def feed_order(q, b, chat_id, mass_o, adding_time): creds_n = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'client_secret.json', ['']) client_n = gspread.authorize(creds_n) customers_n ='Diploma').worksheet("Customers") feed_n ='Diploma').worksheet("Feed") # getting line of order pos = Ga.get_all_new( [mass_o[0], mass_o[1], mass_o[2], mass_o[3], mass_o[4]], Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters)[3] cur_am = feed_n.cell(pos + 1, 5).value cur_res = feed_n.cell(pos + 1, 7).value if cur_res == '': cur_res = 0 feed_n.update_cell(pos + 1, 5, int(cur_am) - int(mass_o[4])) feed_n.update_cell(pos + 1, 7, int(cur_res) + int(mass_o[4])) id_list = customers_n.col_values(1) msg_id = 0 for i in range(len(id_list)): if id_list[i] == str(chat_id): msg_id = customers_n.cell(i + 1, 5).value customers_n.insert_row([ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', adding_time, mass_o[0], mass_o[1], mass_o[2], mass_o[3], mass_o[4], int(mass_o[5]) * int(mass_o[4]) ], i + 2) b.deleteMessage(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], message_id=q['message']['message_id']) b.send_message(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], text='Thanks, your order is being processed!', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton('New order', callback_data='New order') ]])) b.send_message(chat_id=341219282, text='===New order===\n' + 'Pet: ' + mass_o[0] + '\n' + 'Type: ' + mass_o[1] + '\n' + 'Producer: ' + mass_o[2] + '\n' + 'Weight: ' + mass_o[3] + '\n' + 'Amount: ' + mass_o[4] + '\n' + 'Price: ' + str(int(mass_o[5]) * int(mass_o[4])) + '\n' + 'Chat_id: ' + str(chat_id)) b.forward_message(chat_id=341219282, from_chat_id=chat_id, message_id=msg_id) Ga.feed ='Diploma').worksheet("Feed").get_all_values()
def feed(q, d, b, chat_id, mass_o, adding_time): if d == "feed": Kb_func.ty = 0 Kb_func.fd = 1 Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 0) elif d in Ga.f_pet and Kb_func.fd == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 1) elif d in Ga.f_type and Kb_func.fd == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 2) elif d in Ga.f_producer and Kb_func.fd == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 3) elif d in Ga.f_weight and Kb_func.fd == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 4) elif d in [str(x) for x in range(1, Ga.get_max(Ga.feed, 4) + 1)] and Kb_func.fd == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 5, 'add_feed', 'f_6') elif d == 'add_feed' and Kb_func.fd == 1: feed_order(q, b, chat_id, mass_o, adding_time) Kb_func.fd = 0 elif d == 'f_1': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, -1) elif d == 'f_2': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 0) elif d == 'f_3': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 1) elif d == 'f_4': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 2) elif d == 'f_5': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 3) elif d == 'f_6': Kb_func.back(q, b, Ga.feed, feed_num_of_filters, order_feed, dict_list, 4)
def toys(q, d, b, chat_id, mass_o, adding_time): if d == "toys": Kb_func.ty = 1 Kb_func.fd = 0 Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 0) elif d in Ga.t_pet and Kb_func.ty == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 1) elif d in Ga.t_type and Kb_func.ty == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 2) elif d in Ga.t_producer and Kb_func.ty == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 3) elif d in Ga.t_size and Kb_func.ty == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 4) elif d in [str(x) for x in range(1, Ga.get_max(, 4) + 1)] and Kb_func.ty == 1: Kb_func.forward(q, d, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 5, 'add_toys', 't_6') elif d == 'add_toys' and Kb_func.ty == 1: toys_order(q, b, chat_id, mass_o, adding_time) Kb_func.ty = 0 elif d == 't_1': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, -1) elif d == 't_2': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 0) elif d == 't_3': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 1) elif d == 't_4': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 2) elif d == 't_5': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 3) elif d == 't_6': Kb_func.back(q, b,, toys_num_of_filters, order_toys, dict_list, 4)
def back(q, b, mass, num_of_fil, dict_my, list_my, num): temp = [] for j in dict_my.values(): temp.append(j) x = [temp[i] for i in range(num)] if num == -1: q.edit_message_text(text='Choose a category:', reply_markup=Ga.category()) elif -1 < num < num_of_fil - 1: q.edit_message_text(text=list_my[num], reply_markup=Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[1]) else: b.deleteMessage(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], message_id=q['message']['message_id']) b.send_message(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], text=list_my[num], reply_markup=Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[1])
def forward(q, d, b, mass, num_of_fil, dict_my, list_my, num, tp='', pp=''): temp = [] for j in dict_my.values(): temp.append(j) x = [temp[i] for i in range(num - 1)] x.append(d) # first() if num == 0: x.pop() if num != num_of_fil: q.edit_message_text(text=list_my[num], reply_markup=Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[1]) # обновление массива order_feed if num != 0: dict_my[num - 1] = d if num == num_of_fil: b.deleteMessage(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], message_id=q['message']['message_id']) b.send_photo(chat_id=q['message']['chat']['id'], photo=Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[1], caption=Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[0], reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton('🛒', callback_data=tp), InlineKeyboardButton('⬅', callback_data=pp) ]])) dict_my[num - 1] = d dict_my[num] = Ga.get_all_new(x, mass, num_of_fil)[2]
def do_start(bot: Bot, update: Update, optional='no'): global promo_code scope_n = [''] creds_n = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'client_secret.json', scope_n) client_n = gspread.authorize(creds_n) customers_n ='Diploma').sheet1 new_customer(customers_n, chat_id=update['message']['chat']['id'], name=update['message']['chat']['first_name'], second_name=update['message']['chat']['last_name'], username=update['message']['chat']['username'], adding_time=time.asctime()) chat_id = update['message']['chat']['id'] msg_id = update['message']['message_id'] id_list = customers_n.col_values(1) for i in range(len(id_list)): if id_list[i] == str(chat_id): customers_n.update_cell(i + 1, 5, msg_id) if optional == promo_code: for j in range(len(id_list)): if id_list[j] == str(chat_id): if customers_n.cell(j + 1, 15).value != promo_code: bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='Promo code activated!') customers_n.update_cell(j + 1, 15, optional) else: bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text='This promo code has already been activated!') bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Choose a category:", reply_markup=Ga.category())