def add_fvrtsticker(update, context): bot = message = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user args = context.args query = " ".join(args) if message.reply_to_message and message.reply_to_message.sticker: get_s_name = message.reply_to_message.sticker.set_name if not query: get_s_name_title = get_s_name else: get_s_name_title = query if get_s_name is None: message.reply_text("Sticker is invalid!") sticker_url = f"{get_s_name}" sticker_m = "<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(sticker_url, get_s_name_title) check_pack = REDIS.hexists(f'fvrt_stickers2_{}', get_s_name_title) if check_pack == False: REDIS.hset(f'fvrt_stickers2_{}', get_s_name_title, sticker_m) message.reply_text( f"<code>{sticker_m}</code> has been succesfully added into your favorite sticker packs list!", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( f"<code>{sticker_m}</code> is already exist in your favorite sticker packs list!", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text('Reply to any sticker!')
def tagg_all_button(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat = update.effective_chat splitter ='=') query_match = splitter[0] user_id = splitter[1] if query_match == "tagall_accept": if == int(user_id): member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) chat_id = str([1:] REDIS.sadd(f'tagall2_{chat_id}', mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) query.message.edit_text( "{} is accepted! to add yourself {}'s tag list.".format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) else:, text="You're not the user being added in tag list!" ) elif query_match == "tagall_dicline": if == int(user_id): member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) query.message.edit_text( "{} is deslined! to add yourself {}'s tag list.".format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) else:, text="You're not the user being added in tag list!" )
def afk(update, context): args = update.effective_message.text.split(None, 1) user = update.effective_user if not user: # ignore channels return if == 777000: return start_afk_time = time.time() if len(args) >= 2: reason = args[1] else: reason = "none" start_afk(, reason) REDIS.set(f'afk_time_{}', start_afk_time) fname = update.effective_user.first_name try: sett_afkk = update.effective_message.reply_text( "User <b>{}</b> Is Now AFK!".format(fname), parse_mode="html") sleep(15) try: sett_afkk.delete() except BadRequest: pass except BadRequest: pass
def removetag(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = context.args user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You don't seem to be referring to a user.") return try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user") return else: raise if user_id == message.reply_text("how I supposed to tag or untag myself") return chat_id = str([1:] tagall_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) match_user = mention_html(, member.user.first_name) if match_user not in tagall_list: message.reply_text("{} is doesn't exist in {}'s list!".format( mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) chat_id = str([1:] REDIS.srem(f'tagall2_{chat_id}', mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) message.reply_text("{} is successfully removed from {}'s list.".format( mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def no_longer_afk(update, context): user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message if not user: # ignore channels return if not is_user_afk( #Check if user is afk or not return end_afk_time = get_readable_time( (time.time() - float(REDIS.get(f'afk_time_{}')))) REDIS.delete(f'afk_time_{}') res = end_afk( if res: if message.new_chat_members: #dont say msg return firstname = update.effective_user.first_name try: rm_afkk = message.reply_text( "User <b>{}</b> Is No Longer AFK!\nYou Were AFK: <code>{}</code>" .format(firstname, end_afk_time), parse_mode="html") sleep(30) try: rm_afkk.delete() except BadRequest: pass except Exception: return
def unapprove(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = context.args user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You don't seem to be referring to a user.") return try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user") return else: raise if user_id == message.reply_text("how I supposed to approve or unapprove myself") return chat_id = str([1:] approve_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) target_user = mention_html(, member.user.first_name) if target_user not in approve_list: message.reply_text("{} isn't approved yet.".format( mention_html(, member.user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) chat_id = str([1:] REDIS.srem(f'approve_list_{chat_id}', mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) message.reply_text("{} is no longer approved in {}.".format( mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def untagall(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat_id = str([1:] tagall_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) for tag_user in tagall_list: REDIS.srem(f'tagall2_{chat_id}', tag_user) message.reply_text( "Successully removed all users from {}'s tag list.".format(chat.title))
def unapproveall(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat_id = str([1:] approve_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) for target_user in approve_list: REDIS.srem(f'approve_list_{chat_id}', target_user) message.reply_text("Successully unapproved all users from {}.".format( chat.title))
def tagme(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat_id = str([1:] tagall_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) match_user = mention_html(, user.first_name) if match_user in tagall_list: message.reply_text("You're Already Exist In {}'s Tag List!".format( chat.title)) return REDIS.sadd(f'tagall2_{chat_id}', mention_html(, user.first_name)) message.reply_text( "{} has been successfully added in {}'s tag list.".format( mention_html(, user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def untagme(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat_id = str([1:] tagall_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) match_user = mention_html(, user.first_name) if match_user not in tagall_list: message.reply_text( "You're already doesn't exist in {}'s tag list!".format( chat.title)) return REDIS.srem(f'tagall2_{chat_id}', mention_html(, user.first_name)) message.reply_text("{} has been removed from {}'s tag list.".format( mention_html(, user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def check_afk(update, context, user_id, fst_name, userc_id): if is_user_afk(user_id): reason = afk_reason(user_id) since_afk = get_readable_time( (time.time() - float(REDIS.get(f'afk_time_{user_id}')))) if reason == "none": if int(userc_id) == int(user_id): return res = "User <b>{}</b> Is Currently AFK!\n\nLast Seen: <code>{}</code>".format( fst_name, since_afk) reply_afkk = update.effective_message.reply_text(res, parse_mode="html") sleep(60) try: reply_afkk.delete() except BadRequest: pass else: if int(userc_id) == int(user_id): return res = "User <b>{}</b> Is Currently AFK! \nSays It's Because Of:\n{}\n\nLast Seen: <code>{}</code>".format( fst_name, reason, since_afk) replly_afkk = update.effective_message.reply_text( res, parse_mode="html") sleep(60) try: replly_afkk.delete() except BadRequest: pass
def tagall(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = context.args query = " ".join(args) if not query: message.reply_text("Please give a reason why are you want to tag all!") return chat_id = str([1:] tagall = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) tagall.sort() tagall = ", ".join(tagall) if tagall: tagall_reason = query if message.reply_to_message: message.reply_to_message.reply_text( "{}" "\n\n<b>• Tagged Reason : </b>" "\n{}".format(tagall, tagall_reason), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) else: message.reply_text( "{}" "\n\n<b>• Tagged Reason : </b>" "\n{}".format(tagall, tagall_reason), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) else: message.reply_text( "Tagall list is empty!" )
def animestuffs(update, context): query = update.callback_query user = update.effective_user splitter ='=') query_match = splitter[0] callback_anime_data = splitter[1] if query_match == "xanime_watchlist": watchlist = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_watch_list{}')) if not callback_anime_data in watchlist: REDIS.sadd(f'anime_watch_list{}', callback_anime_data), text= f"{callback_anime_data} is successfully added to your watch list.", show_alert=True) else:, text= f"{callback_anime_data} is already exists in your watch list!", show_alert=True) elif query_match == "xanime_fvrtchar": fvrt_char = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_fvrtchar{}')) if not callback_anime_data in fvrt_char: REDIS.sadd(f'anime_fvrtchar{}', callback_anime_data), text= f"{callback_anime_data} is successfully added to your favorite character.", show_alert=True) else:, text= f"{callback_anime_data} is already exists in your favorite characters list!", show_alert=True) elif query_match == "xanime_manga": fvrt_char = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_mangaread{}')) if not callback_anime_data in fvrt_char: REDIS.sadd(f'anime_mangaread{}', callback_anime_data), text= f"{callback_anime_data} is successfully added to your favorite character.", show_alert=True) else:, text= f"{callback_anime_data} is already exists in your favorite characters list!", show_alert=True)
def remove_fvrtsticker(update, context): message = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user args = context.args del_stick = " ".join(args) if not del_stick: message.reply_text( "Please give a your favorite sticker pack name to remove from your list." ) return del_check = REDIS.hexists(f'fvrt_stickers2_{}', del_stick) if not del_check == False: REDIS.hdel(f'fvrt_stickers2_{}', del_stick) message.reply_text( f"<code>{del_stick}</code> has been succesfully deleted from your list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( f"<code>{del_stick}</code> doesn't exist in your favorite sticker pack list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def removewatchlist(update, context): user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message removewlist = message.text.split(' ', 1) args = context.args query = " ".join(args) if not query: message.reply_text( "Please enter a anime name to remove from your watchlist.") return watchlist = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_watch_list{}')) removewlist = removewlist[1] if removewlist not in watchlist: message.reply_text( f"<code>{removewlist}</code> doesn't exist in your watch list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( f"<code>{removewlist}</code> has been removed from your watch list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) REDIS.srem(f'anime_watch_list{}', removewlist)
def list_fvrtsticker(update, context): message = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user fvrt_stickers_list = REDIS.hvals(f'fvrt_stickers2_{}') fvrt_stickers_list.sort() fvrt_stickers_list = "\n• ".join(fvrt_stickers_list) if fvrt_stickers_list: message.reply_text("{}'s favorite sticker packs:\n• {}".format( user.first_name, fvrt_stickers_list), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text("You haven't added any sticker yet.")
def removemangalist(update, context): user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message removewlist = message.text.split(' ', 1) args = context.args query = " ".join(args) if not query: message.reply_text( "Please enter a manga name to remove from your manga list.") return fvrt_char = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_mangaread{}')) removewlist = removewlist[1] if removewlist not in fvrt_char: message.reply_text( f"<code>{removewlist}</code> doesn't exist in your manga list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( f"<code>{removewlist}</code> has been removed from your favorite characters list.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) REDIS.srem(f'anime_mangaread{}', removewlist)
def readmanga(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message manga_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_mangaread{}')) manga_list.sort() manga_list = "\n• ".join(manga_list) if manga_list: message.reply_text("{}<b>'s Manga Lists:</b>" "\n• {}".format( mention_html(, user.first_name), manga_list), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text("You havn't added anything in your manga list!")
def watchlist(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message watchlist = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_watch_list{}')) watchlist.sort() watchlist = "\n• ".join(watchlist) if watchlist: message.reply_text("{}<b>'s Watchlist:</b>" "\n• {}".format( mention_html(, user.first_name), watchlist), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text("You havn't added anything in your watchlist!")
def fvrtchar(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message fvrt_char = list(REDIS.sunion(f'anime_fvrtchar{}')) fvrt_char.sort() fvrt_char = "\n• ".join(fvrt_char) if fvrt_char: message.reply_text("{}<b>'s Favorite Characters List:</b>" "\n• {}".format( mention_html(, user.first_name), fvrt_char), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( "You havn't added anything in your favorite characters list!")
def approved(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message chat_id = str([1:] approved_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) approved_list.sort() approved_list = ", ".join(approved_list) if approved_list: message.reply_text("The Following Users Are Approved: \n" "{}".format(approved_list), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text("No users are are approved in {}.".format( chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def addtag(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = context.args user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You don't seem to be referring to a user.") return try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user") return else: raise if user_id == message.reply_text("how I supposed to tag myself") return chat_id = str([1:] tagall_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'tagall2_{chat_id}')) match_user = mention_html(, member.user.first_name) if match_user in tagall_list: message.reply_text( "{} is already exist in {}'s tag list.".format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML ) return message.reply_text( "{} accept this, if you want to add yourself into {}'s tag list! or just simply decline this.".format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name), chat.title), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Accept", callback_data=f"tagall_accept={user_id}"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Decline", callback_data=f"tagall_dicline={user_id}") ] ] ), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML )
def approvel(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message args = context.args user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You don't seem to be referring to a user.") return try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user") return else: raise if user_id == message.reply_text("How I supposed to approve myself") return chat_id = str([1:] approve_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) target_user = mention_html(, member.user.first_name) if target_user in approve_list: message.reply_text( "{} is an approved user. Locks, antiflood, and blocklists won't apply to them." .format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return if target_user not in approve_list: message.reply_text( "{} is not an approved user. They are affected by normal commands." .format(mention_html(, member.user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return
def is_user_afk(userid): afk = REDIS.get(f'is_afk_{userid}') if afk: return True else: return False
def end_afk(userid): REDIS.delete(f'is_afk_{userid}') return True
def afk_reason(userid): return strb(REDIS.get(f'is_afk_{userid}'))
def start_afk(userid, reason): REDIS.set(f'is_afk_{userid}', reason)
def del_blackliststicker(update, context): bot = chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user = update.effective_user to_match = message.sticker if not to_match: return chat_id = str([1:] approve_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) target_user = mention_html(, user.first_name) if target_user in approve_list: return bot = getmode, value = sql.get_blacklist_setting( chat_filters = sql.get_chat_stickers( for trigger in chat_filters: if to_match.set_name.lower() == trigger.lower(): try: if getmode == 0: return elif getmode == 1: message.delete() elif getmode == 2: message.delete() warn( update.effective_user, chat, "Using sticker '{}' which in blacklist stickers".format( trigger), message, update.effective_user, conn=False) return elif getmode == 3: message.delete() bot.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False)) bot.sendMessage(, "{} muted because using '{}' which in blacklist stickers" .format( mention_markdown(, user.first_name), trigger), parse_mode="markdown") return elif getmode == 4: message.delete() res = chat.unban_member( if res: bot.sendMessage(, "{} kicked because using '{}' which in blacklist stickers" .format( mention_markdown(, user.first_name), trigger), parse_mode="markdown") return elif getmode == 5: message.delete() chat.kick_member( bot.sendMessage(, "{} banned because using '{}' which in blacklist stickers" .format( mention_markdown(, user.first_name), trigger), parse_mode="markdown") return elif getmode == 6: message.delete() bantime = extract_time(message, value) chat.kick_member(, until_date=bantime) bot.sendMessage(, "{} banned for {} because using '{}' which in blacklist stickers" .format( mention_markdown(, user.first_name), value, trigger), parse_mode="markdown") return elif getmode == 7: message.delete() mutetime = extract_time(message, value) bot.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=ChatPermissions( can_send_messages=False, until_date=mutetime)) bot.sendMessage(, "{} muted for {} because using '{}' which in blacklist stickers" .format( mention_markdown(, user.first_name), value, trigger), parse_mode="markdown") return except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Message to delete not found": pass else: LOGGER.exception("Error while deleting blacklist message.") break
def is_user_afk(userid): rget = REDIS.get(f'is_afk_{userid}') if rget: return True else: return False
def check_flood(update, context) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat_id = str([1:] approve_list = list(REDIS.sunion(f'approve_list_{chat_id}')) target_user = mention_html(, user.first_name) if target_user in approve_list: return if not user: # ignore channels return "" # ignore admins if is_user_admin(chat, sql.update_flood(, None) return "" should_ban = sql.update_flood(, if not should_ban: return "" try: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_flood_setting( if getmode == 1: chat.kick_member( execstrings = "Banned" tag = "BANNED" elif getmode == 2: chat.kick_member( chat.unban_member( execstrings = "Kicked" tag = "KICKED" elif getmode == 3:,, permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False)) execstrings = "Muted" tag = "MUTED" elif getmode == 4: bantime = extract_time(msg, getvalue) chat.kick_member(, until_date=bantime) execstrings = "Banned for {}".format(getvalue) tag = "TBAN" elif getmode == 5: mutetime = extract_time(msg, getvalue),, until_date=mutetime, permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False), ) execstrings = "Muted for {}".format(getvalue) tag = "TMUTE" send_message( update.effective_message, "Great, I like to leave flooding to staff members but you, " "you were just a disappointment. {}!".format(execstrings), ) return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#{}" "\n<b>User:</b> {}" "\nFlooded the group.".format( html.escape(chat.title), tag, mention_html(, user.first_name))) except BadRequest: msg.reply_text( "I can't restrict people here, give me permissions first! Until then, I'll disable anti-flood." ) sql.set_flood(, 0) return ( "<b>{}:</b>" "\n#INFO" "\nDon't have enough permission to restrict users so automatically disabled anti-flood" .format(chat.title))