Example #1
 def setupWorkflow(self, p):
     tool = getToolByName(p, 'portal_workflow', None)
     if tool is None:
     from DefaultWorkflow import DefaultWorkflowDefinition
     id = 'default_workflow'
     tool._setObject(id, DefaultWorkflowDefinition(id))
Example #2
    def setupWorkflow(self, p):
        tool = getToolByName(p, 'portal_workflow', None)
        if tool is None:
        from DefaultWorkflow import DefaultWorkflowDefinition
        id = 'default_workflow'
        tool._setObject(id, DefaultWorkflowDefinition(id))

        #   These objects don't participate in workflow by default.
        tool.setChainForPortalTypes(('Folder', 'Topic'), ())
Example #3
class WorkflowTool(UniqueObject, SimpleItem):
    This tool accesses and changes the workflow state of content.
    id = 'portal_workflow'
    meta_type = 'CMF Workflow Tool'

    _chains_by_type = None  # PersistentMapping
    _default_chain = ('default_workflow', )
    default_workflow = DefaultWorkflowDefinition()

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()


    def getWorkflowById(self, wf_id):
        wf = getattr(self, wf_id, None)
        if getattr(wf, '_isAWorkflow', 0):
            return wf
            return None


    def getDefaultChainFor(self, ob):
        if getattr(ob, '_isPortalContent', 0):
            # Apply a default workflow to portal content.
            return self._default_chain


    def getChainFor(self, ob):
        Returns the chain that applies to the given object.
        cbt = self._chains_by_type
        if hasattr(aq_base(ob), '_getPortalTypeName'):
            pt = ob._getPortalTypeName()
            pt = ob.meta_type  # Use a common Zope idiom.
        chain = None
        if cbt is not None:
            chain = cbt.get(pt, None)
        if chain is None:
            chain = self.getDefaultChainFor(ob)
            if chain is None:
                return ()
        return chain


    def getWorkflowIds(self):
        Returns the list of workflow ids.
        # To do...
        return self._default_chain


    def getWorkflowsFor(self, ob):
        Finds the Workflow objects for the type of the given object.
        res = []
        for wf_id in self.getChainFor(ob):
            wf = self.getWorkflowById(wf_id)
            if wf is not None:
        return res


    def getCatalogVariablesFor(self, ob):
        Invoked by portal_catalog.  Allows workflows
        to add variables to the catalog based on workflow status,
        making it possible to implement queues.
        Returns a mapping containing the catalog variables
        that apply to ob.
        wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
        if wfs is None:
            return None
        # Iterate through the workflows backwards so that
        # earlier workflows can override later workflows.
        vars = {}
        for wf in wfs:
            v = wf.getCatalogVariablesFor(ob)
            if v is not None:
        return vars


    def listActions(self, info):
        Invoked by the portal_actions tool.  Allows workflows to
        include actions to be displayed in the actions box.
        Object actions are supplied by workflows that apply
        to the object.  Global actions are supplied by all
        Returns the actions to be displayed to the user.
        chain = self.getChainFor(info.content)
        did = {}
        actions = []
        for wf_id in chain:
            did[wf_id] = 1
            wf = self.getWorkflowById(wf_id)
            if wf is not None:
                a = wf.listObjectActions(info)
                if a is not None:
                a = wf.listGlobalActions(info)
                if a is not None:

        wf_ids = self.getWorkflowIds()
        for wf_id in wf_ids:
            if not did.has_key(wf_id):
                wf = self.getWorkflowById(wf_id)
                if wf is not None:
                    a = wf.listGlobalActions(info)
                    if a is not None:
        return actions


    def doActionFor(self, ob, action, wf_id=None, *args, **kw):
        Invoked by user interface code.
        Allows the user to request a workflow action.  The workflow object
        must perform its own security checks.
        if wf_id is None:
            wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
            if wfs is None:
                raise WorkflowException('No workflows found.')
            found = 0
            for wf in wfs:
                if wf.isActionSupported(ob, action):
                    found = 1
            if not found:
                raise WorkflowException(
                    'No workflow provides the "%s" action.' % action)
            wf = self.getWorkflowById(wf_id)
            if wf is None:
                raise WorkflowException(
                    'Requested workflow definition not found.')
        return apply(wf.doActionFor, (ob, action) + args, kw)


    def getInfoFor(self, ob, name, default=_marker, wf_id=None, *args, **kw):
        Invoked by user interface code.  Allows the user to request
        information provided by the workflow.  The workflow object
        must perform its own security checks.
        if wf_id is None:
            wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
            if wfs is None:
                if default is _marker:
                    raise WorkflowException('No workflows found.')
                    return default
            found = 0
            for wf in wfs:
                if wf.isInfoSupported(ob, name):
                    found = 1
            if not found:
                if default is _marker:
                    raise WorkflowException(
                        'No workflow provides "%s" information.' % name)
                    return default
            wf = self.getWorkflowById(wf_id)
            if wf is None:
                if default is _marker:
                    raise WorkflowException(
                        'Requested workflow definition not found.')
                    return default
        res = apply(wf.getInfoFor, (ob, name, default) + args, kw)
        if res is _marker:
            raise WorkflowException('Could not get info: %s' % name)
        return res


    def notifyCreated(self, ob):
        Notifies all applicable workflows after an object has been created
        and put in its new place.
        wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
        for wf in wfs:


    def notifyBefore(self, ob, action):
        Notifies all applicable workflows of an action before it happens,
        allowing veto by exception.  Unless an exception is thrown, either
        a notifySuccess() or notifyException() can be expected later on.
        The action usually corresponds to a method name.
        wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
        for wf in wfs:
            wf.notifyBefore(ob, action)


    def notifySuccess(self, ob, action, result=None):
        Notifies all applicable workflows that an action has taken place.
        wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
        for wf in wfs:
            wf.notifySuccess(ob, action, result)


    def notifyException(self, ob, action, exc):
        Notifies all applicable workflows that an action failed.
        wfs = self.getWorkflowsFor(ob)
        for wf in wfs:
            wf.notifyException(ob, action, exc)


    def getHistoryOf(self, wf_id, ob):
        Invoked by workflow definitions.  Returns the history
        of an object.
        if hasattr(aq_base(ob), 'workflow_history'):
            wfh = ob.workflow_history
            return wfh.get(wf_id, None)
        return ()


    def getStatusOf(self, wf_id, ob):
        Invoked by workflow definitions.  Returns the last element of a
        wfh = self.getHistoryOf(wf_id, ob)
        if wfh:
            return wfh[-1]
        return None


    def setStatusOf(self, wf_id, ob, status):
        Invoked by workflow definitions.  Appends to the workflow history.
        wfh = None
        has_history = 0
        if hasattr(aq_base(ob), 'workflow_history'):
            history = ob.workflow_history
            if history is not None:
                has_history = 1
                wfh = history.get(wf_id, None)
                if wfh is not None:
                    wfh = list(wfh)
        if not wfh:
            wfh = []
        if not has_history:
            ob.workflow_history = PersistentMapping()
        ob.workflow_history[wf_id] = tuple(wfh)