def analyze(df_value):
    from DataPrepare import prepare_data    
    # Getting the numpy ndarray of close prices.
    na_value = df_value.values
    # Normalizing the prices to start at 1 and see relative returns
    na_normalized_value = na_value / na_value[0, :]
    # Copy the normalized prices to a new ndarry to find returns.
    na_rets = na_normalized_value.copy()
    # Calculate the daily returns of the prices. (Inplace calculation)
    # returnize0 works on ndarray and not dataframes.
    na_port_total = np.cumprod(na_rets + 1)
    daily_port_ret = np.average(na_rets)
    port_cum_ret = na_port_total[-1]
    port_vol = np.std(na_rets)
    port_sharpe = (daily_port_ret/port_vol)*np.sqrt(252)
    ls_date = df_value.index.tolist()
    dt_start = ls_date[0]
    dt_end = ls_date[-1]
    ls_keys = ["close"]
    ls_symbols = ["$SPX"]
    d_data = prepare_data(dt_start, dt_end, ls_keys, ls_symbols)        
    # Getting the numpy ndarray of close prices.
    na_price = d_data['close'].values
    # Normalizing the prices to start at 1 and see relative returns
    na_normalized_price = na_price / na_price[0, :]
    # Copy the normalized prices to a new ndarry to find returns.
    na_market_rets = na_normalized_price.copy()
    # Calculate the daily returns of the prices. (Inplace calculation)
    # returnize0 works on ndarray and not dataframes.
    na_market_total = np.cumprod(na_market_rets + 1)
    daily_market_ret = np.average(na_market_rets)
    market_cum_ret = na_market_total[-1]
    market_vol = np.std(na_market_rets)
    market_sharpe = (daily_market_ret/market_vol)*np.sqrt(252)
    print "The final value of the portfolio using the sample file is", dt_end, " ", df_value['Portfolio_value'][-1]
    print ""
    print "Details of the Performance of the portfolio :"
    print ""
    print "Data Range :",  dt_start, " to ", dt_end
    print ""
    print "Sharpe Ratio of Fund :", port_sharpe
    print "Sharpe Ratio of $SPX :", market_sharpe
    print ""
    print "Total Return of Fund :", port_cum_ret
    print "Total Return of $SPX :", market_cum_ret
    print ""
    print "Standard Deviation of Fund :", port_vol
    print "Standard Deviation of $SPX :", market_vol
    print ""
    print "Average Daily Return of Fund :", daily_port_ret
    print "Average Daily Return of $SPX :", daily_market_ret
    ls_symbols = ["Portfolio", "SP500"]
    na_port_total = np.reshape(na_port_total,(len(na_port_total),1))
    na_final = np.hstack((na_port_total, na_normalized_price))
    ldt_timestamps = df_value.index.tolist()
    plt.plot(ldt_timestamps, na_final)
    plt.ylabel('Portfolio Normalized Value')
    plt.savefig('simulated_portfolio.pdf', format='pdf')
            ax[0].plot(ldt_timestamps, na_final)
            ax[0].legend(['up','bottom', 'price'])
            ax[1].plot(ldt_timestamps, f_bollinger)
            ax[1].axhline(y=1, color='b')
            ax[1].axhline(y=-1, color='b')
            ax[1].vlines(x = ldt_timestamps[np.where(f_bollinger > 1)], ymin = -3,  ymax = 4, color = 'r')
            ax[1].vlines(x = ldt_timestamps[np.where(f_bollinger < -1)], ymin = -3,  ymax = 4, color = 'green')
            ax[1].fill_between(ldt_timestamps, 1, -1, facecolor = 'blue', alpha = 0.1)
        df_bollinger[s_sym] = f_bollinger
    return df_bollinger

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # List of symbols
    ls_symbols = ['MSFT','GOOG']  
    ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
    # Start and End date of the charts
    dt_start = dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
    dt_end = dt.datetime(2010, 12, 31)   
    d_data = prepare_data(dt_start, dt_end, ls_keys, ls_symbols)
    df_bollinger = BollingerBands(d_data)