import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from DQMOffline.Trigger.metMonitoring_cfi import metMonitoring

hltMETmonitoring = metMonitoring.clone()
hltMETmonitoring.FolderName = cms.string('HLT/MET/PFMETNoMu120/')
hltMETmonitoring.histoPSet.lsPSet = cms.PSet(
hltMETmonitoring.histoPSet.metPSet = cms.PSet(

hltMETmonitoring.met = cms.InputTag("pfMetEI")  # pfMet
hltMETmonitoring.jets = cms.InputTag("pfJetsEI")  # ak4PFJets, ak4PFJetsCHS
hltMETmonitoring.electrons = cms.InputTag(
    "gedGsfElectrons")  # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
hltMETmonitoring.muons = cms.InputTag(
    "muons")  # while pfIsolatedMuonsEI are reco::PFCandidate !

hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOr = cms.bool(False)
#hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.dbLabel       = cms.string("ExoDQMTrigger") # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOrHlt = cms.bool(
    True)  # True:=OR; False:=AND
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltInputTag = cms.InputTag(
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring(
Example #2
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from DQMOffline.Trigger.metMonitoring_cfi import metMonitoring

hltMETmonitoring = metMonitoring.clone()
hltMETmonitoring.FolderName = cms.string('HLT/JME/MET/PFMETNoMu120/')
hltMETmonitoring.histoPSet.lsPSet = cms.PSet(
  nbins = cms.uint32 ( 250 ),
  xmin  = cms.double(    0.),
  xmax  = cms.double( 2500.),
hltMETmonitoring.histoPSet.metPSet = cms.PSet(
  nbins = cms.uint32 (200),
  xmin  = cms.double(-0.5),
  xmax  = cms.double(19999.5),

hltMETmonitoring.met       = cms.InputTag("pfMetEI") # pfMet
hltMETmonitoring.jets      = cms.InputTag("pfJetsEI") # ak4PFJets, ak4PFJetsCHS
hltMETmonitoring.electrons = cms.InputTag("gedGsfElectrons") # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
hltMETmonitoring.muons     = cms.InputTag("muons") # while pfIsolatedMuonsEI are reco::PFCandidate !

hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOr         = cms.bool( False )
#hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.dbLabel       = cms.string("ExoDQMTrigger") # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOrHlt      = cms.bool(True)# True:=OR; False:=AND
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltInputTag   = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults::HLT" )
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths      = cms.vstring("HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v*") # HLT_ZeroBias_v
#hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltDBKey      = cms.string("EXO_HLT_MET")
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.errorReplyHlt = cms.bool( False )
hltMETmonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.verbosityLevel = cms.uint32(0)
Example #3
hltMETmonitoring = metMonitoring.clone(
    FolderName = 'HLT/JME/MET/PFMETNoMu120/',
    met       = "pfMet", # pfMet
    jets      = "ak4PFJets", # ak4PFJets, ak4PFJetsCHS
    electrons = "gedGsfElectrons", # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
    muons     = "muons", # while pfIsolatedMuonsEI are reco::PFCandidate !

    histoPSet = dict(lsPSet = dict(
                         nbins =  250,
                         xmin  =   0.,
                         xmax  =  2500.),
                    metPSet = dict(
                         nbins = 200,
                         xmin  = -0.5,
                         xmax  = 19999.5)

    numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
        andOr         = False,
        #dbLabel       = "ExoDQMTrigger", # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
        andOrHlt      = True, # True:=OR; False:=AND
        hltInputTag   =  "TriggerResults::HLT",
        hltPaths      = ["HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v*"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v
        #hltDBKey      = "EXO_HLT_MET",
        errorReplyHlt =  False,
        verbosityLevel = 0),

    denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
        andOr         =  False,
        dcsInputTag   = "scalersRawToDigi",
        dcsRecordInputTag = "onlineMetaDataDigis",
        dcsPartitions = [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], # 24-27: strip, 28-29: pixel, we should add all other detectors !
        andOrDcs      = False, 
        errorReplyDcs = True, 
        verbosityLevel = 1,
        hltPaths      = ["HLT_IsoMu27_v*"])
       # hltPaths      = [])