def _create_lut(self): if self.error: return # 创建查找表 lookup_table = prj_core( self.cmd, self.res, unit="deg", row=self.row, col=self.col) # 通过查找表和经纬度数据生成数据在全球的行列信息 lookup_table.create_lut(self.lons, self.lats) self.ii = lookup_table.lut_i self.jj = lookup_table.lut_j
def proj_gome(self): # 初始化投影参数 lookup_table = prj_core(self.cmd, self.res, self.row, self.col) # 返回投影查找表,投影中心点 ii, jj = lookup_table.lonslats2ij(self.centre_lon, self.centre_lat) for i in range(30): for j in range(24): self.centre_row[i][j] = ii[24 * i + j] self.centre_col[i][j] = jj[24 * i + j] # 投影角点 ii, jj = lookup_table.lonslats2ij(self.corner_lon, self.corner_lat) for i in range(30): for j in range(24): for m in range(4): self.corner_row[i][j][m] = ii[i * 24 * 4 + j * 4 + m] self.corner_col[i][j][m] = jj[i * 24 * 4 + j * 4 + m]
def _get_proj_info(self): if self.error: return # 创建查找表 proj = prj_core( self.cmd, self.res, unit="deg", row=self.row, col=self.col) # 通过查找表和经纬度数据生成数据在全球的行列信息 proj_i, proj_j = proj.lonslats2ij(self.lons, self.lats) # 数据在全球投底图行列号 data_row, data_col = self.lons.shape data_i, data_j = np.mgrid[0:data_row:1, 0:data_col:1] # 数据在数据中的行列号 # 过滤有效行列号 condition = np.logical_and.reduce((proj_i >= 0, proj_i < self.row, proj_j >= 0, proj_j < self.col)) self.lut_ii = proj_i[condition] # 有效数据在全球投底图行列号 self.lut_jj = proj_j[condition] # 有效数据在全球投底图行列号 self.data_ii = data_i[condition] # 有效数据在数据中的行列号 self.data_jj = data_j[condition] # 有效数据在数据中的行列号
def main(inYamlFile, mode): T1 = # 01 ICFG = 输入配置文件类 ########## ICFG = ReadYaml(inYamlFile) # 02 MCFG = 阈值配置文件类 modeFile = os.path.join( MainPath, 'cfg', '%s+%s_%s+%s.colloc' % (ICFG.sat1, ICFG.sensor1, ICFG.sat2, ICFG.sensor2)) MCFG = ReadModeYaml(modeFile) if not MCFG.rewrite: print 'skip' return # DCLC = DATA DCLC 匹配结果类 DCLC = COLLOC_COMM(ICFG.row, ICFG.col, MCFG.chan1) T2 = print 'read config:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 判断是否重写 if MCFG.rewrite: rewrite_mask = True else: if os.path.isfile(ICFG.ofile): rewrite_mask = False if rewrite_mask: T1 = # 03 解析 第一颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile in ICFG.ifile1: if '1' in mode: print 'L1' D1 = CLASS_MERSI_L1() D1.Load(inFile) D1.sun_earth(ICFG.ymd[0:8]) elif '0' in mode: print 'L1 PRE' D1 = CLASS_MERSI_L1_PRE() D1.Load(inFile) D1.get_coeff(ICFG.coeff_file) D1.get_new_ref() D1.sun_earth(ICFG.ymd[0:8]) # 04 投影,简历查找表 ########## print ICFG.cmd P1 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, row=ICFG.row, col=ICFG.col) P1.create_lut(D1.Lons, D1.Lats) # 05 解析 第二颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile2 in ICFG.ifile2: D2 = CLASS_MODIS_L1() D2.Load(inFile2) # 06 投影,简历查找表 ########## P2 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, row=ICFG.row, col=ICFG.col) P2.create_lut(D2.Lons, D2.Lats) # 07 粗匹配 ########## DCLC.save_rough_data(P1, P2, D1, D2, MCFG) T2 = print 'rough:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 08 精匹配 和订正可见光通道的ref值 ########## T1 = DCLC.save_fine_data(MCFG) T2 = print 'colloc:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 09 输出匹配结果 ########## T1 = DCLC.write_hdf5(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'write:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds()
def main(inYamlFile): T1 = ##########01 ICFG = 输入配置文件类 ########## ICFG = ReadYaml(inYamlFile) # 02 MCFG = 阈值配置文件类 modeFile = os.path.join( MainPath, 'cfg', '%s+%s_%s+%s.colloc' % (ICFG.sat1, ICFG.sensor1, ICFG.sat2, ICFG.sensor2)) MCFG = ReadModeYaml(modeFile) # DCLC = DATA DCLC 匹配结果类 DCLC = COLLOC_COMM(ICFG.row, ICFG.col, MCFG.chan1) T2 = print 'read config:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 判断是否重写 if os.path.isfile(ICFG.ofile): rewrite_mask = True else: rewrite_mask = False if not rewrite_mask: T1 = ##########03 解析 第一颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile in ICFG.ifile1: if 'MERSI' == ICFG.sensor1 and 'FY3C' in ICFG.sat1: D1 = CLASS_MERSI_L1() D1.Load(inFile) elif 'VIRR' == ICFG.sensor1 and 'FY3C' in ICFG.sat1: D1 = CLASS_VIRR_L1() D1.Load(inFile) elif 'IRAS' == ICFG.sensor1 and 'FY3C' in ICFG.sat1: D1 = CLASS_IRAS_L1() D1.Load(inFile) elif 'MERSI' == ICFG.sensor1 and 'FY3D' in ICFG.sat1: D1 = CLASS_MERSI2_L1() LutFile = '' D1.LutFile = LutFile D1.Load(inFile) elif 'AHI' == ICFG.sensor1: D1 = CLASS_HMW8_L1() D1.Load(inFile) geoFile = 'fygatNAV.Himawari08.xxxxxxx.000001_minmin.hdf' D1.Loadgeo(geoFile) else: print 'sensor1:%s not support' % ICFG.sensor1 ##########04 投影,简历查找表 ########## P1 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, row=ICFG.row, col=ICFG.col) P1.create_lut(D1.Lons, D1.Lats) ##########05 解析 第二颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile2 in ICFG.ifile2: if 'MODIS' == ICFG.sensor2: D2 = CLASS_MODIS_L1() D2.Load(inFile2) elif 'IASI' == ICFG.sensor2: D2 = CLASS_IASI_L1(MCFG.chan1) D2.Load(inFile2) D2.get_rad_tbb(D1, MCFG.chan1) elif 'GOME' == ICFG.sensor2: D2 = CLASS_GOME_L1(MCFG.chan1) D2.Load(inFile2) D2.get_rad_tbb(D1, MCFG.chan1) elif 'VIIRS' == ICFG.sensor2: D2 = CLASS_VIIRS_L1() D2.Load(inFile2) elif 'CRIS' == ICFG.sensor2: if 'SCRIF' in inFile2: print '全分辨率 cris' D2 = CLASS_CRIS_L1(MCFG.chan1) D2.LoadFull(inFile2) D2.gapFilling() D2.get_rad_tbb(D1, MCFG.chan1) else: print '低辨率 cris' D2 = CLASS_CRIS_L1(MCFG.chan1) D2.Load(inFile2) D2.get_rad_tbb(D1, MCFG.chan1) else: print 'sensor1:%s not support' % ICFG.sensor2 ##########06 投影,简历查找表 ########## P2 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, row=ICFG.row, col=ICFG.col) P2.create_lut(D2.Lons, D2.Lats) ##########07 粗匹配 ########## DCLC.save_rough_data(P1, P2, D1, D2, MCFG) T2 = print 'rough:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() else: T1 = DCLC.reload_data(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'reload:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() ##########08 精匹配 和订正可见光通道的ref值 ########## T1 = DCLC.save_fine_data(MCFG) DCLC.correct_target_ref_data() # 最后一步 必须放在最后 T2 = print 'colloc:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() ##########09 输出匹配结果 ########## if rewrite_mask: T1 = DCLC.rewrite_hdf5(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'rewrite:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() elif MCFG.rewrite: T1 = DCLC.write_hdf5(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'write:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() ##########10 对结果进行绘图 ########## if MCFG.drawmap: T1 = DCLC.draw_dclc(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'map:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds()
def draw(self, in_file, proj_file, dataset_name, vmin=None, vmax=None): if self.error: return # 加载 Proj 数据 if os.path.isfile(proj_file): try: with h5py.File(proj_file, 'r') as h5: lut_ii = h5.get("lut_ii")[:] lut_jj = h5.get("lut_jj")[:] data_ii = h5.get("data_ii")[:] data_jj = h5.get("data_jj")[:] except Exception as why: print why print "Can't open file: {}".format(proj_file) return else: print "File does not exist: {}".format(proj_file) return with time_block("Draw load", switch=TIME_TEST): # 加载产品数据 if os.path.isfile(in_file): try: with h5py.File(in_file, 'r') as h5: proj_value = h5.get(dataset_name)[:][data_ii, data_jj] except Exception as why: print why print "Can't open file: {}".format(in_file) return else: print "File does not exist: {}".format(in_file) return if vmin is not None: vmin = vmin if vmax is not None: vmax = vmax p = dv_map.dv_map() p.title = "{} {}".format(dataset_name, self.ymd) # 增加省边界 # p1.show_china_province = True p.delat = 30 p.delon = 30 p.show_line_of_latlon = False # p.colormap = 'gist_rainbow' # p.colormap = 'viridis' # p.colormap = 'brg' # 创建查找表 lookup_table = prj_core( self.cmd, self.res, unit="deg", row=self.row, col=self.col) lookup_table.grid_lonslats() lons = lookup_table.lons lats = lookup_table.lats # 创建完整的数据投影 value = np.full((self.row, self.col), self.fill_value, dtype='f4') value[lut_ii, lut_jj] = proj_value value =, 0) # 掩掉 <=0 的数据 # 乘数据的系数,水色产品为 0.001 slope = 0.001 value = value * slope p.easyplot(lats, lons, value, ptype=None, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, markersize=0.1, marker='o') out_png_path = os.path.dirname(in_file) out_png = os.path.join(out_png_path, '{}.png'.format(dataset_name)) pb_io.make_sure_path_exists(os.path.dirname(out_png)) p.savefig(out_png, dpi=300)
def combine(self): if self.error: return # 如果输出文件已经存在,跳过 elif os.path.isfile(self.ofile): self.error = True print "File is already exist, skip it: {}".format(self.ofile) return # 合成日数据 elif pb_io.is_none(self.ifile, self.pfile, self.ofile): self.error = True print "Is None: ifile or pfile or ofile: {}".format(self.yaml_file) return elif len(self.ifile) < 1: self.error = True print "File count lower than 1: {}".format(self.yaml_file) fill_value = -32767 for file_idx, in_file in enumerate(self.ifile): proj_file = self.pfile[file_idx] if os.path.isfile(in_file) and os.path.isfile(proj_file): print "*" * 100 print "Start combining file:" print "<<< {}\n<<< {}".format(in_file, proj_file) else: print "File is not exist: {} OR {}".format(in_file, proj_file) continue # 加载 proj 数据 self.load_proj_data(proj_file) # 日合成 with time_block("One combine time:", switch=TIME_TEST): try: with h5py.File(in_file, 'r') as h5: for k in h5.keys(): # 记录属性信息 if k not in self.attrs: self.attrs[k] = pb_io.attrs2dict( h5.get(k).attrs) if k == "Longitude" or k == "Latitude": continue elif k not in self.out_data: if k == "Ocean_Flag": self.out_data[k] = np.full( (self.row, self.col), fill_value, dtype='i4') else: self.out_data[k] = np.full( (self.row, self.col), fill_value, dtype='i2') # 合并一个数据 proj_data = h5.get(k)[:] self.out_data[k][self.lut_ii, self.lut_jj] = proj_data[ self.data_ii, self.data_jj] except Exception as why: print why print "Can't combine file, some error exist: {}".format( in_file) with time_block("Grid to lons and lats time:", switch=TIME_TEST): if "Longitude" not in self.out_data: lookup_table = prj_core(self.cmd, self.res, unit="deg", row=self.row, col=self.col) lookup_table.grid_lonslats() self.out_data["Longitude"] = lookup_table.lons self.out_data["Latitude"] = lookup_table.lats # 输出数据集有效数据的数量 keys = [x for x in self.out_data] keys.sort() for k in keys: if self.out_data[k] is None: print k continue idx = np.where(self.out_data[k] > 0) print "{:30} : {}".format(k, len(idx[0]))
def combine(self): all_time_start = datetime.utcnow() if self.error: return # 如果输出文件已经存在,跳过 elif os.path.isfile(self.ofile): self.error = True print "File is already exist, skip it: {}".format(self.ofile) return # 合成日数据 elif pb_io.is_none(self.ifile, self.pfile, self.ofile): self.error = True print "Is None: ifile or pfile or ofile: {}".format(self.yaml_file) return elif len(self.ifile) < 1: self.error = True print "File count lower than 1: {}".format(self.yaml_file) self.load_proj_files(self.pfile) # 读取投影文件 fill_value = -32767 with h5py.File(self.ifile[0], 'r') as h5: data_names = h5.keys() data_names.sort() for k in h5.keys(): # 记录属性信息 if k not in self.attrs: self.attrs[k] = pb_io.attrs2dict(h5.get(k).attrs) file_count = len(self.ifile) data_count = list() date_start = datetime.utcnow() for data_name in data_names: if data_name == "Longitude" or data_name == "Latitude" or data_name == "Ocean_Flag": continue if 'Azimuth' in data_name or 'Zenith' in data_name or data_name == 'chl': continue data = list() count = 0 # 读取所有的数据 for in_file in self.ifile: filename = os.path.basename(in_file) k = filename.split('_1000M')[0] data_ii, data_jj = self.data_ij[k] with h5py.File(in_file, 'r') as hdf5: data_read = hdf5.get(data_name)[:][data_ii, data_jj] data = np.append(data, data_read) date_end = datetime.utcnow() - date_start count += 1 print 'Combine {} {}/{} {}'.format(data_name, count, file_count, date_end) condition = np.logical_and(data != 32767, data != -32767) condition = np.logical_and(condition, data != 0) lut_ii = self.lut_ii[condition] lut_jj = self.lut_jj[condition] data = data[condition] data_count.append((data_name, len(data))) if not len(data) == 0: ijd = dict() date_start = datetime.utcnow() for i, j, d in zip(lut_ii, lut_jj, data): local = (i, j) if local not in ijd: ijd[local] = [d] else: data_list = ijd[local] data_list.append(d) date_end = datetime.utcnow() - date_start print date_end local = ijd.keys() local = np.array(local) lut_ii = local[:, 0].astype(np.int16) lut_jj = local[:, 1].astype(np.int16) data = ijd.values() date_start = datetime.utcnow() mean_ = np.vectorize(mean_data) data = mean_(data) date_end = datetime.utcnow() - date_start print date_end out_data = np.full((self.row, self.col), fill_value, dtype='i2') data = data.reshape(-1) out_data[lut_ii, lut_jj] = data else: out_data = np.full((self.row, self.col), fill_value, dtype='i2') self.write(out_data, data_name, self.ofile) # 输出经纬度数据集 lookup_table = prj_core(self.cmd, self.res, unit="deg", row=self.row, col=self.col) lookup_table.grid_lonslats() longitude = lookup_table.lons latitude = lookup_table.lats data_name = "Longitude" self.write(longitude, data_name, self.ofile) data_name = "Latitude" self.write(latitude, data_name, self.ofile) # 输出海陆标记和方位角 for data_name in [ 'SensorAzimuth', 'SensorZenith', 'SolarAzimuth', 'SolarZenith', 'Ocean_Flag', 'chl' ]: out_data = np.full((self.row, self.col), fill_value, dtype='i4') data = list() for in_file in self.ifile: filename = os.path.basename(in_file) k = filename.split('_1000M')[0] data_ii, data_jj = self.data_ij[k] with h5py.File(in_file, 'r') as hdf5: data_read = hdf5.get(data_name)[:][data_ii, data_jj] data = np.append(data, data_read) data = np.reshape(data, -1) lut_ii = self.lut_ii.astype(np.int16) lut_jj = self.lut_jj.astype(np.int16) out_data[lut_ii, lut_jj] = data self.write(out_data, data_name, self.ofile) # 输出数据集有效数据的数量 for count in data_count: print "{:30} : {}".format(count[0], count[1]) all_time_end = datetime.utcnow() - all_time_start print all_time_end
def main(inYamlFile): T1 = # 01 ICFG = 输入配置文件类 ########## ICFG = ReadYaml(inYamlFile) # 02 MCFG = 阈值配置文件类 modeFile = os.path.join( MainPath, 'cfg', '%s+%s_%s+%s_L3.colloc' % (ICFG.sat1, ICFG.sensor1, ICFG.sat2, ICFG.sensor2)) MCFG = ReadModeYaml(modeFile) if not MCFG.rewrite: print 'skip' return P1 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, unit='deg', pt_tl=(-179.5, 89.5), pt_br=(179.5, -89.5)) P2 = prj_core(ICFG.cmd, ICFG.res, unit='deg', pt_tl=(-179.5, 89.5), pt_br=(179.5, -89.5)) # DCLC = DATA DCLC 匹配结果类 row, col = P1.lons.shape DCLC = COLLOC_COMM(row, col, MCFG.chan1) T2 = print 'read config:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 判断是否重写 if MCFG.rewrite: rewrite_mask = True else: if os.path.isfile(ICFG.ofile): rewrite_mask = False if rewrite_mask: T1 = # 03 解析 第一颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile in ICFG.ifile1: print 'L3' D1 = CLASS_MERSI_L3() D1.Load(inFile) # 04 投影,简历查找表 ########## print ICFG.cmd P1.create_lut(D1.Lons, D1.Lats) # 05 解析 第二颗传感器的L1数据 ########## for inFile2 in ICFG.ifile2: D2 = CLASS_MODIS_L3() D2.Load(inFile2) # 06 投影,简历查找表 ########## P2.create_lut(D2.Lons, D2.Lats) # 07 粗匹配 ########## DCLC.save_rough_data(P1, P2, D1, D2, MCFG) T2 = print 'rough:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 08 精匹配 和订正可见光通道的ref值 ########## T1 = DCLC.save_fine_data(MCFG) T2 = print 'colloc:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds() # 09 输出匹配结果 ########## T1 = DCLC.write_hdf5(ICFG, MCFG) T2 = print 'write:', (T2 - T1).total_seconds()