def get_all_house_info(): check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute(text('select * from house order by id DESC'), {}) rows = res.fetchall() jsonData = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() return jsonData
def mini_login(): js_code = request.form['js_code'] avatar = request.form['avatar'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] url = '' + js_code req = urllib2.Request(url=url) res = urllib2.urlopen(req) res = res_obj = json.loads(res) openid = res_obj['openid'] print(openid) # 获取到openid后保存在数据库(有则更新,无则插入) check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text( 'insert ignore into mini_user(openid, avatar, nickname) values(:openid, :avatar, :nickname)' ), { 'openid': openid, 'avatar': avatar, 'nickname': nickname }) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '登录失败'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'openid': openid, 'msg': '登录成功'})
def edit_contact(): if request.method == 'POST': check_session_validation() DBSession.execute( text('update contact set phone = :contact where id = 1'), request.json) DBSession.commit() success_json = jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '修改成功'}) return success_json
def get_banner_house_list(): check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute( text('select * from house, banner where = banner.houseid'), {}) rows = res.fetchall() jsonData = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() return jsonData
def get_contact(): check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute(text('select * from contact')) row = res.fetchone() jsonData = json.dumps(dict(row.items())) DBSession.commit() print jsonData return jsonData
def get_house_info(size, page): # res叫做ResultProxy rows[0]叫做RowProxy if request.method == 'POST': # 获取传递过来的参数 cityIndex = request.values.get('cityIndex') regionIndex = request.values.get('regionIndex') priceIndex = request.values.get('priceIndex') # print cityIndex # print regionIndex # print priceIndex # 城市目前只有贵阳,只判断区域和价格范围即可 regionSql = '' priceSql = '' if regionIndex == '0': regionSql = ' where 1=1' elif regionIndex == '1': regionSql = ' where region=' + '"观山湖区"' elif regionIndex == '2': regionSql = ' where region=' + '"南明区"' elif regionIndex == '3': regionSql = ' where region=' + '"云岩区"' elif regionIndex == '4': regionSql = ' where region=' + '"花溪区"' if priceIndex == '0': priceSql = ' and 1=1 ' elif priceIndex == '1': priceSql = ' and minprice<1000 ' elif priceIndex == '2': priceSql = ' and ((minprice>=1000 and minprice<=1500) or (maxprice>=1000 and maxprice<=1500)) ' elif priceIndex == '3': priceSql = ' and ((minprice>=1500 and minprice<=2000) or (maxprice>=1500 and maxprice<=2000)) ' elif priceIndex == '4': priceSql = ' and ((minprice>=2000 and minprice<=2500) or (maxprice>=2000 and maxprice<=2500)) ' elif priceIndex == '5': priceSql = ' and maxprice>2500 ' offset = (page - 1) * size check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute( text('select * from house' + regionSql + priceSql + 'order by id DESC limit :offset, :size'), { 'offset': offset, 'size': size }) rows = res.fetchall() # print rows[0].id # dictData = dict(rows[0].items()) jsonData = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() print jsonData return jsonData
def add_recommend(): if request.method == 'POST': check_session_validation() DBSession.execute( text( 'insert into recommend(image, houseid) values(:image, :houseid)' ), request.json) DBSession.commit() # flash('添加成功') return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '添加成功'})
def get_share_house_detail(house_id, openid): check_session_validation() # 共享公寓的相关信息(得到字典) house_res = DBSession.execute( text('select * from share_house where = :house_id'), {'house_id': house_id}) house_row = house_res.fetchone() house_row_dict = dict(house_row.items()) # 查询是否收藏 like_res = DBSession.execute( text( 'select * from share_house_like where user_id = :openid and house_id = :house_id' ), { 'openid': openid, 'house_id': house_id }) rowcount = like_res.rowcount house_row_dict['like'] = rowcount # 查询共享公寓的评论列表 comment_res = DBSession.execute( text( 'select *, date_format(share_house_comment.time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%i:%s") as format_time from share_house_comment, mini_user where share_house_comment.share_house_id = :house_id and share_house_comment.user_id = mini_user.openid order by desc' ), {'house_id': house_id}) comment_rows = comment_res.fetchall() comment_dict_list = [(dict(comment_row.items())) for comment_row in comment_rows] # 查询共享公寓每个评论对应的回复 for comment_item in comment_dict_list: comment_id = comment_item['id'] reply_res = DBSession.execute( text( 'select *, date_format(share_house_reply.time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%i:%s") as format_time from share_house_reply, mini_user where share_house_reply.share_house_comment_id = :comment_id and share_house_reply.user_id = mini_user.openid order by desc' ), {'comment_id': comment_id}) reply_rows = reply_res.fetchall() reply_dict_list = [(dict(reply_row.items())) for reply_row in reply_rows] # 每个回复,添加被回复人的信息 for item in reply_dict_list: reply_user_id = item['reply_user_id'] reply_user_res = DBSession.execute( text('select * from mini_user where openid = :reply_user_id'), {'reply_user_id': reply_user_id}) reply_user_row = reply_user_res.fetchone() reply_user_dict = dict(reply_user_row.items()) item['reply_avatar'] = reply_user_dict['avatar'] item['reply_nickname'] = reply_user_dict['nickname'] comment_item['reply'] = reply_dict_list # 添加回复信息 house_row_dict['comment'] = comment_dict_list # 添加评论信息 json_data = json.dumps(house_row_dict) DBSession.commit() return json_data
def delete_share_house(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text('update share_house set is_delete = 1 where id = :id'), request.form) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '删除失败,请重试'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '已删除'})
def share_house_dislike(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text( 'delete from share_house_like where user_id = :user_id and house_id = :house_id' ), request.form) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '取消收藏失败'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '已取消', 'like': 0})
def house_list(): check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute(text('select * from house'), {}) rows = res.fetchall() jsonData = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() res = json.loads(jsonData) for item in res: images = item['images'].split(',') item['image'] = imageServer + images[0] return render_template('/guipiao_manage_template/house_list.html', houseList=res)
def add_share_house(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text( 'insert into share_house(user_id, house_img, city, region, address, house_type, rental, pay_type, installation, due_time, contact, gender, phone, agreement, ownership) values(:user_id, :house_img, :city, :region, :address, :house_type, :rental, :pay_type, :installation, :due_time, :contact, :gender, :phone, :agreement, :ownership)' ), request.form) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '提交失败,请重试'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '提交成功'})
def share_house_like(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text( 'insert into share_house_like(user_id, house_id) values(:user_id, :house_id)' ), request.form) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '添加收藏失败'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '已收藏', 'like': 1})
def delete_house(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute(text('delete from house where id=:id'), request.json) DBSession.execute(text('delete from banner where houseid=:id'), request.json) DBSession.execute(text('delete from recommend where houseid=:id'), request.json) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '删除失败,请重试'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '删除成功'})
def delete_share_house_comment(): check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text('delete from share_house_comment where id = :comment_id'), request.form) DBSession.execute( text( 'delete from share_house_reply where share_house_comment_id = :comment_id' ), request.form) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '删除失败'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '已删除'})
def add_house_info(): if request.method == 'POST': # name = request.form['name'] # phone = request.form['phone'] # DBSession.execute(text('insert into test(name, phone) values(:name, :phone)'), {'name':name, 'phone':phone}) # 先根据输入的地址获取经纬度 url = '' output = 'json' ak = 'w92IN1iDP57Z5TH2G4I9I5kzpTnNj4NC' # 由于本文地址变量为中文,为防止乱码,先用quote进行编码 address = request.json.get('city') + request.json.get( 'region') + request.json.get('address') print address add = quote(str(address)) uri = url + '?' + 'address=' + add + '&output=' + output + '&ak=' + ak req = urlopen(uri) res = temp = json.loads(res) # 非0状态都是地址解析失败 if temp['status'] != 0: # flash('地址解析失败,请重新输入地址') print '地址解析失败,请重新输入地址' return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '地址解析失败,请重新输入地址'}) else: lat = temp['result']['location']['lat'] lng = temp['result']['location']['lng'] print lng, lat params = request.json params['lat'] = lat params['lng'] = lng # 插入数据到数据库 check_session_validation() DBSession.execute( text( 'insert into house(city, region, images, address, minprice, maxprice, renttype, installation_wifi, installation_kitchen, installation_hoods, installation_water_heater, installation_washer, installation_toilet, pay_month, pay_season, pay_half, pay_year, longimage, lat, lng)' + 'values(:city, :region, :images, :address, :minprice, :maxprice, :renttype, :installation_wifi, :installation_kitchen, :installation_hoods, :installation_water_heater, :installation_washer, :installation_toilet, :pay_month, :pay_season, :pay_half, :pay_year, :longimage, :lat, :lng)' ), params) DBSession.commit() app.logger.error('添加成功') # flash('添加成功') # return redirect(url_for('add_house_info')) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '添加成功'})
def share_house_like_list(page, openid): size = 10 # 固定分页条数为10条 offset = (page - 1) * size check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute( text( "select date_format(sh.due_time, '%Y年%m月%d日') as due_time, sh.house_img, sh.address, sh.house_type, sh.rental, sh.region, from share_house as sh, share_house_like as shl where sh.is_delete = 0 and shl.user_id = :openid and = shl.house_id limit :offset, :size" ), { 'offset': offset, 'size': size, 'openid': openid }) rows = res.fetchall() json_data = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() return json_data
def my_share_house_comment_list(page, openid): size = 10 # 固定分页条数为10条 offset = (page - 1) * size check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute( text( "select a.content, DATE_FORMAT(a.time,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%i:%s') as time, c.avatar, c.nickname, b.address, b.house_type, a.share_house_id as house_id, as comment_id from share_house_comment as a, share_house as b, mini_user as c where a.share_house_id = and b.user_id = :openid and a.user_id = c.openid and b.is_delete = 0 order by a.time desc limit :offset, :size" ), { 'offset': offset, 'size': size, 'openid': openid }) rows = res.fetchall() json_data = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() return json_data
def get_share_house_list(page, openid=None): size = 10 # 固定分页条数为10条 offset = (page - 1) * size condition_sql = '' if openid is not None: condition_sql = " and user_id = '" + openid + "'" check_session_validation() res = DBSession.execute( text( "select date_format(due_time, '%Y年%m月%d日') as due_time, house_img, address, house_type, rental, region, id from share_house where is_delete = 0" + condition_sql + " limit :offset, :size"), { 'offset': offset, 'size': size }) rows = res.fetchall() json_data = json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rows]) DBSession.commit() return json_data
def share_house_reply(): params = {} params['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) for key in request.form.iterkeys(): params[key] = request.form[key] print params check_session_validation() try: DBSession.execute( text( 'insert into share_house_reply(user_id, reply_user_id, share_house_comment_id, content, time) values(:user_id, :reply_user_id, :share_house_comment_id, :content, :time)' ), params) DBSession.commit() except: DBSession.rollback() return jsonify({'success': False, 'msg': '提交失败,请重试'}) return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '提交成功'})
def delete_recommend(): check_session_validation() DBSession.execute(text('delete from recommend where id=:id'), request.json) DBSession.commit() return jsonify({'success': True, 'msg': '删除成功'})