def test_statistics():
    eg = EpsilonGreedy(n_branches=3, epsilon=0.1, seed=1, best_branch=0)
    routes = [
        eg.route(features=None, feature_names=None) for _ in range(100000)
    counter = Counter(routes)
    assert np.isclose(counter[0] / 100000, 1 - eg.epsilon, atol=0, rtol=0.01)
from EpsilonGreedy import EpsilonGreedy
import sys
import Report
from os.path import isfile, join

seed_size = 50
iscontextual = True
cost = 0.1

for graph_file in ["subnethept.txt", "nethept.txt"]:
    if (graph_file == "subnethept.txt"):
        epochs = 5000
    elif (graph_file == "nethept.txt"):
        epochs = 5000
    experiment_name = "contextual_" + graph_file[:-4]

    pathway = join("../../Misc/active_results/sigmoid", experiment_name,

    # Experiment is already done
    if (isfile(pathway)):
    epsilongreedy = EpsilonGreedy(seed_size, graph_file, epochs, iscontextual,
    epsilongreedy()"epsilongreedy", epsilongreedy, experiment_name)
def test_no_branches():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        eg = EpsilonGreedy()
def test_init():
    eg = EpsilonGreedy(n_branches=3, epsilon=0.15, seed=1)

    assert eg.n_branches == 3
    assert eg.epsilon == 0.15
    assert np.array_equal(eg.branch_values, np.zeros_like(eg.branch_values))
def test_negative_branches():
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        eg = EpsilonGreedy(n_branches=-1)