def my_scatterplot(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] if isinstance(variables, str): nbr_val = 1 else: nbr_val = len(variables) tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname = \ read_var(variables, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if metric_type is not None and isinstance(filename_nc, str) is True: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False # figure initialization nbr_panel = dict_param["nbr_panel"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list) and nbr_panel > 1: nbr_panel = nbr_panel + len(filename_nc) - 1 title = dict_param["title"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list) and nbr_panel > 1: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames #model if isinstance(title, str): title = [title] * nbr_panel xname = dict_param["xname"] if isinstance(xname, str): xname = [xname] * nbr_panel one_xaxis = True else: one_xaxis = False yname = dict_param["yname"] if isinstance(yname, str): yname = [yname] * nbr_panel one_yaxis = True else: one_yaxis = False if "colors" in dict_param.keys(): mcolors = dict_param["colors"] else: mcolors = ["k", "dodgerblue"] # if dict_param["nbr_panel"] == len(nbr_val): # mcolors = list(reversed(mcolors)) if isinstance(filename_nc, list): for ii in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): mcolors.append(colors_sup[ii]) if "markers" in dict_param.keys(): markers = dict_param["markers"] else: markers = ["D", "."] # if dict_param["nbr_panel"] == len(nbr_val): # markers = list(reversed(markers)) if isinstance(filename_nc, list): for ii in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): markers.append(".") if "legend" in dict_param.keys(): legend = dict_param["legend"] else: if isinstance(filename_nc, basestring): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + mod_nicknames # model keys1 = ["", "_neg", "_pos"] keys2 = ["all", "x<0", "x>0"] keys3 = [[None, None], [None, 0], [0, None]] keys4 = ["black", "dodgerblue", "red"] lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker=markers[kk], c="w", markerfacecolor=mcolors[kk], markersize=12) for kk in range(len(mcolors)) ] nbrl = int(round(nbr_panel / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_panel == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3, wspace=0.1) if isinstance(filename_nc, basestring): tab1 = tab_obs[::2] + tab_mod[::2] tab2 = tab_obs[1::2] + tab_mod[1::2] else: tab1 = tab_obs[::2] tab2 = tab_obs[1::2] for ii in range(len(filename_nc)): tab1 += tab_mod[ii][::2] tab2 += tab_mod[ii][1::2] xtick_labels = minmax_plot(tab1, metric=False) ytick_labels = minmax_plot(tab2, metric=plot_metric) if nbr_panel == nbr_val / 2.: markers = list(reversed(markers)) mcolors = list(reversed(mcolors)) tab1 = list(reversed(tab1)) tab2 = list(reversed(tab2)) for ii in range(nbr_panel): if nbr_panel == 1: ax = axes elif nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1: ax = axes[ii % 2] else: ax = axes[ii / 2, ii % 2] # title if isinstance(filename_nc, basestring): ax.set_title(title[ii / 2], fontsize=15, y=1.01, loc="left") if nbr_panel == len(tab_mod) and ii in [0, 1]: ax.text(0.5, 1.15, legend[ii % 2], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes) else: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1.01, loc="left") # x axis ax.set_xticks(xtick_labels) ax.set_xlim(xmin=min(xtick_labels), xmax=max(xtick_labels)) if (one_xaxis is True and (ii >= (nbrc * nbrl) - 2)) or one_xaxis is False: xlabel = xname[ii] for kk in regions.keys(): if kk in xlabel.lower(): xlabel = regions[kk] + " " + xlabel units = tab1[ii].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": xlabel = xlabel + " (" + units + ")" ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # y axis ax.set_yticks(ytick_labels) ax.set_ylim(ymin=min(ytick_labels), ymax=max(ytick_labels)) if (one_yaxis is True and ii % 2 == 0) or one_yaxis is False: ylabel = yname[ii] for kk in regions.keys(): if kk in ylabel.lower(): ylabel = regions[kk] + " " + ylabel units = tab2[ii].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": ylabel = ylabel + " (" + units + ")" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # scatterplots and slopes x1, x2 = ax.get_xlim() dx = (x2 - x1) / 100. y1, y2 = ax.get_ylim() dy = (y2 - y1) / 100. if (nbr_panel > 1 and nbr_panel == nbr_val / 2.) or (nbr_panel == len(legend)): ax.scatter(tab1[ii], tab2[ii], s=10, c="k", marker=markers[ii]) for jj in range(len(keys1)): if "slope" + keys1[jj] in tab1[ii].attrs.keys( ) and "intercept" + keys1[jj] in tab1[ii].attrs.keys(): col = keys4[jj] slope = tab1[ii].attrs["slope" + keys1[jj]] intercept = tab1[ii].attrs["intercept" + keys1[jj]] xx = keys3[jj] if xx[0] is None: xx[0] = x1 if xx[1] is None: xx[1] = x2 yy = [kk * slope + intercept for kk in xx] ax.plot(xx, yy, lw=2, c=col) txt = "slope(" + keys2[jj] + ") = " + "{0:+.2f}".format( round(slope, 2)) ax.text(dx + x1, ((97 - 5 * jj) * dy) + y1, txt, fontsize=12, color=col, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center") else: tmp = list() for jj in range(len(tab1)): col = mcolors[jj] ax.scatter(tab1[jj], tab2[jj], s=10, c=col, marker=markers[jj]) if "slope" in tab1[jj].attrs.keys( ) and "intercept" in tab1[jj].attrs.keys(): slope = tab1[jj].attrs["slope"] intercept = tab1[jj].attrs["intercept"] xx = [x1, x2] yy = [kk * slope + intercept for kk in xx] ax.plot(xx, yy, lw=2, c=col) tmp.append("slope = " + "{0:+.2f}".format(round(slope, 2))) for jj in range(len(tmp)): col = mcolors[len(tmp) - 1 - jj] ax.text(dx + x1, ((97 - 5 * jj) * dy) + y1, tmp[len(tmp) - 1 - jj], fontsize=12, color=col, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center") if nbr_panel == 1 or ii == 1: if metric_type is not None: for jj in range(1, len(legend)): legend[jj] = legend[jj] + " (" + "{0:.2f}".format( metval[jj - 1]) + " " + metric_units + ")" ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", ncol=1) # my text if plot_metric is True: txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) ax.text(x2 - (2 * dx), y2 - (5 * dy), txt, fontsize=12, color="k", horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center") # grid ax.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, which="major") plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return
def my_map(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] if isinstance(variables, str): nbr_val = 1 else: nbr_val = len(variables) tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname = \ read_var(variables, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if metric_type is not None: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False if metric_units is not None: metric_units = metric_units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if isinstance(filename_nc, str): lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[1]])) lat = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[0]])) else: lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[1]])) lat = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[0]])) # figure initialization nbr_panel = dict_param["nbr_panel"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): nbr_panel = nbr_panel + ((len(tab_mod) - 1) * nbr_val) title = dict_param["title"] xname = dict_param["xname"] yname = dict_param["yname"] zname = dict_param["zname"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): if nbr_val == 1: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames # model else: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames #list() title = title * nbr_val # for tt in dict_param["title"]: # title.append(tt + ": " + obsname) # for mod in mod_nicknames:#model: # title.append(tt + ": " + mod) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): units = tab_mod[0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") else: units = tab_mod[0][0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": zname = zname + " (" + units + ")" colorbar = "cmo." + dict_param["colorbar"] labelbar = dict_param["label"] if "maskland" in dict_param.keys(): maskland = dict_param["maskland"] else: maskland = False nbrl = int(round(nbr_panel / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_panel == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") hspa1 = 0.1 hspa2 = 0.01 if nbr_panel in [3, 4]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.75, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [5, 6]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.8, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [7, 8]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.85, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [11, 12]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.9, wspace=0.2) else: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=hspa1, wspace=0.2) xlabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(lon))), int(MATHceil(max(lon))) + 1)) xlabel_ticks, xlabel = create_labels(xname, xlabel_ticks) ylabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(lat))), int(MATHceil(max(lat))) + 1)) ylabel_ticks, ylabel = create_labels(yname, ylabel_ticks) tab = list() if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] for ii in range(len(tab_mod)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) tab.append(tab_mod[ii]) else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + model for ii in range(len(tab_obs)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) for kk in range(len(tab_mod)): tab.append(tab_mod[kk][ii]) for ii in range(nbr_panel): if nbr_panel == 1: ax = axes elif nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1: ax = axes[ii % 2] else: ax = axes[ii / 2, ii % 2] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): if ii % 2 == 0: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") else: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="right") if nbr_val > 1: if ii % (len(filename_nc) + 1) == 0: ax.text(1.1, 1.02, dict_param["title"][ii / (len(filename_nc) + 1)], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes) else: ax.set_title(title[ii / 2], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") if isinstance(filename_nc, str): if ii in [0, 1]: ax.text(0.5, 1. + hspa1 * 6, legend[ii % 2], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes) # map xx, yy = NUMPYmeshgrid(lon, lat) if lat[-1] - lat[0] < 40: locmap = Basemap(projection="cyl", llcrnrlat=lat[0] - 5, urcrnrlat=lat[-1] + 5, llcrnrlon=lon[0], urcrnrlon=lon[-1], ax=ax) else: locmap = Basemap(projection="cyl", llcrnrlat=lat[0], urcrnrlat=lat[-1], llcrnrlon=lon[0], urcrnrlon=lon[-1], ax=ax) # draw coastlines locmap.drawcoastlines() # fill continents if maskland is True: locmap.fillcontinents(color="gainsboro") # draw parallels locmap.drawparallels(ylabel_ticks, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fontsize=12, dashes=[3, 1], linewidth=1) # draw meridians locmap.drawmeridians(xlabel_ticks, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fontsize=12, dashes=[3, 1], linewidth=1) #cs = locmap.pcolormesh(xx, yy, tab[ii], vmin=min(labelbar), vmax=max(labelbar), cmap=colorbar) levels = create_levels(labelbar) cs = locmap.contourf(xx, yy, tab[ii], levels=levels, extend="both", cmap=colorbar) # my text if ii == 0 and plot_metric is True: x1 = ax.get_position().x1 y2 = ax.get_position().y1 if nbrl == 1: ax2 = axes[(ii + 1) % 2] else: ax2 = axes[(ii + 1) / 2, (ii + 1) % 2] x2 = ax2.get_position().x0 txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) ax.text(x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2.), y2 + 0.1, txt, fontsize=12, color="k", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=fig.transFigure) if ii == nbr_panel - 2: x1 = ax.get_position().x0 elif ii == nbr_panel - 1: x2 = ax.get_position().x1 y1 = ax.get_position().y0 # add colorbar if nbr_panel in [3, 4]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.21, x2 - x1, 0.015]) elif nbr_panel in [5, 6]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.2, x2 - x1, 0.015]) elif nbr_panel in [7, 8]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.21, x2 - x1, 0.01]) elif nbr_panel in [11, 12]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.22, x2 - x1, 0.005]) else: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.2, x2 - x1, 0.03]) cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", ticks=labelbar, pad=0.35, extend="both") cbar.set_label(zname, fontsize=15) plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return
def my_boxplot(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname = \ read_var(variables, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if metric_type is not None: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False # figure initialization nbr_panel = dict_param["nbr_panel"] title = dict_param["title"] if isinstance(title, str): title = [title] * nbr_panel yname = dict_param["yname"] if isinstance(yname, str): yname = [yname] * nbr_panel one_yaxis = True else: one_yaxis = False if isinstance(filename_nc, str): units = tab_mod[0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") else: units = tab_mod[0][0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if "legend" in dict_param.keys(): legend = dict_param["legend"] else: if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + mod_nicknames # model nbrl = int(round(nbr_panel / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_panel == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") legco = ["k", "dodgerblue"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): for ii in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): legco.append(colors_sup[ii]) lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker="o", c="w", markerfacecolor=cc, markersize=12) for cc in legco ] if isinstance(filename_nc, str): tmp = tab_mod + tab_obs else: tmp = deepcopy(tab_obs) for ii in range(len(tab_mod)): tmp += tab_mod[ii] tick_labels = minmax_plot(tmp, metric=plot_metric) for ii in range(nbr_panel): if nbr_panel == 1: ax = axes elif nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1: ax = axes[ii % 2] else: ax = axes[ii / 2, ii % 2] # title ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1.01, loc="left") # x axis for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # y axis ax.set_yticks(tick_labels) ax.set_ylim(ymin=min(tick_labels), ymax=max(tick_labels)) if (one_yaxis is True and ii % 2 == 0) or one_yaxis is False: ylabel = yname[ii] if units != "": ylabel = ylabel + " (" + units + ")" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # boxplots boxproperties = { "boxprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[0]), "capprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[0]), "flierprops": dict(marker="o", markersize=2.0, markeredgecolor=legco[0], markerfacecolor=legco[0], markeredgewidth=0), "meanprops": dict(marker="D", markersize=8.0, markeredgecolor=legco[0], markerfacecolor=legco[0], markeredgewidth=0), "medianprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[0]), "whiskerprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[0]), } if isinstance(filename_nc, basestring): ax.boxplot([tab_obs[ii], [1e20, 1e20]], whis=[5, 95], labels=["", ""], showmeans=True, showfliers=False, **boxproperties) boxproperties = { "boxprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[1]), "capprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[1]), "flierprops": dict(marker="o", markersize=2.0, markeredgecolor=legco[1], markerfacecolor=legco[1], markeredgewidth=0), "meanprops": dict(marker="D", markersize=8.0, markeredgecolor=legco[1], markerfacecolor=legco[1], markeredgewidth=0), "medianprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[1]), "whiskerprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[1]), } ax.boxplot([[1e20, 1e20], tab_mod[ii]], whis=[5, 95], labels=["", ""], showmeans=True, showfliers=False, **boxproperties) # my text if plot_metric is True: # relative space x1, x2 = ax.get_xlim() dx = (x2 - x1) / 100. y1, y2 = ax.get_xlim() dy = (y2 - y1) / 100. txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) ax.text(x2 - (2 * dx), y2 - (5 * dy), txt, fontsize=12, color="k", horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center") # legend if (nbr_panel == 1 and ii == 0) or (nbr_panel != 1 and ii == 1): ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", ncol=1) else: tmp = [tab_obs[ii]] + [1e20, 1e20] * len(tab_mod) ax.boxplot(tmp, whis=[5, 95], labels=[""] * len(tmp), showmeans=True, showfliers=False, **boxproperties) for kk in range(len(tab_mod)): boxproperties = { "boxprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[kk + 1]), "capprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[kk + 1]), "flierprops": dict(marker="o", markersize=2.0, markeredgecolor=legco[kk + 1], markerfacecolor=legco[kk + 1], markeredgewidth=0), "meanprops": dict(marker="D", markersize=8.0, markeredgecolor=legco[kk + 1], markerfacecolor=legco[kk + 1], markeredgewidth=0), "medianprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[kk + 1]), "whiskerprops": dict(linestyle="-", linewidth=2, color=legco[kk + 1]), } tmp = [[1e20, 1e20]] * (kk + 1) + [ tab_mod[kk][ii] ] + [[1e20, 1e20]] * (len(tab_mod) - 1 - kk) ax.boxplot(tmp, whis=[5, 95], labels=[""] * len(tmp), showmeans=True, showfliers=False, **boxproperties) # legend if (nbr_panel == 1 and ii == 0) or (nbr_panel != 1 and ii == 1): if plot_metric is True: for jj in range(1, len(legend)): legend[jj] = legend[jj] + " (" + "{0:.2f}".format( metval[jj - 1]) + " " + metric_units + ")" ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", ncol=1) # grid ax.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, which="major", axis="y") plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return
def my_dotplot(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data diag_mod, diag_obs, metval, obsname =\ read_diag(diagnostic_values, metric_values, model, reference, metric_variables) if metric_type is not None: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False # figure initialization if isinstance(filename_nc, str): title = dict_param["title"] yname = dict_param["yname"] if diagnostic_units != "": yname = yname + " (" + diagnostic_units + ")" if len(yname) < 20: for kk in regions.keys(): if kk in yname.lower(): yname = regions[kk] + " " + yname if "colors" in dict_param.keys(): mcolors = dict_param["colors"] else: mcolors = ["k", "dodgerblue"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): for ii in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): mcolors.append(colors_sup[ii]) if "markers" in dict_param.keys(): markers = dict_param["markers"] else: markers = ["D", "o"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): for ii in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): markers.append("o") if "legend" in dict_param.keys(): legend = dict_param["legend"] else: if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + mod_nicknames # model fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): tab = [diag_obs, diag_mod] else: tab = [diag_obs] + diag_mod # title ax.set_title(title, fontsize=15, y=1.01, loc="left") # x axis label_ticks = [-0.5] + list(range(len(tab))) + [len(tab) - 0.5] label = [""] * len(label_ticks) plt.xticks(label_ticks, label) plt.xlim(min(label_ticks), max(label_ticks)) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # y axis tick_labels = minmax_plot(tab, metric=plot_metric) plt.yticks(tick_labels, tick_labels) plt.ylim(min(tick_labels), max(tick_labels)) ax.set_ylabel(yname, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) if min(tick_labels) < 0 and max(tick_labels) > 0: ax.axhline(0, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) # dots for ii in range(len(tab)): ax.scatter([ii], tab[ii], s=80, c=mcolors[ii], marker=markers[ii], clip_on=False) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): # my text if plot_metric is True: x1, x2 = ax.get_xlim() dx = (x2 - x1) / 100. y1, y2 = ax.get_ylim() dy = (y2 - y1) / 100. txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) plt.text(x2 - (2 * dx), y2 - (5 * dy), txt, fontsize=12, color='k', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') # legend lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker=markers[kk], c="w", markerfacecolor=mcolors[kk], markersize=12) for kk in range(len(mcolors)) ] ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) else: # legend lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker=markers[kk], c="w", markerfacecolor=mcolors[kk], markersize=12) for kk in range(len(mcolors)) ] for jj in range(1, len(legend)): legend[jj] = legend[jj] + " (" + "{0:.2f}".format( metval[jj - 1]) + " " + metric_units + ")" ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) plt.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=1, which='major') plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return
def plot_curve(tab_mod, tab_obs, ax, title, axis, xname, yname, ytick_labels, linecolors, linestyles, metric_type, metval, metric_units, model='', obsname='', legend=[], multimodel=False, plot_metric=False, plot_legend=False): # title ax.set_title(title, fontsize=15, y=1.01, loc="left") # x axis label_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(axis))), int(MATHceil(max(axis))) + 1)) label_ticks, label = create_labels(xname, label_ticks) ax.set_xticks(label_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(label) ax.set_xlim([min(axis), max(axis)]) ax.set_xlabel(xname, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # y axis ax.set_yticks(ytick_labels) ax.set_yticklabels(ytick_labels) ax.set_ylim([min(ytick_labels), max(ytick_labels)]) ax.set_ylabel(yname, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) if min(ytick_labels) < 0 and max(ytick_labels) > 0: ax.axhline(0, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) # plot curves if len(tab_mod) + len(tab_obs) > 2: lw = 2 else: lw = 4 for ii, tab in enumerate(tab_mod): ax.plot(axis, list(tab), c=linecolors["model"][ii], lw=lw, ls=linestyles["model"][ii]) for ii, tab in enumerate(tab_obs): ax.plot(axis, list(tab), c=linecolors["reference"][ii], lw=lw, ls=linestyles["reference"][ii]) # relative space x1, x2 = ax.get_xlim() dx = (x2 - x1) / 100. y1, y2 = ax.get_ylim() dy = (y2 - y1) / 100. if multimodel is False: # legend if len(linecolors["model"]) == 1 and len(linecolors["reference"]) == 1: legco = [linecolors["reference"][0], linecolors["model"][0]] lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', c='w', markerfacecolor=cc, markersize=12) for cc in legco ] ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) else: legtxt = legend + [model, obsname] lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', c='w', markerfacecolor=cc, markersize=12) for cc in linecolors["model"] ] legls = [linestyles["model"][0], linestyles["reference"][0]] lines = lines + [ Line2D([0], [0], c='k', lw=2, ls=ls) for ls in legls ] ax.legend(lines, legtxt, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) # my text if plot_metric is True: txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) plt.text(x2 - (2 * dx), y2 - (5 * dy), txt, fontsize=12, color='k', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') else: # legend if plot_legend is True: legco = linecolors["reference"] + linecolors["model"] lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', c='w', markerfacecolor=cc, markersize=12) for cc in legco ] if plot_metric is True: for jj in range(1, len(legend)): legend[jj] = legend[jj] + " (" + "{0:.2f}".format( metval[jj - 1]) + " " + metric_units + ")" ax.legend(lines, legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", ncol=1) ax.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=1, which='major') return