def makePercentReplacedPlot(): keylist = ['PAT-genLxy', 'DSA-genLxy'] HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILE, fs, keylist) for key, h in HISTS.iteritems(): pass #h.Rebin(5) g = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(HISTS[keylist[0]], HISTS[keylist[1]], 'cp') p = Plotter.Plot(g, '', '', 'p') p.setTitles(Y='% replaced selected DSA dimuons', X='gen L_{xy} [cm]') #RT.addBinWidth(p) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=fs) #canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=fs, logy=True) canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) #canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.0001) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) canvas.cleanup('pdfs/percentReplacedVSgenLxy_{}.pdf'.format(fs))
def fillDistributionParameters(MUON, fs, sp, quantity): # get histograms and define plots h = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), MUON+'_'+quantity+'_Matched').Clone() mean = h.GetMean() sigma = h.GetStdDev() overflow = h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX()+1) if sp not in DATA[fs]: DATA[fs][sp] = {} if MUON not in DATA[fs][sp]: DATA[fs][sp][MUON] = {} if quantity not in DATA[fs][sp][MUON]: DATA[fs][sp][MUON][quantity] = { 'mean':0, 'sigma':0, 'overflow':0, } DATA[fs][sp][MUON][quantity]['mean' ] = mean DATA[fs][sp][MUON][quantity]['sigma'] = sigma DATA[fs][sp][MUON][quantity]['overflow'] = overflow
def makeLxyPlot(): hkeys = ['Lxy_{}'.format(tag) for tag in TAGS] HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['Signal'], '2Mu2J', hkeys) for key in hkeys: HISTS[key].Rebin(10) for tag in TAGS: zz = 'Lxy_{}'.format(tag) print zz, HISTS[zz].Integral( HISTS[zz].GetXaxis().FindBin(100.), HISTS[zz].GetNbinsX() + 1), HISTS['Lxy_00'].Integral( HISTS['Lxy_00'].GetXaxis().FindBin(100.), HISTS['Lxy_00'].GetNbinsX() + 1) g = {} for tag in TAGS: #g[tag] = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(HISTS['Lxy_{}'.format(tag)], HISTS['Lxy_00'], 'cp') g[tag] = HISTS['Lxy_{}'.format(tag)].Clone() g[tag].Divide(HISTS['Lxy_00']) #p = {tag:Plotter.Plot(g[tag], TAGS[tag]['leg'], 'lp', 'p') for tag in TAGS} p = { tag: Plotter.Plot(g[tag], TAGS[tag]['leg'], 'lp', 'hist p') for tag in TAGS } c = Plotter.Canvas() for tag in ('00', '05', '10', '15'): c.addMainPlot(p[tag]) p[tag].setColor(TAGS[tag]['col']) c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.2, pos='bl') c.firstPlot.setTitles(X='', Y='', copy=HISTS[hkeys[0]]) c.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.8) c.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.01) c.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 400.) c.cleanup('Lxy_deltaR_PD.pdf')
def makeBinnedResPlotBinwise(MUONS, outputTag, quantity, q2, fs, sp): defaultColorOrder = (R.kRed, R.kBlue, R.kGreen, R.kMagenta) h = {} for MUON in MUONS: h[MUON] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), '{M}_{Q}ResVS{Q2}'.format(M=MUON, Q=quantity, Q2=q2)).Clone() # leaving space for the bin number fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}_{}-Binned-Bin-{{}}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(outputTag, quantity+'Res', q2, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) pretty, binranges, values, colors, colors2, legName = getBinningValues(q2) for i, key in enumerate(binranges): canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) projections, plots = {}, {} for j, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): projections[MUON] = h[MUON].ProjectionY('_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), key[0], key[1]) plots[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(projections[MUON], MUON, 'l', 'hist') RT.addFlows(plots[MUON]) plots[MUON].Rebin(10) if plots[MUON].Integral() != 0: plots[MUON].Scale(1./plots[MUON].Integral()) plots[MUON].SetLineColor(defaultColorOrder[j]) canvas.addMainPlot(plots[MUON]) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.setMaximum(recompute=True) canvas.drawText(legName.format(Q2=pretty, V1=values[key][0], V2=values[key][1]), (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC()+.01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC()-.04)) for j, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): plots[MUON].SetLineColor(defaultColorOrder[j]) plots[MUON].setTitles(X=plots[MUON].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), Y='Normalized Counts') canvas.drawText('#color[{}]{{'.format(defaultColorOrder[j]) + 'RMS = {:.4f}'.format(plots[MUON].GetStdDev()) + '}', (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC()+.01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC()-(j*0.04)-.08) ) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.cleanup(fname.format(i+1))
def makeIntegratedSEQSignal(hkey='SEQ'): HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['2Mu2J'], '2Mu2J', hkey) h = HISTS[hkey] p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', '', 'hist') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='2Mu2J', cWidth=1600) canvas.addMainPlot(p) p.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) setBinLabels(canvas) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X='Cut', Y='Normalized Counts') canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(3.e5 if 'DSA' not in hkey else 1.e5) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.scaleMargins(.5, 'L') canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(.5, 'Y') R.TGaxis.SetExponentOffset(0., 0.02, "y") canvas.cleanup('pdfs/NM1_{}{}{}_2Mu2J.pdf'.format(hkey, BUMPSTRING, IDPHISTRING))
def makeIntegratedNM1Signal(hkey='NM1'): #HISTS, INDIV = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['2Mu2J'], '2Mu2J', 'NM1', getIndividuals=True) #totalBin1 = sum([INDIV['NM1'][ref].GetBinContent(1) for ref in SIGNALPOINTS]) #for ibin in range(1, len(CUTS)+2): # totalBin = sum([INDIV['NM1'][ref].GetBinContent(ibin) for ref in SIGNALPOINTS]) # scaleFactor = totalBin1/totalBin # for ref in SIGNALPOINTS: # INDIV['NM1'][ref].SetBinContent(ibin, INDIV['NM1'][ref].GetBinContent(ibin)/totalBin*scaleFactor) HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['2Mu2J'], '2Mu2J', hkey) totalBin1 = HISTS[hkey].GetBinContent(1) for ibin in range(1, len(CUTS) + 2): totalBin = HISTS[hkey].GetBinContent(ibin) scaleFactor = totalBin1 / totalBin HISTS[hkey].SetBinContent(ibin, scaleFactor) h = HISTS[hkey] p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', '', 'hist') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='2Mu2J', cWidth=1600) canvas.addMainPlot(p) p.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) setBinLabels(canvas) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X='Cut', Y='n#minus1 Eff.') canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.2) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.scaleMargins(.5, 'L') canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(.5, 'Y') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/NM1_{}{}{}_2Mu2J.pdf'.format(hkey, BUMPSTRING, IDPHISTRING))
def makeRepEffectPlots(hkey): HISTS, PConfig = HG.getBackgroundHistograms(FILES['MC'], hkey) HISTS = HISTS[hkey] PConfig = PConfig[hkey] PLOTS = {} for key in HG.BGORDER + ('stack', ): PLOTS[key] = Plotter.Plot(HISTS[key], *PConfig[key]) canvas = Plotter.Canvas( lumi='MC Background, {} PAT association (36.3 fb^{{-1}})'.format( hkey.replace('LxySig-', '').replace('Lxy-', '')), logy=True, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) for key in HG.BGORDER: PLOTS[key].setColor(HG.PLOTCONFIG[key]['COLOR'], which='LF') canvas.addMainPlot(PLOTS['stack']) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X='', copy=PLOTS[HG.BGORDER[0]]) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(Y='Event Yield') canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.3, pos='tr', autoOrder=False, fontscale=0.8) for ref in reversed(HG.BGORDER): canvas.addLegendEntry(PLOTS[ref]) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(10.**7.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(10.**0.) if ARGS.SQUARE: canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') z = PLOTS['stack'].plot.GetStack().Last() print 'MC', hkey, z.Integral(0, z.GetNbinsX() + 1) canvas.cleanup('pdfs/REPEFF_MC_{}.pdf'.format(hkey), mode='LUMI')
def importHistograms(DISTRIBUTION_SPECS): """ Read and add specified histograms from one or many files. Extracts histograms from one or many ROOT files (defined via the argument 'DISTRIBUTION_SPECS') and adds them to the given HistSpecs objects. Parameters ---------- DISTRIBUTION_SPECS : HistSpecs object An instance of the HistSpecs class, which defines all the relevant histogram properties """ # perform some basic sanity checks for el in DISTRIBUTION_SPECS: filepath = el.getAttribute("filepath") histname_identifier = el.getAttribute("histname_identifier") histname_exclude = el.getAttribute("histname_exclude") types = ((filepath, str), (histname_identifier, str), (histname_exclude, list)) for o, t in types: if not isinstance(o, t): raise Exception( "Invalid type of {}: should be {}, but is {}".format( o, t, type(o))) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise Exception("No such file: {}".format(filepath)) # dictionary structure for collecting the relevant distributions hists = {} cnt_files = 1 for el in DISTRIBUTION_SPECS: filepath = el.getAttribute("filepath") histname_identifier = el.getAttribute("histname_identifier") histname_exclude = el.getAttribute("histname_exclude") print("[{}/{}] Reading file {}...".format(cnt_files, len(DISTRIBUTION_SPECS), filepath)) f_allhists = HistogramGetter.getHistograms(filepath) histogram = None for dataset in f_allhists: selected_hists_names = getHistNames(f_allhists, dataset, histname_identifier, exclude=histname_exclude) print("hist names: {}".format(selected_hists_names)) if len(selected_hists_names) > 1: raise Exception( "Ambiguous histogram identifier: {} would select the following {} histograms: {}" .format(histname_identifier, len(selected_hists_names), '\n'.join(selected_hists_names))) for key in selected_hists_names: if histogram is None: histogram = f_allhists[dataset][key].Clone() else: histogram.Add(f_allhists[dataset][key]) if histogram: print("\tImported histogram {}".format(histogram.GetName())) else: print("\tNo histograms found.") # prepare the histogram RT.addFlows(histogram) if el.getAttribute("histogram") is not None: print( "Warning: Histogram already exists in the HistSpecs object and will be overwritten" ) # add the actual histrogram to the corresponding HistSpecs object el.setAttribute("histogram", histogram) cnt_files += 1 del f_allhists
import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HG import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.AnalysisTools as AT import numpy as np from OptimizerTools import SignalInfo, ScaleFactor, calculateFOM, PARSER ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() FIGURE_OF_MERIT = ARGS.FOM PRETTY_LEG = {'ZBi': 'Z_{Bi}', 'ZPL': 'Z_{PL}'} FILE = R.TFile.Open( '../nMinusOne/roots/NM1Distributions_Trig_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root') DFILE = R.TFile.Open('../nMinusOne/roots/NM1Distributions_IDPHI_DATA.root') HISTS = { sp: HG.getHistogram(FILE, ('2Mu2J', sp), 'mass') for sp in SIGNALPOINTS } SCALED = {sp: HISTS[sp].Clone() for sp in SIGNALPOINTS} for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: integral = SCALED[sp].Integral(0, SCALED[sp].GetNbinsX() + 1) SCALED[sp].Scale(1. / (integral if integral != 0. else 1.)) CUM = {sp: SCALED[sp].GetCumulative() for sp in SIGNALPOINTS} DISTS = { sp: Plotter.Plot(HISTS[sp], 'm_{{X}} = {} GeV'.format(sp[1]), 'l', 'hist') for sp in SIGNALPOINTS } PLOTS = { sp: Plotter.Plot(CUM[sp], 'm_{{X}} = {} GeV'.format(sp[1]), 'l', 'hist') for sp in SIGNALPOINTS }
def makeKinkFOMPlot(quantity, masses, sigmaBMode='DEFAULT'): points = sorted( [sp for sp in SignalInfo if sp[0] == masses[0] and sp[1] == masses[1]], key=lambda x: x[2]) s = { points[0]: HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, points[0]), '{}_1'.format(quantity)).Clone(), points[1]: HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, points[1]), '{}_10'.format(quantity)).Clone(), } if sigmaBMode == 'DEFAULT': s[points[0]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[0], 1)) s[points[1]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[1], 10)) extra = '' elif sigmaBMode == 'SAME': s[points[0]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[0], 1)) s[points[1]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[0], 1)) extra = '_SAME' elif sigmaBMode == 'GLOBAL': s[points[0]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[0], 1, 1.e-2)) s[points[1]].Scale(ScaleFactor(points[1], 1, 1.e-2)) extra = '_GLOBAL' DHists, DPConfig = HG.getDataHistograms(FILES['Data'], '{}_1'.format(quantity), addFlows=False) b = DHists['{}_1'.format(quantity)]['data'] # get cumulatives bCum = b.GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) sCum = {p: s[p].GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) for p in points} fom = {p: sCum[p].Clone() for p in points} nBins = sCum[points[0]].GetNbinsX() xAxis = sCum[points[0]].GetXaxis() # dictionaries instead of numbers because we have 2 sets of ZBi curves fom_max = {p: 0. for p in points} opt_cut = {p: 0. for p in points} opt_s = {p: 0. for p in points} opt_b = {p: 0. for p in points} for ibin in range(1, nBins + 1): for p in points: S, B, cutVal, FOMs = calculateFOM(s[p], b, sCum[p], bCum, nBins, ibin, xAxis, CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) if FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT] > fom_max[p]: fom_max[p] = FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT] opt_cut[p] = cutVal opt_s[p] = S opt_b[p] = B fom[p].SetBinContent(ibin, FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT]) pl = { points[0]: Plotter.Plot(fom[points[0]], 'c#tau = {} mm, nominal'.format(points[0][2]), 'l', 'hist p'), points[1]: Plotter.Plot(fom[points[1]], 'c#tau = {} mm, reweighted'.format(points[0][2]), 'l', 'hist p'), } colors = { points[0]: R.kBlue, points[1]: R.kRed, } c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='({} GeV, {} GeV)'.format(*masses)) c.addMainPlot(pl[points[0]]) c.addMainPlot(pl[points[1]]) for p in points: pl[p].setColor(colors[p], which='LM') c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.3, pos='tr') c.legend.SetMargin(0.1) c.legend.resizeHeight() lines = { p: R.TLine(opt_cut[p], 0., opt_cut[p], max(fom_max.values()) * 1.1) for p in points } for p in points: lines[p].SetLineStyle(2) lines[p].SetLineColor(colors[p]) lines[p].Draw() for i, p in enumerate(points): c.drawText(text='#color[{:d}]{{opt = {:.1f}}}'.format( colors[p], opt_cut[p]), pos=(c.legend.GetX2(), c.legend.GetY1() - .04 - i * .04), align='br') c.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) c.firstPlot.SetMaximum(max(fom_max.values()) * 1.1) c.firstPlot.setTitles(Y=PRETTY_LEG) RT.addBinWidth(c.firstPlot) c.cleanup('pdfs/KINK_FOM{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(extra, quantity, masses[0], masses[1], FIGURE_OF_MERIT))
def compareFOMPlot(quantity, sp, sigmaBMode='GLOBAL'): keys = FACTORS for FACTOR in FACTORS: s = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, sp), '{}_{}'.format(quantity, FACTOR)).Clone() if sigmaBMode == 'GLOBAL': s.Scale(ScaleFactor(sp, 1, 1.e-2)) extra = 'GLOBAL' DHists, DPConfig = HG.getDataHistograms(FILES['Data'], '{}_1'.format(quantity), addFlows=False) b = DHists['{}_1'.format(quantity)]['data'] # get cumulatives bCum = b.GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) sCum = s.GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) fom = {z: sCum.Clone() for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL')} nBins = sCum.GetNbinsX() xAxis = sCum.GetXaxis() # dictionaries instead of numbers because we have 2 sets of ZBi curves fom_max = {z: 0. for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL')} opt_cut = {z: 0. for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL')} opt_s = {z: 0. for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL')} opt_b = {z: 0. for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL')} for ibin in range(1, nBins + 1): S, B, cutVal, FOMs = calculateFOM(s, b, sCum, bCum, nBins, ibin, xAxis, CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) for z in ('ZBi', 'ZPL'): if FOMs[z] > fom_max[z]: fom_max[z] = FOMs[z] opt_cut[z] = cutVal opt_s[z] = S opt_b[z] = B fom[z].SetBinContent(ibin, FOMs[z]) p = { z: Plotter.Plot(fom[z], PRETTY_LEG[z], 'l', 'hist p') for z in fom } colors = {'ZBi': R.kRed, 'ZPL': R.kBlue} c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm){}'.format( sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], '' if FACTOR == 1 else ' #rightarrow {} mm'.format(sp[2] / FACTOR))) for z in fom: c.addMainPlot(p[z]) p[z].setColor(colors[z], which='LM') c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.1, pos='tr') #c.legend.SetMargin(0.1) c.legend.resizeHeight() lines = { z: R.TLine(opt_cut[z], 0., opt_cut[z], max(fom_max.values()) * 1.1) for z in fom } for z in fom: lines[z].SetLineStyle(2) lines[z].SetLineColor(colors[z]) lines[z].Draw() for i, z in enumerate(fom.keys()): c.drawText(text='#color[{:d}]{{opt = {:.1f}}}'.format( colors[z], opt_cut[z]), pos=(c.legend.GetX2(), c.legend.GetY1() - .04 - i * .04), align='br') c.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) c.firstPlot.SetMaximum(max(fom_max.values()) * 1.1) c.firstPlot.setTitles(Y='Figure of Merit') RT.addBinWidth(c.firstPlot) c.cleanup('pdfs/COMPARE_FOM-{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( extra, quantity, sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], FACTOR))
keyList = { 'Prompt': [ 'hLessLxySig', 'hMoreLxySig', 'hLessDeltaPhi', 'hMoreDeltaPhi', ], 'Full': ['LxySig_IDPHI', 'LxySig_DPHI'], } DHists = {'Prompt': {}, 'Full': {}} for which in keyList: if which == 'Prompt': for key in keyList[which]: DHists[which][key] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[which], 'Data', key).Clone() else: D, P = HG.getDataHistograms(FILES[which], keyList[which], addFlows=False) DHists[which] = {key: D[key]['data'] for key in D} #### Correction factors from "inverted PAT" CR and SR #### # these are 0.5 bins #DHists['Prompt']['hLessLxySig'].GetXaxis().SetRange(1, 12) #DHists['Prompt']['hMoreLxySig'].GetXaxis().SetRange(1, 12) # now they're 1 bins DHists['Prompt']['hLessLxySig'].Rebin(2)
else: FILE = R.TFile.Open(ARGS.FILE) if not FILE: raise Exception('{}: No such file'.format(ARGS.FILE)) MCONLY = ARGS.MCONLY HKEY = ARGS.HKEY TOTAL = ARGS.TOTAL # some constants BGSAMPLES = ['WJets', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ', 'tW', 'tbarW', 'ttbar', 'QCD20toInf-ME', 'DY10to50', 'DY50toInf'] DATASAMPLES = ['DoubleMuonRun2016{}-07Aug17{}'.format(era, '' if era != 'B' else '-v2') for era in ('B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H')] # get the stacked MC h = {} MCStack = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(FILE, BGSAMPLES[0], HKEY) if not MCStack: raise Exception('{}: No such MC key'.format(HKEY)) MCStack = MCStack.Clone() MCStack.Scale(HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[BGSAMPLES[0]]['WEIGHT']) for SAMPLE in BGSAMPLES: h[SAMPLE] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(FILE, SAMPLE, HKEY).Clone() h[SAMPLE].Scale(HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[SAMPLE]['WEIGHT']) for SAMPLE in BGSAMPLES[1:]: MCStack.Add(h[SAMPLE]) # get the added data if not MCONLY: DataStack = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(FILE, DATASAMPLES[0], HKEY) if not DataStack: raise Exception('{}: No such data key'.format(HKEY))
def makeResPlots(metric, quantity, sp=None): PRETTY = { 'pTRes_hits_less': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) #leq 12', 'col': R.kRed }, 'pTRes_hits_more': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) > 12', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'pTRes_fpte_less': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} < 1', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'pTRes_fpte_more': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} #geq 1', 'col': R.kRed }, 'qdiff_hits_less': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) #leq 12', 'col': R.kRed }, 'qdiff_hits_more': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) > 12', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'qdiff_fpte_less': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} < 1', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'qdiff_fpte_more': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} #geq 1', 'col': R.kRed }, } witches = ('less', 'more') if quantity == 'fpte' else ('more', 'less') hkeys = ['{}_{}_{}'.format(metric, quantity, which) for which in witches] if sp is None: HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['Signal'], '2Mu2J', hkeys) else: HISTS = {} for key in hkeys: HISTS[key] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], ('2Mu2J', sp), key).Clone() PLOTS = {} for key in hkeys: HISTS[key].Scale(1. / HISTS[key].Integral(0, HISTS[key].GetNbinsX() + 1)) #RT.addFlows(HISTS[key]) PLOTS[key] = Plotter.Plot(HISTS[key], PRETTY[key]['leg'], 'l', 'hist') #canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='{} by {}'.format(PRETTY[hkeys[0]]['mnice'], PRETTY[hkeys[0]]['qnice'])) lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow2#mu' if sp is None: lumi += ', all samples combined' else: lumi += ' ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm)'.format(*sp) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) for key in hkeys: canvas.addMainPlot(PLOTS[key]) PLOTS[key].setColor(PRETTY[key]['col'], which='L') canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.setMaximum() if metric == 'qdiff': canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(Y='Density') if 'qdiff' in hkeys[0]: canvas.firstPlot.SetNdivisions(3) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=0.27, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) if ARGS.SQUARE: canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') if metric == 'pTRes': canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.3, 'Y') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/QCUTRES_Sig_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( metric, quantity, 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HG from DisplacedDimuons.Common.Constants import SIGNALPOINTS # see commit from Mar 5 2019 for the patch required to run f = R.TFile.Open('roots/PTCutPlots_2Mu2J.root') for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: h = HG.getHistogram(f, ('2Mu2J', sp), 'nMatches') maxMatched = max( [h.GetBinContent(i) for i in xrange(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) ibin = h.GetMaximumBin() print '{:4d} {:3d} {:4d} : '.format(*sp), print 'the maximum {:5d} occurs @ pT > {:2d}'.format( int(maxMatched), int(ibin - 1)), if ibin != 11: if int(maxMatched - h.GetBinContent(11)) != 0: print ', but 10 GeV would only cause a loss of {:2d} events ({:.2%})'.format( int(maxMatched - h.GetBinContent(11)), 1. - (h.GetBinContent(11) / maxMatched)) else: print ' -- but 10 GeV is an equivalently optimal cut' else: print ' -- this is the optimal cut'
DATA = initializeData() with open('text/replaceSignal.txt') as f: for line in f: if '%' in line or '---' in line: continue cols = line.strip('\n').split() fs = cols[0] sp = tuple(map(int, cols[1:4])) #DATA[fs][sp]['den'] = int(cols[4]) #DATA[fs][sp]['num'] = int(cols[5]) DATA[fs][sp]['repPct'] = float(cols[6]) f = R.TFile.Open('roots/PATMuonStudyPlots_Trig_Combined_BS8_2Mu2J.root') fs = '2Mu2J' for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: h = HG.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), 'DSA-LxySig') DATA[fs][sp]['DSA-LxySig'] = h.GetMean() DATA[fs][sp]['DSA-LxySig-Overflow'] = h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX() + 1) h = HG.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), 'PAT-LxySig') DATA[fs][sp]['PAT-LxySig'] = h.GetMean() DATA[fs][sp]['PAT-LxySig-Overflow'] = h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX() + 1) DATA[fs][sp]['Frac-LxySig-Overflow'] = h.GetBinContent( h.GetNbinsX() + 1) / h.Integral(0, h.GetNbinsX() + 1) * 100. h = HG.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), 'PAT-vtxChi2') DATA[fs][sp]['PAT-vtxChi2'] = h.GetMean() DATA[fs][sp]['PAT-vtxChi2-Overflow'] = h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX() + 1)
"pTdiff": (-1.1, 10.0), "d0": (0.0, 200), "L1pTres": (-1.0, 8.0), "L2pTres": (-1.0, 8.0), "dimVtxChi2": (0.0, 60.0), "dimLxySig": (0.0, 230.0), "chi2": (0.0, 30.0), "pTSig": (0.0, 2.0), "nStations": (0.0, 10.0), "nCSCDTHits": (10.0, 60.0), "chargeprod": (-1.0, 2.0), "charge": (-1.0, 2.0), } HISTS = HistogramGetter.getHistograms( "/afs/" ) def makePerSamplePlots(selection=None): rebinning_exceptions = ("pTdiff", "nCSCDTHits") h = {} p = {} for dataset in HISTS: if selection is not None: selected_hists_names = getHistNames(dataset, *selection) else: selected_hists_names = HISTS[dataset] for key in selected_hists_names:
PP.PARSER.add_argument('--thesis', dest='THESIS', action='store_true') ARGS = PP.PARSER.parse_args() ################################## #### Get histograms and scale #### ################################## FILES = { 'DataNom' : R.TFile.Open('roots/MyDataPileupHistogram.root'), 'DataLow' : R.TFile.Open('roots/MyDataPileupHistogram_Low.root'), 'DataHigh': R.TFile.Open('roots/MyDataPileupHistogram_High.root'), 'Signal' : R.TFile.Open('roots/pileup_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root'), } HISTS, INDIV = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['Signal'], '2Mu2J', 'pileup', True) HISTS, INDIV = HISTS['pileup'], INDIV['pileup'] KEYS = ('Nom', 'Low', 'High') DATA = {key:FILES['Data'+key].Get('pileup').Clone() for key in KEYS} for key in DATA: DATA[key].Scale(1./DATA[key].Integral()) for sp in INDIV: INDIV[sp].Scale(1./INDIV[sp].Integral()) HISTS.Scale(1./HISTS.Integral()) # saves the weight for a printing pass afterwards
import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HG import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Plotter as Plotter FILES = {'_PATOnly':0, '_NoRep':0, '':0} HISTS = {} for key in FILES: FILES[key] = R.TFile.Open('roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_Combined_BS9{}_2Mu2J.root'.format(key)) HISTS[key] = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[key], '2Mu2J', ('GEN-Lxy', 'GEN-Lxy-PAT', 'GEN-Lxy-HYB', 'GEN-Lxy-DSA')) # relative signal match eff h = {} h['PAT'] = HISTS['_PATOnly']['GEN-Lxy'].Clone() h['HYB'] = HISTS['' ]['GEN-Lxy'].Clone() h['DSA'] = HISTS['_NoRep' ]['GEN-Lxy'].Clone() for key in h: h[key].Rebin(5) h['PAT'].Divide(h['DSA']) h['HYB'].Divide(h['DSA']) h.pop('DSA') p = {} config = {'PAT' : ('DSA-DSA or PAT-PAT only', R.kRed), 'HYB' : ('DSA-DSA, PAT-PAT, or DSA-PAT', R.kBlue)} for key in h: p[key] = Plotter.Plot(h[key], config[key][0], 'lp', 'p') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='2Mu2J') for key in ('PAT', 'HYB'): canvas.addMainPlot(p[key])
def makeSignalPlot(key): h = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['2Mu2J'], '2Mu2J', key) h = h[key] p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', '', 'hist') RT.addBinWidth(p) c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow2#mu, {}'.format( CUTS[key]['lumi']), cWidth=600 if key != 'deltaPhi' else 800, logy=CUTS[key]['logy']) c.addMainPlot(p) c.firstPlot.setColor(R.kBlue) c.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'Y') if key == 'deltaPhi': axis = c.firstPlot.GetXaxis() labeldict = { 1: '0', 25: '#pi/4', 50: '#pi/2', 75: '3#pi/4', 100: '#pi' } for i in xrange(1, 101): val = labeldict.get(i) if val is None: val = '' axis.SetBinLabel(i, val) axis.SetNdivisions(216, False) axis.SetLabelSize(.06) axis.SetTickLength(0.03) axis.SetTickSize(0.03) axis.LabelsOption('h') c.mainPad.Update() ymin = c.mainPad.GetUymin() ymax = c.mainPad.GetUymax() if c.logy: ymax = 10.**ymax xB = R.TGaxis(0., ymin, R.TMath.Pi() - .07, ymin, 0., R.TMath.Pi(), 216, "+B", .03) xB.SetLabelSize(0) xB.Draw('same') xT = R.TGaxis(0., ymax, R.TMath.Pi() - .07, ymax, 0., R.TMath.Pi(), 216, "-B", .03) xT.SetLabelSize(0) xT.Draw('same') if key == 'pT': c.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 600.) eff = getEff(p, key) c.drawText('{:.1%} efficient'.format(eff), align='tr', pos=(1. - c.margins['r'] - .03, 1. - c.margins['t'] - .03)) c.mainPad.Update() ymax = c.mainPad.GetUymax() line = R.TLine(CUTS[key]['val'], 0., CUTS[key]['val'], ymax if not c.logy else 10.**ymax) line.SetLineStyle(2) line.Draw() if key == 'trkChi2': c.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitle('trk. #chi^{2}/dof') c.cleanup('pdfs/NM1_2Mu2J_{}.pdf'.format(key), mode='LUMI')
#fOld = R.TFile.Open('roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_Combined_NS_NH_FPTE_HLT_REP_PQ1_PT_PC_LXYE_MASS_CHI2_DSAPROXMATCH_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root') #fNew = R.TFile.Open('roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_Combined_NS_NH_FPTE_HLT_REP_PQ1_PT_PC_LXYE_MASS_CHI2_DPT_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root') fOld = R.TFile.Open( 'roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_Combined_NS_NH_FPTE_HLT_REP_PT_PC_LXYE_MASS_CHI2_VTX_COSA_SFPTE_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root' ) fNew = R.TFile.Open( 'roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_Combined_NS_NH_FPTE_HLT_REP_PT_PC_LXYE_MASS_CHI2_VTX_COSA_SFPTE_PROXTHRESH_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root' ) def deleteHistogram(HIST): R.gROOT.ProcessLine('delete gROOT->FindObject("' + HIST.GetName() + '")') hOld = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(fOld, '2Mu2J', 'GEN-Lxy-DSA') g = hOld['GEN-Lxy-DSA'].Clone() g.SetName('new') deleteHistogram(hOld['GEN-Lxy-DSA']) HybOld = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(fOld, '2Mu2J', 'GEN-Lxy-HYB') g.Add(HybOld['GEN-Lxy-HYB']) deleteHistogram(HybOld['GEN-Lxy-HYB']) hNew = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(fNew, '2Mu2J', 'GEN-Lxy-DSA') h = hNew['GEN-Lxy-DSA'].Clone() h.SetName('old') deleteHistogram(hNew['GEN-Lxy-DSA']) HybNew = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(fNew, '2Mu2J', 'GEN-Lxy-HYB') h.Add(HybNew['GEN-Lxy-HYB'])
PARSER.add_argument('--quantity' , dest='QUANTITY' , default='vtxChi2') PARSER.add_argument('--cutstring', dest='CUTSTRING', default='Combined_NS_NH_FPTE_HLT_REP_PQ1_PT_PC_LXYE_MASS') PARSER.add_argument('--cut' , dest='CUT' , default=50., type=float) PARSER.add_argument('--rtypes' , dest='RTYPES' , default='DPH') ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() f = R.TFile.Open('roots/ZephyrPlots_Trig_{}_HTo2XTo2Mu2J.root'.format(ARGS.CUTSTRING)) RTYPES = [] if 'D' in ARGS.RTYPES: RTYPES.append('DSA') if 'P' in ARGS.RTYPES: RTYPES.append('PAT') if 'H' in ARGS.RTYPES: RTYPES.append('HYB') print '{:4s} {:3s} {:4s} {:>10s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>6s}'.format('mH', 'mX', 'cTau', 'Mean', 'OFlow', 'OFlow%', '%>{}'.format(ARGS.CUT)) for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: for i, key in enumerate(RTYPES): if i == 0: h = HG.getHistogram(f, ('2Mu2J', sp), key+'-'+ARGS.QUANTITY) else: h.Add(HG.getHistogram(f, ('2Mu2J', sp), key+'-'+ARGS.QUANTITY)) c = h.GetCumulative() ibin = c.FindBin(float(ARGS.CUT)) print '{:4d} {:3d} {:4d} {:10.2f} {:6.0f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], h.GetMean(), h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX()+1), h.GetBinContent(h.GetNbinsX()+1)/h.Integral(0, h.GetNbinsX()+1)*100., 100.-c.GetBinContent(ibin) /h.Integral(0, h.GetNbinsX()+1)*100. )
def makeOverlaidResPlot(MUONS, fs, sp, quantity, outputTag=None): # whether the plot is dif or res makes a difference wrt binning, fit range, and stats box positions # only pT is a res type; the others are all dif types ISDIF = quantity != 'pT' # what to name the plot. if MUONS is length 1, no sense to pass it twice, so get it automatically if outputTag is None: outputTag = MUONS[0] # colors, in order of MUONS, and also hashed defaultColorOrder = (R.kBlue, R.kRed, R.kGreen) colorDict = dict(zip(MUONS, defaultColorOrder)) # get histograms and define plots h = {} for MUON in MUONS: h[MUON] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), MUON+'_'+quantity+'Res').Clone() p = {} for MUON in MUONS: RT.addFlows(h[MUON]) if not ISDIF: h[MUON].Rebin(5) else: h[MUON].Rebin(10) p[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(h[MUON], 'Signal MC ({})'.format(MUON[:3]), 'l', 'hist') # define and fit gaussians to everything. Set FITRANGE to be something useful. funcs = {} fplots = {} for MUON in MUONS: if quantity == 'pT': FITRANGE = (-0.4, 0.3) elif quantity == 'eta': FITRANGE = (-0.1, 0.1) else: FITRANGE = (-20., 20.) funcs[MUON] = R.TF1('f'+MUON, 'gaus', *FITRANGE) h[MUON].Fit('f'+MUON, 'R') fplots[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(funcs[MUON], 'Gaussian fit ({})'.format(MUON[:3]), 'l', '') # define canvas, add plots. addS is so that statsbox will be drawn later. # these all should be pretty obvious until... canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) for i, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): canvas.addMainPlot(p[MUON], addS=True if i!=0 else False) canvas.addMainPlot(fplots[MUON]) if len(MUONS) > 1: canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X=canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().GetTitle().replace(MUONS[0],'Reco')) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tl') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() for MUON in MUONS: p [MUON].SetLineColor(colorDict[MUON] ) fplots[MUON].SetLineColor(colorDict[MUON]+1) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) # dif type: fit boxes go down the left side # res type: fit boxes go down the middle # stats boxes are on the right paves = [] for i, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): paves.append(canvas.makeStatsBox(p[MUON], color=colorDict[MUON])) Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(paves[-1], Y=-.2*i) if not ISDIF: canvas.setFitBoxStyle(h[MUON], lWidth=0.275, pos='tr') else: canvas.setFitBoxStyle(h[MUON], lWidth=0.275, pos='tl') sbox = p[MUON].FindObject('stats') sbox.SetTextColor(colorDict[MUON]+1) if not ISDIF: Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(sbox, Y=-.15*i, X=-.18, NDC=True) else: Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(sbox, Y=-.15*i-0.04*4.1, NDC=True) fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(outputTag, quantity+'Res', 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def optimizeCut(fs, sp, quantity): # get histograms s = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, sp), quantity) DHists, DPConfig = HG.getDataHistograms(FILES['Data'], quantity) b = DHists[quantity]['data'] n = s.Integral(0, s.GetNbinsX()+1) s.Scale(ScaleFactor(sp, sigmaB=1.e-2)) # get cumulatives sCum = s.GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) bCum = b.GetCumulative(CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) fom = sCum.Clone() print '**** Data (|DeltaPhi| > Pi/2) vs. HTo2XTo{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm) (|DeltaPhi| < Pi/2)'.format(fs, *sp) print '**** Quantity = {:s} ::: Passing (N-1) = {:.0f} ::: N_gen = {:.0f} ::: Sigma*B = {:.3f} pb ::: 2016 ILumi = 35922 /pb'.format( CONFIG[quantity]['pretty'], n, SignalInfo[sp]['sumWeights'][1], SignalInfo[sp]['sigmaBLimit']) print '{:>8s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>6s} {:>6s}'.format('CutVal', 'S', 'B=nOff', 'S+B=nOn', 'ZBi', 'ZPL') # fill f.o.m. histogram, and keep track of max f.o.m. and cut value nBins = sCum.GetNbinsX() xAxis = sCum.GetXaxis() fom_max = 0. opt_cut = 0. opt_s = 0. opt_b = 0. for ibin in range(1,nBins+1): S, B, cutVal, FOMs = calculateFOM(s, b, sCum, bCum, nBins, ibin, xAxis, CONFIG[quantity]['forward']) print '{:8.3f} {:7.3f} {:7.3f} {:7.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}'.format(cutVal, S, B, S+B, FOMs['ZBi'], FOMs['ZPL']) if FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT] > fom_max: fom_max = FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT] opt_cut = cutVal opt_s = S opt_b = B fom.SetBinContent(ibin, FOMs[FIGURE_OF_MERIT]) # make plots p = {} p['sig'] = Plotter.Plot(sCum, 'signal' , 'l', 'hist') p['bg' ] = Plotter.Plot(bCum, 'data' , 'l', 'hist') p['fom'] = Plotter.Plot(fom , PRETTY_LEG , 'l', 'hist') # make canvas, colors, maximum canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) canvas.addMainPlot(p['sig']) canvas.addMainPlot(p['bg' ]) canvas.addMainPlot(p['fom']) p['sig'].SetLineColor(R.kBlue ) p['bg' ].SetLineColor(R.kRed ) p['fom'].SetLineColor(R.kGreen) canvas.setMaximum() canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) # scale f.o.m. and make new axis fom.Scale(canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum()/fom_max/1.05) axis = R.TGaxis(xAxis.GetXmax(), 0., xAxis.GetXmax(), canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum(), 0., fom_max*1.05, 510, '+L') for attr in ('LabelFont', 'LabelOffset', 'TitleFont', 'TitleOffset', 'TitleSize'): getattr(axis, 'Set'+attr)(getattr(xAxis, 'Get'+attr)()) axis.SetTitle('Figure of Merit') axis.CenterTitle() axis.Draw() canvas.scaleMargins(1.1, edges='R') # make the legend after canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='br') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.legend.moveLegend(X=-.2, Y=.1) # draw optimum text and line x, y = canvas.legend.GetX1(), canvas.legend.GetY2() canvas.drawText(text='#color[{:d}]{{opt. cut = {:.2f}}}'.format(R.kBlack, opt_cut), pos=(x, y+0.05), align='bl') line = R.TLine(opt_cut, 0., opt_cut, canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum()) line.SetLineStyle(2) line.Draw() # save canvas.cleanup('pdfs/OPT_{}_{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(quantity, FIGURE_OF_MERIT, fs, SPStr(sp)))
import re import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Plotter as Plotter import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.RootTools as RT from DisplacedDimuons.Common.Utilities import SPStr, SPLumiStr import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HistogramGetter import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.PlotterParser as PlotterParser ARGS = PlotterParser.PARSER.parse_args() TRIGGER = ARGS.TRIGGER CUTSTRING = ARGS.CUTSTRING MCONLY = ARGS.MCONLY # get histograms HISTS = HistogramGetter.getHistograms( '../analyzers/roots/Main/RecoMuonPlots.root') f = R.TFile.Open('../analyzers/roots/Main/RecoMuonPlots.root') # make plots that are per sample def makePerSamplePlots(): for ref in HISTS: if not type(ref) == tuple: continue for key in HISTS[ref]: if 'deltaRGR' in key: continue if 'VS' in key: continue if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' latexFS = '4#mu' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J':
def makeKinkDistPlot(quantity, masses): points = sorted( [sp for sp in SignalInfo if sp[0] == masses[0] and sp[1] == masses[1]], key=lambda x: x[2]) s = { points[0]: HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, points[0]), '{}_1'.format(quantity)).Clone(), points[1]: HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], (fs, points[1]), '{}_10'.format(quantity)).Clone(), } s[points[0]].Scale(1. / s[points[0]].Integral(0, s[points[0]].GetNbinsX() + 1)) s[points[1]].Scale(1. / s[points[1]].Integral(0, s[points[1]].GetNbinsX() + 1)) #RT.addFlows(s[points[0]]) #RT.addFlows(s[points[1]]) s[points[0]].Rebin(2) s[points[1]].Rebin(2) pl = { points[0]: Plotter.Plot(s[points[0]], 'c#tau = {} mm, nominal'.format(points[0][2]), 'l', 'hist'), points[1]: Plotter.Plot(s[points[1]], 'c#tau = {} mm, reweighted'.format(points[0][2]), 'l', 'hist'), } colors = { points[0]: R.kBlue, points[1]: R.kRed, } c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='({} GeV, {} GeV)'.format(*masses)) c.addMainPlot(pl[points[0]]) c.addMainPlot(pl[points[1]]) for p in points: pl[p].setColor(colors[p], which='LM') c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.3, pos='tr') c.legend.SetMargin(0.1) c.legend.resizeHeight() c.drawText(text='lol', pos=(c.legend.GetX1(), c.legend.GetY1() + .4), NDC=False) c.setMaximum() RT.addBinWidth(c.firstPlot) c.cleanup('pdfs/KINK_Dist_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(quantity, masses[0], masses[1], FIGURE_OF_MERIT))
(125, 20, 1300): (R.kGreen + 0, 10), } for SPLIT, DO2MU, DO4MU in OPTIONS: for quantity, isGreater, RESIZE in CONFIG: LOGY = quantity in ('DSA_d0Sig', 'REF_d0Sig', 'LxySig') if RESIZE: LOGY = False if TAG == 'Dimuon': qkeyname = 'Dim_{}'.format(quantity) elif TAG == 'RecoMuon': qkeyname = quantity h = {} h['MC'] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['MC_Prompt'], BGORDER[0], qkeyname) for key in BGORDER: for fkey in ('MC_Prompt', 'MC_NoPrompt'): if key == BGORDER[0] and fkey == 'MC_Prompt': h['MC'].Scale(PC[key]['WEIGHT']) else: hTemp = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fkey], key, qkeyname) hTemp.Scale(PC[key]['WEIGHT']) h['MC'].Add(hTemp) if not SPLIT: h['2Mu'] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal_Prompt'], ('2Mu2J', SPLIST[0]), qkeyname) h['4Mu'] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal_Prompt'], ('4Mu', SPLIST[0]), qkeyname)
import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HG import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Plotter as Plotter # the input histogram here is just two histograms with LxySig < 6 and DeltaPhi < pi/4 and > 3pi/4 separately # the script to make it is validateBackground which is in oldscripts now # this script makes a little less sense now, also it is superseded by smallLxySigConsistency, # but I'm leaving it here in case you want to see how to to the KS probability f = R.TFile.Open('roots/ValidationPlots_DATA.root') D, P = HG.getDataHistograms(f, ('LxySig_DPHI', 'LxySig_IDPHI'), addFlows=False) h = {k: D[k]['data'] for k in D} c = {k: h[k].GetCumulative(False) for k in h} cumRatio = c['LxySig_IDPHI'].Clone() cumRatio.Divide(c['LxySig_DPHI']) for k in h: h[k].Rebin(5) distRatio = h['LxySig_IDPHI'].Clone() distRatio.Divide(h['LxySig_DPHI']) pDist = { k: Plotter.Plot(h[k], '#Delta#Phi {} #pi/2'.format('<' if '_DPHI' in k else '>'), 'lp', 'hist e') for k in h
import re import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Plotter as Plotter import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.RootTools as RT import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Selections as Selections from DisplacedDimuons.Common.Utilities import SPStr, SPLumiStr import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HistogramGetter TRIGGER = False # get histograms HISTS = HistogramGetter.getHistograms( '../analyzers/roots/Main/nMinusOnePlots.root') f = R.TFile.Open('../analyzers/roots/Main/nMinusOnePlots.root') # make per sample plots def makePerSamplePlots(): for ref in HISTS: for key in HISTS[ref]: if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' name += SPStr(ref[1]) if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG['HTo2XTo' + ref[0]]['LATEX'] else: name = ref
import re import ROOT as R import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.Plotter as Plotter import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.RootTools as RT from DisplacedDimuons.Common.Constants import SIGNALPOINTS from DisplacedDimuons.Common.Utilities import SPStr, SPLumiStr import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.HistogramGetter as HistogramGetter import DisplacedDimuons.Analysis.PlotterParser as PlotterParser ARGS = PlotterParser.PARSER.parse_args() TRIGGER = ARGS.TRIGGER CUTSTRING = ARGS.CUTSTRING # get histograms HISTS = HistogramGetter.getHistograms( '../analyzers/roots/Main/SignalVertexFitEffPlots.root') f = R.TFile.Open('../analyzers/roots/Main/SignalVertexFitEffPlots.root') # make overlaid plots that combine all signal points def makeEffPlots(quantity, fs, SP=None): HKeys = { 'Eff': '{}Eff', 'Den': '{}Den', } for key in HKeys: HKeys[key] = HKeys[key].format(quantity) h = {} p = {} g = {}