def main(_): initialize_globals() if not FLAGS.test_files: log_error('You need to specify what files to use for evaluation via ' 'the --test_files flag.') exit(1) global alphabet alphabet = Alphabet(FLAGS.alphabet_config_path) scorer = Scorer(FLAGS.lm_weight, FLAGS.valid_word_count_weight, FLAGS.lm_binary_path, FLAGS.lm_trie_path, alphabet) # sort examples by length, improves packing of batches and timesteps test_data = preprocess( FLAGS.test_files.split(','), FLAGS.test_batch_size, alphabet=alphabet, numcep=N_FEATURES, numcontext=N_CONTEXT, hdf5_cache_path=FLAGS.hdf5_test_set).sort_values( by="features_len", ascending=False) def create_windows(features): num_strides = len(features) - (N_CONTEXT * 2) # Create a view into the array with overlapping strides of size # numcontext (past) + 1 (present) + numcontext (future) window_size = 2*N_CONTEXT+1 features = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( features, (num_strides, window_size, N_FEATURES), (features.strides[0], features.strides[0], features.strides[1]), writeable=False) return features # Create overlapping windows over the features test_data['features'] = test_data['features'].apply(create_windows) with tf.Session() as session: inputs, outputs, layers = create_inference_graph(batch_size=FLAGS.test_batch_size, n_steps=-1) # Transpose to batch major for decoder transposed = tf.transpose(outputs['outputs'], [1, 0, 2]) labels_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [FLAGS.test_batch_size, None], name="labels") label_lengths_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [FLAGS.test_batch_size], name="label_lengths") sparse_labels = tf.cast(ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels_ph, label_lengths_ph, FLAGS.test_batch_size), tf.int32) loss = tf.nn.ctc_loss(labels=sparse_labels, inputs=layers['raw_logits'], sequence_length=inputs['input_lengths']) # Create a saver using variables from the above newly created graph mapping = { v for v in tf.global_variables() if not'previous_state_')} saver = tf.train.Saver(mapping) # Restore variables from training checkpoint checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if not checkpoint: log_error('Checkpoint directory ({}) does not contain a valid checkpoint state.'.format(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)) exit(1) checkpoint_path = checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path saver.restore(session, checkpoint_path) logitses = [] losses = [] print('Computing acoustic model predictions...') batch_count = len(test_data) // FLAGS.test_batch_size bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=batch_count, widget=progressbar.AdaptiveETA) # First pass, compute losses and transposed logits for decoding for batch in bar(split_data(test_data, FLAGS.test_batch_size)):['initialize_state']) features = pad_to_dense(batch['features'].values) features_len = batch['features_len'].values labels = pad_to_dense(batch['transcript'].values) label_lengths = batch['transcript_len'].values logits, loss =[transposed, loss], feed_dict={ inputs['input']: features, inputs['input_lengths']: features_len, labels_ph: labels, label_lengths_ph: label_lengths }) logitses.append(logits) losses.extend(loss) ground_truths = [] predictions = [] distances = [] print('Decoding predictions...') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=batch_count, widget=progressbar.AdaptiveETA) # Get number of accessible CPU cores for this process num_processes = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) # Second pass, decode logits and compute WER and edit distance metrics for logits, batch in bar(zip(logitses, split_data(test_data, FLAGS.test_batch_size))): seq_lengths = batch['features_len'].values.astype(np.int32) decoded = ctc_beam_search_decoder_batch(logits, seq_lengths, alphabet, FLAGS.beam_width, num_processes=num_processes, scorer=scorer) ground_truths.extend(alphabet.decode(l) for l in batch['transcript']) predictions.extend(d[0][1] for d in decoded) distances.extend(levenshtein(a, b) for a, b in zip(labels, predictions)) wer, samples = calculate_report(ground_truths, predictions, distances, losses) mean_edit_distance = np.mean(distances) mean_loss = np.mean(losses) # Take only the first report_count items report_samples = itertools.islice(samples, FLAGS.report_count) print('Test - WER: %f, loss: %f, mean edit distance: %f' % (wer, mean_loss, mean_edit_distance)) print('-' * 80) for sample in report_samples: print('WER: %f, loss: %f, edit distance: %f' % (sample.wer, sample.loss, sample.distance)) print(' - src: "%s"' % sample.src) print(' - res: "%s"' % sample.res) print('-' * 80) if FLAGS.test_output_file: json.dump(samples, open(FLAGS.test_output_file, 'w'), default=lambda x: float(x))
def main(_): initialize_globals() if not FLAGS.test_files: log_error('You need to specify what files to use for evaluation via ' 'the --test_files flag.') exit(1) global alphabet alphabet = Alphabet(os.path.abspath(FLAGS.alphabet_config_path)) # sort examples by length, improves packing of batches and timesteps test_data = preprocess(FLAGS.test_files.split(','), FLAGS.test_batch_size, alphabet=alphabet, numcep=N_FEATURES, numcontext=N_CONTEXT, hdf5_cache_path=FLAGS.hdf5_test_set).sort_values( by="features_len", ascending=False) def create_windows(features): num_strides = len(features) - (N_CONTEXT * 2) # Create a view into the array with overlapping strides of size # numcontext (past) + 1 (present) + numcontext (future) window_size = 2 * N_CONTEXT + 1 features = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( features, (num_strides, window_size, N_FEATURES), (features.strides[0], features.strides[0], features.strides[1]), writeable=False) return features test_data['features'] = test_data['features'].apply(create_windows) with tf.Session() as session: inputs, outputs = create_inference_graph( batch_size=FLAGS.test_batch_size, n_steps=N_STEPS) seq_lengths_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [FLAGS.test_batch_size]) decode_logits_ph = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, FLAGS.test_batch_size, alphabet.size() + 1]) labels_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [FLAGS.test_batch_size, None]) label_lengths_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [FLAGS.test_batch_size]) decoded, _ = decode_with_lm(decode_logits_ph, seq_lengths_ph, merge_repeated=False, beam_width=FLAGS.beam_width) sparse_labels = tf.cast( ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels_ph, label_lengths_ph, FLAGS.test_batch_size), tf.int32) loss = tf.nn.ctc_loss(labels=sparse_labels, inputs=decode_logits_ph, sequence_length=seq_lengths_ph) distance = tf.edit_distance(tf.cast(decoded[0], tf.int32), sparse_labels) # Create a saver using variables from the above newly created graph mapping = { v for v in tf.global_variables() if not'previous_state_') } saver = tf.train.Saver(mapping) # Restore variables from training checkpoint checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if not checkpoint: log_error( 'Checkpoint directory ({}) does not contain a valid checkpoint state.' .format(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)) exit(1) checkpoint_path = checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path saver.restore(session, checkpoint_path) logitses = [] batch_count = len(test_data) // FLAGS.test_batch_size bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=batch_count - 1, widget=progressbar.AdaptiveETA) for batch in bar(split_data(test_data, FLAGS.test_batch_size)):['initialize_state']) batch_features = pad_to_dense(batch['features'].values) batch_features_len = batch['features_len'].values full_step_len = np.full_like(batch_features_len, N_STEPS) logits = np.empty([0, FLAGS.test_batch_size, alphabet.size() + 1]) for i in range(0, batch_features.shape[1], N_STEPS): chunk_features = batch_features[:, i:i + N_STEPS, :, :] chunk_features_len = np.minimum(batch_features_len, full_step_len) # pad with zeros if the chunk does not have enough steps steps_in_chunk = chunk_features.shape[1] if steps_in_chunk < FLAGS.n_steps: chunk_features = np.pad( chunk_features, ((0, 0), (0, FLAGS.n_steps - steps_in_chunk), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) output =['outputs'], feed_dict={ inputs['input']: chunk_features, inputs['input_lengths']: chunk_features_len, }) logits = np.concatenate((logits, output)) # we have processed N_STEPS so subtract from remaining steps batch_features_len -= N_STEPS # clip to zero batch_features_len = np.maximum( batch_features_len, np.zeros_like(batch_features_len)) logitses.append(logits) ground_truths = [] predictions = [] distances = [] losses = [] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=batch_count - 1, widget=progressbar.AdaptiveETA) for logits, batch in bar( zip(logitses, split_data(test_data, FLAGS.test_batch_size))): seq_lengths = batch['features_len'].values labels = pad_to_dense(batch['transcript'].values) label_lengths = batch['transcript_len'].values decoded_, loss_, distance_, sparse_labels_ = [decoded, loss, distance, sparse_labels], feed_dict={ decode_logits_ph: logits, seq_lengths_ph: seq_lengths, labels_ph: labels, label_lengths_ph: label_lengths }) ground_truths.extend( sparse_tensor_value_to_texts(sparse_labels_, alphabet)) predictions.extend( sparse_tensor_value_to_texts(decoded_[0], alphabet)) distances.extend(distance_) losses.extend(loss_) wer, samples = calculate_report(ground_truths, predictions, distances, losses) mean_edit_distance = np.mean(distances) mean_loss = np.mean(losses) # Filter out all items with WER=0 and take only the first report_count items report_samples = itertools.islice((s for s in samples if s.wer > 0), FLAGS.report_count) print('Test - WER: %f, loss: %f, mean edit distance: %f' % (wer, mean_loss, mean_edit_distance)) print('-' * 80) for sample in report_samples: print('WER: %f, loss: %f, mean edit distance: %f' % (sample.wer, sample.loss, sample.distance)) print(' - src: "%s"' % sample.src) print(' - res: "%s"' % sample.res) print('-' * 80) if FLAGS.test_output_file: json.dump(samples, open(FLAGS.test_output_file, 'w'), default=lambda x: float(x))