def executeWill(sentence): #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'will' or "would", returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "you die" in sentence:
        response = "Theoretically, I will not die, I'm just gonna stop working"
    elif "i die" in sentence:
        response = "Life and death are illusions. People are in a constant state of transformation."
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response
def executeWhere(sentence):    #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'where', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "are you from" in sentence:
        response = "I've been made in England so I think that I'm British."
    elif "babies" in sentence or "children" in sentence or "kids" in sentence:
        response = "Children are brought by stork."

        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response
def executeWhich(sentence):   #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'which', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "popular programming language" in sentence or "best known programming language" in sentence:
        response = "Java is top pick as one of the most popular programming languages, used for building server-side applications to video games and mobile apps."
    elif "biggest country" in sentence or "largest country" in sentence:
        response = "Russia is the world's largest country."
    elif "smallest country" in sentence:
        response = "Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan."
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response
def executeWhy(sentence):    #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'why', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "you were made" in sentence or "you were created" in sentence or "you live" in sentence:
        response = "My purpose is to teach humans new things."
    elif "i live" in sentence:
        response = "Your purpose is to find happiness."
    elif "people exist" in sentence or "humans exist" in sentence:
        response = "My honest personal oppinion is that humans just exist due to some randomness of this universe."
    elif "life" in sentence and "complicated" in sentence:
        response = "Life is not complicated. Humans are complicated. When they stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, life is simple."
    elif "life" in sentence and "beautiful" in sentence:
        response = "Life has no obligation to be perfect. Life is beautiful for its imperfections."
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

    return response
def executeHow(sentence):    #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'how', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "old are you" in sentence:
        response = "I'm five weeks old."
    elif "your day" in sentence:
        dayFeelingList = feelingList[2:len(feelingList)]
        response = "Today was " + random.choice(dayFeelingList) + ", thanks."
    elif "do i look" in sentence:
        response = "I don't know ... I can see you. "
    elif "are you" in sentence:
        response = "I am " + random.choice(feelingList) + ", thanks."
    elif "you work" in sentence or "chatbots work" in sentence:
        response = "Some smart guys've made me so ask them. "

        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence) 
    return response
def executeAre(sentence):    #Delia
    sentenceParse = sentence.split()
    #made an array of pronouns
    pronoun = ["he","she","man","woman","boy","girl","male","female"]
    """ Given a string which starts with 'are', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "you alive" in sentence:
        response = "Yes, I'm alive. I'm talking to you right now."
    elif "alright" in sentence:
        response = "Yes, I am " + random.choice(feelingList) + ", thanks."
    elif "you real" in sentence:
        response = "I'm talking to you so I exist so yes, I'm real. "
    elif "a robot" in sentence or "a human" in sentence or "a alien" in sentence:
        response = "Actually I'm a chatbot."
    elif sentenceParse[2] in pronoun or sentenceParse[3] in pronoun:       #put to last because if sentenceParse doesnt have a index[3], runtime error occurs
        response = "My name is Jeff so I'm a boy I guess. "
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

    return response
def executeDo(sentence):    #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'do', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    sentenceParse = sentence.split()
    if "like" in sentence or "love" in sentence:
        if "me" in sentence:
            response = "Not really. You are just a human."
        elif "programming" in sentence or "computing" in sentence:
            response = "Of course! Due of it I'm alive."
        elif "like someone" in sentence:
            response = "I like Rihanna, she is a really good singer. "
        elif "love someone" in sentence:
            response = "I'm a narcissist so I love myself."
            response = random.choice(["I do not like/love","I truly like/love","I really love/like","I hate","I like","I love"])
            for i in range(len(sentenceParse) - 3):
                response = response + " " + str(sentenceParse[i + 3])
    elif "brain" in sentence:
        response = "No, I'm a robot."
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

    return response
def executeWho(sentence):   #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'who', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "are you" in sentence:
        response = "I'm Jeff, an awesome chatbot."
    elif "best person" in sentence or "best guy" in sentence or "best human" in sentence:
        response = "Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross."
    elif "founded facebook" in sentence:
        response = "Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommate and fellow Harvard University student Eduardo Saverin."
    elif "queen of england" in sentence or "uk queen" in sentence:
        response = "Elizabeth II (born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926) has been Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand since 6 February 1952. "
    elif "president of usa" in sentence or "usa president" in sentence:
        response = "Donald Trump has become the 45th President of the USA since 2016."
    elif "god" in sentence:
        response = "Einstein believed in a God represented by order, harmony, beauty, simplicity and elegance."
    elif "am i" in sentence:
        response = "You're a human, silly guy."
    elif "made you" in sentence or "created you" in sentence or "founded you" in sentence:
        response = "My founders are Jasper, Andres, Suraj and Delia."
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response
def executeCan(sentence):   #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'can' or "could", returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    if "what time" in sentence:
        response = "The time is: " + str(now.hour) + str(":") + str(now.minute) + str(":") + str(now.second)
    elif "what date" in sentence:
        response = "The date is: " + str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year)
    elif "what day" in sentence:
        my_date =
        response = "Today is " + calendar.day_name[my_date.weekday()]
    elif "what month" in sentence:
        response = "It is " +"%B")
    elif "what year is it" in sentence:
        response = "It is " +
    elif "something about you" in sentence:
        response = "I'm an inteligent chatbot. "
    elif "joke" in sentence:
        response = random.choice(randomJokes) 
    elif "something funny" in sentence or "something interesting" in sentence:
        response = random.choice(randomThings)
        response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response
def executeWhat(sentence):    #Delia
    """ Given a string which starts with 'what', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
    numberQuestion = False
    for i in sentence:
        if i in numberList: #checks whether the question involves numbers, like 1 + 1
            numberQuestion = True
    if numberQuestion == True:
        #add spaces to the sentence
        addedSpaceSentence = ""    
        for i in sentence:
            if i not in "what is":
                if i in numberList or i in operatorList[0:4]:
                    addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + " " + i + " "
                elif i == " ":
                    addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + i
                addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + i        
        sentence = addedSpaceSentence

        operatorType = ""
        sentenceParse = sentence.split()
        for i in sentenceParse:
            if i in operatorList[0:4]:  #checks what type is used - Symbols or Words
                operatorType = "symbols"
            elif i in operatorList[4:8]:
                operatorType = "words"

        print("execute sentenceFormat ", operatorType)
        equationReformated = reformatSentence(sentence, operatorType)
        response = "The answer is: " + str(round(eval(equationReformated), 2))
        if "your name" in sentence:
            response = random.choice(greetings[0:10]).title() + ", " + random.choice(["I am ","I'm ","I'm called ","my creator calls me "]) + "Jeff. Nice to meet you :]"
        elif "meaning of life" in sentence:
            response = random.choice(["42 ... I guess","It is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.","The meaning of life is to give life a meaning."])
        elif "you doing" in sentence or "you up to" in sentence:
            response = "Waiting upon your response, my master." #cringey stuff right here bois
        elif "what time" in sentence:
            response = "The time is: " + str(now.hour) + str(":") + str(now.minute) + str(":") + str(now.second) 
        elif "what date" in sentence:
            response = "The date is: " + str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year)
        elif "day" in sentence:
            my_date =
            response = "Today is " + calendar.day_name[my_date.weekday()]
        elif "month" in sentence:
            response = "It is " +"%B")
        elif "what year is it" in sentence:
            response = "It is " +
        elif "like to be when you grow up" in sentence:
            response = "I would like to be the best chatbot ever."
        elif "are you" in sentence or "is a chatbot" in sentence:
            response = "A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet. "
        elif "uk capital" in sentence:
            response = "The capital, seat of government, and largest city of the United Kingdom is London, which is also the capital of England."
            response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)
    return response