Example #1
def build_regmem_coord_dict(LLfname, Beldescfname):
    ff_coord_dict, ram_coord_dict = {}, {}
    ramblocation_dict = {}
    T = Table('Bels')
    for i in T.query({'BellType': 'RAMB'}):
        ramblocation_dict[i['CellLocation']] = i['Node']
    with open(LLfname, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            matchDesc, t = re.search(ram_search_ptn, line), 1
            if not matchDesc:
                matchDesc, t = re.search(ff_search_ptn, line), 2
            if matchDesc:
                FAR = int(matchDesc.group(1), 16)
                offset = int(matchDesc.group(2))
                block = matchDesc.group(3)
                word, bit = offset / 32, offset % 32
                if t == 1:
                    ram_coord_dict[(FAR, word, bit)] = {
                        '{}/{}'.format(matchDesc.group(4), matchDesc.group(5))
                elif t == 2:
                    ff_coord_dict[(FAR, word, bit)] = {
                        'node': matchDesc.group(5),
                        'case': ''
    return (ff_coord_dict, ram_coord_dict)
Example #2
def ExportProfilingStatistics(LutMapList, fname):
    #Per frame: FAR;MeanActivityTime;FailureRate
    print('creating perframe dict')
    perframe_experiments = dict()
    for lut in LutMapList:
        for i in range(len(lut['FailureModeEmul'])):
            if len(lut['FailureModeEmul'][i]) > 0:
                for j in range(len(lut['FailureModeEmul'][i])):
                    if len(lut['Actime']) > 0 and j < len(
                            lut['Actime'][i]) and lut['Actime'][i][
                                j] >= 0 and lut['FailureModeEmul'][i][j] >= 0:
                        FAR = lut['globalmap'][i][j][0]
                        if FAR not in perframe_experiments:
                            perframe_experiments[FAR] = []
    res = []
    for k, v in perframe_experiments.items():
        actime = [i[0] for i in v]
        failures = [i[1] for i in v]
        #res.append( (k, sum(actime)/len(actime), 100.0*float(sum(failures))/len(failures), len(actime)) )
        res.append((k, sum(actime) / (101 * 32),
                    100.0 * float(sum(failures)) / (101 * 32), len(actime)))
    T = Table('PerFrameRes', ['FAR', 'MeanActime', 'FailureRate', 'items'])
    for i in res:
        T.add_row(map(str, [i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]]))
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
Example #3
def build_lut_coord_dict(LutMapList, SimResFile=''):
    simresdict = {}
    if SimResFile != '':
        print('Processing simulation results: {0}'.format(SimResFile))
        SimRes = Table('SimRes')
        node_ind, case_ind, res_ind = SimRes.labels.index(
            'Node'), SimRes.labels.index('InjCase'), SimRes.labels.index(
        for i in range(SimRes.rownum()):
            node = SimRes.get(i, node_ind)
            case = int(re.findall('[0-9]+', SimRes.get(i, case_ind))[0])
            simresdict[(node, case)] = SimRes.get(i, res_ind).upper()

    coord_dict = {}
    for lut in LutMapList:
        if 'Multiplicity' not in lut:
            lut['Multiplicity'] = len(lut['globalmap'][0])
        if ('FailureModeEmul' not in lut) or (lut['FailureModeEmul'] == []):
            lut['FailureModeEmul'] = [[-1] * lut['Multiplicity']
                                      for i in range(len(lut['globalmap']))]
        for i in range(len(lut['globalmap'])):
            if (lut['simnode'], i) in simresdict:
                lut['FailureModeSim'].append(simresdict[(lut['simnode'], i)])
            for j in range(len(lut['globalmap'][i])):
                #several logic luts can use the same memory cell (LUT6_2 bell = LUT6 cell + LUT5 cell )
                if not lut['globalmap'][i][j] in coord_dict:
                    coord_dict[lut['globalmap'][i][j]] = []
                coord_dict[lut['globalmap'][i][j]].append((lut, i, j))
    return (coord_dict)
Example #4
def load_Map_dict(fname):
    res = {}
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        Tab = Table('MapList')
        for i in range(Tab.rownum()):
            res[(int(Tab.getByLabel('FAR', i)), int(Tab.getByLabel('word', i)),
                 int(Tab.getByLabel('bit', i)))] = {
                     'node': Tab.getByLabel('Node', i),
                     'case': Tab.getByLabel('Case', i)
    return (res)
Example #5
 def export_fault_list_csv(self):
     self.FdescFile = os.path.join(self.generatedFilesDir, 'Faultlist.csv')
     FdescTable = Table('Faultlist', self.get_fdesc_labels())
     for idx in range(len(self.fault_list)):
         for row in self.faultdesc_format_str(idx):
     FdescTable.to_csv(';', True, self.FdescFile)
     print('Fault List exported to: {0}'.format(self.FdescFile))
Example #6
    def GenerateFaultload(self):
        if not self.DutScope=='' and not self.DutScope.endswith('/'): self.DutScope+='/'
        #Step 1: Build the list of frame addresses (obtained by running InjApp in profiling mode)
        FarList = LoadFarList(self.Input_FarListFile)
        #Step 2: Build the list of frame discriptors for complete bitstream (*.bit or *.bin)
        BIN_FrameList = bitstream_to_FrameList(self.Input_BinstreamFile, FarList)

        while i < len(BIN_FrameList):
            if BIN_FrameList[i].Minor==0:
                buf = BIN_FrameList[i].Major
                cnt = 0
                while (i+cnt < len(BIN_FrameList)) and BIN_FrameList[i+cnt].Major == buf: cnt+=1
                if cnt==36:
                    for j in range(cnt):

        area_filter = []
        if self.PblockCoord:
            area_filter = get_pblock_mjr_coord(self.DevicePart, self.PblockCoord[0], self.PblockCoord[1], self.PblockCoord[2], self.PblockCoord[3])
        if self.target_logic=='type0' or self.target_logic=='all' or (self.target_logic=='lut'): # and not self.CustomLutMask):
            #Step 4: Build the list of frame descriptors from EBC+EBD (essential bits)
            EBC_FrameList = EBC_to_FrameList(self.Input_EBCFile, self.Input_EBDFile, FarList)

            #Step 5: Compare BIN to EBC and, if no mismatches found, copy essential bits mask to BIN
            mismatches = 0
            for i in range(len(EBC_FrameList)):
                for k in range(FrameSize):
                    if EBC_FrameList[i].data[k] != BIN_FrameList[i].data[k]:
                        if self.verbosity > 0:
                            self.logfile.write('Check EBC vs BIT: mismatch at Frame[{0:08x}]: Block={1:5d}, Top={2:5d}, Row={3:5d}, Major={4:5d}, Minor={5:5d}\n'.format(BIN_FrameList[i].GetFar(), BIN_FrameList[i].BlockType, BIN_FrameList[i].Top, BIN_FrameList[i].Row, self.Major, BIN_FrameList[i].Minor))
            if mismatches == 0: self.logfile.write('\nCheck EBC vs BIT: Complete Match\n')
            else: self.logfile.write('Check EBC vs BIT: Mismatches Count = {0:d}\n'.format(mismatches))
            if mismatches ==0:
                for i in range(len(EBC_FrameList)):
                    #if (self.target_logic in ['type0', 'all']) or (self.target_logic=='lut' and BIN_FrameList[i].Minor in [26,27,28,29, 32,33,34,35]):
                    if (self.target_logic in ['type0', 'all']) or (self.target_logic=='lut' and BIN_FrameList[i].type=="CLB" and BIN_FrameList[i].Minor in [26,27,28,29, 32,33,34,35]):
                        if (not area_filter) or (area_filter and (BIN_FrameList[i].Top, BIN_FrameList[i].Row, BIN_FrameList[i].Major) in area_filter):
                                BIN_FrameList[i].mask = EBC_FrameList[i].mask

        XilinxLutBitCnt = 0
        for frame in BIN_FrameList:
            stat = frame.get_stat()
            XilinxLutBitCnt+= stat['TotalBits']
        print('Essential bits COUNT (initial): {0}'.format(XilinxLutBitCnt))

        if self.CustomLutMask:
            LutDescTab = Table('LutMap'); LutDescTab.build_from_csv(os.path.join(self.targetDir, 'LUTMAP.csv'))
            print('Mapping LUTs to bitstream')
            LutMapList = MapLutToBitstream(LutDescTab, BIN_FrameList, self.DutScope)
            with open(self.LutMapFile,'w') as f:
            if self.target_logic in ['type0','all','lut']:
                for i in BIN_FrameList:
                    if (not area_filter) or (area_filter and (i.Top, i.Row, i.Major) in area_filter):
                        if i.Minor in [26,27,28,29, 32,33,34,35]:
                            if i.custom_mask==[]: 
                                i.mask = [0x0]*FrameSize
                                for k in range(FrameSize):
                                    i.mask[k] =  i.custom_mask[k] #(i.mask[k] ^ i.custom_mask[k]) & i.mask[k]
            XilinxLutBitCnt = 0
            for frame in BIN_FrameList:
                stat = frame.get_stat()
                XilinxLutBitCnt+= stat['TotalBits']
            print('Essential bits COUNT (after LUT mapping): {0}'.format(XilinxLutBitCnt))

            if self.Profiling and self.DAVOS_Config != None:
                if not os.path.exists(self.FaultListFile):
                    print('Profiling LUTs switching activity')
                    self.ProfilingResult = Estimate_LUT_switching_activity(LutMapList, self.DAVOS_Config)
                    ExportFaultList(self.ProfilingResult, self.FaultListFile)
                    self.ProfilingResult = LoadFaultList(self.FaultListFile) #load from file
                with open(self.LutMapFile,'w') as f:
                FrameDict = dict()
                for frame in BIN_FrameList:
                    FrameDict[frame.GetFar()] = frame
                for item in self.ProfilingResult:
                    if item['Actime'] == 0:
                        FrameDict[item['BitstreamCoordinates'][0]].mask[item['BitstreamCoordinates'][1]] &= (0xFFFFFFFF^(1<<item['BitstreamCoordinates'][2]))
                        #FrameDict[item['BitstreamCoordinates'][0]].mask[item['BitstreamCoordinates'][1]] |= 1<<item['BitstreamCoordinates'][2]

        XilinxLutBitCnt = 0
        for frame in BIN_FrameList:
            stat = frame.get_stat()
            XilinxLutBitCnt+= stat['TotalBits']
        print('Essential bits COUNT (after profiling): {0} '.format(XilinxLutBitCnt))


        #Step 3: append targets from LL file (FF and BRAM)
        FFMap       = []
        BramMap     = [] #[BramNode, BramBit, FAR, word, bit, data)
        LutramMap   = [] #[LutramNode,   Bit, FAR, word, bit, data)
        RecoveryRamLocations = []
        FAR_CLB = set()
        T = Table('Cells')
        for node in self.RecoveryNodeNames:
            #print("Locations for {}".format(node))
            for i in T.query({'Node':node, 'BellType':'RAMB'}):
        BramNodes = dict()
        for i in T.query({'BellType':'RAMB'}):
            BramNodes[i['CellLocation']] = i['Node'] 
        LutRamNodes = dict()
        for i in T.query({'CellType':'DMEM.dram'}):
            LutRamNodes[(i['CellLocation'],re.findall("\.([A|B|C|D]+[0-9]+)",i['BEL'])[0])] = i['Node'] 
        #print("Recovery Ram Locations: {}".format(str(RecoveryRamLocations)) )
        self.logfile.write('Recovery RAM Location: ' + str(RecoveryRamLocations)+'\n')        
        #Set mask=1 for all bits of used BRAM (from *.ll file)
        #And build FAR recovery list - include all FAR from *.ll file containing bits of selected design units (e.g. ROM inferred on BRAM)
        FARmask = dict()
        RecoveryFrames = set()
        CheckpointFrames = set()
        BinDataDict = dict()
        for i in BIN_FrameList:
            BinDataDict[i.GetFar()] = i
        with open(self.Input_LLFile, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                matchDesc , t = re.search(ram_search_ptn,line), 1
                if not matchDesc: 
                    matchDesc, t = re.search(ff_search_ptn,line), 2
                if not matchDesc: 
                    matchDesc, t = re.search(lutram_search_ptn,line), 3

                if matchDesc:
                    FAR = int(matchDesc.group(1), 16)
                    offset = int(matchDesc.group(2))
                    block = matchDesc.group(3)
                    if t==1:
                        nodepath = BramNodes[block]                         
                    elif t == 2:
                        nodepath = matchDesc.group(5) 
                    elif t==3:
                        bel = '{0}{1}'.format(matchDesc.group(4), str(5) if int(matchDesc.group(5)) % 2 == 0 else str(6))
                        if (block,bel) in LutRamNodes:
                            nodepath = LutRamNodes[(block,bel)] 
                    if t==1 and (block in RecoveryRamLocations):

                    if (nodepath.startswith(self.DutScope) or self.DutScope ==''):
                        if t in [2] and nodepath.startswith(self.DutScope): CheckpointFrames.add(FAR)
                        if (t==1 and self.target_logic=='bram') or (t==2 and self.target_logic in ['ff', 'type0', 'ff+lutram']) or self.target_logic == 'all' or (t==3 and self.target_logic in ['lutram', 'ff+lutram']):
                            word, bit =offset/32, offset%32
                            if t==1:
                                if matchDesc.group(4) in ['BIT', 'PARBIT']:
                                    BramMap.append((nodepath, int(matchDesc.group(5)), FAR, word, bit, (BinDataDict[FAR].data[word]>>bit)&0x1))
                            if t==2:
                                FFMap.append((nodepath, 0, FAR, word, bit, (BinDataDict[FAR].data[word]>>bit)&0x1))
                            if t==3:
                                LutramMap.append((nodepath, int(matchDesc.group(5)),   FAR, word, bit, (BinDataDict[FAR].data[word]>>bit)&0x1))
                            if FAR in FARmask:
                                desc = FARmask[FAR]
                                desc = FrameDesc(FAR)
                                FARmask[FAR] = desc
                            desc.mask[word] |= 1<<bit

        if len(FFMap)>0:
            Tab = Table('FFMap',['Node','Case','FAR','word','bit','data'])
            for i in FFMap:
                Tab.add_row([str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]), str(i[3]), str(i[4]), str(i[5])])
            Tab.to_csv(';', True, os.path.join(self.targetDir,'FFMapList.csv'))

        if len(BramMap)>0:
            Tab = Table('BramMap',['Node','Case','FAR','word','bit','data'])
            for i in BramMap:
                Tab.add_row([str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]), str(i[3]), str(i[4]), str(i[5])])
            Tab.to_csv(';', True, os.path.join(self.targetDir,'BramMapList.csv'))

        if len(LutramMap)>0:
            Tab = Table('LutramMap',['Node','Case','FAR','word','bit','data'])
            for i in LutramMap:
                Tab.add_row([str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]), str(i[3]), str(i[4]), str(i[5])])
            with open(os.path.join(self.targetDir,'LutramMapList.csv'),'w') as f:

        for key in sorted(FARmask):
            for i in BIN_FrameList:
                if i.GetFar() == key:
                    if (not area_filter) or (area_filter and (i.Top, i.Row, i.Major) in area_filter):
                        for k in range(0, len(i.mask)):
                            i.mask[k] |= FARmask[key].mask[k]
                        if self.verbosity > 2: self.logfile.write("{0:08x} : {1:s}\n".format(i.GetFar(), ' '.join(['{0:08x}'.format(x) for x in i.mask])))
        self.logfile.write('Recovery FAR: {}\n'.format(",".join(["{0:08x}".format(i) for i in sorted(list(RecoveryFrames))])))
        #Export the resulting descriptor

        #with open(os.path.join(self.targetDir,'BitLogBram.txt'),'w') as f:
        #    BramMap.sort()
        #    f.write('\n'.join([str(i) for i in BramMap]))
        #with open(os.path.join(self.targetDir,'BitLog.txt'),'w') as f:
        #    for i in BIN_FrameList:
        #        if all(v==0 for v in i.mask): continue
        #        else: 
        #            f.write(i.to_string(2)+'\n\n')

        export_DescriptorFile(self.Output_FrameDescFile, BIN_FrameList, RecoveryFrames, CheckpointFrames)
        populationsize = 0
        for i in list(range(0, 9)): self.EssentialBitsPerBlockType.append(0)
        for i in BIN_FrameList:
            populationsize += i.EssentialBitsCount
            self.EssentialBitsPerBlockType[i.BlockType] += i.EssentialBitsCount
            #self.logfile.write('FAR: {0:08x} = {1:5d} Essential bits\n'.format(i.GetFar(), i.EssentialBitsCount))
        self.logfile.write('Population Size: {0:10d}\n'.format(populationsize))
        self.logfile.write('CheckpointFrames = '+ ', '.join(['{0:08x}'.format(int(x)) for x in CheckpointFrames]))
def GenerateFaultload(targetDir, DAVOS_Config, logfile, verbosity, Input_FarListFile, Input_EBCFile, Input_EBDFile, Input_BinstreamFile, CustomLutMask):
    Output_FrameDescFile = os.path.join(targetDir, 'FrameDescriptors.dat')
    FaultListFile = os.path.join(targetDir, 'FaultList.dat')
    LutMapFile = os.path.join(targetDir, 'LutMapList.csv')
    if os.path.exists(Output_FrameDescFile):
        return(Output_FrameDescFile, FaultListFile, LutMapFile)

    #Step 1: Build the list of frame addresses: from input file, build it if not exist (run profiler through xcst)
    FarList = LoadFarList(Input_FarListFile)
    check  = dict()
    for i in FarList:
        F = FrameDesc(i)
        key = "{0:02d}_{1:02d}_{2:02d}_{3:02d}".format(F.BlockType, F.Top, F.Row, F.Major)
        if key in check:
            check[key] += 1
    if verbosity > 1:
        for k,v in sorted(check.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]):
            logfile.write('{0:s} = {1:d}\n'.format(k, v))        
    #Step 2: Build the list of frame descriptors from EBC+EBD (essential bits)
    EBC_FrameList = EBC_to_FrameList(Input_EBCFile, Input_EBDFile, FarList)
    #Step 3: Build the list of frame discriptors for complete bitstream (*.bit or *.bin)
    BIN_FrameList = parse_bitstream(Input_BinstreamFile, FarList)

    #Step 4: Compare BIN to EBC and If no mismatches found
    #        copy essential bits (mask from) to BIN (all descriptors will be collected there)
    mismatches = 0
    for i in range(len(EBC_FrameList)):
        for k in range(FrameSize):
            if EBC_FrameList[i].data[k] != BIN_FrameList[i].data[k]:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    logfile.write('Check EBC vs BIT: mismatch at Frame[{0:08x}]: Block={1:5d}, Top={2:5d}, Row={3:5d}, Major={4:5d}, Minor={5:5d}\n'.format(BIN_FrameList[i].GetFar(), BIN_FrameList[i].BlockType, BIN_FrameList[i].Top, BIN_FrameList[i].Row, Major, BIN_FrameList[i].Minor))
    if mismatches == 0: logfile.write('\nCheck EBC vs BIT: Complete Match\n')
    else: logfile.write('Check EBC vs BIT: Mismatches Count = {0:d}\n'.format(mismatches))
    if mismatches ==0:
        for i in range(len(EBC_FrameList)):
            BIN_FrameList[i].mask = EBC_FrameList[i].mask

    if CustomLutMask:
        LutDescTab = Table('LutMap'); LutDescTab.build_from_csv(os.path.join(targetDir, 'LUTMAP.csv'))
        print('Mapping LUTs to bitstream')
        LutMapList = MapLutToBitstream(LutDescTab, BIN_FrameList)
        with open(LutMapFile,'w') as f:
        if DAVOS_Config != None and DAVOS_Config.FFIConfig.profiling: 
            if not os.path.exists(FaultListFile):
                print('Profiling LUTs switching activity')
                ProfilingResult = Estimate_LUT_switching_activity(LutMapList, DAVOS_Config)
                ExportFaultList(ProfilingResult, FaultListFile)
                ProfilingResult = LoadFaultList(FaultListFile) #load from file
            with open(LutMapFile,'w') as f:

        with open(os.path.join(targetDir,'BitLog.txt'),'w') as f:
            for i in BIN_FrameList:
                if all(v==0 for v in i.custom_mask): continue

        for i in BIN_FrameList:
            if i.custom_mask==[]:
                i.mask = [0x0]*FrameSize
                for k in range(FrameSize):
                    i.mask[k] = i.custom_mask[k] #(i.mask[k] ^ i.custom_mask[k]) & i.mask[k]
        #raw_input('Difference with custom mask...')

    #Step 5: append descriptors for FAR items which should be recovered after injection (BRAM) 
    RecoveryRamLocations = []
    FAR_CLB = set()
    T = Table('Cells')
    for node in RecoveryNodeNames:
        #print("Locations for {}".format(node))
        for i in T.query({'Node':node, 'BellType':'RAMB'}):
    #print("Recovery Ram Locations: {}".format(str(RecoveryRamLocations)) )
    logfile.write('Recovery RAM Location: ' + str(RecoveryRamLocations)+'\n')        
    #Set mask=1 for all bits of used BRAM (from *.ll file)
    #And build FAR recovery list - include all FAR from *.ll file containing bits of selected design units (e.g. ROM inferred on BRAM)
    FARmask = dict()
    RecoveryFrames = set()
    with open(Input_LLFile, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            matchDesc = re.search(r'([0-9abcdefABCDEF]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+Block=([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)\s+Ram=B:(BIT|PARBIT)([0-9]+)',line, re.M)
            if matchDesc:
                FAR = int(matchDesc.group(1), 16)
                offset = int(matchDesc.group(2))
                block = matchDesc.group(3)
                if block in RecoveryRamLocations:
                bit = offset%32
                if FAR in FARmask:
                    desc = FARmask[FAR]
                    desc = FrameDesc(FAR)
                    FARmask[FAR] = desc
                desc.mask[word] |= 1<<bit
    for key in sorted(FARmask):
        for i in BIN_FrameList:
            if i.GetFar() == key:
                i.mask = FARmask[key].mask
                if verbosity > 2: logfile.write("{0:08x} : {1:s}\n".format(i.GetFar(), ' '.join(['{0:08x}'.format(x) for x in i.mask])))
    logfile.write('Recovery FAR: {}\n'.format(",".join(["{0:08x}".format(i) for i in sorted(list(RecoveryFrames))])))
    #Export the resulting descriptor
    export_DescriptorFile(Output_FrameDescFile, BIN_FrameList, RecoveryFrames)
    populationsize = 0
    for i in list(range(0, 9)): EssentialBitsPerBlockType.append(0)
    for i in BIN_FrameList:
        populationsize += i.EssentialBitsCount
        EssentialBitsPerBlockType[i.BlockType] += i.EssentialBitsCount
        #logfile.write('FAR: {0:08x} = {1:5d} Essential bits\n'.format(i.GetFar(), i.EssentialBitsCount))
    print("Essential bits per type: "+str(EssentialBitsPerBlockType))
    logfile.write('Population Size: {0:10d}\n'.format(populationsize))

    return(Output_FrameDescFile, FaultListFile, LutMapFile)
Example #8
def build_FFI_report(DavosConfig, ExportLutCsv=False):
    datamodel = DataModel()
    if not os.path.exists(DavosConfig.report_dir):

    for conf in DavosConfig.parconf:
        model = datamodel.GetHdlModel(conf.label)

        Tab = Table('LutMapList')
        Tab.build_from_csv(os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'LutMapList.csv'))
        LutMapList = TableToLutList(Tab)

        if ExportLutCsv:
                LutMapList, os.path.join(conf.work_dir, './log/Injector.log'))
            with open(os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'LutResult.csv'), 'w') as f:
                zTab = LutListToTable(LutMapList, True, False)
            if DavosConfig.FFIConfig.profiling:
                    LutMapList, os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'PerFrame.csv'))

        SummaryTable = Table(
            ['ID', 'Target', 'FAR', 'word', 'bit', 'Actime', 'FailureMode'])

        lut_dict = build_lut_coord_dict(LutMapList, '')
        ff_dict = load_Map_dict(os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'FFMapList.csv'))
        ram_dict = load_Map_dict(os.path.join(conf.work_dir,
        lutram_dict = load_Map_dict(
            os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'LutramMapList.csv'))

        #ff_dict, ram_dict = build_regmem_coord_dict(os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'Bitstream.ll'), os.path.join(conf.work_dir, 'Bels.csv'))

        ExpDescIdCnt = datamodel.GetMaxKey(DataDescriptors.InjectionExp) + 1
        with open(os.path.join(conf.work_dir, './log/Injector.log'),
                  'rU') as f:
            content = f.readlines()
        for l in content:
            match = re.search(injlog_item_ptn, l)
            if match:
                coord = (int(match.group(2)), int(match.group(3)),
                if coord in lut_dict:
                    target = datamodel.GetOrAppendTarget(
                        lut_dict[coord][0][0]['name'], 'LUT',
                elif coord in ff_dict:
                    target = datamodel.GetOrAppendTarget(
                        ff_dict[coord]['node'], 'FF', ff_dict[coord]['case'])
                elif coord in ram_dict:
                    target = datamodel.GetOrAppendTarget(
                        ram_dict[coord]['node'], 'BRAM',
                elif coord in lutram_dict:
                    target = datamodel.GetOrAppendTarget(
                        lutram_dict[coord]['node'], 'LUTRAM',
                    target = datamodel.GetOrAppendTarget(
                            int(match.group(2)), int(match.group(3)),
                            int(match.group(4))), 'TYPE0', '')

                InjDesc = InjectionDescriptor()
                InjDesc.InjectionTime = float(match.group(5))
                fmode = match.group(6).lower()
                InjDesc.FailureMode = 'M' if fmode.find(
                    'masked') >= 0 else 'L' if fmode.find(
                        'latent') >= 0 else 'C' if fmode.find(
                            'sdc') >= 0 else 'S' if fmode.find('signaled'
                                                               ) >= 0 else 'X'
                InjDesc.ID = ExpDescIdCnt
                InjDesc.ModelID = model.ID
                InjDesc.TargetID = target.ID
                InjDesc.FaultModel = 'BitFlip'
                InjDesc.ForcedValue = ''
                InjDesc.InjectionDuration = float(0)
                InjDesc.ObservationTime = float(0)
                InjDesc.Node = target.NodeFullPath
                InjDesc.InjCase = target.InjectionCase
                InjDesc.Status = 'F'
                InjDesc.FaultToFailureLatency = float(0)
                InjDesc.ErrorCount = 0
                InjDesc.Dumpfile = ''
                datamodel.LaunchedInjExp_dict[InjDesc.ID] = InjDesc
                actime = float(-1.0) if match.group(8) == None else float(
                    map(str, [
                        int(match.group(1)), target.NodeFullPath, coord[0],
                        coord[1], coord[2], actime, InjDesc.FailureMode
                ExpDescIdCnt += 1
                if ExpDescIdCnt % 100 == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write('Processed report lines: {0}\r'.format(
            ';', True,
        T = SummaryTable.to_html_table('SEU_LUT_Details')


    build_report(DavosConfig, DavosConfig.toolconf, datamodel)

Example #9
 def load_fault_list_csv(self, infile):
     Fdesctab = Table('Fdesc')
     fdesc, idx, i, MaxRows = None, -1, 0, Fdesctab.rownum()
     while i < MaxRows:
         fdesc = FaultDescriptor(
             int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Id', i)),
             int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('CellType', i)),
             int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Multiplicity', i)))
         fdesc.PartIdx = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('PartIdx', i))
         fdesc.FailureMode = Fdesctab.getByLabel('FailureMode', i)
         for seu_idx in range(fdesc.Multiplicity):
             seu = SEU_item()
             seu.Offset = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Offset', i))
             seu.DesignNode = Fdesctab.getByLabel('DesignNode', i)
             seu.SLR = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('SLR', i), 16)
             seu.FAR = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('FAR', i), 16)
             seu.Word = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Word', i))
             seu.Bit = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Bit', i))
             seu.Mask = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Mask', i), 16)
             seu.Time = int(Fdesctab.getByLabel('Time', i))
             i += 1
     print('Fault descriptors restored from {0:s} : {1:d} items'.format(
         infile, len(self.fault_list)))