class TestingEmployee(unittest.TestCase): i = 1 @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): print("setUpClass -> Appears at the top\n") @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): print("tearDownClass -> Appears at the bottom\n") def setUp(self): self.emp_1 = Employee('Pareksha', 'Manchanda', 100) self.emp_2 = Employee('Bhaiya', 'Manchanda', 200) def tearDown(self): print('Test {} passed'.format(TestingEmployee.i)) TestingEmployee.i += 1 def test_fullname(self): print("Running test on fullname method") self.assertEqual(self.emp_1.full_name, 'Pareksha Manchanda') self.assertEqual(self.emp_2.full_name, 'Bhaiya Manchanda') def test_email(self): print('Running test on email method') self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') def test_raise(self): print('Running test on raise amount method') self.assertEqual(self.emp_1.apply_raise(), 105) self.assertEqual(self.emp_2.apply_raise(), 210)
class SimpleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.emp = Employee("Lin", 10000) self.emp2 = Employee("Jun", 20000) def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" del self.emp del self.emp2 def testGetName(self): """Test case A. note that all test method names must begin with 'test.'""" self.assertEqual(self.emp.getName(), "Lin") # test getName() whether return correct answer" self.assertNotEqual(self.emp2.getName(), "Lin") def testGetSalary(self): """test case B""" self.assertEqual(self.emp2.getSalary(), 20000) # test getSalary() whether return correct answer self.assertNotEqual(self.emp.getSalary(), 20000)
class SimpleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.emp = Employee('Lin', 10000) self.emp2 = Employee('Jun', 20000) def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" del self.emp del self.emp2 def testGetName(self): """Test case A. note that all test method names must begin with 'test.'""" self.assertEqual( self.emp.getName(), 'Lin') # test getName() whether return correct answer" self.assertNotEqual(self.emp2.getName(), 'Lin') def testGetSalary(self): """test case B""" self.assertEqual( self.emp2.getSalary(), 20000) # test getSalary() whether return correct answer self.assertNotEqual(self.emp.getSalary(), 20000)
class TestEmployee(unittest.TestCase): """for Emplyee_class""" def setUp(self): self.my_information = Employee('lay', 'chow', 10000) def test_give_default_raise(self): self.my_information.give_raise() self.assertEqual(self.my_information.information_display(), '\nName: Lay Chow 15000') def test_give_custon_raise(self): self.my_information.give_raise(10000) self.assertEqual(self.my_information.information_display(), "\nName: Lay Chow 20000")
def setUp(self): self.my_information = Employee('lay', 'chow', 10000)
import sqlite3 from Employee_class import Employee conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') # conn = sqlite3.connect('employee.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""CREATE TABLE employees( first text, last text, pay integer )""") emp_1 = Employee('John', 'Doe', 80000) emp_2 = Employee('Jane', 'Doe', 90000) print(emp_1.first) print(emp_1.last) # c.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('Mary', 'Schafer', 20000)") # c.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('{}', '{}', {})".format(emp_1.first,emp_1.last, c.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (emp_1.first, emp_1.last, conn.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES (:first, :last, :pay)", { 'first': emp_2.first, 'last': emp_2.last, 'pay': }) conn.commit() # c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last = 'Doe'") # c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last = ?",('Schafer',)) c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last = :l1", {'l1': 'Doe'}) print(c.fetchall()) conn.commit()
def setUp(self): self.emp_1 = Employee('Pareksha', 'Manchanda', 100) self.emp_2 = Employee('Bhaiya', 'Manchanda', 200)
def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.emp = Employee('Lin', 10000) self.emp2 = Employee('Jun', 20000)
def testGetEmpCount(self): """ getEmpCount() is a static method """ self.assertEqual(Employee.getEmpCount(), 1) # test getEmpCount() whether return correct answer
def setUp(self): self.emp3 = Employee('jiang', 30000)
def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.emp = Employee("Lin", 10000) self.emp2 = Employee("Jun", 20000)
class TestEmployee(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): print('setupClass') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): print('teardownClass') def setUp(self): print('setUp') self.emp_1 = Employee('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000) self.emp_2 = Employee('Sue', 'Smith', 60000) def tearDown(self): print('tearDown\n') def test_email(self): print('test_email') self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') self.emp_1.first = 'John' self.emp_2.first = 'Jane' self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(, '*****@*****.**') def test_fullname(self): print('test_fullname') self.assertEqual(self.emp_1.fullname, 'Corey Schafer') self.assertEqual(self.emp_2.fullname, 'Sue Smith') self.emp_1.first = 'John' self.emp_2.first = 'Jane' self.assertEqual(self.emp_1.fullname, 'John Schafer') self.assertEqual(self.emp_2.fullname, 'Jane Smith') def test_apply_raise(self): print('test_apply_raise') self.emp_1.apply_raise() self.emp_2.apply_raise() self.assertEqual(, 52500) self.assertEqual(, 63000) def test_monthly_schedule(self): with patch('Employee_class.requests.get') as mocked_get: mocked_get.return_value.ok = True mocked_get.return_value.text = 'Success' schedule = self.emp_1.monthly_schedule('May') mocked_get.assert_called_with('') self.assertEqual(schedule, 'Success') mocked_get.return_value.ok = False schedule = self.emp_2.monthly_schedule('June') mocked_get.assert_called_with('') self.assertEqual(schedule, 'Bad Response!')
def setUp(self): print('setUp') self.emp_1 = Employee('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000) self.emp_2 = Employee('Sue', 'Smith', 60000)