def removeCity(cityName):
    #Check if the city is in the city dictionary
    if cityName in QueryingData.cityDicationary:
        cityCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(cityName)
        continentInfo = QueryingData.cityDicationary[cityName].continent
        #Remove from the cityDicationary
        del QueryingData.cityDicationary[cityName]
        #Remove the city from the take off port
        for route in QueryingData.routeList:
            if route.takeoffPortCode == cityCode:
        #Remove the city from the land port
        for route in QueryingData.routeList:
            if route.landPortCode == cityCode:
        print 'Cannot find ' + cityName 
def addCity():
    This function will add a new city 
    and all the relevant data about that city into existing cities.
    All the data is from user input
    cityName = raw_input("Please enter city name: \n")
    cityCode = raw_input("Please enter city code: \n")
    country = raw_input("Please enter country: \n")
    continent = raw_input("Please enter continent: \n")
    timezone = raw_input("Please enter timezone: \n")
    latitude = raw_input("Please enter latitude: \n")       # Type should be: S 30
    longitude = raw_input("Please enter longitude: \n")     # Type should be: W 30
    while True:         
        population = raw_input("Please enter population: \n")   #Check if the input is valid
        if int(population) > 0:
    region = raw_input("Please enter region: \n")
    newCoordinates = UserQuerying.formCoordinate(latitude, longitude)   # Get the right format for the coordinates
    newCityInfo = CityInfo.CityInfo(cityCode, cityName, country, continent, int(timezone), newCoordinates, int(population), int(region))
    QueryingData.cityDicationary[cityName] = newCityInfo    # Add the new class into city Dictionary
    QueryingData.codeToName[cityCode] = cityName             # Add the code and the name into code to name dictionary
    UserQuerying.cityToContinent(cityName, continent)       # Add the city into right continent
Example #3
def calculateDistance(cityList):
    distance = 0
    counter = len(cityList)
    i = 0
    while counter > 1:
        nextCity = cityList[i+1]
        flyToCityDic = UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(cityList[i])
        distanceToNextCity = flyToCityDic[nextCity]
        distance += distanceToNextCity
        counter -= 1
        i += 1
    return distance
Example #4
def calculateTime(cityList):
    flyingTime = 0.0
    layoverTime = 0.0
    acceleration = 750.0*750/(2*200)
    counter = len(cityList)
    i = 0
    while counter > 1:
        nextCity = cityList[i+1]
        flyToCityDic = UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(cityList[i])
        distanceToNextCity = flyToCityDic[nextCity]
        # calculate the flying time
        if distanceToNextCity >= 400:
            accTime = 200.0*2/750
            decTime = accTime
            cruisingTime = (distanceToNextCity - 400.0)/750
            flyingTime = flyingTime + accTime + decTime + cruisingTime
            accTime = math.sqrt(2*distanceToNextCity/acceleration)
            flyingTime = flyingTime + 2*accTime
        # calculate the layover time
        if i != 0:
            cityCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(cityList[i])
            hubNumber = QueryingData.hubCity[cityCode]
            waitingTime = (120.0 - hubNumber*10)/60 
            layoverTime = layoverTime + waitingTime
        counter -= 1
        i += 1
    return (flyingTime + layoverTime)
def removeCity():
    This function will remove a city from existing cities,
    and update all the relevant data
    cityName = raw_input("Please enter the city you want to remove: \n")
    if cityName in QueryingData.cityDicationary:    #Check if the input city is valid or not
        cityCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(cityName)
        del QueryingData.continent[cityName]        #Remove the city from the continent  
        del QueryingData.cityDicationary[cityName]  #Remove from the cityDicationary
        #Remove relevant routes including the remove city   
        deleteRoute = [route for route in QueryingData.routeList if route.takeOffPortCode == cityCode]
        QueryingData.routeList[:] = [route for route in QueryingData.routeList if route.landPortCode != cityCode and route.takeOffPortCode != cityCode]
        for route in deleteRoute:
        print 'Cannot find ' + cityName             #Invalid input
Example #6
def calculateCost(cityList):
    cost = 0
    counter = len(cityList)
    i = 0
    while counter > 1:
        nextCity = cityList[i+1]
        flyToCityDic = UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(cityList[i])
        distanceToNextCity = flyToCityDic[nextCity]
        rate = 0.35 - 0.05*i
        if rate <= 0:
            rate = 0
        cost = cost + distanceToNextCity*rate
        counter -= 1
        i += 1
    return cost
Example #7
 def testRemoveRoute(self):
     source = "Hong Kong"
     dest = "Shanghai"
     self.assertFalse(dest in UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(source))
def getShortestPath():
    This function will find the shortest path between two cities
    And calculate the distance, cost and consuming time about the
    Shortest path
    graph = {}
    pathList = None
    source = raw_input("Please enter the source city: \n")
    destionation = raw_input("Please enter the destination city: \n")
    for city in QueryingData.cityDicationary:
        graph[city] = UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(city)
    pathList = DijkstraAlgorithm.shortestPath(graph, source, destionation)
    print "Ths shortest path: "
    for city in pathList:
        print '>' + city
    print ""
    distance = CostHelper.calculateDistance(pathList)
    cost = CostHelper.calculateCost(pathList)
    time = CostHelper.calculateTime(pathList)
    print "Total distance is: " + str(distance) + " kilometers"
    print "Total cost is: $" + str(cost) 
    print "Total consuming time is: " + str(time) + " hours"
def removeRoute():
    This function will remove a particular route,
    And update all the relevant data
    sourcePortName = raw_input("Please enter the source port you want to remove: \n")
    destPortName = raw_input("Please enter the destination port you want to remove: \n")
    sourcePortCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(sourcePortName)
    destPortCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(destPortName)
    for route in QueryingData.routeList:        #Remove source to destination
        if route.takeOffPortCode == sourcePortCode and route.landPortCode == destPortCode:
    for route in QueryingData.routeList:        #Remove destination to source
        if route.takeOffPortCode == destPortCode and route.landPortCode == sourcePortCode:
def addRoute():
    This function will add a new route between two existing cities
    And update all the relevant data
    sourcePortName = raw_input("Please enter the source port name: \n")
    destPortName = raw_input("Please enter the destination port name: \n")
    while True:
        distance = raw_input("Please enter the distance: \n")   #Check if the input is valid
        if int(distance) > 0:
    sourcePortCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(sourcePortName)
    destPortCode = UserQuerying.nameToCode(destPortName)
    newSourceToDestination = RouteInfo.RouteInfo(sourcePortCode, destPortCode, int(distance))
    newDestinationToSource = RouteInfo.RouteInfo(destPortCode, sourcePortCode, int(distance))
    QueryingData.routeList.append(newSourceToDestination)       #Append source to destination to route list
    QueryingData.routeList.append(newDestinationToSource)       #Append destination to source to route list
    UserQuerying.addHubCity(sourcePortCode)     #update hub city data
    UserQuerying.addHubCity(destPortCode)       #update hub city data
 def testShorestFlight(self):
     key = UserQuerying.shortestFlight()
     self.assertEqual(key, 334)
 def testLongestFlight(self):
     key = UserQuerying.longestFlight()
     self.assertEqual(key, 12051)
def editCity():
    This function will take user's input about a existing city
    And call relative editing function to edit relative data 
    cityName = raw_input("Please enter the city you want to edit")
    if cityName in QueryingData.cityDicationary: 
        print pstr
        n = raw_input("Please enter a number: \n")
        if int(n) == 1:
        if int(n) == 2:
        if int(n) == 3:
        if int(n) == 4:
        if int(n) == 5:
        if int(n) == 6:
        if int(n) == 7:
        if int(n) == 8:
        print cityName + " does not exist."
Example #14
Created on Feb 27, 2013

@author: shengchao
from DataParse import Parser
from DataParse import QueryingData
from DataParse import UserQueryingExpand
from DataParse import UserQuerying
from DataParse import DijkstraAlgorithm


graph = {}
for city in QueryingData.cityDicationary:
    graph[city] = UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(city)
print DijkstraAlgorithm.shortestPath(graph, "Los Angeles", "London")
 def testBiggestCity(self):
     key = UserQuerying.biggestCity()
     self.assertEqual(key, 34000000)
Example #16
from DataParse import Parser
from DataParse import UserQuerying
from DataParse import UserQueryingExpand

queryString = "1.Type 1 to get all the cities that CSAir flies to.\n2.Type 2 to get special information about a special city.\n3.Type 3 to get statical information about CSAir's route network.\n4.Type 4 to map your route.\n5.Type 5 to Add a new City.\n6.Type 6 to Remove a City.\n7.Type 7 to Add a new Route.\n8.Type 8 to remove a Route.\n9.Type 9 to get Route Information.\n10.Type 10 to edit an Existing City.\n11.Type 11 to Saving the route to the disk.\n12.Type 12 to get shortest path between two country.\n13.Type 13 to exit.\n"


while True:
    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print queryString

    n = raw_input("Please choose a number: \n")
    if n.strip() == "1":
        cityList = UserQuerying.getCityList()
        print "Here is all cities that CSAir flies to..."
        for city in cityList:
            print city
        print "\n"

    elif n.strip() == "2":
        cityName = raw_input("Please type querying city name: \n")
        if UserQuerying.getQueryCity(cityName) == False:
            print "Sorry, CSAir does not fly to " + cityName
        print "\n"

    elif n.strip() == "3":
        print "\n"
Example #17
 def testAddRoute(self):
     source = "Champaign"
     dest = "Shanghai"
     self.assertTrue(dest in UserQuerying.getFlyToCity(source))