Example #1
def buildSignalProcessCollection(datacard_paths):
    datacards = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths]
    signal_process_collection = None
    for card in datacards:
        histogram_dict = buildHistogramDictionary(card.shapeFilePath())
        sig_col = processCollectionFromCard(card, histogram_dict, True)
        if signal_process_collection is None:
            signal_process_collection = sig_col
            signal_process_collection += sig_col
    return signal_process_collection
Example #2
def MakeCard(ws, ch, tf="", signal=[], useModel=True):
    print "Writing datacard_%s" % ch
    proclist = signal + [
        'ZJets', 'WJets', 'DYJets', 'GJets', 'DiBoson', 'TTJets', 'QCD'
    ch_card = Datacard(ch, ws)
    ch_card.hists = getHists(ws, ch)
    ch_card.pdfs = getPDFs(ws, ch)
    tfmodel = None
    if "%s_%s" % (tf, ch) in ch_card.pdfs: tfmodel = ws.pdf("%s_%s" % (tf, ch))
    ch_card.vars = getVars(ws, tfmodel)

    ch_card.setObservation(shape='data_obs_%s' % ch)
    for proc in proclist:
        AddProc(ch_card, proc, proc in signal, useModel=useModel)
    AddTF(ch_card, tf, useModel)
Example #3
def buildProcessCollectionAndData(datacard_paths):
    datacards = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths]
    total_process_collection = None
    total_data = None
    for card in datacards:
        histogram_dict = buildHistogramDictionary(card.shapeFilePath())

        #merge process collections
        proc_col = processCollectionFromCard(card, histogram_dict, False)
        if total_process_collection is None:
            total_process_collection = proc_col
            total_process_collection += proc_col

        #merge data
        if total_data is None:
            total_data = histogram_dict['data_obs']
    return total_data, total_process_collection
Example #4
def maskBins(datacard_path, bins_to_remove):

    datacard = Datacard(datacard_path)

    #back up the datacard

    #read all histograms in the shape file into a dictionary
    hist_dict = buildHistogramDictionary(datacard.shapeFilePath())

    #make a new histogram dictionary where the requested bins are removed
    new_hist_dict = {}
    for key in hist_dict:
        new_hist_dict[key] = removeBins(hist_dict[key], bins_to_remove)

    #determine the updated nominal yields
    new_yields = nominalYieldDict(new_hist_dict)

    #update the datacard and shape file
Example #5
    def __init__(self, config, config_name="DC"):
        self.config = config
        self.config_name = config_name
        if config.has_option('LimitGeneral', 'List_for_rebinner'):
            self.regions = [
                x.strip() for x in config.get('LimitGeneral',
                if len(x.strip()) > 0
            self.regions = [
                for x in config.get('LimitGeneral', 'List').split(',')
                if len(x.strip()) > 0
                and config.get('dc:%s' % (x.strip()), 'type').lower() != 'cr'

        print("Convert regions:")
        print(", ".join(self.regions))
        self.dcMakers = {
            region: Datacard(config=self.config, region=region)
            for region in self.regions
        self.dfs = {region: {} for region in self.regions}
    elif plot[0] == 'M3':
        base_card_path = base_card_path.replace('_datacard', '_mass3_datacard')
        base_card_path2 = base_card_path2.replace('_datacard',
        base_card_path3 = base_card_path3.replace('_datacard',
        base_card_path4 = base_card_path4.replace('_datacard',
    elif plot[0] == 'SR':
        base_card_path = base_card_path.replace('_datacard', '_datacard')
        base_card_path2 = base_card_path2.replace('_datacard', '_datacard')
        base_card_path3 = base_card_path3.replace('_datacard', '_datacard')
        base_card_path4 = base_card_path4.replace('_datacard', '_datacard')

    datacard_paths = ['{}_{}.txt'.format(base_card_path, y) for y in years]
    datacards = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths]
    #additional signal sample to add to the plot
    datacard_paths2 = ['{}_{}.txt'.format(base_card_path2, y) for y in years]
    datacards2 = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths2]
    datacard_paths3 = ['{}_{}.txt'.format(base_card_path3, y) for y in years]
    datacards3 = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths3]
    datacard_paths4 = ['{}_{}.txt'.format(base_card_path4, y) for y in years]
    datacards4 = [Datacard(path) for path in datacard_paths4]

    ##################### central one! ##########################
    processCollections = []
    total_data = None
    for i, card in enumerate(datacards):
        #build the backgrounds
        histogram_dict = buildHistogramDictionary(card.shapeFilePath())
        process_list = []
def parseCard(file, options):
    if type(file) == type("str"):
        raise RuntimeError, "You should pass as argument to parseCards a file object, stream or a list of lines, not a string"
    ret = Datacard()
    ret.discretes = []
    nbins = -1
    nprocesses = -1
    nuisances = -1
    binline = []
    processline = []
    sigline = []

    lineNumber = None
        for lineNumber, l in enumerate(file):
            f = l.split()
            if len(f) < 1: continue
            if f[0] == "imax":
                nbins = int(f[1]) if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "jmax":
                nprocesses = int(f[1]) + 1 if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "kmax":
                nuisances = int(f[1]) if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "shapes":
                if not options.bin:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Can use shapes only with binary output mode"
                if len(f) < 4: raise RuntimeError, "Malformed shapes line"
                if not ret.shapeMap.has_key(f[2]): ret.shapeMap[f[2]] = {}
                if ret.shapeMap[f[2]].has_key(f[1]):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Duplicate definition for process '%s', channel '%s'" % (
                        f[1], f[2])
                ret.shapeMap[f[2]][f[1]] = f[3:]
            if f[0] == "Observation" or f[0] == "observation":
                ret.obs = [float(x) for x in f[1:]]
                if nbins == -1: nbins = len(ret.obs)
                if len(ret.obs) != nbins:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Found %d observations but %d bins have been declared" % (
                        len(ret.obs), nbins)
                if binline != []:
                    if len(binline) != len(ret.obs):
                        raise RuntimeError, "Found %d bins (%s) but %d bins have been declared" % (
                            len(ret.bins), ret.bins, nbins)
                    ret.bins = binline
                    ret.obs = dict([(b, ret.obs[i])
                                    for i, b in enumerate(ret.bins)])
                    binline = []
            if f[0] == "bin":
                binline = []
                for b in f[1:]:
                    if re.match("[0-9]+", b):
                            "Warning: Bin %(b)s starts with a digit. Will call it 'bin%(b)s' but this may break shapes.\n"
                            % locals())
                        b = "bin" + b
                        # TODO Here should be some patching of the shapes names in order to not get errors later.
            if f[0] == "process":
                if processline == []:  # first line contains names
                    processline = f[1:]
                    if len(binline) != len(processline):
                        raise RuntimeError, "'bin' line has a different length than 'process' line."
                sigline = f[1:]  # second line contains ids
                if re.match("-?[0-9]+", processline[0]) and not re.match(
                        "-?[0-9]+", sigline[0]):
                    (processline, sigline) = (sigline, processline)
                if len(sigline) != len(processline):
                    raise RuntimeError, "'bin' line has a different length than 'process' line."
                hadBins = (len(ret.bins) > 0)
                for i, b in enumerate(binline):
                    p = processline[i]
                    s = (int(sigline[i]) <= 0
                         )  # <=0 for signals, >0 for backgrounds
                    ret.keyline.append((b, processline[i], s))
                    if hadBins:
                        if b not in ret.bins:
                            raise RuntimeError, "Bin %s not among the declared bins %s" % (
                                b, ret.bins)
                        if b not in ret.bins: ret.bins.append(b)
                    if p not in ret.processes: ret.processes.append(p)
                if nprocesses == -1: nprocesses = len(ret.processes)
                if nbins == -1: nbins = len(ret.bins)
                if not options.noJMax:
                    if nprocesses != len(ret.processes):
                        raise RuntimeError, "Found %d processes (%s), declared jmax = %d" % (
                            len(ret.processes), ret.processes, nprocesses)
                if nbins != len(ret.bins):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Found %d bins (%s), declared imax = %d" % (
                        len(ret.bins), ret.bins, nbins)
                ret.exp = dict([(b, {}) for b in ret.bins])
                ret.isSignal = dict([(p, None) for p in ret.processes])
                if ret.obs != [] and type(
                ) == list:  # still as list, must change into map with bin names
                    ret.obs = dict([(b, ret.obs[i])
                                    for i, b in enumerate(ret.bins)])
                for (b, p, s) in ret.keyline:
                    if ret.isSignal[p] == None:
                        ret.isSignal[p] = s
                    elif ret.isSignal[p] != s:
                        raise RuntimeError, "Process %s is declared as signal in some bin and as background in some other bin" % p
                ret.signals = [p for p, s in ret.isSignal.items() if s == True]
                if len(ret.signals) == 0 and not options.allowNoSignal:
                    raise RuntimeError, "You must have at least one signal process (id <= 0)"
            if f[0] == "rate":
                if processline == []:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Missing line with process names before rate line"
                if sigline == []:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Missing line with process id before rate line"
                if len(f[1:]) != len(ret.keyline):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Malformed rate line: length %d, while bins and process lines have length %d" % (
                        len(f[1:]), len(ret.keyline))
                for (b, p, s), r in zip(ret.keyline, f[1:]):
                    ret.exp[b][p] = float(r)
                break  # rate is the last line before nuisances
        # parse nuisances
        for lineNumber, l in enumerate(file):
            if l.startswith("--"): continue
            l = re.sub("\\s*#.*", "", l)
            l = re.sub("(?<=\\s)-+(\\s|$)", " 0\\1", l)
            f = l.split()
            if len(f) <= 1: continue
            nofloat = False
            lsyst = f[0]
            pdf = f[1]
            args = []
            numbers = f[2:]
            if lsyst.endswith("[nofloat]"):
                lsyst = lsyst.replace("[nofloat]", "")
                nofloat = True
            if options.nuisancesToExclude and isVetoed(
                    lsyst, options.nuisancesToExclude):
                if options.verbose > 0:
                        "Excluding nuisance %s selected by a veto pattern among %s\n"
                        % (lsyst, options.nuisancesToExclude))
                if nuisances != -1: nuisances -= 1
            if re.match("[0-9]+", lsyst): lsyst = "theta" + lsyst
            if pdf == "lnN" or pdf == "lnU" or pdf == "gmM" or pdf == "trG" or pdf.startswith(
                pass  # nothing special to do
            elif pdf == "gmN":
                args = [int(f[2])]
                numbers = f[3:]
            elif pdf == "unif":
                args = [float(f[2]), float(f[3])]
                numbers = f[4:]
            elif pdf == "dFD" or pdf == "dFD2":
                args = [float(f[2])]
                numbers = f[3:]
            elif pdf == "param":
                # for parametric uncertainties, there's no line to account per bin/process effects
                # just assume everything else is an argument and move on
                args = f[2:]
                if len(args) <= 1:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Uncertainties of type 'param' must have at least two arguments (mean and sigma)"
                ret.systs.append([lsyst, nofloat, pdf, args, []])
            elif pdf == "flatParam":
                ret.flatParamNuisances[lsyst] = True
                #for flat parametric uncertainties, code already does the right thing as long as they are non-constant RooRealVars linked to the model
            elif pdf == "discrete":
                args = f[2:]
                raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported pdf %s" % pdf
            if len(numbers) < len(ret.keyline):
                raise RuntimeError, "Malformed systematics line %s of length %d: while bins and process lines have length %d" % (
                    lsyst, len(numbers), len(ret.keyline))
            errline = dict([(b, {}) for b in ret.bins])
            nonNullEntries = 0
            for (b, p, s), r in zip(ret.keyline, numbers):
                if "/" in r:  # "number/number"
                    if (pdf not in ["lnN", "lnU"]) and ("?" not in pdf):
                        raise RuntimeError, "Asymmetric errors are allowed only for Log-normals"
                    errline[b][p] = [float(x) for x in r.split("/")]
                    for v in errline[b][p]:
                        #if v <= 0.00: raise ValueError('Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s for %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'%(r,p,b))
                        if v <= 0.00:
                                'Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s for %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'
                                % (r, p, b))
                    errline[b][p] = float(r)
                    #values of 0.0 are treated as 1.0; scrap negative values.
                    if pdf not in ["trG", "dFD", "dFD2"] and errline[b][p] < 0:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s in %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'
                            % (r, p, b))
                # set the rate to epsilon for backgrounds with zero observed sideband events.
                if pdf == "gmN" and ret.exp[b][p] == 0 and float(r) != 0:
                    ret.exp[b][p] = 1e-6
            ret.systs.append([lsyst, nofloat, pdf, args, errline])
    except Exception, ex:
        if lineNumber != None:
            msg = "Error reading line %d" % (lineNumber + 1)
            if hasattr(file, 'name'):
                msg += " of file " + file.name

            msg += ": " + ex.args[0]
            ex.args = (msg, ) + ex.args[1:]

def parseCard(file, options):
    if type(file) == type("str"):
        raise RuntimeError, "You should pass as argument to parseCards a file object, stream or a list of lines, not a string"
    ret = Datacard()
    nbins = -1;
    nprocesses = -1;
    nuisances = -1;
    binline = []; processline = []; sigline = []

    lineNumber = None
        for lineNumber,l in enumerate(file):
            f = l.split();
            if len(f) < 1: continue
            if f[0] == "imax":
                nbins = int(f[1]) if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "jmax":
                nprocesses = int(f[1])+1 if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "kmax":
                nuisances = int(f[1]) if f[1] != "*" else -1
            if f[0] == "shapes":
                if not options.bin: raise RuntimeError, "Can use shapes only with binary output mode"
                if len(f) < 4: raise RuntimeError, "Malformed shapes line"
                if not ret.shapeMap.has_key(f[2]): ret.shapeMap[f[2]] = {}
                if ret.shapeMap[f[2]].has_key(f[1]): raise RuntimeError, "Duplicate definition for process '%s', channel '%s'" % (f[1], f[2])
                ret.shapeMap[f[2]][f[1]] = f[3:]
            if f[0] == "Observation" or f[0] == "observation":
                ret.obs = [ float(x) for x in f[1:] ]
                if nbins == -1: nbins = len(ret.obs)
                if len(ret.obs) != nbins: raise RuntimeError, "Found %d observations but %d bins have been declared" % (len(ret.obs), nbins)
                if binline != []:
                    if len(binline) != len(ret.obs): raise RuntimeError, "Found %d bins (%s) but %d bins have been declared" % (len(ret.bins), ret.bins, nbins)
                    ret.bins = binline
                    ret.obs = dict([(b,ret.obs[i]) for i,b in enumerate(ret.bins)])
                    binline = []
            if f[0] == "bin":
                binline = []
                for b in f[1:]:
                    if re.match("[0-9]+", b):
                        stderr.write("Warning: Bin %(b)s starts with a digit. Will call it 'bin%(b)s' but this may break shapes.\n" % locals())
                        b = "bin"+b
                        # TODO Here should be some patching of the shapes names in order to not get errors later.
            if f[0] == "process":
                if processline == []: # first line contains names
                    processline = f[1:]
                    if len(binline) != len(processline): raise RuntimeError, "'bin' line has a different length than 'process' line."
                sigline = f[1:] # second line contains ids
                if re.match("-?[0-9]+", processline[0]) and not re.match("-?[0-9]+", sigline[0]):
                    (processline,sigline) = (sigline,processline)
                if len(sigline) != len(processline): raise RuntimeError, "'bin' line has a different length than 'process' line."
                hadBins = (len(ret.bins) > 0)
                for i,b in enumerate(binline):
                    p = processline[i];
                    s = (int(sigline[i]) <= 0) # <=0 for signals, >0 for backgrounds
                    ret.keyline.append((b, processline[i], s))
                    if hadBins:
                        if b not in ret.bins: raise RuntimeError, "Bin %s not among the declared bins %s" % (b, ret.bins)
                        if b not in ret.bins: ret.bins.append(b)
                    if p not in ret.processes: ret.processes.append(p)
                if nprocesses == -1: nprocesses = len(ret.processes)
                if nbins == -1: nbins = len(ret.bins)
                if not options.noJMax:
                    if nprocesses != len(ret.processes): raise RuntimeError, "Found %d processes (%s), declared jmax = %d" % (len(ret.processes),ret.processes,nprocesses)
                if nbins != len(ret.bins): raise RuntimeError, "Found %d bins (%s), declared imax = %d" % (len(ret.bins),ret.bins,nbins)
                ret.exp = dict([(b,{}) for b in ret.bins])
                ret.isSignal = dict([(p,None) for p in ret.processes])
                if ret.obs != [] and type(ret.obs) == list: # still as list, must change into map with bin names
                    ret.obs = dict([(b,ret.obs[i]) for i,b in enumerate(ret.bins)])
                for (b,p,s) in ret.keyline:
                    if ret.isSignal[p] == None:
                        ret.isSignal[p] = s
                    elif ret.isSignal[p] != s:
                        raise RuntimeError, "Process %s is declared as signal in some bin and as background in some other bin" % p
                ret.signals = [p for p,s in ret.isSignal.items() if s == True]
                if len(ret.signals) == 0 and not options.allowNoSignal: raise RuntimeError, "You must have at least one signal process (id <= 0)"
            if f[0] == "rate":
                if processline == []: raise RuntimeError, "Missing line with process names before rate line"
                if sigline == []: raise RuntimeError, "Missing line with process id before rate line"
                if len(f[1:]) != len(ret.keyline): raise RuntimeError, "Malformed rate line: length %d, while bins and process lines have length %d" % (len(f[1:]), len(ret.keyline))
                for (b,p,s),r in zip(ret.keyline,f[1:]):
                    ret.exp[b][p] = float(r)
                break # rate is the last line before nuisances
        # parse nuisances
        for lineNumber,l in enumerate(file):
            if l.startswith("--"): continue
            l = re.sub("\\s*#.*","",l)
            l = re.sub("(?<=\\s)-+(\\s|$)"," 0\\1",l);
            f = l.split();
            if len(f) <= 1: continue
            nofloat = False
            lsyst = f[0]; pdf = f[1]; args = []; numbers = f[2:];
            if lsyst.endswith("[nofloat]"):
              lsyst = lsyst.replace("[nofloat]","")
              nofloat = True
            if options.nuisancesToExclude and isVetoed(lsyst, options.nuisancesToExclude):
                if options.verbose > 0: stderr.write("Excluding nuisance %s selected by a veto pattern among %s\n" % (lsyst, options.nuisancesToExclude))
                if nuisances != -1: nuisances -= 1
            if re.match("[0-9]+",lsyst): lsyst = "theta"+lsyst
            if pdf == "lnN" or pdf == "lnU" or pdf == "gmM" or pdf == "trG" or pdf.startswith("shape"):
                pass # nothing special to do
            elif pdf == "gmN":
                args = [int(f[2])]; numbers = f[3:];
            elif pdf == "unif":
                args = [float(f[2]), float(f[3])]; numbers = f[4:];
            elif pdf == "dFD" or pdf == "dFD2":
                args = [float(f[2])]; numbers = f[3:];
            elif pdf == "param":
                # for parametric uncertainties, there's no line to account per bin/process effects
                # just assume everything else is an argument and move on
                args = f[2:]
                if len(args) <= 1: raise RuntimeError, "Uncertainties of type 'param' must have at least two arguments (mean and sigma)"
            elif pdf == "flatParam":
                ret.flatParamNuisances[lsyst] = True
                #for flat parametric uncertainties, code already does the right thing as long as they are non-constant RooRealVars linked to the model
            elif pdf=="discrete":
                args = f[2:]
                raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported pdf %s" % pdf
            if len(numbers) < len(ret.keyline): raise RuntimeError, "Malformed systematics line %s of length %d: while bins and process lines have length %d" % (lsyst, len(numbers), len(ret.keyline))
            errline = dict([(b,{}) for b in ret.bins])
            nonNullEntries = 0
            for (b,p,s),r in zip(ret.keyline,numbers):
                if "/" in r: # "number/number"
                    if (pdf not in ["lnN","lnU"]) and ("?" not in pdf): raise RuntimeError, "Asymmetric errors are allowed only for Log-normals"
                    errline[b][p] = [ float(x) for x in r.split("/") ]
                    for v in errline[b][p]:
                        #if v <= 0.00: raise ValueError('Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s for %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'%(r,p,b))
                        if v <= 0.00: print ('Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s for %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'%(r,p,b))
                    errline[b][p] = float(r)
                    #values of 0.0 are treated as 1.0; scrap negative values.
                    if pdf not in ["trG", "dFD", "dFD2"] and errline[b][p] < 0: raise ValueError('Found "%s" in the nuisances affecting %s in %s. This would lead to NANs later on, so please fix it.'%(r,p,b))
                # set the rate to epsilon for backgrounds with zero observed sideband events.
                if pdf == "gmN" and ret.exp[b][p] == 0 and float(r) != 0: ret.exp[b][p] = 1e-6
    except Exception, ex:
        if lineNumber != None:
            msg = "Error reading line %d" % (lineNumber + 1)
            if hasattr(file,'name'):
                msg += " of file " + file.name

            msg += ": " + ex.args[0]
            ex.args = (msg, ) + ex.args[1:]
