def mkTempFile(ext): with Debug("mkTempFile"): temp = "" if ext in tempFile: temp = tempFile[ext] else: temp = mkstemp(ext)[1] tempFile[ext] = temp return temp
def ExecCommand(cmd): with Debug("Exec: " + cmd, "Exec"): try: process = subprocess.Popen(split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) except OSError: raise AcSoxNotFoundException() (stdout, stderr) = process.communicate() if not stderr == "": return stdout
def __gatherFiles(self): with Debug("gatherFiles"): Files = [] if self.Options.dir is not None: for d in self.Options.dir: directory = abspath(d) if exists(directory) and isdir(directory): for f in glob(join(directory, self.Options.pathExtension)): file = join(directory, f) Files.append(file) else:"%s does not Exist or is not a Directory." % d) if len(self.Args) > 0: for f in self.Args: if exists(f) and isfile(f): Files.append(abspath(f))"%s found." % len(Files)) return Files
def getLength(f): with Debug("getLength"): lengthString = ExecCommand(soxLength.format(f)) length = float(lengthString) return length
def SetupSox(command): with Debug("SetupSox"):"Sox command: " + command) global soxTrim, soxLength soxTrim = command + soxTrim soxLength = command + soxLength
def __exit__(self, t, value, stacktrace): if self.Options.debug: print(Debug.getDebugData()) cleanTemp()