class SteerDataset(Dataset): """ Returns img, steering_angle pairs """ def __init__(self, datapath, transforms=None): """ datapath: source of final processed & augmented data """ super(SteerDataset, self).__init__() self.datapath = datapath self.dutils = Data_Utils() self.df = self.dutils.get_df(self.datapath) self.transforms = transforms def __len__(self): return len(self.df) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Returns dictionary {"img": Tensor, C x H x W, "angle":float 1-Tensor} """ cv_img, df_row = self.dutils.df_data_fromidx(self.datapath, self.df, idx) if self.transforms: cv_img = self.transforms(cv_img) ts_angle = torch.Tensor([df_row[1]]).float() ts_img = torch.from_numpy(cv_img).permute(2, 0, 1).float() #size (C x H x W) data_dict = {"img": ts_img, "angle": ts_angle} return data_dict
def __init__(self, datapath, transforms=None): """ datapath: source of final processed & augmented data """ super(SteerDataset, self).__init__() self.datapath = datapath self.dutils = Data_Utils() self.df = self.dutils.get_df(self.datapath) self.transforms = transforms
def __init__(self, sess_path=None, writer=None): """ sess_path: current working dir of this session writer: Tensorboard SummmaryWriter """ self.gvis = lambda param: session["visualizer"].get(param) self.fixangle = lambda angle, units: angle if units == 'rad' else angle * math.pi / 180.0 self.writer = writer self.data_utils = Data_Utils()
def __init__(self): jsonfile = steps.session #The state of the session self.params_dict = jsonfile["params"] self.steplist = jsonfile["steps"] self.curr_step_idx = 0 self.dlist = None #running list of folders to operate on #Session ID & Logger self.sess_id, self.sess_path = self._create_session_data( self.params_dict["abs_path"], self.params_dict["sess_root"]) self.writer = self._create_writer(self.sess_path, 'logs', comment=self.params_dict["comment"]) #Periphery Stuff for data moving and visualization self.data_utils = Data_Utils() self.visualizer = Metric_Visualizer(self.sess_path, self.writer)
import os, json, pdb, cv2, math import numpy as np from functools import partial import pandas as pd from Data_Utils import Data_Utils dutils = Data_Utils() def changeName(dest_dict, prefix): curr_name = dest_dict.get("row")[0] dest_dict["row"][0] = prefix + curr_name return dest_dict def cannyEdge(args, src_dict): assert(len(args) == 2), "Incorrect size argument to cannyEdge" dest_dict = src_dict src_img = src_dict["img"] dest_img = cv2.Canny(src_img, args[0], args[1]) dest_dict["img"] = dest_img return changeName(dest_dict, 'cannyedge') def filterBadData(args, src_dict): assert(len(args) == 0), "Incorrect size argument to filterBadData" dest_dict = src_dict src_img = src_dict.get("img") #check to see if picture is largely black if np.mean(src_img) < 5: dest_dict["flag"] = False return changeName(dest_dict, 'fbd') def opticalFlow(args, src_dict):
class Stepper(object): """ Parses steps.session and executes ins. on data folders accordingly to get it into a final state """ def __init__(self): jsonfile = steps.session #The state of the session self.params_dict = jsonfile["params"] self.steplist = jsonfile["steps"] self.curr_step_idx = 0 self.dlist = None #running list of folders to operate on #Session ID & Logger self.sess_id, self.sess_path = self._create_session_data( self.params_dict["abs_path"], self.params_dict["sess_root"]) self.writer = self._create_writer(self.sess_path, 'logs', comment=self.params_dict["comment"]) #Periphery Stuff for data moving and visualization self.data_utils = Data_Utils() self.visualizer = Metric_Visualizer(self.sess_path, self.writer) def _create_session_data(self, abs_path, sess_root): """ Returns an int representing the unique session ID & makes a folder for the session, along with a string representing the current working directory of the session sess_root: root folder containing all the sessions """ sess_path = os.path.join(abs_path, sess_root) if not os.path.exists(sess_path): os.makedirs(sess_path) sess_id = len(os.listdir(sess_path)) sess_path = os.path.join(sess_path, str(sess_id)) print("SESSION PATH:", sess_path) print("SESSION ID:", sess_id) return sess_id, sess_path def _create_writer(self, sess_path, log_foldername, comment=''): """ Retruns a summary writer in the right place sess_path: current working dir of session """ logdir = os.path.join(sess_path, log_foldername) print("LOGDIR:", logdir) writer = SummaryWriter(logdir=logdir, comment=comment) return writer def B_VER(self, ver_path, dlist): """ (B)asic (VER)ification of folder structure in dlist ver_path is generally sess_path, but it could also be some other folder similarly, dlist is generally self.dlist, but it could also be someother list of folders """ for folder in dlist: dpath = os.path.join(ver_path, folder) #Ensure folder exists assert ( os.path.exists(dpath) ), f"B_VER Error: Folder {folder} cannot be found in {ver_path}" csvpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'data.csv') #Check for data.csv assert (os.path.isfile(csvpath) ), f"B_VER Error: data.csv could not be found in {dpath}" #Verify 4 columns in csv df = pd.read_csv(csvpath) assert ( len(df.columns) == 4 ), f"B_VER Error: Need four columns in data.csv in {csvpath}" #The number of jpg files in this directory should equal num rows num_jpgs = len(glob.glob1(dpath, "*.jpg")) assert ( len(df) == num_jpgs ), F"B_VER Error: num_jpgs in {dpath} must = num_rows in data.csv" #Index the first 20 and last 20, and ensure that those images exist for i in range(20): img_name = df.iloc[i, 0] framepath = os.path.join(dpath, img_name) frame = cv2.imread(framepath) assert ( os.path.isfile(framepath) ), F"B_VER Error: frame {framepath} is not a path, but is in the csv" for i in range(20): img_name = df.iloc[-i, 0] framepath = os.path.join(dpath, img_name) frame = cv2.imread(framepath) assert ( os.path.isfile(framepath) ), F"B_VER Error: frame {framepath} is not a path, but is in the csv" def default_vis(self, curr_step): #visualize data in tensorboard for i, folder in enumerate(self.dlist): self.visualizer.standard_log(self.sess_path, folder, self.curr_step_idx, global_step=i, units=curr_step.get("units", 'rad')) def exec_init(self, curr_step): """ Initializes self.sess_path with filtered data curr_step: dict, as in steps.session """ assert ( self.curr_step_idx == 0 and self.dlist is None ), "Step Error: init instruction can only be called once at the start" #verify raw data & dlist self.dlist = curr_step["dlist"] raw_datadir = os.path.join(self.params_dict["abs_path"], self.params_dict["raw_data"]) self.B_VER(raw_datadir, self.dlist) print(f"PASSED B_VER FOR STEP {self.curr_step_idx}") dest_datadir = self.sess_path filter_funclist = curr_step["funclist"] #move & filter each folder new_dlist = [] for i, folder in enumerate(self.dlist): new_folder = self.data_utils.MOVE( raw_datadir, folder, dest_datadir, flist=filter_funclist[i], preview=self.params_dict["preview"]) new_dlist.append(new_folder) #visualize data in tensorboard self.dlist = new_dlist self.default_vis(curr_step) def exec_preprocess(self, curr_step): """ Preprocesses data as per curr_step in steps.session """ assert (self.curr_step_idx > 0 and self.dlist is not None), "Step Error: Must call init before preprocess" #verify raw data & dlist self.B_VER(self.sess_path, self.dlist) #move & preprocess each folder funclist = curr_step["funclist"] raw_datadir = self.sess_path dest_datadir = self.sess_path new_dlist = [] for i, folder in enumerate(self.dlist): flist = funclist[i] new_folder = self.data_utils.MOVE(raw_datadir, folder, dest_datadir, flist=flist, preview=False) new_dlist.append(new_folder) self.dlist = new_dlist self.default_vis(curr_step) def exec_augment(self, curr_step): """ Augment data as per curr_step in steps.json """ assert (self.curr_step_idx > 0 and self.dlist is not None), "Step Error: Must call init before augment" #verify raw data & dlist self.B_VER(self.sess_path, self.dlist) #move & preprocess each folder funclist = curr_step["funclist"] raw_datadir = self.sess_path dest_datadir = self.sess_path for i, folder in enumerate(self.dlist): flist = funclist[i] self.data_utils.MOVE(raw_datadir, folder, dest_datadir, flist=flist, preview=False, op='aug') self.default_vis(curr_step) def exec_combine(self, curr_step): """ Combines files currently in dlist into a specified folder updates dlist to only have this folder """ assert (self.curr_step_idx > 0 and self.dlist is not None), "Step Error: Must call init before combine" #verify raw data & dlist self.B_VER(self.sess_path, self.dlist) #move & preprocess each folder raw_datadir = self.sess_path dest_datadir = self.sess_path foldername = curr_step.get("foldername", "main") for i, folder in enumerate(self.dlist): self.data_utils.MOVE(raw_datadir, folder, dest_datadir, flist=[], preview=False, op='combine_choosename|' + foldername) self.dlist = [foldername] self.default_vis(curr_step) def step(self): """ Executes the instruction for the curr_step """ curr_step = self.steplist[self.curr_step_idx] #dictionary insn_type = curr_step["type"] #case over insn_types if insn_type == "init": self.exec_init(curr_step) self.curr_step_idx += 1 elif insn_type == "preprocess": self.exec_preprocess(curr_step) self.curr_step_idx += 1 elif insn_type == "augment": self.exec_augment(curr_step) self.curr_step_idx += 1 elif insn_type == "combine": self.exec_combine(curr_step) self.curr_step_idx += 1
class Metric_Visualizer(object): """ Visualize metrics in Tensorboard """ def __init__(self, sess_path=None, writer=None): """ sess_path: current working dir of this session writer: Tensorboard SummmaryWriter """ self.gvis = lambda param: session["visualizer"].get(param) self.fixangle = lambda angle, units: angle if units == 'rad' else angle * math.pi / 180.0 self.writer = writer self.data_utils = Data_Utils() def vis_steer_point(self, frame, angle, cx, cy, r, size=10, color=(0, 0, 0)): """ Tiny point on big steering graphic that shows the steering angle """ x = (cx + r * math.cos(-1.0 * angle + math.pi / 2.)) y = (cy - r * math.sin(-1.0 * angle + math.pi / 2.)), (int(x), int(y)), size, color, -1) def vis_textdata(self, frame, scalar, label, pos): """ Visualize text data. pos = vertical interval on the frame """ scalar = float(scalar) if float(scalar) != -0.0 else 0.0 #TEXT PARAMETERS color = (255, 255, 255) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX font_size = 0.5 font_thickness = 1 v_space = 20 cx, cy = 20, pos * v_space #draw text on frame text = label + '%.3f' % (float(scalar)) cv2.putText(frame, text, (cx, cy), font, font_size, color, font_thickness) def vis_frame(self, frame, angle, speed, timestamp, pred=None, show_steer=False): """ Vis an image w/ text info log + steering_angle_graphic & display it """ #log text data in the top left self.vis_textdata(frame, angle, "angle:", 1) self.vis_textdata(frame, speed, "speed:", 2) self.vis_textdata(frame, timestamp, "time:", 3) if pred is not None: self.vis_textdata(frame, timestamp, "pred", 4) if show_steer: #Big Steering Graphic h, w, c = frame.shape cx, cy, r = int(w / 2), h, int((h * 80) / 480), (cx, cy), r, (255, 255, 255), 2) big_steerpoint = int(math.ceil(r * 10.0 / 80.0)) angle_extra = angle * 2 if pred is not None: pred_extra = pred * 2 #SMALL steering point graphic (angle must be in radians) self.vis_steer_point(frame, angle_extra, cx, cy, r, size=big_steerpoint, color=(218, 165, 32)) if pred is not None: self.vis_steer_point(frame, pred_extra, cx, cy, r, size=int(math.ceil(big_steerpoint / 2.0)), color=(0, 0, 0)) def vis_framelist(self, labelname, framelist, angle_list, global_step=0, show_steer=False, vel_list=None, predangle_list=None, timestamp_list=None): """ Visualize a list of frames (cv2) w/ angles (radians, floats) """ vislist = [] tryget = lambda arr, index, default: default if arr is None else arr[ index] for i, frame in enumerate(framelist): curr_timestamp = tryget(timestamp_list, i, 0) curr_predangle = tryget(predangle_list, i, None) curr_vel = tryget(vel_list, i, 0) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) self.vis_frame(frame, angle_list[i], curr_vel, curr_timestamp, curr_predangle, show_steer=True) frame = cv2.bitwise_not(frame) vislist.append(frame) self.writer.add_images(labelname, vislist, global_step=global_step, dataformats='HWC') def framelist_from_path(self, dpath, stepname, idx, show_steer=False, units='rad'): """ Send a list of frames to Tensorboard from a path """ interesting_idxs = self.data_utils.get_interesting_idxs(dpath, 5) df = self.data_utils.get_df(dpath) datalist = list( map(lambda x: self.data_utils.df_data_fromidx(dpath, df, x), interesting_idxs)) #list of image, row pairs framelist = list(map(lambda x: x[0], datalist)) rowlist = list(map(lambda x: x[1], datalist)) splitrow = lambda idx: list(map(lambda x: x[idx], rowlist)) angle_list = splitrow(1) angle_list = list(map(lambda x: self.fixangle(x, units), angle_list)) vel_list = splitrow(2) timestamp_list = splitrow(3) self.vis_framelist(stepname, framelist, angle_list, global_step=idx, show_steer=show_steer, vel_list=vel_list, timestamp_list=timestamp_list) def vid_from_path(self, dpath, stepname, idx, show_steer=False, units='rad'): """ Send annotated video to Tensorboard dpath: abs_path to data folder containing images & csv labelname: str name for the label global_step: global_step to record for slider functionality """ framebuffer = [] #get dataframe csvpath = os.path.join(dpath, "data.csv") df = pd.read_csv(csvpath) # num_rows = int(0.1 * len(df)) #display about 10% of the frames num_rows = len(df) for i in range(num_rows): if i % 4 == 0: img_name, angle, speed, timestamp = df.iloc[i, 0], df.iloc[ i, 1], df.iloc[i, 2], df.iloc[i, 3] angle = self.fixangle(angle, units) framepath = os.path.join(dpath, img_name) frame = cv2.imread(framepath) self.vis_frame(frame, angle, speed, timestamp, show_steer=show_steer) framebuffer.append(frame.copy()) self.writer.add_video(stepname, framebuffer, fps=10, global_step=idx, as_np_framebuffer=True) def plot_anglehist(self, dpath, tag, idx): csvpath = os.path.join(dpath, "data.csv") df = pd.read_csv(csvpath) angle_column = df.iloc[:, 1].values num_bins = 100 #save plot w/ matplotlib fig = plt.figure() plt.hist(angle_column, num_bins, color='green') self.writer.add_figure(tag, fig, global_step=idx) def text_table(self, dpath, labelname, foldername='', angle_unit='', global_step=0): df = self.data_utils.get_df(dpath) h, w = self.data_utils._get_image_size(dpath) text = f"Folder | Shape | Units | Num Images\n-----|-----|-----|-----\n{foldername}|({h}, {w})|{angle_unit}|{len(df)}" self.writer.add_text(labelname, text, global_step=global_step) def visualize_batch(self, ts_imgbatch, ts_anglebatch, ts_predanglebatch, global_step=0): self.writer.add_images("Sample Batch", ts_imgbatch[:5], global_step=global_step) def dict_to_table(self, my_dict): """ Converts a python dict into a table TODO: Consider the numerous edge cases (what if dict is already array) """ tabulate_dict = {} for key in my_dict: tabulate_dict[key] = [str(my_dict[key])] text = tabulate(tabulate_dict, headers="keys", tablefmt="github") return text def log_training(self, config, train_id, best_train_loss, best_valid_loss): final_dict = config final_dict["train_id"] = train_id final_dict["t_loss"] = best_train_loss final_dict["v_loss"] = best_valid_loss text = self.dict_to_table(final_dict) self.writer.add_text('Train Summary', text, global_step=0) def standard_log(self, datadir, folder, curr_step, global_step=0, units=''): """ Log "Standard" things in Tensorboard datadir: abs_path of directory containing data folders folder: data folder name curr_step: progress in steps.json global_step: The "step" value to log into tensorboard (this allows for the cool slider functionality) units: 'rad' or 'deg' """ labelname = f"STEP-{curr_step}" dpath = os.path.join(datadir, folder) self.plot_anglehist(dpath, labelname, global_step) if self.gvis("vis_type") == 'video': self.vid_from_path(dpath, labelname, global_step, show_steer=True, units=units) elif self.gvis("vis_type") == 'framelist': self.framelist_from_path(dpath, labelname, global_step, show_steer=True, units=units) self.text_table(dpath, labelname, foldername=folder, angle_unit=units, global_step=global_step)