def processData(device_index, start_samples, samples, federated, full_data_size, number_of_batches, parameter_server, sample_distribution): pause(5) # PS server (if any) starts first checkpointpath1 = 'results/model{}.h5'.format(device_index) outfile = 'results/dump_train_variables{}.npz'.format(device_index) outfile_models = 'results/dump_train_model{}.npy'.format(device_index) global_model = 'results/model_global.npy' global_epoch = 'results/epoch_global.npy' np.random.seed(1) tf.random.set_seed(1) # common initialization learning_rate = learning_rate_local = learning_rate B = np.ones((devices, devices)) - tf.one_hot(np.arange(devices), devices) Probabilities = B[device_index, :] / (devices - 1) training_signal = False # check for backup variables on start if os.path.isfile(checkpointpath1): train_start = False # backup the model and the model target model = models.load_model(checkpointpath1) data_history = [] label_history = [] local_model_parameters = np.load(outfile_models, allow_pickle=True) model.set_weights(local_model_parameters.tolist()) dump_vars = np.load(outfile, allow_pickle=True) frame_count = dump_vars['frame_count'] epoch_loss_history = dump_vars['epoch_loss_history'].tolist() running_loss = np.mean(epoch_loss_history[-5:]) epoch_count = dump_vars['epoch_count'] else: train_start = True model = create_q_model() data_history = [] label_history = [] frame_count = 0 # Experience replay buffers epoch_loss_history = [] epoch_count = 0 running_loss = math.inf if parameter_server: epoch_global = 0 training_end = False a = model.get_weights() # set an arbitrary optimizer, here Adam is used optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(, clipnorm=1.0) # create a data object (here radar data) start = time.time() data_handle = RadarData(filepath, device_index, start_samples, samples, full_data_size, args.random_data_distribution) end = time.time() time_count = (end - start) print(time_count) # create a consensus object cfa_consensus = CFA_process(devices, device_index, args.N) while True: # Run until solved # collect 1 batch frame_count += 1 obs, labels = data_handle.getTrainingData(batch_size) data_batch = preprocess_observation(obs, batch_size) # Save data and labels in the current learning session data_history.append(data_batch) label_history.append(labels) if frame_count % number_of_batches == 0: if not parameter_server: epoch_count += 1 # check scheduling for federated if federated: if epoch_count == 1 or scheduling_tx[device_index, epoch_count] == 1: training_signal = False else: # stop all computing, just save the previous model training_signal = True model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()), include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') np.savez(outfile, frame_count=frame_count, epoch_loss_history=epoch_loss_history, training_end=training_end, epoch_count=epoch_count, loss=running_loss), model_weights) # check scheduling for parameter server if parameter_server: while not os.path.isfile(global_epoch): # implementing consensus print("waiting") pause(1) try: epoch_global = np.load(global_epoch, allow_pickle=True) except: pause(5) print("retrying opening global epoch counter") try: epoch_global = np.load(global_epoch, allow_pickle=True) except: print("failed reading global epoch") if epoch_global == 0: training_signal = False elif scheduling_tx[device_index, epoch_global] == 1: if epoch_global > epoch_count: epoch_count = epoch_global training_signal = False else: training_signal = True else: # stop all computing, just save the previous model training_signal = True # always refresh the local model using the PS one stop_aggregation = False while not os.path.isfile(global_model): # implementing consensus print("waiting") pause(1) try: model_global = np.load(global_model, allow_pickle=True) except: pause(5) print("retrying opening global model") try: model_global = np.load(global_model, allow_pickle=True) except: print("halting aggregation") stop_aggregation = True if not stop_aggregation: model.set_weights(model_global.tolist()) if training_signal: model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()), include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') np.savez(outfile, frame_count=frame_count, epoch_loss_history=epoch_loss_history, training_end=training_end, epoch_count=epoch_count, loss=running_loss), model_weights) # check schedulting for parameter server # Local learning update every "number of batches" batches time_count = 0 if frame_count % number_of_batches == 0 and not training_signal: # run local batches for i in range(number_of_batches): start = time.time() data_sample = np.array(data_history[i]) label_sample = np.array(label_history[i]) # Create a mask to calculate loss masks = tf.one_hot(label_sample, n_outputs) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # Train the model on data samples classes = model(data_sample) # Apply the masks class_v = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(classes, masks), axis=1) # Calculate loss loss = loss_function(label_sample, class_v) # Backpropagation grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) end = time.time() time_count = time_count + (end - start) / number_of_batches if not parameter_server and not federated: print('Average batch training time {:.2f}'.format(time_count)) del data_history del label_history data_history = [] label_history = [] model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()), include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') np.savez(outfile, frame_count=frame_count, epoch_loss_history=epoch_loss_history, training_end=training_end, epoch_count=epoch_count, loss=running_loss), model_weights) # Consensus round # update local model cfa_consensus.update_local_model(model_weights) # neighbor = cfa_consensus.get_connectivity(device_index, args.N, devices) # fixed neighbor if not train_start: if federated and not training_signal: eps_c = 1 / (args.N + 1) # apply consensus for model parameter # neighbor = np.random.choice(np.arange(devices), args.N, p=Probabilities, replace=False) # choose neighbor neighbor = np.random.choice( indexes_tx[:, epoch_count - 1], args.N, replace=False) # choose neighbor while neighbor == device_index: neighbor = np.random.choice( indexes_tx[:, epoch_count - 1], args.N, replace=False) # choose neighbor print( "Consensus from neighbor {} for device {}, local loss {:.2f}" .format(neighbor, device_index, loss.numpy())) model.set_weights( cfa_consensus.federated_weights_computing( neighbor, args.N, epoch_count, eps_c, max_lag)) if cfa_consensus.getTrainingStatusFromNeightbor(): # a neighbor completed the training, with loss < target, transfer learning is thus applied (the device will copy and reuse the same model) training_signal = True # stop local learning, just do validation else: print("Consensus warm up") train_start = False # check if parameter server is enabled # stop_aggregation = False # if parameter_server: # # pause(refresh_server) # while not os.path.isfile(global_model): # # implementing consensus # print("waiting") # pause(1) # try: # model_global = np.load(global_model, allow_pickle=True) # except: # pause(5) # print("retrying opening global model") # try: # model_global = np.load(global_model, allow_pickle=True) # except: # print("halting aggregation") # stop_aggregation = True # # if not stop_aggregation: # # print("updating from global model inside the parmeter server") # for k in range(cfa_consensus.layers): # # model_weights[k] = model_weights[k]+ 0.5*(model_global[k]-model_weights[k]) # model_weights[k] = model_global[k] # model.set_weights(model_weights.tolist()) # # while not os.path.isfile(global_epoch): # # implementing consensus # print("waiting") # pause(1) # try: # epoch_global = np.load(global_epoch, allow_pickle=True) # except: # pause(5) # print("retrying opening global epoch counter") # try: # epoch_global = np.load(global_epoch, allow_pickle=True) # except: # print("halting aggregation") del model_weights #start = time.time() # validation tool for device 'device_index' if epoch_count > validation_start and frame_count % number_of_batches == 0: avg_cost = 0. for i in range(number_of_batches_for_validation): obs_valid, labels_valid = data_handle.getTestData( batch_size, i) # obs_valid, labels_valid = data_handle.getRandomTestData(batch_size) data_valid = preprocess_observation(np.squeeze(obs_valid), batch_size) data_sample = np.array(data_valid) label_sample = np.array(labels_valid) # Create a mask to calculate loss masks = tf.one_hot(label_sample, n_outputs) classes = model(data_sample) # Apply the masks class_v = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(classes, masks), axis=1) # Calculate loss loss = loss_function(label_sample, class_v) avg_cost += loss / number_of_batches_for_validation # Training loss epoch_loss_history.append(avg_cost) print("Device {} epoch count {}, validation loss {:.2f}".format( device_index, epoch_count, avg_cost)) # mean loss for last 5 epochs running_loss = np.mean(epoch_loss_history[-1:]) #end = time.time() #time_count = (end - start) #print(time_count) if running_loss < target_loss: # Condition to consider the task solved print( "Solved for device {} at epoch {} with average loss {:.2f} !". format(device_index, epoch_count, running_loss)) training_end = True model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()), include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') #, include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') np.savez(outfile, frame_count=frame_count, epoch_loss_history=epoch_loss_history, training_end=training_end, epoch_count=epoch_count, loss=running_loss), model_weights) if federated: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "neighbors": args.N, "active_devices": args.Ka_consensus, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } elif parameter_server: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "active_devices": active_devices_per_round, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } else: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } if federated: sio.savemat( "results/matlab/CFA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_neighbors_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, args.Ka_consensus, args.N, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) sio.savemat( "CFA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_neighbors_{}_batches_{}_size{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, args.N, number_of_batches, batch_size), dict_1) elif parameter_server: sio.savemat( "results/matlab/FA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, active_devices_per_round, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) sio.savemat( "FA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_batches_{}_size{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, active_devices_per_round, number_of_batches, batch_size), dict_1) else: # CL sio.savemat( "results/matlab/CL_samples_{}_devices_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(samples, devices, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) break if epoch_count > max_epochs: # stop simulation print("Unsolved for device {} at epoch {}!".format( device_index, epoch_count)) training_end = True model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()), include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') #, include_optimizer=True, save_format='h5') np.savez(outfile, frame_count=frame_count, epoch_loss_history=epoch_loss_history, training_end=training_end, epoch_count=epoch_count, loss=running_loss), model_weights) if federated: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "neighbors": args.N, "active_devices": args.Ka_consensus, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } elif parameter_server: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "active_devices": active_devices_per_round, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } else: dict_1 = { "epoch_loss_history": epoch_loss_history, "federated": federated, "parameter_server": parameter_server, "devices": devices, "batches": number_of_batches, "batch_size": batch_size, "samples": samples, "noniid": args.noniid_assignment, "data_distribution": args.random_data_distribution } if federated: sio.savemat( "results/matlab/CFA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_neighbors_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, args.Ka_consensus, args.N, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) sio.savemat( "CFA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_neighbors_{}_batches_{}_size{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, args.N, number_of_batches, batch_size), dict_1) elif parameter_server: sio.savemat( "results/matlab/FA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, active_devices_per_round, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) sio.savemat( "FA_device_{}_samples_{}_devices_{}_active_{}_batches_{}_size{}.mat" .format(device_index, samples, devices, active_devices_per_round, number_of_batches, batch_size), dict_1) else: # CL sio.savemat( "results/matlab/CL_samples_{}_devices_{}_batches_{}_size{}_noniid{}_run{}_distribution{}.mat" .format(samples, devices, number_of_batches, batch_size, args.noniid_assignment,, args.random_data_distribution), dict_1) break
# Experience replay buffers epoch_loss_history = [] epoch_count = 0 running_loss = math.inf training_end = False # set an arbitrary optimizer, here Adam is used optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(, clipnorm=1.0) # create a data object (here radar data) # data_handle = MnistData(device_index, start_index, training_set_per_device, validation_train, 0) if args.noniid_assignment == 1: data_handle = RadarData_tasks(filepath, device_index, start_index, training_set_per_device, validation_train, 0) else: data_handle = RadarData(filepath, device_index, start_index, training_set_per_device, validation_train, 0) # create a consensus object (only for consensus) # cfa_consensus = CFA_process(device_index, args.N) model_weights = np.asarray(model.get_weights()) layers = model_weights.size del model_weights while epoch_count < local_rounds: frame_count += 1 obs, labels = data_handle.getTrainingData(batch_size) data_batch = preprocess_observation(obs, batch_size) # Save data and labels in the current learning session data_history.append(data_batch) label_history.append(labels)