParameters['Protocol'] in listProtocols:
            successful = {}
            failed = {}
            for url in urls:
                if self.isURL(url)['Value']:
                    successful[url] = url
                    failed[url] = 'getTransportURL: Failed to obtain turls.'

            return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

        for url in urls:
            res = self.__getSingleTransportURL(url, listProtocols)
            self.log.debug('res = %s' % res)

            if not res['OK']:
                failed[url] = res['Message']
                successful[url] = res['Value']

        return S_OK({'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful})
Example #17
    def __checkCPUConsumed(self):
        """ Checks whether the CPU consumed by application process is reasonable. This
        method will report stalled jobs to be killed.
        self.log.info("Checking CPU Consumed")

        if 'WallClockTime' not in self.parameters:
            return S_ERROR('Missing WallClockTime info')
        if 'CPUConsumed' not in self.parameters:
            return S_ERROR('Missing CPUConsumed info')

        wallClockTime = self.parameters['WallClockTime'][-1]
        if wallClockTime < self.sampleCPUTime:
                "Stopping check, wallclock time (%s) is still smaller than sample time (%s)"
                % (wallClockTime, self.sampleCPUTime))
            return S_OK()

        intervals = max(1, int(self.sampleCPUTime / self.checkingTime))
        if len(self.parameters['CPUConsumed']) < intervals + 1:
                "Not enough snapshots to calculate, there are %s and we need %s"
                % (len(self.parameters['CPUConsumed']), intervals + 1))
            return S_OK()

        wallClockTime = self.parameters['WallClockTime'][-1] - self.parameters[
            'WallClockTime'][-1 - intervals]
            cpuTime = self.__convertCPUTime(
            # For some reason, some times the CPU consumed estimation returns 0
            # if cpuTime == 0:
            #   return S_OK()
            cpuTime -= self.__convertCPUTime(
                self.parameters['CPUConsumed'][-1 - intervals])['Value']
            if cpuTime < 0:
                    'Consumed CPU time negative, something wrong may have happened, ignore'
                return S_OK()
            if wallClockTime <= 0:
                    'Wallclock time should not be negative or zero, Ignore')
                return S_OK()

            ratio = (cpuTime / wallClockTime) * 100.

            self.log.info("CPU/Wallclock ratio is %.2f%%" % ratio)
            # in case of error cpuTime might be 0, exclude this
            if ratio < self.minCPUWallClockRatio:
                if os.path.exists('DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK') or \
                   'DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK' in os.environ:
                        'N.B. job would be declared as stalled but CPU / WallClock check is disabled by payload'
                    return S_OK()
                self.log.info("Job is stalled!")
                return S_ERROR('Watchdog identified this job as stalled')
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.error("Cannot convert CPU consumed from string to int",

        return S_OK()
Example #18
    def initialize(self, loops=0):
        """Sets default parameters and creates CE instance
        self.maxcount = loops

        self.logLevel = gConfig.getValue('DIRAC/LogLevel', 'INFO')
        self.siteRoot = gConfig.getValue('LocalSite/Root', DIRAC.rootPath)
        self.siteName = gConfig.getValue('LocalSite/Site', 'Unknown')
        self.cpuFactor = gConfig.getValue('LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor',
        self.maxPilots = gConfig.getValue('LocalSite/MaxPilots', 100)


        self.log.info("Log level set to", self.logLevel)

        #these options are temporary until the Matcher procedure for the DIRAC site exists
        #they determine for which jobs in the WMS pilots are submitted
        self.propertiesDict = {
            '/DIRAC/Setup': 'LHCb-Development',
            '/LocalSite/Properties/OwnerDN': '',
            '/LocalSite/Site': ''

        for propLocation, propDefault in self.propertiesDict.items():
                prop = gConfig.getValue(propLocation,
                                        propDefault).replace('"', '')
                self.propertiesDict[propLocation] = str(prop)
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                return S_ERROR('Expected string for %s field' % propLocation)

        self.matchDict = {
            'Setup': self.propertiesDict['/DIRAC/Setup'],
            'Site': self.propertiesDict['/LocalSite/Site'],
            'CPUTime': 3000000,
            #                      'GridMiddleware' : '',
            #                      'Platform' : '',
            #                      'PilotType' : '',
            #                      'JobType' : '',
            #                      'OwnerGroup' : '',
            #                      'GridCE' : '',
            'OwnerDN': self.propertiesDict['/LocalSite/Properties/OwnerDN'],

        #options to pass to the pilot
        self.pilotOptions = {
            '/LocalSite/Architecture': '',
            '/LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor': '',
            '/LocalSite/LocalCE': 'InProcess',
            '/LocalSite/Site': '',
            '/LocalSite/ConcurrentJobs': '',
            '/LocalSite/MaxCPUTime': ''
        for optName, optDefault in self.pilotOptions.items():
            self.pilotOptions[optName] = gConfig.getValue(
                '%(optName)s' % {'optName': optName}, optDefault)

        self.log.debug('======= Pilot Options =======')

        #create CE
        ceUniqueID = self.am_getOption('CEUniqueID', 'Torque')
        if not ceUniqueID['OK']:
            return ceUniqueID
        self.ceName = ceUniqueID['Value']
        ce = self.__createCE(self.ceName)
        if not ce['OK']:
            return ce
        self.computingElement = ce['Value']

        #path to dirac-pilot script
        self.diracPilotFileName = 'dirac-pilot'
        self.diracPilotPath = self.siteRoot + '/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/PilotAgent/' + self.diracPilotFileName

        #path to dirac-install script
        self.diracInstallFileName = 'dirac-install'
        self.diracInstallURL = 'http://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/dist/DIRAC3/scripts/dirac-install'
        self.diracInstallPath = self.siteRoot + '/' + self.diracInstallFileName
        if not os.path.exists(self.diracInstallPath):
            self.diracInstallPath = self.diracInstallFileName
                urllib.urlretrieve(self.diracInstallURL, self.diracInstallPath)
                    self.diracInstallPath, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP
                    | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
                    'Failed to retrieve %(diracInstallFileName)s from %(diracInstallUrl)s'
                    % {
                        'diracInstallFileName': self.diracInstallFileName,
                        'diracInstallUrl': self.diracInstallURL

        return S_OK()
    def export_updateSoftware(self,
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/LocalInstallation')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'
        elif not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient',
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(0, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'])
            if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(['-P', rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        webFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/WebPortal', False)
        if webFlag:
        if extensionList:
            cmdList += ['-e', ','.join(extensionList)]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(['-g', gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/RootPath', ''))
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg'):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg')
            return S_ERROR('Local configuration not found')

        result = systemCall(0, cmdList)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        status = result['Value'][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if 'error' in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = '\n'.join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
        if os.path.exists(InstallTools.mysqlDir):
            startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'mysql',
                                         'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server')
            if not os.path.exists(startupScript):
                startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'pro',
                                             'mysql', 'share', 'mysql',
            if os.path.exists(startupScript):

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(0, 'install_oracle-client.sh')
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            status = result['Value'][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
                error.append('Failed to install Oracle client module')
                return S_ERROR('\n'.join(error))
        return S_OK()
Example #20
class RequestDB(object):
  .. class:: RequestDB

  db holding requests
    def __getDBConnectionInfo(self, fullname):
        """ Collect from the CS all the info needed to connect to the DB.
        This should be in a base class eventually

        result = getDBParameters(fullname)
        if not result['OK']:
            raise Exception('Cannot get database parameters: %s' %

        dbParameters = result['Value']
        self.dbHost = dbParameters['Host']
        self.dbPort = dbParameters['Port']
        self.dbUser = dbParameters['User']
        self.dbPass = dbParameters['Password']
        self.dbName = dbParameters['DBName']

    def __init__(self):

    :param self: self reference

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('RequestDB')
        # Initialize the connection info

        runDebug = (gLogger.getLevel() == 'DEBUG')
        self.engine = create_engine(
            'mysql://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' %
            (self.dbUser, self.dbPass, self.dbHost, self.dbPort, self.dbName),

        metadata.bind = self.engine

        self.DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)

    def createTables(self):
        """ create tables """
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR(e)
        return S_OK()

    def cancelRequest(self, requestID):
        session = self.DBSession()
            updateRet = session.execute( update( Request )\
                               .where( Request.RequestID == requestID )\
                               .values( {Request._Status : 'Canceled',
                                         Request._LastUpdate : datetime.datetime.utcnow()\
                                                              .strftime( Request._datetimeFormat )} ) )

            # No row was changed
            if not updateRet.rowcount:
                return S_ERROR("No such request %s" % requestID)

            return S_OK()

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception("cancelRequest: unexpected exception",
            return S_ERROR("cancelRequest: unexpected exception %s" % e)

    def putRequest(self, request):
        """ update or insert request into db

    :param ~Request.Request request: Request instance

        session = self.DBSession(expire_on_commit=False)

                if hasattr(request, 'RequestID'):

                    status = session.query( Request._Status )\
                                    .filter( Request.RequestID == request.RequestID )\

                    if status[0] == 'Canceled':
                            "Request %s(%s) was canceled, don't put it back" %
                            (request.RequestID, request.RequestName))
                        return S_OK(request.RequestID)

            except NoResultFound, e:

            # Since the object request is not attached to the session, we merge it to have an update
            # instead of an insert with duplicate primary key
            request = session.merge(request)

            return S_OK(request.RequestID)

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception("putRequest: unexpected exception",
            return S_ERROR("putRequest: unexpected exception %s" % e)
Example #21
    def _sendSMS(self, text):

        #FIXME: implement it !
        return S_ERROR('Not implemented yet')
Example #22
def mock__ErrorFTSServerStatus(ftsServer):
    return S_ERROR(ftsServer)
Example #23
def getDNForHost(host):
    dnList = gConfig.getValue("%s/Hosts/%s/DN" % (gBaseRegistrySection, host),
    if dnList:
        return S_OK(dnList)
    return S_ERROR("No DN found for host %s" % host)
Example #24
  def _insertReplicas( self, lfns, master = False, connection = False ):
    """ Insert new replicas. lfns is a dictionary with one entry for each file. The keys are lfns, and values are dict
        with mandatory attributes : FileID, SE (the name), PFN

        :param lfns: lfns and info to insert
        :param master: true if they are master replica, otherwise they will be just 'Replica'

        :return: successful/failed convention, with successful[lfn] = true
    chunkSize = 200

    connection = self._getConnection(connection)

    # Add the files
    failed = {}
    successful = {}

    # Get the status id of AprioriGood
    res = self._getStatusInt( 'AprioriGood', connection = connection )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    statusID = res['Value']

    lfnsToRetry = []

    repValues = {}
    repDesc = {}

    # treat each file after each other
    for lfn in lfns.keys():

      fileID = lfns[lfn]['FileID']

      seName = lfns[lfn]['SE']
      if type(seName) in StringTypes:
        seList = [seName]
      elif type(seName) == ListType:
        seList = seName
        return S_ERROR('Illegal type of SE list: %s' % str( type( seName ) ) )

      replicaType = 'Master' if master else 'Replica'
      pfn = lfns[lfn]['PFN']

      # treat each replica of a file after the other
      for seName in seList:

        # get the SE id
        res = self.db.seManager.findSE(seName)
        if not res['OK']:
          failed[lfn] = res['Message']
        seID = res['Value']

        # This is incompatible with adding multiple replica at the time for a given file
        repValues[lfn] = ( fileID, seID, statusID, replicaType, pfn )
        repDesc[( fileID, seID )] = lfn

    allChunks = list( self.__chunks( lfns.keys(), chunkSize ) )

    for lfnChunk in allChunks:
      result = self.__insertMultipleReplicas( repValues, lfnChunk )

      if result['OK']:
        allIds = result['Value']
        for fileId, seId, repId in allIds:
          lfn = repDesc[ ( fileId, seId ) ]
          successful[lfn] = True
          lfns[lfn]['RepID'] = repId
        lfnsToRetry.extend( lfnChunk )

    for lfn in lfnsToRetry:
      fileID, seID, statusID, replicaType, pfn = repValues[lfn]
      # insert the replica and its info
      result = self.db.executeStoredProcedureWithCursor( 'ps_insert_replica',
                                                         ( fileID, seID, statusID, replicaType, pfn ) )

      if not result['OK']:
        failed[lfn] = result['Message']
        replicaID = result['Value'][0][0]
        lfns[lfn]['RepID'] = replicaID
        successful[lfn] = True

    return S_OK({'Successful':successful,'Failed':failed})
Example #25
    def execute(self):
        # define workflow attributes
        wf_exec_attr = {
        }  # dictionary with the WF attributes, used to resolve links to self.attrname
        for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
            # parameters shall see objects in the current scope order to resolve links
            if wf_parameter.preExecute():  # for parm which not just outputs
                # print 'Input', wf_parameter
                if wf_parameter.isLinked():
                    # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=',
                    # wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                    if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == "self":
                        # this is not suppose to happen
                            "Warning! Job attribute ",
                            "refers to the attribute of the same workflow",
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                    # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getValue()
                        wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

            # Put all the workflow parameters into the workflow_commons dictionary
                wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

        )  # loading Module classes into current python scope

        # wf_exec_steps will be dictionary of dictionaries [step instance name][parameter name]
        # used as dictionary of step instances to carry parameters
        wf_exec_steps = {}
        # print 'Executing Workflow',self.getType()
        error_message = ""
        step_result = ""
        for step_inst in self.step_instances:
            step_inst_name = step_inst.getName()
            step_inst_type = step_inst.getType()
            wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name] = {}
            # print "WorkflowInstance creating Step instance ",step_inst_name," of type", step_inst_type
            for parameter in step_inst.parameters:
                if parameter.preExecute():
                    # print '>> Input', parameter
                    if parameter.isLinked():
                        # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(),
                        # '=', parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                        if parameter.getLinkedModule() == "self":
                            # tale value form the step_dict
                            )] = wf_exec_attr[parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
                            # print wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()].keys()
                            )] = wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()][
                        # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(), '=', parameter.getValue()
                            parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

                # In the step_commons all parameters are added, both Input and Output ones.
                    parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

            # Set proper values for all Input Parameters
            for key, value in wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name].items():
                step_inst.step_commons[key] = value


            result = step_inst.execute(wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name],
            if not result["OK"]:
                if self.workflowStatus["OK"]:
                    error_message = result["Message"]
                self.workflowStatus = S_ERROR(result["Message"])
                self.workflowStatus["Errno"] = result["Errno"]

            step_result = result.get("Value", step_result)

        # now we need to copy output values to the STEP!!! parameters
        # print "WorkflowInstance output assignment"
        for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
            if wf_parameter.isOutput():
                if wf_parameter.isLinked():
                    # print "WorkflowInstance  self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=',
                    # wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                    if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == "self":
                        # this is not suppose to happen
                            "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute ",
                            "refer on the attribute of the same workflow",
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_steps[
                    # it is also does not make sense - we can produce warning
                        "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute",
                        "assigned constant",
                    # print "WorkflowInstance  self."+ wf_parameter.getName(),'=',wf_parameter.getValue()
                        wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()
                setattr(self, wf_parameter.getName(),
        # Return the result of the first failed step or S_OK
        if not self.workflowStatus["OK"]:
            # return S_ERROR( error_message )
            return self.workflowStatus
        return S_OK(step_result)
Example #26
  def handleRequest( self ):
    """ read SubRequests and ExecutionOrder, fire registered handlers upon SubRequests operations 

    :param self: self reference
    :param dict requestDict: request dictionary as read from self.readRequest

    # here comes the processing
    res = self.requestObj.getNumSubRequests( self.__requestType )
    if not res["OK"]:
      errMsg = "handleRequest: failed to obtain number of '%s' subrequests." % self.__requestType
      self.error( errMsg, res["Message"] )
      return S_ERROR( res["Message"] )

    ## for gMonitor
    self.addMark( "Execute", 1 )
    ## process sub requests
    for index in range( res["Value"] ):
      self.info( "handleRequest: processing subrequest %s." % str(index) )
      subRequestAttrs = self.requestObj.getSubRequestAttributes( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]
      if subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"]:
        subExecutionOrder = int( subRequestAttrs["ExecutionOrder"] )
        subExecutionOrder = 0
      subRequestStatus = subRequestAttrs["Status"]
      if subRequestStatus != "Waiting":
        self.info( "handleRequest: subrequest %s has status '%s' and is not to be executed." % ( str(index), 
                                                                                                 subRequestStatus ) )
      if subExecutionOrder <= self.executionOrder:
        operation = subRequestAttrs["Operation"]
        if operation not in self.operationDispatcher():
          self.error( "handleRequest: '%s' operation not supported" % operation )
          self.info( "handleRequest: will execute %s '%s' subrequest" % ( str(index), operation ) )

          ## get files
          subRequestFiles = self.requestObj.getSubRequestFiles( index, self.__requestType )["Value"]          
          ## execute operation action
          ret = self.operationDispatcher()[operation].__call__( index,
                                                                subRequestFiles )
          ## error in operation action?
          if not ret["OK"]:
            self.error( "handleRequest: error when handling subrequest %s: %s" % ( str(index),  ret["Message"] ) )
            self.requestObj.setSubRequestAttributeValue( index, self.__requestType, "Error", ret["Message"] )
            ## update ref to requestObj
            self.requestObj = ret["Value"]
            ## check if subrequest status == Done, disable finalisation if not
            subRequestDone = self.requestObj.isSubRequestDone( index, self.__requestType )
            if not subRequestDone["OK"]:
              self.error( "handleRequest: unable to determine subrequest status: %s" % subRequestDone["Message"] )
              if not subRequestDone["Value"]:
                self.warn("handleRequest: subrequest %s is not done yet" % str(index) )

    #  Generate the new request string after operation
    newRequestString = self.requestObj.toXML()['Value']
    update = self.putBackRequest( self.requestName, newRequestString, self.sourceServer )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.error( "handleRequest: error when updating request: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update

    ## get request status                
    if self.jobID:
      requestStatus = self.requestClient().getRequestStatus( self.requestName, self.sourceServer )
      if not requestStatus["OK"]:
        return requestStatus
      requestStatus = requestStatus["Value"]
      ## finalize request if jobID is present and request status = 'Done'
      self.info("handleRequest: request status is %s" % requestStatus )
      if ( requestStatus["RequestStatus"] == "Done" ) and ( requestStatus["SubRequestStatus"] not in ( "Waiting", "Assigned" ) ):
        self.debug("handleRequest: request is going to be finalised")
        finalize = self.requestClient().finalizeRequest( self.requestName, self.jobID, self.sourceServer )
        if not finalize["OK"]:
          self.error("handleRequest: error in request finalization: %s" % finalize["Message"] )
          return finalize
        self.info("handleRequest: request is finalised")
      ## for gMonitor
      self.addMark( "Done", 1 )

    ## should return S_OK with monitor dict
    return S_OK( { "monitor" : self.monitor() } )
Example #27
    def getPilotMonitorWeb(self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems):
        """ Get summary of the pilot job information in a standard structure

        resultDict = {}
        if 'LastUpdateTime' in selectDict:
            del selectDict['LastUpdateTime']
        if 'Owner' in selectDict:
            userList = selectDict['Owner']
            if not isinstance(userList, type([])):
                userList = [userList]
            dnList = []
            for uName in userList:
                uList = getDNForUsername(uName)['Value']
                dnList += uList
            selectDict['OwnerDN'] = dnList
            del selectDict['Owner']
        startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
        if startDate:
            del selectDict['FromDate']
        # For backward compatibility
        if startDate is None:
            startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdateTime', None)
            if startDate:
                del selectDict['LastUpdateTime']
        endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
        if endDate:
            del selectDict['ToDate']

        # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
        if sortList:
            orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
            orderAttribute = None

        # Select pilots for the summary
        result = self.selectPilots(selectDict,
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to select pilots: ' + result['Message'])

        pList = result['Value']
        nPilots = len(pList)
        resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nPilots
        if nPilots == 0:
            return S_OK(resultDict)

        ini = startItem
        last = ini + maxItems
        if ini >= nPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')
        if last > nPilots:
            last = nPilots
        pilotList = pList[ini:last]

        paramNames = [
            'PilotJobReference', 'OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'GridType', 'Broker',
            'Status', 'DestinationSite', 'BenchMark', 'ParentID',
            'SubmissionTime', 'PilotID', 'LastUpdateTime', 'CurrentJobID',
            'TaskQueueID', 'GridSite'

        result = self.getPilotInfo(pilotList, paramNames=paramNames)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot info: ' + result['Message'])

        pilotDict = result['Value']
        records = []
        for pilot in pilotList:
            parList = []
            for parameter in paramNames:
                if not isinstance(pilotDict[pilot][parameter], (int, long)):
                if parameter == 'GridSite':
                    gridSite = pilotDict[pilot][parameter]

            # If the Grid Site is unknown try to recover it in the last moment
            if gridSite == "Unknown":
                ce = pilotDict[pilot]['DestinationSite']
                result = getSiteForCE(ce)
                if result['OK']:
                    gridSite = result['Value']
                    del parList[-1]

        resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames
        resultDict['Records'] = records

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #28
    def _createTables(self, tableDict, force=False):
      tableName: { 'Fields' : { 'Field': 'Description' },
                   'ForeignKeys': {'Field': 'Table.key' },
                   'PrimaryKey': 'Id',
                   'Indexes': { 'Index': [] },
                   'UniqueIndexes': { 'Index': [] },
                   'Engine': 'InnoDB' }
      only 'Fields' is a mandatory key.

    Creates a new Table for each key in tableDict, "tableName" in the DB with
    the provided description.
    It allows to create:
      - flat tables if no "ForeignKeys" key defined.
      - tables with foreign keys to auxiliary tables holding the values
      of some of the fields
      tableDict: dictionary of dictionary with description of tables to be created.
      Only "Fields" is a mandatory key in the table description.
        "Fields": Dictionary with Field names and description of the fields
        "ForeignKeys": Dictionary with Field names and name of auxiliary tables.
          The auxiliary tables must be defined in tableDict.
        "PrimaryKey": Name of PRIMARY KEY for the table (if exist).
        "Indexes": Dictionary with definition of indexes, the value for each
          index is the list of fields to be indexed.
        "UniqueIndexes": Dictionary with definition of indexes, the value for each
          index is the list of fields to be indexed. This indexes will declared
        "Engine": use the given DB engine, InnoDB is the default if not present.
        if True, requested tables are DROP if they exist.
        if False, returned with S_ERROR if table exist.


        # First check consistency of request
        if type(tableDict) != DictType:
            return S_ERROR('Argument is not a dictionary: %s( %s )' %
                           (type(tableDict), tableDict))

        tableList = tableDict.keys()
        if len(tableList) == 0:
            return S_OK(0)
        for table in tableList:
            thisTable = tableDict[table]
            # Check if Table is properly described with a dictionary
            if type(thisTable) != DictType:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Table description is not a dictionary: %s( %s )' %
                    (type(thisTable), thisTable))
            if not 'Fields' in thisTable:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Missing `Fields` key in `%s` table dictionary' % table)

        tableCreationList = [[]]

        auxiliaryTableList = []

        i = 0
        extracted = True
        while tableList and extracted:
            # iterate extracting tables from list if they only depend on
            # already extracted tables.
            extracted = False
            auxiliaryTableList += tableCreationList[i]
            i += 1
            for table in list(tableList):
                toBeExtracted = True
                thisTable = tableDict[table]
                if 'ForeignKeys' in thisTable:
                    thisKeys = thisTable['ForeignKeys']
                    for key, auxTable in thisKeys.items():
                        forTable = auxTable.split('.')[0]
                        forKey = key
                        if forTable != auxTable:
                            forKey = auxTable.split('.')[1]
                        if forTable not in auxiliaryTableList:
                            toBeExtracted = False
                        if not key in thisTable['Fields']:
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'ForeignKey `%s` -> `%s` not defined in Primary table `%s`.'
                                % (key, forKey, table))
                        if not forKey in tableDict[forTable]['Fields']:
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'ForeignKey `%s` -> `%s` not defined in Auxiliary table `%s`.'
                                % (key, forKey, forTable))

                if toBeExtracted:
                    self.logger.info('Table %s ready to be created' % table)
                    extracted = True

        if tableList:
            return S_ERROR('Recursive Foreign Keys in %s' %
                           ', '.join(tableList))

        for tableList in tableCreationList:
            for table in tableList:
                # Check if Table exist
                retDict = self.__checkTable(table, force=force)
                if not retDict['OK']:
                    return retDict

                thisTable = tableDict[table]
                cmdList = []
                for field in thisTable['Fields'].keys():
                    cmdList.append('`%s` %s' %
                                   (field, thisTable['Fields'][field]))

                if thisTable.has_key('PrimaryKey'):
                    if type(thisTable['PrimaryKey']) == types.StringType:
                        cmdList.append('PRIMARY KEY ( `%s` )' %
                        cmdList.append('PRIMARY KEY ( %s )' % ", ".join(
                            ["`%s`" % str(f)
                             for f in thisTable['PrimaryKey']]))

                if thisTable.has_key('Indexes'):
                    indexDict = thisTable['Indexes']
                    for index in indexDict:
                        indexedFields = '`, `'.join(indexDict[index])
                        cmdList.append('INDEX `%s` ( `%s` )' %
                                       (index, indexedFields))

                if thisTable.has_key('UniqueIndexes'):
                    indexDict = thisTable['UniqueIndexes']
                    for index in indexDict:
                        indexedFields = '`, `'.join(indexDict[index])
                        cmdList.append('UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ( `%s` )' %
                                       (index, indexedFields))
                if 'ForeignKeys' in thisTable:
                    thisKeys = thisTable['ForeignKeys']
                    for key, auxTable in thisKeys.items():

                        forTable = auxTable.split('.')[0]
                        forKey = key
                        if forTable != auxTable:
                            forKey = auxTable.split('.')[1]

                        # cmdList.append( '`%s` %s' % ( forTable, tableDict[forTable]['Fields'][forKey] )
                            'FOREIGN KEY ( `%s` ) REFERENCES `%s` ( `%s` )'
                            ' ON DELETE RESTRICT' % (key, forTable, forKey))

                if thisTable.has_key('Engine'):
                    engine = thisTable['Engine']
                    engine = 'InnoDB'

                cmd = 'CREATE TABLE `%s` (\n%s\n) ENGINE=%s' % (
                    table, ',\n'.join(cmdList), engine)
                retDict = self._update(cmd)
                if not retDict['OK']:
                    return retDict
                self.logger.info('Table %s created' % table)

        return S_OK()
Example #29
    def getPilotInfo(self,
        """ Get all the information for the pilot job reference or reference list

        parameters = [
            'PilotJobReference', 'OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'GridType', 'Broker',
            'Status', 'DestinationSite', 'BenchMark', 'ParentID',
            'OutputReady', 'AccountingSent', 'SubmissionTime', 'PilotID',
            'LastUpdateTime', 'TaskQueueID', 'GridSite', 'PilotStamp', 'Queue'
        if paramNames:
            parameters = paramNames

        cmd = "SELECT %s FROM PilotAgents" % ", ".join(parameters)
        condSQL = []
        if pilotRef:
            if isinstance(pilotRef, list):
                condSQL.append("PilotJobReference IN (%s)" %
                               ",".join(['"%s"' % x for x in pilotRef]))
                condSQL.append("PilotJobReference = '%s'" % pilotRef)
        if pilotID:
            if isinstance(pilotID, list):
                condSQL.append("PilotID IN (%s)" %
                               ",".join(['%s' % x for x in pilotID]))
                condSQL.append("PilotID = '%s'" % pilotID)
        if parentId:
            if isinstance(parentId, list):
                condSQL.append("ParentID IN (%s)" %
                               ",".join(['%s' % x for x in parentId]))
                condSQL.append("ParentID = %s" % parentId)
        if condSQL:
            cmd = "%s WHERE %s" % (cmd, " AND ".join(condSQL))

        result = self._query(cmd, conn=conn)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not result['Value']:
            msg = "No pilots found"
            if pilotRef:
                msg += " for PilotJobReference(s): %s" % pilotRef
            if parentId:
                msg += " with parent id: %s" % parentId
            return S_ERROR(msg)

        resDict = {}
        pilotIDs = []
        for row in result['Value']:
            pilotDict = {}
            for i in range(len(parameters)):
                pilotDict[parameters[i]] = row[i]
                if parameters[i] == 'PilotID':
            resDict[row[0]] = pilotDict

        result = self.getJobsForPilot(pilotIDs)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_OK(resDict)

        jobsDict = result['Value']
        for pilotRef in resDict:
            pilotInfo = resDict[pilotRef]
            pilotID = pilotInfo['PilotID']
            if pilotID in jobsDict:
                pilotInfo['Jobs'] = jobsDict[pilotID]

        return S_OK(resDict)
Example #30
  def makeDir(self,path):
    """ Create a new directory entry
    result = self.findDir(path)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    dirID = result['Value']
    if dirID:
      result = S_OK(dirID)
      result['NewDirectory'] = False
      return result  
    dpath = path 
    if path == '/':
      level = 0
      elements = []
      parentDirID = 0
      if path[0] == "/":
        dpath = path[1:]  
      elements = dpath.split('/')
      level = len(elements)
      if level > MAX_LEVELS:
        return S_ERROR('Too many directory levels: %d' % level)
      result = self.getParent(path)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      parentDirID = result['Value']
    epathList = []
    if parentDirID:
      result = self.__getNumericPath(parentDirID)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      epathList = result['Value']
    names = ['DirName','Level','Parent']
    values = [path,level,parentDirID]
    if path != '/':
      for i in range(1,level,1):                
        names.append('LPATH%d' % i) 
    result = self.db._getConnection()
    conn = result['Value']  
    #result = self.db._query("LOCK TABLES FC_DirectoryLevelTree WRITE; ",conn)
    result = self.db._insert('FC_DirectoryLevelTree',names,values,conn)    
    if not result['OK']:
      #resUnlock = self.db._query("UNLOCK TABLES;",conn)      
      if result['Message'].find('Duplicate') != -1:
        #The directory is already added
        resFind = self.findDir(path)
        if not resFind['OK']:
          return resFind
        dirID = resFind['Value']
        result = S_OK(dirID)
        result['NewDirectory'] = False
        return result
        return result 
    dirID = result['lastRowId']
    # Update the path number
    if parentDirID:
#       lPath = "LPATH%d" % (level)
#       req = " SELECT @tmpvar:=max(%s)+1 FROM FC_DirectoryLevelTree WHERE Parent=%d; " % (lPath,parentDirID)
#       resultLock = self.db._query("LOCK TABLES FC_DirectoryLevelTree WRITE; ",conn)
#       result = self.db._query(req,conn)
#       req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryLevelTree SET %s=@tmpvar WHERE DirID=%d; " % (lPath,dirID)
#       result = self.db._update(req,conn)
#       result = self.db._query("UNLOCK TABLES;",conn)
      lPath = "LPATH%d" % (level)
      req = " SELECT @tmpvar:=max(%s)+1 FROM FC_DirectoryLevelTree WHERE Parent=%d FOR UPDATE; " % ( lPath, parentDirID )
      resultLock = self.db._query( "START TRANSACTION; ", conn )
      result = self.db._query(req,conn)
      req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryLevelTree SET %s=@tmpvar WHERE DirID=%d; " % (lPath,dirID)   
      result = self.db._update(req,conn)
      result = self.db._query( "COMMIT;", conn )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      result = self.db._query( "ROLLBACK;", conn )
    result = S_OK(dirID)
    result['NewDirectory'] = True
    return result  
Example #31
    def __preparePerfSONARConfiguration(self, endpointList):
        Prepare a dictionary with a new CS configuration of perfSONAR endpoints.

        :return: Dictionary where keys are configuration paths (options and sections)
                 and values are values of corresponding options
                 or None in case of a path pointing to a section.

        log = self.log.getSubLogger("__preparePerfSONARConfiguration")
        log.debug("Begin function ...")

        # static elements of a path
        rootPath = "/Resources/Sites"
        extPath = "Network"
        baseOptionName = "Enabled"
        options = {baseOptionName: "True", "ServiceType": "perfSONAR"}

        # enable GOCDB endpoints in configuration
        newConfiguration = {}
        for endpoint in endpointList:
            if endpoint["DIRACSITENAME"] is None:

            split = endpoint["DIRACSITENAME"].split(".")
            path = cfgPath(rootPath, split[0], endpoint["DIRACSITENAME"],
                           extPath, endpoint["HOSTNAME"])
            for name, defaultValue in options.items():
                newConfiguration[cfgPath(path, name)] = defaultValue

        # get current configuration
        currentConfiguration = {}
        for option in options:
            result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree(rootPath, extPath + "/",
                                                  "/" + option)
            if not result["OK"]:
                log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" %
                return S_ERROR("Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from CS.")

        # disable endpoints that disappeared in GOCDB
        removedElements = set(currentConfiguration) - set(newConfiguration)
        newElements = set(newConfiguration) - set(currentConfiguration)

        addedEndpoints = int(len(newElements) / len(options))
        disabledEndpoints = 0
        for path in removedElements:
            if baseOptionName in path:
                newConfiguration[path] = "False"
                if currentConfiguration[path] != "False":
                    disabledEndpoints = disabledEndpoints + 1

        # inform what will be changed
        if addedEndpoints > 0:
                "%s new perfSONAR endpoints will be added to the configuration"
                % addedEndpoints)

        if disabledEndpoints > 0:
                "%s old perfSONAR endpoints will be disable in the configuration"
                % disabledEndpoints)

        if addedEndpoints == 0 and disabledEndpoints == 0:
            self.log.info("perfSONAR configuration is up-to-date")

        log.debug("End function.")
        return S_OK(newConfiguration)