def Evaluate_upperbound_rdmuser(self): F1s = 0 n_notselected_seq = 0 widgets = [' -- [ ',progressbar.Counter(), '|', str(self.dataset_size), ' ] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' name: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' F1s: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ' ) '] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self.dataset_size, widgets=widgets) pbar.start() #FIXME This process is problematic and needs update! for video_idx, (s_name, s_groundtruth) in enumerate(zip(self.videonames, self.groundtruthscores)): n_frames = s_groundtruth.shape[0] n_users = s_groundtruth.shape[1] select_user_id = np.random.choice(n_users) pred_scores = s_groundtruth[:,select_user_id] s_F1, _, _ = sum_tools.evaluate_summary(pred_scores, s_groundtruth.transpose(), self.eval_metrics) F1s += s_F1 widgets[-6] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:s}'.format(s_name)) widgets[-4] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:.4f}'.format(s_F1)) pbar.update(video_idx) # print(s_F1) if n_notselected_seq > 0: print("not selected sequence:{:d}".format(n_notselected_seq)) return F1s/self.dataset_size
def Evaluate(self, model, use_cuda=True): F1s = 0 n_notselected_seq = 0 widgets = [ ' -- [ ', progressbar.Counter(), '|', str(self.dataset_size), ' ] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' name: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' F1s: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ' ) ' ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self.dataset_size, widgets=widgets) pbar.start() #FIXME This process is problematic and needs update! for video_idx, (s_name, s_feature, s_groundtruth01score) in enumerate( zip(self.videonames, self.videofeatures, self.groundtruth01scores)): n_frames = s_feature.shape[0] pred_segments = [] pred_scores = [] for s_sample_rate in self.sample_rate: sample_rate_feature = s_feature[::s_sample_rate, :] sample_rate_nframes = sample_rate_feature.shape[0] startingBounds = 0 if sample_rate_nframes < self.seq_len: n_notselected_seq += 1 else: isInbound = True proposedSegments = [] while startingBounds < sample_rate_nframes and isInbound: endingBounds = startingBounds + self.seq_len if endingBounds >= sample_rate_nframes: isInbound = False endingBounds = sample_rate_nframes startingBounds = endingBounds - self.seq_len proposedSegments.append([startingBounds, endingBounds]) startingBounds += int( (1 - self.overlap) * self.seq_len) # TODO Here could also be of change: record the clips and dynamic programming based on non-overlap segments and scores... for s_proposed_segment in proposedSegments: startIdx = s_proposed_segment[0] endIdx = s_proposed_segment[1] assert endIdx - startIdx == self.seq_len, "distance between startIdx and endIdx should be seq_len:{:d},{:d},{:d}".format( endIdx, startIdx, self.seq_len) s_clip_feature = Variable(torch.FloatTensor( sample_rate_feature[startIdx:endIdx, :]), requires_grad=False) if use_cuda: s_clip_feature = s_clip_feature.cuda() s_clip_feature = s_clip_feature.permute(1, 0).unsqueeze(0) _, head_positions, _, tail_positions, cls_scores, _ = model( s_clip_feature) head_positions, tail_positions = helper.switch_positions( head_positions, tail_positions) # correct ones: head_positions = (head_positions + startIdx) * s_sample_rate tail_positions = (tail_positions + startIdx) * s_sample_rate head_positions = head_positions.squeeze(0) tail_positions = tail_positions.squeeze(0) cls_scores = cls_scores.squeeze(0) pred_positions = torch.stack( [head_positions, tail_positions], dim=-1) # cls_scores = F.softmax(cls_scores, dim=-1)[:, -1] cls_scores = F.hardtanh( cls_scores, min_val=0, max_val=1).contiguous().view(-1) pred_segments.append( pred_scores.append( #FIXME: debug here! pred_segments = np.concatenate(pred_segments) pred_scores = np.concatenate(pred_scores) updated_segments, updated_scores, picks = NMS.non_maxima_supression( pred_segments, pred_scores) selected_segments = rep_conversions.selecteTopSegments( updated_segments, updated_scores, n_frames) pred_framescores = rep_conversions.keyshots2frame01scores( selected_segments, n_frames) s_F1, _, _ = sum_tools.evaluate_summary( pred_framescores, s_groundtruth01score.reshape([1, -1]), self.eval_metrics) F1s += s_F1 widgets[-6] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:s}'.format(s_name)) widgets[-4] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:.4f}'.format(s_F1)) pbar.update(video_idx) if n_notselected_seq > 0: print("not selected sequence:{:d}".format(n_notselected_seq)) return F1s / self.dataset_size
for user_idx in range(n_users): s_user_summary = user_summary[user_idx, :] input_var = Variable(video_features) target_var = Variable(s_user_summary) _, preds, _ = model(input_var, useCuda=useCuda) preds = preds.squeeze(1) loss = criterion(preds, target_var) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() probs = F.softmax(preds, dim=1) output = convertsoftmaxTo01( machine_summary = vsum_tools.generate_summary( output, pdefinedCPS, n_frames, pdefined_NFPS, positions) s_F1_score, _, _ = vsum_tools.evaluate_summary( machine_summary, full_user_summary, eval_method) s_loss =[0] train_idx += 1 average_score += s_F1_score average_loss += s_loss # print "epoch: {:d}\tvideo:{:d},user:{:d}: Loss: {:.4f}({:.4f})\t Summary Performance: {:.4f}({:.4f})".format(epoch_idx, video_idx, user_idx, s_loss, average_loss/train_idx, s_F1_score, average_score/train_idx) print( "---- Train Summary: Epoch {:d}, LR: {:.6f}, Epoch Loss: {:.4f}, Epoch Precision: {:.4f}" .format(epoch_idx, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], average_loss / (train_idx), average_score / (train_idx))) epoch_train_F1scores.append(average_score / train_idx) epoch_train_losses.append(average_loss / train_idx) # test average_score = 0
def Evaluate(self, model, use_cuda=True): F1s = 0 n_notselected_seq = 0 widgets = [ ' -- [ ', progressbar.Counter(), '|', str(self.dataset_size), ' ] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' name: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' F1s: ', progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ' ) ' ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self.dataset_size, widgets=widgets) pbar.start() for video_idx, (s_name, s_feature, s_groundtruth, s_cps, s_nfps, s_n_frames) in enumerate( zip(self.videonames, self.segment_features, self.groundtruthscores, self.video_cps, self.video_nfps, self.video_n_frames)): # pad s_feature to max_input_len [s_n_segment, fea_dim] = s_feature.shape s_feature_pad = np.zeros([self.max_input_len, fea_dim]) s_feature_pad[:s_n_segment, :] = s_feature s_feature = s_feature_pad s_feature = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(s_feature), requires_grad=False) if use_cuda: s_feature = s_feature.cuda() s_feature = s_feature.permute(1, 0).unsqueeze(0) pointer_probs, pointer_positions, cls_scores, _ = model(s_feature) cls_scores = cls_scores.contiguous().squeeze(2).squeeze(0) pred_scores = pointer_positions = pointer_positions.squeeze(0) pred_positions = pred_positions = pred_positions.astype('int') pred_segment_scores = np.zeros([s_n_segment]) pred_positions = pred_segment_scores[pred_positions] = pred_scores pred_framescores = sum_tools.generate_summary(pred_segment_scores, s_cps, s_n_frames, list(s_nfps), proportion=0.15) s_F1, _, _ = sum_tools.evaluate_summary(pred_framescores, s_groundtruth.transpose(), self.eval_metrics) F1s += s_F1 widgets[-6] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:s}'.format(s_name)) widgets[-4] = progressbar.FormatLabel('{:.4f}'.format(s_F1)) pbar.update(video_idx) if n_notselected_seq > 0: print("not selected sequence:{:d}".format(n_notselected_seq)) return F1s / self.dataset_size