def __init__(self, user_list, cookie_list=None): """ :param user_list: a list of users :param cookie_list: a list of cookies, default to be None :return: """ if cookie_list is not None: self.cookies = cookie_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_cookie() self.parser = HtmlParser() else: # need login by users self.users = user_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_user() self.parser = HtmlParser() self.database = Database() self.main_fetcher = 0 # current fetcher index self.follower_list = [] # store followers self.followee_list = [] # store followees self.timeline_list = [] # store timelines self.profile_list = [] # store profiles self.start_time = self.end_time = None
def set_user_deleted_by_uid(self, uid): db = Database() db.connect() cursor = db.session.query(Dao.Task).filter(Dao.Task.uid == uid).one() cursor.is_deleted = '1' db.close()
def get_accounts(limit): ''' :param limit: :return: user_list: a list of User objects denoting for Sina accounts ''' db = Database() db.connect() user_list = [] users = db.session.query(Account).filter(Account.is_available=='1', Account.is_deleted=='0').limit(limit) for u in users: u.is_available = '0' user_list.append(User(u.account, u.passwd)) db.close() return user_list
def get_tasks(limit): ''' :param limit: specify how many tasks we are going to fetch from db :return: task_list: a list with uids ''' db = Database() db.connect() task_list = [] tasks = db.session.query(Task).filter(Task.is_available=='1', Task.is_deleted=='0').limit(limit) for t in tasks: t.is_available = '0' task_list.append(t.uid) db.close() return task_list
def get_accounts(limit): ''' :param limit: :return: user_list: a list of User objects denoting for Sina accounts ''' db = Database() db.connect() user_list = [] users = db.session.query(Account).filter( Account.is_available == '1', Account.is_deleted == '0').limit(limit) for u in users: u.is_available = '0' user_list.append(User(u.account, u.passwd)) db.close() return user_list
def get_tasks(limit): ''' :param limit: specify how many tasks we are going to fetch from db :return: task_list: a list with uids ''' db = Database() db.connect() task_list = [] tasks = db.session.query(Task).filter(Task.is_available == '1', Task.is_deleted == '0').limit(limit) for t in tasks: t.is_available = '0' task_list.append(t.uid) db.close() return task_list
import os.path from Dao import Account from Dao import Database if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = 'weibo_accounts.txt' if not os.path.isfile(file_name): print 'The file containing accounts must be named as "%s" !' % ( file_name, ) exit(-1) account_list = [] with open(file_name, 'r') as reader: for line in reader: if line.strip('\r\n\t') == '': continue act = line.split('----')[0] pwd = line.split('----')[1].strip('\n') account = Account({'account': act, 'passwd': pwd}) account_list.append(account) db = Database() db.connect() for act in account_list: db.session.merge(act) db.close() print 'Adding accounts finished!'
import os.path from Dao import Account from Dao import Database if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = 'weibo_accounts.txt' if not os.path.isfile(file_name): print 'The file containing accounts must be named as "%s" !' % (file_name, ) exit(-1) account_list = [] with open(file_name, 'r') as reader: for line in reader: if line.strip('\r\n\t') == '': continue act = line.split('----')[0] pwd = line.split('----')[1].strip('\n') account = Account({'account':act, 'passwd':pwd}) account_list.append(account) db = Database() db.connect() for act in account_list: db.session.merge(act) db.close() print 'Adding accounts finished!'
class Spider(object): def __init__(self, user_list, cookie_list=None): """ :param user_list: a list of users :param cookie_list: a list of cookies, default to be None :return: """ if cookie_list is not None: self.cookies = cookie_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_cookie() self.parser = HtmlParser() else: # need login by users self.users = user_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_user() self.parser = HtmlParser() self.database = Database() self.main_fetcher = 0 # current fetcher index self.follower_list = [] # store followers self.followee_list = [] # store followees self.timeline_list = [] # store timelines self.profile_list = [] # store profiles self.start_time = self.end_time = None def delete_enterprise_user(self, uid): ''' :param uid: to delete :return: ''' Dao.Task.delete_user(uid) def ban_account(self): url = '' html = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) is_exceptional = self.parser.is_exceptional(html) is_frozen = self.parser.is_frozen(html) if is_exceptional is False and is_frozen is False: return account = self.users[self.main_fetcher].acct Dao.Account.ban(account) emphasis_print('One account has been banned!!!') self.users.pop(self.main_fetcher) self.fetchers.pop(self.main_fetcher) if self.main_fetcher == len(self.fetchers): self.main_fetcher = 0 if len(self.fetchers) == 0: raise Exception('No valid account!') def reset_account(self): account = self.users[self.main_fetcher] accounts = [] accounts.append(account) Dao.Account.reset(accounts) emphasis_print('One account expires!!!') self.users.pop(self.main_fetcher) self.fetchers.pop(self.main_fetcher) if self.main_fetcher == len(self.fetchers): self.main_fetcher = 0 if len(self.fetchers) == 0: raise Exception('No valid account!') def collect_user_information(self, uid): print 'Collecting information for User %s...' % (uid,) pid = self.get_pid(uid) if pid == '': print 'User does not exist!' self.set_user_deleted_by_uid(uid) return 404 elif pid == -1: print 'This user is an enterprise user!' self.delete_enterprise_user(uid) return -1 self.get_followers(pid) print 'Followers crawled.' self.get_followees(pid) print 'Followees crawled.' self.get_timelines(uid) print 'Timelines crawled.' self.get_profile(pid) print 'Pofile crawled.' def collect_user_profiles_only(self, uid): print 'Collecting profile for User %s...' % (uid,) pid = self.get_pid(uid) if pid == '': print 'User does not exist!' self.set_user_deleted_by_uid(uid) return 404 self.get_profile(pid) print 'Profile crawled.' def get_fetchers_by_user(self): """ initialize self.fetchers by user :return: """ wb = Weibo() for user in self.users: fetcher = wb.login(user) if fetcher is not None: emphasis_print('User: %s login success!' % (user.acct,)) self.fetchers.append(fetcher) else: emphasis_print('User: %s login failure!' % (user.acct,)) print 'Get all fetchers by users!\n' def get_fetchers_by_cookie(self): """ initialize self.fetchers by cookie :return: """ pass def get_pid(self, uid): """ :param uid: :return: corresponding pid """ fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] url = '' % (uid,) while True: html = open_url(fetcher, url) parsed_uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if parsed_uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue # make sure that the html is correct. is_enterprise = self.parser.parse_is_enterprise(html) if is_enterprise is True: return -1 # -1 denotes this user is an enterprise pid = self.parser.parse_pid(html) if pid is not None: return pid else: log.error('Cannot get pid for uid:%s' % (uid,)) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) def get_followers(self, pid): url = '' + pid + '/follow?relate=fans&from=' + pid[:6] + '&wvr=6&mod=headfans#place' while True: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue fer_page_num = self.get_follower_page_num(html) if fer_page_num is not None: break else: log.warning('Cannot get total follower page number for pid:%s' % (pid,)) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) if fer_page_num == 0: print 'He/She does not have any followers.' return else: print 'Getting follower page 1 of %d...' % (fer_page_num,) followers = self.parser.parse_followers(html, pid, self.follower_list.extend(followers) # followers cannot be None since it's been tested in self.get_follower_page_num(html)-> self.parser.parse_follower_page_num(html) if fer_page_num == 1: return for i in xrange(2, fer_page_num+1): while True: url = '' % (pid, pid[:6], i) print 'Getting follower page %d of %d...' % (i, fer_page_num) html = open_url(fetcher, url) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) followers = self.parser.parse_followers(html, pid, if followers is None: # dirty html log.warning('Cannot parse follower page - pid:%s, page num:%d' % (pid, i)) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue self.follower_list.extend(followers) break def get_follower_page_num(self, html): """ get the number of follower pages, up to 5. :param html: :return: """ fer_pnum = self.parser.parse_follower_page_num(html) if fer_pnum is None: return None if fer_pnum > 6: fer_pnum = 5 return fer_pnum def get_followees(self, pid): url = '' + pid + '/follow?from=page_' + pid[:6] + '&wvr=6&mod=headfollow#place' while True: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue fee_page_num = self.get_followee_page_num(html) if fee_page_num is not None: break else: log.warning('Cannot get followee page total number - pid:%s' % (pid,)) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) if fee_page_num == 0: print 'He/She does not follow any one.' return else: print 'Getting followee page 1 of %d...' % (fee_page_num,) followees = self.parser.parse_followees(html, pid, self.followee_list.extend(followees) # followees cannot be None since it's been tested in self.get_followee_page_num(html)-> self.parser.parse_followee_page_num(html) if fee_page_num == 1: return for i in xrange(2, fee_page_num+1): while True: url = '' % (pid, pid[:6], i) print 'Getting followee page %d of %d...' % (i, fee_page_num) html = open_url(fetcher, url) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) followees = self.parser.parse_followees(html, pid, if followees is None: # dirty html log.warning('Cannot parse followee page correctly - pid:%s' % (pid,)) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue self.followee_list.extend(followees) break def get_followee_page_num(self, html): """ get the number of followee pates, no value more than five :param html: :return: """ fee_pnum = self.parser.parse_followee_page_num(html) if fee_pnum is None: return None if fee_pnum > 6: fee_pnum = 5 return fee_pnum def get_timelines(self, uid): """ get all timelines of user with this uid :param uid: :return: """ fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] timeline_page_num, first_page = self.get_timeline_page_num(uid) if timeline_page_num == 0: print 'No any posts.' return else: for pt in first_page: self.timeline_list.extend(self.parser.parse_timelines(pt, uid, if timeline_page_num == 1: print 'He/She just has one page timeline.' return timelines = [] for pnum in xrange(2, timeline_page_num+1): print 'There are totally %d timeline pages.' % (timeline_page_num,) for bnum in xrange(3): html = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, pnum, bnum) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) if html is not None: timelines = self.parser.parse_timelines(html, uid, self.timeline_list.extend(timelines) self.end_time = duration = self.end_time - self.start_time if duration.seconds > Config.ACCOUNT_CHANGE_TIME: self.main_fetcher = loop_increase(self.main_fetcher, len(self.fetchers)) self.start_time = emphasis_print('Account changed!!!') emphasis_print('Now %d of %d accounts are working!' % (self.main_fetcher+1, len(self.fetchers))) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_TIMELINE_PAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_TIMELINE_PAGES)) def fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(self, uid, pnum, bnum): """ fetch timelines by specifying page number and bar number :param uid: :param pnum: page number :param bnum: bar number :return: html containing timelines or None if there are no timelines """ body = { # 这个是有抓包得出的,因为新浪微博用了瀑布流动态加载,所以不能一次性得到一页中所有信息 '__rnd':1343647638078, '_k':1343647471134109, '_t':0, 'count':15, 'end_id':3473519214542343, 'max_id':3473279479126179, 'page':1, 'pagebar':1, 'pre_page':1, 'uid':uid } body['page'] = pnum if bnum == 0: body['count'] = '50' body['pagebar'] = '' body['pre_page'] = pnum-1 elif bnum == 1: body['count'] = '15' body['pagebar'] = '0' body['pre_page'] = pnum elif bnum == 2: body['count'] = '15' body['pagebar'] = '1' body['pre_page'] = pnum url = '' + urllib.urlencode(body) while True: try: print 'Getting timeline page %d part %d...' % (pnum, bnum+1) # bnum starts with zero up to two jsn_data = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) if self.parser.is_frozen(jsn_data): self.ban_account() continue data = json.loads(jsn_data) html = data['data'] if u'WB_feed_type SW_fun S_line2' in html: return html else: return None except Exception as e: if 'No valid account!' in e.message: raise e if 'No JSON object could be decoded' in e.message: if self.parser.is_visitor(jsn_data) is True: self.reset_account() else: self.ban_account() log.warning(e.message) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2*Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue def get_timeline_page_num(self, uid): """ :param uid: :return: page number and one or two pages, which will decrease accesses to Sina server """ htmls = [] # keep the pages to decrease accesses to Sina while True: first_page_head = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 0) if first_page_head is None: # no any posts return 0, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_head) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) first_page_body = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 1) if first_page_body is None: return 1, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_body) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) first_page_tail = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 2) if first_page_tail is None: # just one page of timelines return 1, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_tail) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) pnum = self.parser.parse_timeline_page_num(first_page_tail) # this page number is not accurate, so we will recount it in the next step if pnum is None or pnum == 1: return 1, htmls while True: url = '' % (uid, pnum) test_html = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) no_post = 'W_icon icon_warnB' if no_post in test_html: pnum -= 1 # fixing page number else: break return pnum, htmls def get_profile(self, pid): ''' get profile information for User marked with pid :param pid: page id :return: ''' url = '' % (pid,) uid = pid[6:] is_taobao = None while is_taobao is None: try: is_taobao = self.is_taobao(uid) # get taobao information in advance if is_taobao == -1: self.ban_account() is_taobao = None elif is_taobao == -2: self.reset_account() is_taobao = None except Exception as e: print e.message time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) profile = None print 'Getting profile page...' while profile is None: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) if self.parser.parse_uid(html) == -1: # if -1 that means this working account maybe be banned self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: # judge whether working account falls into visitor status self.reset_account() continue profile = self.parser.parse_profile(html, pid, is_taobao, time.sleep(random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2*Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) self.profile_list.append(profile) def is_taobao(self, uid): ''' :param uid: user ID :return: a boolean value ('1' or '0') indicating whether user is a taobao shopkeeper ''' fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] url = '' + uid html = open_url(fetcher, url) with open('debug_taobao.txt', 'w') as writer: writer.write(html) if self.parser.parse_uid(html) == -1: return -1 # account is banned elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: return -2 # account is in visitor status return self.parser.parse_is_taobao(html) def save(self): ''' save crawled information to DB :return: ''' self.transformation() self.clear_null_data() # this function must be called after self.transformation self.database.connect() for fee in self.followee_list: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Followee(fee)) for fer in self.follower_list: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Follower(fer)) for tl in self.timeline_list: try: tl['text'] = tl['text'].replace('', ' ') # is /001, so it's necessary to eliminate it tl['text'] = tl['text'].replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ') # remove all the linefeed except Exception as e: print e.message self.database.session.merge(Dao.Timeline(tl)) for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Job(jb)) for edu in pf['Education']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Education(edu)) del pf['Job'] del pf['Education'] self.database.session.merge(Dao.User(pf)) self.clear_buffer() self.database.close() def save_only_profile(self): self.transformation() self.clear_null_data() # this function must be called after self.transformation self.database.connect() for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Job(jb)) for edu in pf['Education']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Education(edu)) del pf['Job'] del pf['Education'] self.database.session.merge(Dao.User(pf)) self.clear_buffer() self.database.close() def transformation(self): ''' transfer keys of self.followee_list, self.follower_list, self.timeline_list and self.profile_list to fit field names in database :return: ''' for fee in self.followee_list: fee['uid'] = fee.pop('uid') fee['fee_uid'] = fee.pop('fee_uid') fee['fee_name'] = fee.pop('name') fee['fee_profile_img_url'] = fee.pop('profile_img') fee['fee_description'] = fee.pop('description') fee['fee_gender'] = fee.pop('gender') fee['fee_location'] = fee.pop('location') fee['fee_by'] = fee.pop('app_source') fee['fee_followee_num'] = fee.pop('followee_num') fee['fee_follower_num'] = fee.pop('follower_num') fee['fee_weibo_num'] = fee.pop('weibo_num') fee['fee_verified_type'] = fee.pop('verified_type') fee['fee_is_vip'] = fee.pop('is_vip') fee['fee_vip_level'] = fee.pop('vip_level') fee['fee_is_daren'] = fee.pop('is_daren') fee['fee_is_taobao'] = fee.pop('is_taobao') fee['fee_is_suishoupai'] = fee.pop('is_suishoupai') fee['fee_is_vlady'] = fee.pop('is_vlady') fee['fee_timestamp'] = fee.pop('timestamp') for fer in self.follower_list: fer['uid'] = fer.pop('uid') fer['fer_uid'] = fer.pop('fer_uid') fer['fer_name'] = fer.pop('name') fer['fer_profile_img_url'] = fer.pop('profile_img') fer['fer_description'] = fer.pop('description') fer['fer_gender'] = fer.pop('gender') fer['fer_location'] = fer.pop('location') fer['fer_by'] = fer.pop('app_source') fer['fer_followee_num'] = fer.pop('followee_num') fer['fer_follower_num'] = fer.pop('follower_num') fer['fer_weibo_num'] = fer.pop('weibo_num') fer['fer_verified_type'] = fer.pop('verified_type') fer['fer_is_vip'] = fer.pop('is_vip') fer['fer_vip_level'] = fer.pop('vip_level') fer['fer_is_daren'] = fer.pop('is_daren') fer['fer_is_taobao'] = fer.pop('is_taobao') fer['fer_is_suishoupai'] = fer.pop('is_suishoupai') fer['fer_is_vlady'] = fer.pop('is_vlady') fer['fer_timestamp'] = fer.pop('timestamp') for tl in self.timeline_list: tl['mid'] = tl.pop('mid') tl['encrypt_mid'] = tl.pop('encrypted_mid') tl['uid'] = tl.pop('uid') tl['retweet_num'] = tl.pop('retweet') tl['comment_num'] = tl.pop('comment') tl['favourite_num'] = tl.pop('favourite') tl['created_at'] = tl.pop('created_at') tl['from'] = tl.pop('app_source') tl['text'] = tl.pop('text') tl['entity'] = tl.pop('entity') tl['source_mid'] = tl.pop('source_mid') tl['source_uid'] = tl.pop('source_uid') tl['mentions'] = tl.pop('mentions') tl['check_in'] = tl.pop('check_in') tl['check_in_url'] = tl.pop('check_in_url') tl['is_deleted'] = tl.pop('is_deleted') tl['timestamp'] = tl.pop('timestamp') for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: jb['uid'] = pf['uid'] jb['timestamp'] = pf['timestamp'] jb['company'] = jb.pop('company') jb['location'] = jb.pop('location') jb['occupation'] = jb.pop('occupation') jb['time_period'] = jb.pop('period') for edu in pf['Education']: edu['uid'] = pf['uid'] edu['timestamp'] = pf['timestamp'] edu['school_name'] = edu.pop('university') edu['time_period'] = edu.pop('period') edu['department'] = edu.pop('department') edu['type'] = edu.pop('type') pf['uid'] = pf.pop('uid') pf['screen_name'] = pf.pop('nickname') pf['real_name'] = pf.pop('name') pf['location'] = pf.pop('location') pf['gender'] = pf.pop('gender') pf['sexual_orientation'] = pf.pop('sexual_orientation') pf['relationship_status'] = pf.pop('relationship_status') pf['birthday'] = pf.pop('birthday') pf['blood_type'] = pf.pop('blood_type') pf['blog'] = pf.pop('blog') pf['description'] = pf.pop('description') pf['email'] = pf.pop('email') pf['QQ'] = pf.pop('QQ') pf['MSN'] = pf.pop('MSN') pf['tag'] = pf.pop('tag') pf['followee_num'] = pf.pop('followee_num') pf['follower_num'] = pf.pop('follower_num') pf['weibo_num'] = pf.pop('weibo_num') pf['created_at'] = pf.pop('created_at') pf['profile_img_url'] = pf.pop('profile_img') pf['domain_id'] = pf.pop('domain_id') pf['domain_name'] = pf.pop('domain_name') pf['level'] = pf.pop('level') pf['experience'] = pf.pop('experience') pf['credit_level'] = pf.pop('credit_level') pf['credit_point'] = pf.pop('credit_point') pf['credit_history'] = pf.pop('credit_history') pf['is_vip'] = pf.pop('is_vip') pf['vip_level'] = pf.pop('vip_level') pf['is_yearly_pay'] = pf.pop('is_yearly_paid') pf['is_verified'] = pf.pop('is_verified') pf['verified_reason'] = pf.pop('verified_reason') pf['is_daren'] = pf.pop('is_daren') pf['daren_type'] = pf.pop('daren_type') pf['daren_point'] = pf.pop('daren_point') pf['daren_interest'] = pf.pop('daren_interest') pf['is_taobao'] = pf.pop('is_taobao') pf['not_exist'] = pf.pop('not_exist') pf['timestamp'] = pf.pop('timestamp') def clear_buffer(self): ''' clear memory buffer after storing the information :return: ''' self.followee_list = [] self.follower_list = [] self.timeline_list = [] self.profile_list = [] def clear_null_data(self): ''' clear empty or None data for all information :return: ''' followee_list = [] follower_list = [] timeline_list = [] profile_list = [] for fee in self.followee_list: dict = {} for key in fee: if fee[key] is None or fee[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = fee[key] followee_list.append(dict) self.followee_list = followee_list for fer in self.follower_list: dict = {} for key in fer: if fer[key] is None or fer[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = fer[key] follower_list.append(dict) self.follower_list = follower_list for tl in self.timeline_list: dict = {} for key in tl: if tl[key] is None or tl[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = tl[key] timeline_list.append(dict) self.timeline_list = timeline_list for pf in self.profile_list: dict = {} for key in pf: if pf[key] is None or pf[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = pf[key] profile_list.append(dict) self.profile_list = profile_list for pf in self.profile_list: job_list = [] edu_list = [] for job in pf['Job']: dict = {} for key in job: if job[key] is None or job[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = job[key] job_list.append(dict) pf['Job'] = job_list for edu in pf['Education']: dict = {} for key in edu: if edu[key] is None or edu[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = edu[key] edu_list.append(dict) pf['Education'] = edu_list def set_user_deleted_by_uid(self, uid): db = Database() db.connect() cursor = db.session.query(Dao.Task).filter(Dao.Task.uid == uid).one() cursor.is_deleted = '1' db.close()
class Spider(object): def __init__(self, user_list, cookie_list=None): """ :param user_list: a list of users :param cookie_list: a list of cookies, default to be None :return: """ if cookie_list is not None: self.cookies = cookie_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_cookie() self.parser = HtmlParser() else: # need login by users self.users = user_list self.fetchers = [] self.get_fetchers_by_user() self.parser = HtmlParser() self.database = Database() self.main_fetcher = 0 # current fetcher index self.follower_list = [] # store followers self.followee_list = [] # store followees self.timeline_list = [] # store timelines self.profile_list = [] # store profiles self.start_time = self.end_time = None def delete_enterprise_user(self, uid): ''' :param uid: to delete :return: ''' Dao.Task.delete_user(uid) def ban_account(self): url = '' html = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) is_exceptional = self.parser.is_exceptional(html) is_frozen = self.parser.is_frozen(html) if is_exceptional is False and is_frozen is False: return account = self.users[self.main_fetcher].acct Dao.Account.ban(account) emphasis_print('One account has been banned!!!') self.users.pop(self.main_fetcher) self.fetchers.pop(self.main_fetcher) if self.main_fetcher == len(self.fetchers): self.main_fetcher = 0 if len(self.fetchers) == 0: raise Exception('No valid account!') def reset_account(self): account = self.users[self.main_fetcher] accounts = [] accounts.append(account) Dao.Account.reset(accounts) emphasis_print('One account expires!!!') self.users.pop(self.main_fetcher) self.fetchers.pop(self.main_fetcher) if self.main_fetcher == len(self.fetchers): self.main_fetcher = 0 if len(self.fetchers) == 0: raise Exception('No valid account!') def collect_user_information(self, uid): print 'Collecting information for User %s...' % (uid, ) pid = self.get_pid(uid) if pid == '': print 'User does not exist!' self.set_user_deleted_by_uid(uid) return 404 elif pid == -1: print 'This user is an enterprise user!' self.delete_enterprise_user(uid) return -1 self.get_followers(pid) print 'Followers crawled.' self.get_followees(pid) print 'Followees crawled.' self.get_timelines(uid) print 'Timelines crawled.' self.get_profile(pid) print 'Pofile crawled.' def collect_user_profiles_only(self, uid): print 'Collecting profile for User %s...' % (uid, ) pid = self.get_pid(uid) if pid == '': print 'User does not exist!' self.set_user_deleted_by_uid(uid) return 404 self.get_profile(pid) print 'Profile crawled.' def get_fetchers_by_user(self): """ initialize self.fetchers by user :return: """ wb = Weibo() for user in self.users: fetcher = wb.login(user) if fetcher is not None: emphasis_print('User: %s login success!' % (user.acct, )) self.fetchers.append(fetcher) else: emphasis_print('User: %s login failure!' % (user.acct, )) print 'Get all fetchers by users!\n' def get_fetchers_by_cookie(self): """ initialize self.fetchers by cookie :return: """ pass def get_pid(self, uid): """ :param uid: :return: corresponding pid """ fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] url = '' % (uid, ) while True: html = open_url(fetcher, url) parsed_uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if parsed_uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue # make sure that the html is correct. is_enterprise = self.parser.parse_is_enterprise(html) if is_enterprise is True: return -1 # -1 denotes this user is an enterprise pid = self.parser.parse_pid(html) if pid is not None: return pid else: log.error('Cannot get pid for uid:%s' % (uid, )) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) def get_followers(self, pid): url = '' + pid + '/follow?relate=fans&from=' + pid[: 6] + '&wvr=6&mod=headfans#place' while True: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue fer_page_num = self.get_follower_page_num(html) if fer_page_num is not None: break else: log.warning( 'Cannot get total follower page number for pid:%s' % (pid, )) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) if fer_page_num == 0: print 'He/She does not have any followers.' return else: print 'Getting follower page 1 of %d...' % (fer_page_num, ) followers = self.parser.parse_followers(html, pid, self.follower_list.extend( followers ) # followers cannot be None since it's been tested in self.get_follower_page_num(html)-> self.parser.parse_follower_page_num(html) if fer_page_num == 1: return for i in xrange(2, fer_page_num + 1): while True: url = '' % ( pid, pid[:6], i) print 'Getting follower page %d of %d...' % (i, fer_page_num) html = open_url(fetcher, url) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) followers = self.parser.parse_followers( html, pid, if followers is None: # dirty html log.warning( 'Cannot parse follower page - pid:%s, page num:%d' % (pid, i)) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue self.follower_list.extend(followers) break def get_follower_page_num(self, html): """ get the number of follower pages, up to 5. :param html: :return: """ fer_pnum = self.parser.parse_follower_page_num(html) if fer_pnum is None: return None if fer_pnum > 6: fer_pnum = 5 return fer_pnum def get_followees(self, pid): url = '' + pid + '/follow?from=page_' + pid[: 6] + '&wvr=6&mod=headfollow#place' while True: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) uid = self.parser.parse_uid(html) if uid == -1: self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: self.reset_account() continue fee_page_num = self.get_followee_page_num(html) if fee_page_num is not None: break else: log.warning('Cannot get followee page total number - pid:%s' % (pid, )) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) if fee_page_num == 0: print 'He/She does not follow any one.' return else: print 'Getting followee page 1 of %d...' % (fee_page_num, ) followees = self.parser.parse_followees(html, pid, self.followee_list.extend( followees ) # followees cannot be None since it's been tested in self.get_followee_page_num(html)-> self.parser.parse_followee_page_num(html) if fee_page_num == 1: return for i in xrange(2, fee_page_num + 1): while True: url = '' % ( pid, pid[:6], i) print 'Getting followee page %d of %d...' % (i, fee_page_num) html = open_url(fetcher, url) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) followees = self.parser.parse_followees( html, pid, if followees is None: # dirty html log.warning( 'Cannot parse followee page correctly - pid:%s' % (pid, )) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue self.followee_list.extend(followees) break def get_followee_page_num(self, html): """ get the number of followee pates, no value more than five :param html: :return: """ fee_pnum = self.parser.parse_followee_page_num(html) if fee_pnum is None: return None if fee_pnum > 6: fee_pnum = 5 return fee_pnum def get_timelines(self, uid): """ get all timelines of user with this uid :param uid: :return: """ fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] timeline_page_num, first_page = self.get_timeline_page_num(uid) if timeline_page_num == 0: print 'No any posts.' return else: for pt in first_page: self.timeline_list.extend( self.parser.parse_timelines(pt, uid, if timeline_page_num == 1: print 'He/She just has one page timeline.' return timelines = [] for pnum in xrange(2, timeline_page_num + 1): print 'There are totally %d timeline pages.' % ( timeline_page_num, ) for bnum in xrange(3): html = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, pnum, bnum) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) if html is not None: timelines = self.parser.parse_timelines( html, uid, self.timeline_list.extend(timelines) self.end_time = duration = self.end_time - self.start_time if duration.seconds > Config.ACCOUNT_CHANGE_TIME: self.main_fetcher = loop_increase(self.main_fetcher, len(self.fetchers)) self.start_time = emphasis_print('Account changed!!!') emphasis_print('Now %d of %d accounts are working!' % (self.main_fetcher + 1, len(self.fetchers))) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_TIMELINE_PAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_TIMELINE_PAGES)) def fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(self, uid, pnum, bnum): """ fetch timelines by specifying page number and bar number :param uid: :param pnum: page number :param bnum: bar number :return: html containing timelines or None if there are no timelines """ body = { # 这个是有抓包得出的,因为新浪微博用了瀑布流动态加载,所以不能一次性得到一页中所有信息 '__rnd': 1343647638078, '_k': 1343647471134109, '_t': 0, 'count': 15, 'end_id': 3473519214542343, 'max_id': 3473279479126179, 'page': 1, 'pagebar': 1, 'pre_page': 1, 'uid': uid } body['page'] = pnum if bnum == 0: body['count'] = '50' body['pagebar'] = '' body['pre_page'] = pnum - 1 elif bnum == 1: body['count'] = '15' body['pagebar'] = '0' body['pre_page'] = pnum elif bnum == 2: body['count'] = '15' body['pagebar'] = '1' body['pre_page'] = pnum url = '' + urllib.urlencode(body) while True: try: print 'Getting timeline page %d part %d...' % ( pnum, bnum + 1) # bnum starts with zero up to two jsn_data = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) if self.parser.is_frozen(jsn_data): self.ban_account() continue data = json.loads(jsn_data) html = data['data'] if u'WB_feed_type SW_fun S_line2' in html: return html else: return None except Exception as e: if 'No valid account!' in e.message: raise e if 'No JSON object could be decoded' in e.message: if self.parser.is_visitor(jsn_data) is True: self.reset_account() else: self.ban_account() log.warning(e.message) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION, 2 * Config.SLEEP_WHEN_EXCEPTION)) continue def get_timeline_page_num(self, uid): """ :param uid: :return: page number and one or two pages, which will decrease accesses to Sina server """ htmls = [] # keep the pages to decrease accesses to Sina while True: first_page_head = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 0) if first_page_head is None: # no any posts return 0, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_head) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) first_page_body = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 1) if first_page_body is None: return 1, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_body) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) first_page_tail = self.fetch_timelines_by_page_bar(uid, 1, 2) if first_page_tail is None: # just one page of timelines return 1, htmls else: htmls.append(first_page_tail) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) pnum = self.parser.parse_timeline_page_num( first_page_tail ) # this page number is not accurate, so we will recount it in the next step if pnum is None or pnum == 1: return 1, htmls while True: url = '' % ( uid, pnum) test_html = open_url(self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher], url) time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) no_post = 'W_icon icon_warnB' if no_post in test_html: pnum -= 1 # fixing page number else: break return pnum, htmls def get_profile(self, pid): ''' get profile information for User marked with pid :param pid: page id :return: ''' url = '' % (pid, ) uid = pid[6:] is_taobao = None while is_taobao is None: try: is_taobao = self.is_taobao( uid) # get taobao information in advance if is_taobao == -1: self.ban_account() is_taobao = None elif is_taobao == -2: self.reset_account() is_taobao = None except Exception as e: print e.message time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) profile = None print 'Getting profile page...' while profile is None: fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] html = open_url(fetcher, url) if self.parser.parse_uid( html ) == -1: # if -1 that means this working account maybe be banned self.ban_account() continue elif self.parser.is_visitor( html ) is True: # judge whether working account falls into visitor status self.reset_account() continue profile = self.parser.parse_profile(html, pid, is_taobao, time.sleep( random.randint(Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES, 2 * Config.SLEEP_BETWEEN_2FPAGES)) self.profile_list.append(profile) def is_taobao(self, uid): ''' :param uid: user ID :return: a boolean value ('1' or '0') indicating whether user is a taobao shopkeeper ''' fetcher = self.fetchers[self.main_fetcher] url = '' + uid html = open_url(fetcher, url) with open('debug_taobao.txt', 'w') as writer: writer.write(html) if self.parser.parse_uid(html) == -1: return -1 # account is banned elif self.parser.is_visitor(html) is True: return -2 # account is in visitor status return self.parser.parse_is_taobao(html) def save(self): ''' save crawled information to DB :return: ''' self.transformation() self.clear_null_data( ) # this function must be called after self.transformation self.database.connect() for fee in self.followee_list: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Followee(fee)) for fer in self.follower_list: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Follower(fer)) for tl in self.timeline_list: try: tl['text'] = tl['text'].replace( '', ' ') # is /001, so it's necessary to eliminate it tl['text'] = tl['text'].replace('\r', ' ').replace( '\n', ' ') # remove all the linefeed except Exception as e: print e.message self.database.session.merge(Dao.Timeline(tl)) for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Job(jb)) for edu in pf['Education']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Education(edu)) del pf['Job'] del pf['Education'] self.database.session.merge(Dao.User(pf)) self.clear_buffer() self.database.close() def save_only_profile(self): self.transformation() self.clear_null_data( ) # this function must be called after self.transformation self.database.connect() for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Job(jb)) for edu in pf['Education']: self.database.session.merge(Dao.Education(edu)) del pf['Job'] del pf['Education'] self.database.session.merge(Dao.User(pf)) self.clear_buffer() self.database.close() def transformation(self): ''' transfer keys of self.followee_list, self.follower_list, self.timeline_list and self.profile_list to fit field names in database :return: ''' for fee in self.followee_list: fee['uid'] = fee.pop('uid') fee['fee_uid'] = fee.pop('fee_uid') fee['fee_name'] = fee.pop('name') fee['fee_profile_img_url'] = fee.pop('profile_img') fee['fee_description'] = fee.pop('description') fee['fee_gender'] = fee.pop('gender') fee['fee_location'] = fee.pop('location') fee['fee_by'] = fee.pop('app_source') fee['fee_followee_num'] = fee.pop('followee_num') fee['fee_follower_num'] = fee.pop('follower_num') fee['fee_weibo_num'] = fee.pop('weibo_num') fee['fee_verified_type'] = fee.pop('verified_type') fee['fee_is_vip'] = fee.pop('is_vip') fee['fee_vip_level'] = fee.pop('vip_level') fee['fee_is_daren'] = fee.pop('is_daren') fee['fee_is_taobao'] = fee.pop('is_taobao') fee['fee_is_suishoupai'] = fee.pop('is_suishoupai') fee['fee_is_vlady'] = fee.pop('is_vlady') fee['fee_timestamp'] = fee.pop('timestamp') for fer in self.follower_list: fer['uid'] = fer.pop('uid') fer['fer_uid'] = fer.pop('fer_uid') fer['fer_name'] = fer.pop('name') fer['fer_profile_img_url'] = fer.pop('profile_img') fer['fer_description'] = fer.pop('description') fer['fer_gender'] = fer.pop('gender') fer['fer_location'] = fer.pop('location') fer['fer_by'] = fer.pop('app_source') fer['fer_followee_num'] = fer.pop('followee_num') fer['fer_follower_num'] = fer.pop('follower_num') fer['fer_weibo_num'] = fer.pop('weibo_num') fer['fer_verified_type'] = fer.pop('verified_type') fer['fer_is_vip'] = fer.pop('is_vip') fer['fer_vip_level'] = fer.pop('vip_level') fer['fer_is_daren'] = fer.pop('is_daren') fer['fer_is_taobao'] = fer.pop('is_taobao') fer['fer_is_suishoupai'] = fer.pop('is_suishoupai') fer['fer_is_vlady'] = fer.pop('is_vlady') fer['fer_timestamp'] = fer.pop('timestamp') for tl in self.timeline_list: tl['mid'] = tl.pop('mid') tl['encrypt_mid'] = tl.pop('encrypted_mid') tl['uid'] = tl.pop('uid') tl['retweet_num'] = tl.pop('retweet') tl['comment_num'] = tl.pop('comment') tl['favourite_num'] = tl.pop('favourite') tl['created_at'] = tl.pop('created_at') tl['from'] = tl.pop('app_source') tl['text'] = tl.pop('text') tl['entity'] = tl.pop('entity') tl['source_mid'] = tl.pop('source_mid') tl['source_uid'] = tl.pop('source_uid') tl['mentions'] = tl.pop('mentions') tl['check_in'] = tl.pop('check_in') tl['check_in_url'] = tl.pop('check_in_url') tl['is_deleted'] = tl.pop('is_deleted') tl['timestamp'] = tl.pop('timestamp') for pf in self.profile_list: for jb in pf['Job']: jb['uid'] = pf['uid'] jb['timestamp'] = pf['timestamp'] jb['company'] = jb.pop('company') jb['location'] = jb.pop('location') jb['occupation'] = jb.pop('occupation') jb['time_period'] = jb.pop('period') for edu in pf['Education']: edu['uid'] = pf['uid'] edu['timestamp'] = pf['timestamp'] edu['school_name'] = edu.pop('university') edu['time_period'] = edu.pop('period') edu['department'] = edu.pop('department') edu['type'] = edu.pop('type') pf['uid'] = pf.pop('uid') pf['screen_name'] = pf.pop('nickname') pf['real_name'] = pf.pop('name') pf['location'] = pf.pop('location') pf['gender'] = pf.pop('gender') pf['sexual_orientation'] = pf.pop('sexual_orientation') pf['relationship_status'] = pf.pop('relationship_status') pf['birthday'] = pf.pop('birthday') pf['blood_type'] = pf.pop('blood_type') pf['blog'] = pf.pop('blog') pf['description'] = pf.pop('description') pf['email'] = pf.pop('email') pf['QQ'] = pf.pop('QQ') pf['MSN'] = pf.pop('MSN') pf['tag'] = pf.pop('tag') pf['followee_num'] = pf.pop('followee_num') pf['follower_num'] = pf.pop('follower_num') pf['weibo_num'] = pf.pop('weibo_num') pf['created_at'] = pf.pop('created_at') pf['profile_img_url'] = pf.pop('profile_img') pf['domain_id'] = pf.pop('domain_id') pf['domain_name'] = pf.pop('domain_name') pf['level'] = pf.pop('level') pf['experience'] = pf.pop('experience') pf['credit_level'] = pf.pop('credit_level') pf['credit_point'] = pf.pop('credit_point') pf['credit_history'] = pf.pop('credit_history') pf['is_vip'] = pf.pop('is_vip') pf['vip_level'] = pf.pop('vip_level') pf['is_yearly_pay'] = pf.pop('is_yearly_paid') pf['is_verified'] = pf.pop('is_verified') pf['verified_reason'] = pf.pop('verified_reason') pf['is_daren'] = pf.pop('is_daren') pf['daren_type'] = pf.pop('daren_type') pf['daren_point'] = pf.pop('daren_point') pf['daren_interest'] = pf.pop('daren_interest') pf['is_taobao'] = pf.pop('is_taobao') pf['not_exist'] = pf.pop('not_exist') pf['timestamp'] = pf.pop('timestamp') def clear_buffer(self): ''' clear memory buffer after storing the information :return: ''' self.followee_list = [] self.follower_list = [] self.timeline_list = [] self.profile_list = [] def clear_null_data(self): ''' clear empty or None data for all information :return: ''' followee_list = [] follower_list = [] timeline_list = [] profile_list = [] for fee in self.followee_list: dict = {} for key in fee: if fee[key] is None or fee[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = fee[key] followee_list.append(dict) self.followee_list = followee_list for fer in self.follower_list: dict = {} for key in fer: if fer[key] is None or fer[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = fer[key] follower_list.append(dict) self.follower_list = follower_list for tl in self.timeline_list: dict = {} for key in tl: if tl[key] is None or tl[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = tl[key] timeline_list.append(dict) self.timeline_list = timeline_list for pf in self.profile_list: dict = {} for key in pf: if pf[key] is None or pf[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = pf[key] profile_list.append(dict) self.profile_list = profile_list for pf in self.profile_list: job_list = [] edu_list = [] for job in pf['Job']: dict = {} for key in job: if job[key] is None or job[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = job[key] job_list.append(dict) pf['Job'] = job_list for edu in pf['Education']: dict = {} for key in edu: if edu[key] is None or edu[key] == '': continue else: dict[key] = edu[key] edu_list.append(dict) pf['Education'] = edu_list def set_user_deleted_by_uid(self, uid): db = Database() db.connect() cursor = db.session.query(Dao.Task).filter(Dao.Task.uid == uid).one() cursor.is_deleted = '1' db.close()