def fixCCU(input): #input = "/afs/" customROOTstyle() rawidMap = cal.getRawIDMap() print_once = set() ccu_adj = {(54, 19): 4.0, (54, 20): 4.0, (48, 1): 2.0, (48, 2): 2.0, (48, 7): 2.0, (48, 5): 2.0, (48, 6): 2.0, (48, 3): 2.0, (48, 8): 2.0, (48, 4): 2.0, (1, 31): 4.0} output = input.replace("ecalTiming","ecalTiming-fixCCU-v2") with open(input,'r') as f: with open(output,'w') as of: for line in f: if "#" in line: continue line = line.split() start = line[:3] end = line[4:] time = float(line[3]) rawid = int(line[-1]) key = (rawidMap[rawid].FED, rawidMap[rawid].CCU) if key in ccu_adj: adj = ccu_adj[key] * 25./24. if key not in print_once: print_once.add(key) print key, line, adj else: adj = 0 out = "\t".join(start + ["%.4f" %(time - adj)] + end) + '\n' of.write(out)
def saveEventTimingPlots(eventdir): customROOTstyle() ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) eventName = eventdir.GetName() timehist = { "EB": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEB'), "EEP": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEP'), "EEM": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEM'), "EB_OOT": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEB_OOT'), "EEP_OOT": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEP_OOT'), "EEM_OOT": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEM_OOT'), "EB_en": eventdir.Get('EneMapEB'), "EEP_en": eventdir.Get('EneMapEEP'), "EEM_en": eventdir.Get('EneMapEEM'), } text = {} c = ROOT.TCanvas("c" + eventName, "c" + eventName, 1500, 1100) c.Divide(3, 2) iPad = 0 t = ROOT.TText(0, 0, "") t.Draw() t.SetTextSize(.1) for hist_name in ["EEM", "EB", "EEP"]: h = timehist[hist_name] h_oot = timehist[hist_name + "_OOT"] h_en = timehist[hist_name + "_en"] iPad += 1 h.Draw("colz") t.DrawTextNDC(0, 0, eventName + ' ' + hist_name) p = + 3) p.SetLogz() h_en.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1000) h_en.Draw("colz") print eventName, [ timehist[name].Integral() / timehist[name].GetEntries() for name in ["EEM", "EB", "EEP"] ] c.SaveAs("plots/" + eventName + "_en.pdf") c.SaveAs("plots/" + eventName + "_en.png")
def saveEventTimingPlots(eventdir): customROOTstyle() ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) eventName = eventdir.GetName() timehist = { "EB":eventdir.Get('TimeMapEB'), "EEP": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEP'), "EEM": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEM'), "EB_OOT":eventdir.Get('TimeMapEB_OOT'), "EEP_OOT": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEP_OOT'), "EEM_OOT": eventdir.Get('TimeMapEEM_OOT'), "EB_en":eventdir.Get('EneMapEB'), "EEP_en": eventdir.Get('EneMapEEP'), "EEM_en": eventdir.Get('EneMapEEM'), } text = {} c = ROOT.TCanvas("c"+eventName, "c"+eventName, 1500,1100) c.Divide(3,2) iPad = 0 t = ROOT.TText(0,0,"") t.Draw() t.SetTextSize(.1) for hist_name in ["EEM","EB","EEP"]: h = timehist[hist_name] h_oot = timehist[hist_name + "_OOT"] h_en = timehist[hist_name + "_en"] iPad += 1 h.Draw("colz") t.DrawTextNDC(0,0,eventName + ' ' + hist_name) p = p.SetLogz() h_en.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1000) h_en.Draw("colz") print eventName, [timehist[name].Integral()/timehist[name].GetEntries() for name in ["EEM","EB","EEP"]] c.SaveAs("plots/" + eventName+"_en.pdf") c.SaveAs("plots/" + eventName+"_en.png")
def shiftCalib(input): #input = "/afs/" customROOTstyle() hists = dict() for iz in [0, -1, 1]: hists[iz] = ROOT.TH1F("time_{iz}".format(iz=iz), "time", 100, -10, 10) with open(input, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.split() time = float(line[3]) iz = int(line[2]) hists[iz].Fill(time) offset = dict() for iz in hists: offset[iz], __ = addFitToPlot(hists[iz]) print offset #output = os.path.splitext(input)[0] + "-GlobalOffset.txt" output = input.replace("ecalTiming", "ecalTimeRelative") global_out = input.replace("ecalTiming", "ecalTimeGlobal") with open(input, 'r') as f: with open(output, 'w') as of: for line in f: line = line.split() start = line[:3] end = line[4:] time = float(line[3]) iz = int(line[2]) out = "\t".join(start + ["%.3f" % (time - offset[iz])] + end) + '\n' of.write(out) with open(global_out, 'w') as f: for iz in offset: f.write("%d\t%.3f\n" % (iz, offset[iz]))
def shiftCalib(input): #input = "/afs/" customROOTstyle() hists = dict() for iz in [0,-1,1]: hists[iz] = ROOT.TH1F("time_{iz}".format(iz=iz),"time",100,-10,10) with open(input,'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.split() time = float(line[3]) iz = int(line[2]) hists[iz].Fill(time) offset = dict() for iz in hists: offset[iz],__ = addFitToPlot(hists[iz]) print offset #output = os.path.splitext(input)[0] + "-GlobalOffset.txt" output = input.replace("ecalTiming","ecalTimeRelative") global_out = input.replace("ecalTiming","ecalTimeGlobal") with open(input,'r') as f: with open(output,'w') as of: for line in f: line = line.split() start = line[:3] end = line[4:] time = float(line[3]) iz = int(line[2]) out = "\t".join(start + ["%.3f" %(time - offset[iz])] + end) + '\n' of.write(out) with open(global_out, 'w') as f: for iz in offset: f.write("%d\t%.3f\n" % (iz, offset[iz]))
for (x,y,d),(ave,err) in average.iteritems(): cal.addCrystal(x,y,d,ave,err) for (x,y,d),(ave,err) in oldcalib.iteritems(): cal.addCrystal(x,y,d,ave,err) print len(cal.crystals) cal.sort() cal.writeConstant("const.xml") cal.writeErrors("error.xml") import ROOT from EcalTiming.EcalTiming.PlotUtils import drawMultipleGrid,customROOTstyle customROOTstyle() def plotCalibration(crystals,histoname): EB = ROOT.TProfile2D(histoname + "EB",histoname + " EB",360,1,361,85*2,-84,86) EEP = ROOT.TProfile2D(histoname + "EEP",histoname + " EEP", 100, 1, 101, 100, 1, 101) EEM = ROOT.TProfile2D(histoname + "EEM",histoname + " EEM", 100, 1, 101, 100, 1, 101) EB.SetZTitle("ns") EB.SetXTitle("i#phi") EB.SetYTitle("i#eta") EEP.SetZTitle("ns") EEP.SetXTitle("ix") EEP.SetYTitle("iy") EEM.SetZTitle("ns") EEM.SetXTitle("ix")
import sys, os import shutil import errno def energyDiff(outdir, map1, map2, name1, name2): diffMap = cal.addCalib(map1, map2, -1, 1) cal.plot1d(diffMap, outdir, "diff" + name2 + "_" + name1, -1, 1) cal.plot2d(diffMap, outdir, "diffMap" + name2 + "_" + name1, -1, 1) ringdiff = cal.plotiRing(diffMap, outdir, "iRing" + name2 + "_" + name1) return ringdiff if __name__ == "__main__": customROOTstyle() ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) file_pattern = sys.argv[1] dirname = sys.argv[2] dir, basename = os.path.split(file_pattern) dir = dir.split('/') print dir[-1:] outdir = '/'.join(dir[:-1]) + "/plots/" + dir[-1] + "/" + dirname + "/" outdir = os.path.normpath(outdir) def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):