def _get_p_map_w_orig(pPoseAB, gPose2o, numTuple):
    get the predicted truth path map
    poses are w.r.t. previous frame
    number of tuples in the batch. numTuple-1 transformation matrices. numTuple-2 will be added from gPose2o
    ## origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    ## pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3,0], dtype=np.float32)
    ## pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    ## # Sequential transformations that takes points form frame i to i+1
    ## for i in range(len(pPoseAB)-1,-1,-1):
    ##     poseA2B = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(np.array(pPoseAB[i]))
    ##     pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, poseA2B)
    ##     pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    ## #### PathMap consists of all points transformed to the last frame coordinates
    ## # transform points at last frame coordinates to origin frame
    ## #pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, gPose2o[len(gPose2o)-1])
    ## pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, gPose2o[0])

    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    poseA2o = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(gPose2o[0])
    # because inv(OrigTo1)*OrigTo1*(0,0,0)=(0,0,0) so simply append (0,0,0)
    #gtLoc = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, gPose2o[0])
    #pathMap = np.append(pathMap, gtLoc, axis=1)
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(pPoseAB)):
        poseA2B = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(np.array(pPoseAB[i]))
        poseB2O = _get_tMat_B_2_O(poseA2o, poseA2B)
        oAtNextFrame = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, poseA2B)
        oAtOrigFrame = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, poseB2O)
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, oAtOrigFrame, axis=1)
        poseA2o = poseB2O
    #### PathMap consists of all points in the origin frame coordinates
    return pathMap
def _apply_prediction_pcl_depImg(pclSource, targetT, targetP, params6=True, **kwargs):
    Transform pclSource, Calculate new targetT based on targetP, Create new depth image, and pcl file
        - New pclSource
        - New targetT
        - New depthImageB
    # remove trailing zeros
    pclSource = kitti.remove_trailing_zeros(pclSource)
    if params6:
        tMatP = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetP)
        tMatT = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetT)
        tMatP = targetP.reshape([3,4])
        tMatT = targetT.reshape([3,4])
    # get transformed pclSource based on targetP
    pclSourceTransformed = kitti.transform_pcl(pclSource, tMatP)    
    # get new depth image of transformed pclSource
    depthImageB, _ = kitti.get_depth_image_pano_pclView(pclSourceTransformed)
    pclSourceTransformed = kitti._zero_pad(pclSourceTransformed, kwargs.get('pclCols')-pclSourceTransformed.shape[1])
    # get residual Target
    tMatResP2T = kitti.get_residual_tMat_p2t(tMatT, tMatP) # first is source2target, second is source2predicted
    if params6:
        targetResP2T = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(tMatResP2T)
        targetResP2T = tMatResP2T.reshape([12])
    return pclSourceTransformed, targetResP2T, depthImageB
Example #3
def _apply_prediction_periodic(pclA, targetT, targetP, **kwargs):
    Transform pclA, Calculate new targetT based on targetP, Create new depth image
        - New PCLA
        - New targetT
        - New depthImage
    # remove trailing zeros
    pclA = kitti.remove_trailing_zeros(pclA)
    # get transformed pclA based on targetP
    tMatP = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetP)
    pclATransformed = kitti.transform_pcl(pclA, tMatP)
    # get new depth image of transformed pclA
    depthImageA, _ = kitti.get_depth_image_pano_pclView(pclATransformed)
    pclATransformed = kitti._zero_pad(
        kwargs.get('pclCols') - pclATransformed.shape[1])
    # get residual Target
    #tMatResA2B = kitti.get_residual_tMat_A2B(targetT, targetP)
    targetP[0] = targetP[0] % np.pi
    targetP[1] = targetP[1] % np.pi
    targetP[2] = targetP[2] % np.pi
    targetResP2T = targetT - targetP
    return pclATransformed, targetResP2T, depthImageA
def _get_gt_map_backwards(gtPose):
    iterate backwards to transform step by step backwards
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(gtPose.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
        poseA = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(gtPose[i])
        poseB = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(gtPose[i + 1])
        poseB2A = _get_tMat_A_2_B(poseB, poseA)
        pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, poseB2A)
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    #### PathMap consists of all points transformed to the frame 0 coordinates
    # transform them to origin access
    pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, gtPose[0])
    # add final origin
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    return pathMap
def _get_p_map_w_orig_points(pPoseAB, gPose2o):
    Original Coordinates are used and only transformation for each frame is plotted
    len(pPoseAB) == len(gPose2o)+1
    get the predicted truth path map
    poses are w.r.t. previous frame
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    gtLoc = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, gPose2o[0])
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, gtLoc, axis=1)
    # Sequential transformations that takes points form frame i to i+1
    for i in range(len(pPoseAB)):
        poseA2B = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(np.array(pPoseAB[i]))
        oAtNextFrame = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, poseA2B)
        oAtOrigFrame = kitti.transform_pcl(oAtNextFrame, gPose2o[i + 1])
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, oAtOrigFrame, axis=1)
    #### PathMap consists of all points in the origin frame coordinates
    return pathMap
def _get_p_map(pPose):
    get the predicted truth path map
    poses are w.r.t. previous frame
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(pPose)):
        pose = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(np.array(pPose[i]['tmat']))
        origin = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, pose)
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    return pathMap
def _get_gt_map(gtPose):
    get the ground truth path map
    pose are w.r.t. the origin
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(gtPose)):
        pose = kitti._get_3x4_tmat(gtPose[i])
        pointT = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, pose)
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, pointT, axis=1)
    return pathMap
Example #8
def GetMapViaPose(poseX2Olist):
        poselist X2O
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(poseX2Olist)):
        pointT = kitti.transform_pcl(origin, poseX2Olist[i])
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, pointT, axis=1)
    return pathMap
Example #9
def GetMapViaTmat(tmatlist):
        tmatList B2A
    Sequencing : P(n) -> P(n-1) -> ... -> P(O)
    origin = np.array([[0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.ndarray(shape=[3, 0], dtype=np.float32)
    pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(tmatlist) - 1, -1, -1):  #last index to 0
        pathMap = kitti.transform_pcl(pathMap, tmatlist[i])
        pathMap = np.append(pathMap, origin, axis=1)
    #pathMap = np.flip(pathMap)
    return pathMap
Example #10
def _apply_prediction(pclA, tMatT, tMatP, **kwargs):
    Transform pclA, Calculate new tMatT based on tMatP, Create new depth image
        - New PCLA
        - New tMatT
        - New depthImage
    # remove trailing zeros
    pclA = kitti.remove_trailing_zeros(pclA)
    # get transformed pclA based on tMatP
    pclATransformed = kitti.transform_pcl(pclA, tMatP)
    # get new depth image of transformed pclA
    _, depthImageA = kitti.get_depth_image_pano_pclView(pclATransformed)
    pclATransformed = kitti._zero_pad(
        kwargs.get('pclCols') - pclATransformed.shape[1])
    # get residual tMat
    tMatResA2B = kitti.get_residual_tMat_A2B(tMatT, tMatP)
    return pclATransformed, tMatResA2B, depthImageA
def _apply_prediction_depImg(pclSource, targetT, targetP, prevP, params6=True, **kwargs):
    Transform pclSource, Calculate new targetT based on targetP, Create new depth image
        is transformation from space pi to space t.
        is transformation from space s to space pi. s to p0 is identity.
        is transformation from space s to space t.
        - New pclSource
        - New targetT
        - New depthImageB
    # remove trailing zeros
    pclSource = kitti.remove_trailing_zeros(pclSource)
    if params6:
        tMatP = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetP)
        tMatT = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetT)
        tMatPrevP = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(prevP)
        tMatP = targetP.reshape([3,4])
        tMatT = targetT.reshape([3,4])
        tMatPrevP = prevP.reshape([3,4])
    # get the transformation from space s to pi
    tMatS2P = np.matmul(kitti._add_row4_tmat(tMatPrevP), kitti._add_row4_tmat(tMatP))
    tMatS2P = kitti._remove_row4_tmat(tMatS2P)
    # get transformed pclSource based on targetP
    pclSourceTransformed = kitti.transform_pcl(pclSource, tMatS2P)
    # get new depth image of transformed pclSource
    depthImageB, _ = kitti.get_depth_image_pano_pclView(pclSourceTransformed)
    # get residual Target
    tMatResP2T = kitti.get_residual_tMat_p2t(tMatT, tMatS2P) # first is source2target, second is source2predicted
    if params6:
        targetResP2T = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(tMatResP2T)
        targetResP2T = tMatResP2T.reshape([12])
    return tMatS2P, targetResP2T, depthImageB
Example #12
def _apply_prediction(pclB, targetT, targetP, **kwargs):
    Transform pclB, Calculate new targetT based on targetP, Create new depth image
        - New PCLB
        - New targetT
        - New depthImageB
    # remove trailing zeros
    pclA = kitti.remove_trailing_zeros(pclB)
    # get transformed pclB based on targetP
    tMatP = kitti._get_tmat_from_params(targetP)
    pclBTransformed = kitti.transform_pcl(pclB, tMatP)
    # get new depth image of transformed pclB
    depthImageB, _ = kitti.get_depth_image_pano_pclView(pclBTransformed)
    pclBTransformed = kitti._zero_pad(
        kwargs.get('pclCols') - pclBTransformed.shape[1])
    # get residual Target
    #tMatResB2A = kitti.get_residual_tMat_Bp2B2A(targetP, targetT) # first is A, second is B
    targetResP2T = targetT - targetP
    return pclBTransformed, targetResP2T, depthImageB