def __init__(self,evaluator=None,tag='f',scale=1.0,variables=None,): Evaluator.__init__(self) self.evaluator = evaluator self.tag = tag self.scale = scale self.variables = variables
def __init__( self, evaluator=None, tag='c', sense='=', edge=0.0, scale=1.0, variables=None): Evaluator.__init__(self) self.evaluator = evaluator self.tag = tag self.sense = sense self.edge = edge self.scale = scale self.variables = variables
def evaluate(goldfile, autofile, joint, model): print "goldfile -- ", goldfile print "autofile -- ", autofile f =, "r", "utf-8") gold = f.readlines() f.close() f =, "r", "utf-8") auto = f.readlines() f.close() if model == "maxent": goldTags = [item.split()[1] for item in gold if item.split() != []] autoTags = [chooseMax(item.split()[1:]) for item in auto if item.split() != []] idTags = [item.split()[0] for item in auto if item.split() != []] print "koala !!! len of gold tags --", len(goldTags), "len of auto tags --", len(autoTags) elif model == "crfpp": pass elif model == "crfsuite": pass if joint == "joint": print "\nfirst tag in joint tags --" evaluator = Evaluator([tag.split("_")[0] for tag in goldTags], [tag.split("_")[0] for tag in autoTags], gold) correct, total = evaluator.evaluate() print "\nsecond tag in joint tags --" evaluator = Evaluator([tag.split("_")[1] for tag in goldTags], [tag.split("_")[1] for tag in autoTags], gold) correct, total = evaluator.evaluate() else: evaluator = Evaluator(goldTags, autoTags, gold) correct, total = evaluator.evaluate() return correct, total, zip(idTags, autoTags)
def __init__ ( self, visitor, obj=None, config=None, type=TYPE_TEXT): """___init___ () - Inits the driver """ self.__gobject_init__() self.visitor = visitor if obj == None: self.layouts = {} self.widgets = {} self.static_widgets = [] self.fake = False self.ser = None self.display_name = '' self.serial_number = '' else: self.layouts = obj.layouts self.fake = obj.fake self.ser = obj.ser self.display_name = obj.display_name self.device_name = obj.device_name self.path = obj.path self.books = obj.books self.current_command = obj.current_command self.command_queue0 = obj.command_queue0 self.command_queue1 = obj.command_queue1 self.response_time_init = time.time() self.TYPE = type self.current_layout = None = visitor #self.debug = visitor.debug self.layoutG = self.GetLayout() self.current_incr = 0 self.layout_id = None self.transition_id = None CFG.__init__(self, config) Evaluator.__init__(self) self.connect("layout-transition-finished", self.StartLayout) self.AddFunction("transition", 1, self.my_transition)
ml.actualizarRatings() print("Loading movie ratings...") data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) contentKNN = ContentKNNAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(contentKNN, "ContentKNN") # Just make random recommendations #Random = NormalPredictor() #evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") #evaluator.Evaluate(True) recomendations = evaluator.globalRecommendation() print("get_top_n") evaluator.get_top_n(recomendations) #evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml,268,10)
import numpy as np from GA.Initializer import Heuristic_Initializer from GA.Selector import Roulette_Selector from GA.Recombiner import Recombiner from GA.Mutator import Route_Mutator from Task_Initializer import Task from Evaluator import Evaluator from copy import deepcopy task = Task() init = Heuristic_Initializer() pop = init.initialize_pop(task,10) evaluator = Evaluator() pop = evaluator.evaluate(pop,task) ind = np.random.choice(pop) customers_before = [customer for route in ind['solution'].values() for customer in route] assert len(customers_before) == len(np.unique(customers_before)) mutator = Route_Mutator() pop = mutator.mutate(pop,0.8) ind = np.random.choice(pop) customers_num = 0 for route in ind['solution'].values(): customers_num+=len(route) customers = [customer for route in ind['solution'].values() for customer in route]
def LoadMovieLensData(): ml = MovieLens() print("Loading movie ratings...") data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) contentKNN = ContentKNNAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(contentKNN, "ContentKNN") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") evaluator.Evaluate(False) evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml)
data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # 加载数据 (ml, evaluationData, ranking) = LoadMovieLensData() # evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) # SVD SVD = SVD() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(SVD, "SVD") # SVD++ SVDpp = SVDpp() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(SVDpp, "SVD++") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False)
print("Loading movie ratings...") data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) #Autoencoder AutoRec = AutoRecAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(AutoRec, "AutoRec") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(True) evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml)
class AiMove(): layer_tree = 3 best_state = 0 best_utility = 0 which_finger = 0 def predictMove(self, game_state: GameState): self.eval = Evaluator() probability_move = [game_state] utilityValue = [] tr2 = [] tr = probability_move if self.eval.evaluate(probability_move[0],1) == 10000: print("AI WINNING") return -1, 10000, None ##print(" PROB -------") tr[0].print() # ##print(" PROB 2-------") tr, _, _ = self.tapToAll(tr[0]) for i in range(len(tr)): # self.eval.evaluate(tr[i], 1) utilityValue.append(self.eval.evaluate(tr[i], 1)) # #print("BEST ",AiMove.best_utility, "Finger" ,AiMove.which_finger,"\tstate ", end='') # AiMove.best_state.#print() # tr[1].#print() #print("PERTAMA " ,utilityValue) for i in range(len(tr)): # self.eval.evaluate(tr[i], 1) #print("ITER KE DUA", i) # tr[i].print() tr2, be_util, be_state = self.tapToAll(tr[i]) #print("berapa kali sih ", be_util) if utilityValue[i] > be_util: utilityValue[i] = be_util #print("KEDUA ", utilityValue) best_finger = 0 best_util = 0 best_state = None i = 0 for i in range(len(utilityValue)): if i == 0: best_util = utilityValue[i] else: # #print("ACCES ",i," ", utilityValue[i]) if utilityValue[i] > be_util: best_util = utilityValue[i] best_finger = i best_state = tr[best_finger] return best_finger, best_util, best_state # 0 ai kiri ke kiri # 1 ai kiri ke kanan # 2 ai kanan ke kiri # 3 ai kanan ke kanan # 4 ai divide # for i in range(len(tr2)): # # self.eval.evaluate(tr[i], 1) # #print("ITER KE TIGA", i) # tr[i].#print() # tr3, be_util, be_state = self.tapToAll(tr2[i]) # #print("berapa kali sih2 ", be_util) # if utilityValue[i] < be_util: # utilityValue[i] = be_util # # #print("KETIGA ", utilityValue) # # for i in range(len(tr)): # # self.eval.evaluate(tr[i], 1) # #print("ITER KE EMPAT", i) # tr[i].#print() # tr2, be_util, be_state = self.tapToAll(tr[i]) # #print("berapa kali sih2 ", be_util) # if utilityValue[i] > be_util: # utilityValue[i] = be_util # # #print("KEEMPAT ", utilityValue) def tapToAll(self, game_state: GameState): probability_move = [] #print(" PROB 2-------") player_left = game_state.values[0][0] player_right = game_state.values[0][1] ai_left = game_state.values[1][0] ai_right = game_state.values[1][1] blocked_finger = [0,0,0,0,0] blocked_finger_pl = [0, 0, 0, 0,0] if player_left == 0: blocked_finger_pl[0] = 1 blocked_finger_pl[1] = 1 if player_right == 0: blocked_finger_pl[2] = 1 blocked_finger_pl[3] = 1 if ai_left == 0: blocked_finger[0] = 1 blocked_finger[1] = 1 if ai_right == 0: blocked_finger[2] = 1 blocked_finger[3] = 1 if(game_state.player == 1): #Ai turn probability_move.append( GameState(0, (player_left + ai_left) % 5, player_right, ai_left, ai_right)) probability_move.append( GameState(0, player_left, (player_right + ai_left) % 5, ai_left, ai_right)) probability_move.append( GameState(0, (player_left + ai_right) % 5, player_right, ai_left, ai_right)) probability_move.append( GameState(0, player_left, (player_right + ai_right) % 5, ai_left, ai_right)) if ((ai_left + ai_right) % 2 ==0): probability_move.append( GameState(0, player_left, player_right, int((ai_left + ai_right)/2), int((ai_left + ai_right)/2))) else: #Player turn probability_move.append( GameState(1, player_left, player_right, (player_left + ai_left) % 5,ai_right)) probability_move.append( GameState(1, player_left, player_right, ai_left, (player_left + ai_right) % 5)) probability_move.append( GameState(1, player_left, player_right, (player_right + ai_left) % 5, ai_right)) probability_move.append( GameState(1, player_left, player_right, ai_left, (player_right + ai_right) % 5)) if ((player_left + player_right) % 2 ==0): probability_move.append( GameState(1, int((player_left + player_right)/2), int((player_left + player_right)/2), ai_left, ai_right)) # for i in range(len(probability_move)): # probability_move[i].#print() # pass # for i in range(len(probability_move)): rating = self.eval.evaluate(probability_move[i],1) # if i == 0: # AiMove.best_utility = rating # AiMove.best_state = probability_move[i] if probability_move[i].player == 0: if i == 0: AiMove.best_utility = -11111 if rating > AiMove.best_utility and (blocked_finger[i] != 1 and blocked_finger_pl[i] != 1): #print("INI MASUK ai", i) AiMove.best_utility = rating AiMove.best_state = probability_move[i] AiMove.which_finger = i else: if i == 0: AiMove.best_utility = 11111 #print("i : ", i, " block ", blocked_finger_pl[i], "block ai ", blocked_finger[i]) if rating < AiMove.best_utility and (blocked_finger_pl[i] != 1 and blocked_finger[i] != 1): #print("INI MASUK ",i) AiMove.best_utility = rating AiMove.best_state = probability_move[i] AiMove.which_finger = i #print("utility", rating, end='\t State : ') probability_move[i].print() #print("best from serc: ", AiMove.best_utility) return probability_move, AiMove.best_utility, AiMove.best_state
class Pipeline(object): def __init__(self, trainFilePath, valFilePath, retrievalInstance, featurizerInstance, classifierInstance, resultsPATH): self.retrievalInstance = retrievalInstance self.featurizerInstance = featurizerInstance self.classifierInstance = classifierInstance trainfile = open(trainFilePath, 'r') self.trainData = json.load(trainfile) trainfile.close() valfile = open(valFilePath, 'r') self.valData = json.load(valfile) valfile.close() self.PATH = resultsPATH self.question_answering() def makeXY(self, dataQuestions): X = [] Y = [] for question in dataQuestions: long_snippets = self.retrievalInstance.getLongSnippets(question) short_snippets = self.retrievalInstance.getShortSnippets(question) X.append(short_snippets) Y.append(question['answers'][0]) return X, Y def question_answering(self): print('Loading data...') dataset_type = self.trainData['origin'] candidate_answers = self.trainData['candidates'] X_train, Y_train = self.makeXY( self.trainData['questions'][0:30000]) # 31049 questions X_val, Y_val_true = self.makeXY(self.valData['questions']) # featurization print('Feature Extraction...') X_features_train, X_features_val = self.featurizerInstance.getFeatureRepresentation( X_train, X_val) self.clf = self.classifierInstance.buildClassifier( X_features_train, Y_train) # Prediction print('Prediction...') Y_val_pred = self.clf.predict(X_features_val) self.evaluatorInstance = Evaluator() a = self.evaluatorInstance.getAccuracy(Y_val_true, Y_val_pred) p, r, f = self.evaluatorInstance.getPRF(Y_val_true, Y_val_pred) print("Accuracy: " + str(a)) print("Precision: " + str(p)) print("Recall: " + str(r)) print("F-measure: " + str(f)) # Correctly answered questions # correct_questions_indices = np.where(np.equal(Y_val_pred, Y_val_true)) # correct_questions = X_val[correct_questions_indices] # Save predictions in json results = { 'feature': self.featurizerInstance.__class__.__name__, 'classifier': self.classifierInstance.__class__.__name__, 'training size': len(X_train), 'accuracy': a, 'precision': p, 'recall': r, 'F-measure': f, 'predictions': Y_val_pred.tolist() } file = open(os.path.join( self.PATH, self.featurizerInstance.__class__.__name__ + self.classifierInstance.__class__.__name__), 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(results, file, ensure_ascii=False)
# # Min Lee # [email protected] # MacOS # Python # # In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code, # I certify that, with the exceptions of the class resources and those # items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance # on this project. # import sys from Classifier import knn from Evaluator import Evaluator classifier = knn(sys.argv) evaluator = Evaluator(sys.argv) performance = evaluator.evaluate(classifier, sys.argv) print performance
tips.extend(res.get('items')) return [ Photo(self.make_link(tip['prefix'], tip['suffix']), tip.get('createdAt')) for tip in tips ] def make_link(self, prefix, suffix): """ Input: 'prefix': '', 'suffix': '/13893908-H3NB1YDQ4ZKX3CGI.jpg', to link: '' :param param: :return: link to a photo """ return prefix + '500x500' + suffix fp = FProvider() places = fp.get_venues_near(Point(59.9538695, 30.2659853), 20000) e = Evaluator() marks = [e.evaluate_place(p) for p in places[:5]] for m, p in zip(marks, places): print(p) print(m) print() # ia = ImageAnalytics() # i = ia._load_photo("") # print(i)
class llvmMultiobjetiveProblem(IntegerProblem): def __init__(self, max_epochs: int = 500, filename: str = None, solution_length: int = 100, population_size = int, offspring_population_size = int, verbose: bool = True, upper_bound : int = 86): self.llvm = LlvmUtils(llvmpath='/usr/bin/', clangexe='clang-10', optexe='opt-10', llcexe='llc-10') self.llvmfiles = LlvmFiles(basepath='./', source_bc='polybench_small/polybench_small_original.bc', jobid=f'{population_size}_{offspring_population_size}_{solution_length}') self.evaluator = Evaluator(runs=0) self.number_of_variables = solution_length self.lower_bound = [0 for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)] self.upper_bound = [upper_bound for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)] self.obj_labels = ['codelines', 'tags', 'jumps', 'function_tags', 'calls'] self.obj_directions = [self.MAXIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE] self.number_of_objectives = 5 self.number_of_constraints = 0 self.max_epochs = max_epochs self.evaluations = 0 self.epoch = 1 self.phenotype = 0 self.population_size = population_size self.offspring_population_size = offspring_population_size self.dictionary = dict() self.verbose = verbose self.preloaded_dictionary = f"{self.number_of_variables}" if os.path.exists(self.preloaded_dictionary): with open(self.preloaded_dictionary,"r") as file: print(f"reading '{self.preloaded_dictionary}'...") for line in file.readlines(): line = line[:-1] # \n keyvalue = line.split(sep=";") self.dictionary.update({keyvalue[0]:keyvalue[1]}) def get_name(self): return 'Llvm Multiobjective Problem' def config_to_str(self): return f"{self.population_size}_{self.offspring_population_size}_{self.number_of_variables}_{self.max_epochs}" def evaluate(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution: self.phenotype +=1 limit = [self.offspring_population_size if self.epoch != 1 else self.population_size] if self.phenotype%(limit[0]+1) == 0: self.epoch += 1 self.phenotype = 1 key = f"{solution.variables}" value = self.dictionary.get(key) if value == None: # Decoding passes = "" for i in range(self.number_of_variables): passes += f" {self.llvm.get_passes()[solution.variables[i]]}" # Optimize and generate resources self.llvm.toIR(self.llvmfiles.get_original_bc(), self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_bc(), passes=passes) self.llvm.toExecutable(self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_bc(), self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_exe()) self.llvm.toAssembly(self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_bc(), self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_ll()) # Get measures self.evaluator.evaluate(source_ll=self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_ll(), source_exe=self.llvmfiles.get_optimized_exe()) solution.objectives[0] = self.evaluator.get_codelines() solution.objectives[1] = self.evaluator.get_tags() solution.objectives[2] = self.evaluator.get_total_jmps() solution.objectives[3] = self.evaluator.get_function_tags() solution.objectives[4] = self.evaluator.get_calls() self.dictionary.update({key: solution.objectives}) self.evaluator.reset() else: # Get stored value solution.objectives[0] = value[0] solution.objectives[1] = value[1] solution.objectives[2] = value[2] solution.objectives[3] = value[3] solution.objectives[4] = value[4] if self.verbose: print("evaluated solution {:3} from epoch {:3} : variables={}, fitness={}"\ .format(self.phenotype,self.epoch,solution.variables,solution.objectives)) return solution ### FOR TERMINATION CRITERION ### def update(self, *args, **kwargs): self.evaluations = kwargs['EVALUATIONS'] ### FOR TERMINATION CRITERION ### @property def is_met(self): met = self.epoch >= self.max_epochs if self.phenotype*self.epoch % 100 == 0 or met: with open(self.preloaded_dictionary, "w") as file: for keys,values in self.dictionary.items(): file.write('{};{}\n'.format(keys,values)) return met
data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) #Simple RBM SimpleRBM = RBMAlgorithm(epochs=40) #Content ContentKNN = ContentKNNAlgorithm() #Combine them Hybrid = HybridAlgorithm([SimpleRBM, ContentKNN], [0.5, 0.5]) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(SimpleRBM, "RBM") evaluator.AddAlgorithm(ContentKNN, "ContentKNN") evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Hybrid, "Hybrid") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False)
# 'Anger': "Family Musical Comedy", # 'Depressing': "Drama Biography", # "Confusing": 'Thriller Fantasy Crime', # "Inspring": "Biography Documentary Sport War", # "Thrilling": "Horror Mystery" } for mood, c in moods.items(): print(mood, c) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData(c) print("Searching for best parameters...") param_grid = { 'n_epochs': [20, 30], 'lr_all': [0.005, 0.010], 'n_factors': [50, 100] } gs = GridSearchCV(SVD, param_grid, measures=['rmse', 'mae'], cv=3) evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings, list(ml.movieID_to_name.keys())) params = gs.best_params['rmse'] SVDtuned = SVD(n_epochs=params['n_epochs'], lr_all=params['lr_all'], n_factors=params['n_factors']) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(SVDtuned, "SVD - Tuned") print("--------------------------------\n") filename = mood + ".sav" evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml, filename) print("--------------------------------\n\n")
class Pipeline(object): def __init__(self, trainFilePath, valFilePath, retrievalInstance, featurizerInstance, classifierInstance): self.retrievalInstance = retrievalInstance self.featurizerInstance = featurizerInstance self.classifierInstance = classifierInstance self.evaluatorInstance = Evaluator() trainfile = open(trainFilePath, 'r') self.trainData = json.load(trainfile) self.trainData['questions'] = self.trainData['questions'][0:N] trainfile.close() valfile = open(valFilePath, 'r') self.valData = json.load(valfile) valfile.close() #self.question_answering() self.prepare_data() self.prepare_features() def makeXY(self, dataQuestions): X = [] Y = [] for question in dataQuestions: long_snippets = self.retrievalInstance.getLongSnippets(question) short_snippets = self.retrievalInstance.getShortSnippets(question) X.append(short_snippets) Y.append(question['answers'][0]) return X, Y def get_data(self): dataset_type = self.trainData['origin'] candidate_answers = self.trainData['candidates'] ## return self.makeXY(self.trainData['questions']) def prepare_data(self): dataset_type = self.trainData['origin'] candidate_answers = self.trainData['candidates'] ## self.X_train, self.Y_train = self.makeXY(self.trainData['questions']) self.X_val, self.Y_val_true = self.makeXY(self.valData['questions']) def prepare_features(self): #featurization self.X_features_train, self.X_features_val = self.featurizerInstance.getFeatureRepresentation(self.X_train, self.X_val) def qa(self): self.clf = self.classifierInstance.buildClassifier(self.X_features_train, self.Y_train) #Prediction Y_val_pred = self.clf.predict(self.X_features_val) a = self.evaluatorInstance.getAccuracy(self.Y_val_true, Y_val_pred) p, r, f = self.evaluatorInstance.getPRF(self.Y_val_true, Y_val_pred) print("Accuracy: " + str(a)) print("Precision: " + str(p)) print("Recall: " + str(r)) print("F-measure: " + str(f))
data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) #Content ContentKNN = ContentKNNAlgorithm() # User-based KNN UserKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options={'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': True}) #Combine them Hybrid = HybridAlgorithm([UserKNN, ContentKNN], [0.5, 0.5]) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(UserKNN, "User Based CF") evaluator.AddAlgorithm(ContentKNN, "Content KNN") evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Hybrid, "Hybrid") # Fight!
'''Creating NetworkGraph Object From its XML''' networkGraph = NetworkGraph() networkGraph.ReadFromXML(xmlnetpath, xsdnetpath) '''Mesh generation, XML Network Graph is needed for creating XML Network Mesh.''' meshGenerator = MeshGenerator() meshGenerator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) networkMesh = NetworkMesh() meshGenerator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) meshGenerator.SetMaxLength(ToleranceValue) meshGenerator.GenerateMesh() '''Setting Boundary Conditions Mesh input and reading XML Boundary Conditions File''' simulationContext = SimulationContext() simulationContext.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) evaluator = Evaluator() evaluator.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) simulationContext.SetEvaluator(evaluator) boundaryConditions = BoundaryConditions() boundaryConditions.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) boundaryConditions.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) boundaryConditions.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) '''Setting Evaluator''' evaluator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) evaluator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) preRun = False for el in networkMesh.Elements: if el.Type == 'WavePropagation' and el.nonLinear is True: preRun = True break
print("Loading movie ratings...") data = source.loadMovieLensRating() print("Prepare movie information...") source.computeMovieInformation() print("Creating ranking for each movie ...") rankings = source.getPopularityRanksByRating() return (source, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (dataSource, data, rankings) = LoadData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(data, rankings) contentKNN = KNNAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(contentKNN, "ContentKNN") # Just make random recommendations # Random = NormalPredictor() # evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") evaluator.Evaluate() useTargetId = 85 totalMovieNeeded = 5 evaluator.GetRecomendationMovie(dataSource, useTargetId, totalMovieNeeded)
print("Loading movie ratings...") data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) #RBM RBM = RBMAlgorithm(epochs=20) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(RBM, "RBM") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False) #evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml)
from End import EndSuccess from End import EndFail import rospy CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 20 # number of tennis ball pixels DIST_THRESHOLD = 5 MAX_SPEED_AT_DIST = 10 # distance at which rover should be traveling at max speed MAX_SPEED_AT_ANGLE = math.pi / 2 # angular distance at which rover should be turning at max speed MIN_DRIVE_SPEED = 150 MIN_TURNING_SPEED = 180 seek_states = { "evaluator": Evaluator(CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, DIST_THRESHOLD, goalTracker), "seeker": Seeker(CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, MAX_SPEED_AT_DIST, MAX_SPEED_AT_ANGLE, MIN_DRIVE_SPEED, MIN_TURNING_SPEED_SPEED), "failure": EndFail(), "success": EndSuccess(), } seek_transitions = { "evaluator:far": "failure", "evaluator:close": "seeker", "evaluator:lost": "success", "seeker:reached": "exit:waypoint", "seeker:lost": "failure",
def astra(args, logger): """ Self-training with weak supervivsion Leverages labeled, unlabeled data and weak rules for training a neural network """ teacher_dev_res_list = [] teacher_test_res_list = [] teacher_train_res_list = [] dev_res_list = [] test_res_list = [] train_res_list = [] results = {} student_pred_list = [] ev = Evaluator(args, logger=logger)"building student: {}".format(args.student_name)) student = Student(args, logger=logger)"building teacher") teacher = Teacher(args, logger=logger)"loading data") dh = DataHandler(args, logger=logger, student_preprocess=student.preprocess, teacher_preprocess=teacher.preprocess) train_dataset = dh.load_dataset(method='train') train_dataset.oversample(args.oversample) dev_dataset = dh.load_dataset(method='dev') test_dataset = dh.load_dataset(method='test') unlabeled_dataset = dh.load_dataset(method='unlabeled')"creating pseudo-dataset") pseudodataset = dh.create_pseudodataset(unlabeled_dataset) pseudodataset.downsample(args.sample_size) # Train Student newtraindataset = dh.create_pseudodataset(train_dataset) newtraindataset.balance('labels') newtraindataset.report_stats('labels') results['student_train'] = student.train( train_dataset=newtraindataset, dev_dataset=dev_dataset, train_label_name='labels', dev_label_name='labels', ) train_res_list.append(results['student_train'])'supervised_student')"\n\n\t*** Evaluating on dev data ***") results['supervised_student_dev'] = evaluate(student, dev_dataset, ev, "student dev") dev_res_list.append(results['supervised_student_dev'])"\n\n\t*** Evaluating on test data ***") results['supervised_student_test'], s_test_dict = evaluate_test(student, test_dataset, ev, "student test") test_res_list.append(results['supervised_student_test']) student_pred_list.append(s_test_dict) # Initialize Teacher"initializing teacher on unlabeled data with majority voting") teacher_res = teacher.train(pseudodataset)"evaluating majority voting") results['teacher_train'] = evaluate(teacher, train_dataset, ev, "teacher train") results['teacher_dev'] = evaluate(teacher, dev_dataset, ev, "teacher dev") results['teacher_test'] = evaluate(teacher, test_dataset, ev, "teacher test") teacher_train_res_list.append(results['teacher_train']) teacher_dev_res_list.append(results['teacher_dev']) teacher_test_res_list.append(results['teacher_test']) # Self-Training with Weak Supervision for iter in range(args.num_iter):"\n\n\t *** Starting loop {} ***".format(iter)) # Create pseudo-labeled dataset pseudodataset.downsample(args.sample_size) # Add Student as extra rule in teacher."Adding Student as extra rule in Teacher") teacher.student = student _ = teacher.train_ran(train_dataset=train_dataset, train_label_name='labels', dev_dataset=dev_dataset, dev_label_name='labels', unlabeled_dataset=pseudodataset) # Apply Teacher on unlabeled data teacher_pred_dict_unlabeled = teacher.predict_ran(dataset=pseudodataset) teacher_dev_res, t_dev_dict = evaluate_ran(teacher, dev_dataset, ev, "teacher dev iter{}".format(iter)) teacher_dev_res_list.append(teacher_dev_res) teacher_test_res, t_test_dict = evaluate_ran(teacher, test_dataset, ev, "teacher test iter{}".format(iter)) # analyze_rule_attention_scores(t_test_dict, logger, args.logdir, name='test_iter{}'.format(iter)) teacher_test_res_list.append(teacher_test_res) # Update unlabeled data with Teacher's predictions['teacher_labels'] = teacher_pred_dict_unlabeled['preds']['teacher_proba'] = teacher_pred_dict_unlabeled['proba']['teacher_weights'] = np.max(teacher_pred_dict_unlabeled['proba'], axis=1) pseudodataset.drop(col='teacher_labels', value=-1) pseudodataset.balance('teacher_labels', proba='teacher_proba') pseudodataset.report_stats('teacher_labels') if len(set(teacher_pred_dict_unlabeled['preds'])) == 1: # Teacher predicts a single class"Self-training led to trivial predictions. Stopping...") break if len(pseudodataset) < 5:"[WARNING] Sampling led to only {} examples. Skipping iteration...".format(len(pseudodataset))) continue # Re-train student with weighted pseudo-instances'training student on pseudo-labeled instances provided by the teacher') train_res = student.train_pseudo( train_dataset=pseudodataset, dev_dataset=dev_dataset, train_label_name='teacher_proba' if args.soft_labels else 'teacher_labels', train_weight_name='teacher_weights' if args.loss_weights else None, dev_label_name='labels', )'fine-tuning the student on clean labeled data') train_res = student.finetune( train_dataset=newtraindataset, dev_dataset=dev_dataset, train_label_name='labels', dev_label_name='labels', ) train_res_list.append(train_res) # Evaluate student performance and update records dev_res = evaluate(student, dev_dataset, ev, "student dev iter{}".format(iter)) test_res, s_test_dict = evaluate_test(student, test_dataset, ev, "student test iter{}".format(iter))"Student Dev performance on iter {}: {}".format(iter, dev_res['perf']))"Student Test performance on iter {}: {}".format(iter, test_res['perf'])) prev_max = max([x['perf'] for x in dev_res_list]) if dev_res['perf'] > prev_max:"Improved dev performance from {:.2f} to {:.2f}".format(prev_max, dev_res['perf']))"student_best")"teacher_best") dev_res_list.append(dev_res) test_res_list.append(test_res) student_pred_list.append(s_test_dict) # Store Final Results"Final Results") teacher_all_dev = [x['perf'] for x in teacher_dev_res_list] teacher_all_test = [x['perf'] for x in teacher_test_res_list] teacher_perf_str = ["{}:\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(i, teacher_all_dev[i], teacher_all_test[i]) for i in np.arange(len(teacher_all_dev))]"TEACHER PERFORMANCES:\n{}".format("\n".join(teacher_perf_str))) all_dev = [x['perf'] for x in dev_res_list] all_test = [x['perf'] for x in test_res_list] perf_str = ["{}:\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(i, all_dev[i], all_test[i]) for i in np.arange(len(all_dev))]"STUDENT PERFORMANCES:\n{}".format("\n".join(perf_str))) # Get results in the best epoch (if multiple best epochs keep last one) best_dev_epoch = len(all_dev) - np.argmax(all_dev[::-1]) - 1 best_test_epoch = len(all_test) - np.argmax(all_test[::-1]) - 1"BEST DEV {} = {:.3f} for epoch {}".format(args.metric, all_dev[best_dev_epoch], best_dev_epoch))"FINAL TEST {} = {:.3f} for epoch {} (max={:.2f} for epoch {})".format(args.metric, all_test[best_dev_epoch], best_dev_epoch, all_test[best_test_epoch], best_test_epoch)) results['teacher_train_iter'] = teacher_train_res_list results['teacher_dev_iter'] = teacher_dev_res_list results['teacher_test_iter'] = teacher_test_res_list results['student_train_iter'] = train_res_list results['student_dev_iter'] = dev_res_list results['student_test_iter'] = test_res_list results['student_dev'] = dev_res_list[best_dev_epoch] results['student_test'] = test_res_list[best_dev_epoch] results['teacher_dev'] = teacher_dev_res_list[best_dev_epoch] results['teacher_test'] = teacher_test_res_list[best_dev_epoch] # Save models and results"student_last")"teacher_last") save_and_report_results(args, results, logger) return results
ml = MovieLens() print('Loading movie ratings..') data = ml.loadMovieLensDataset() #Compute movie popularity ranks to measure novelty rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() t0 = time() evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) #Content-based ContentKNN = ContentBasedAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(ContentKNN, "ContentBased") #User-Based sim_options_user = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': True} userKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options=sim_options_user) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(userKNN, "UserBased") #Item-Based sim_options_item = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': False} itemKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options=sim_options_item) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(itemKNN, "ItemBased")
data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( "\nComputing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." ) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) # User-based KNN UserKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options={'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': True}) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(UserKNN, "User KNN") # Item-based KNN ItemKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options={'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': False}) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(ItemKNN, "Item KNN") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False)
(ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() print("Searching for best parameters...") param_grid = {'hiddenDim': [20, 10], 'learningRate': [0.1, 0.01]} gs = GridSearchCV(RBMAlgorithm, param_grid, measures=['rmse', 'mae'], cv=3) # best RMSE score print("Best RMSE score attained: ", gs.best_score['rmse']) # combination of parameters that gave the best RMSE score print(gs.best_params['rmse']) # Construct an Evaluator to, you know, evaluate them evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) params = gs.best_params['rmse'] RBMtuned = RBMAlgorithm(hiddenDim=params['hiddenDim'], learningRate=params['learningRate']) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(RBMtuned, "RBM - Tuned") RBMUntuned = RBMAlgorithm() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(RBMUntuned, "RBM - Untuned") # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, "Random") # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False)'Saving model architecture') with open(out_dir + '/model_arch.json', 'w') as arch: arch.write(model.to_json(indent=2)) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) ############################################################################################################################### ## Training #'Initial Evaluation:') evl = Evaluator(logger, out_dir, (train_qn_x, train_ans_x, train_y), (dev_qn_x, dev_ans_x, dev_y), (test_qn_x, test_ans_x, test_y), model_type, batch_size_eval=batch_size_eval, print_info=True) evl.evaluate(model, -1) evl.print_info() total_train_time = 0 total_eval_time = 0 for ii in range(nb_epoch): # Training train_input = [train_qn_x, train_ans_x] t0 = time() # this function is the neuralnet training
def __init__(self): Evaluator.__init__(self)
def runSimulation(simType, defaultNet, wdir, odir, images, xsd, net, mesh, xmlout, bound, netSchema, boundSchema, template, parameters, diameters, days, xmlSol, xmlMesh, writeCsv, plotImages, plotPressure, plotFlow, plotWss, plotReynolds, writePressure, writeFlow, writeWss, writeReynolds, velocityProfile, results, excludeWss, export, automaticResults, inputGnuid): '''Welcome and instructions messages.''' print "##########################################" print "############ Welcome to pyNS #############" print "## ./pyNS -h or --help for instructions ##" print "##########################################\n" '''Exporting results into txt files''' if export is not False: if not os.path.exists('Results/%s/exportedSolutions' % export): os.mkdir('Results/%s/exportedSolutions' % export) for f in mylistdir('Results/%s/json' % export): if f == 'info.json': pass else: print "exporting Results/%s/json/" % export + f exporting('Results/%s/json/' % export + f) new_file = f.split('.')[0] + '.txt' shutil.move( 'Results/%s/json/' % export + new_file, 'Results/%s/exportedSolutions/' % export + new_file) sys.exit( 'All %s solutions exported successfully in Results/%s/exportedSolutions/ folder' % (export, export)) if not results: if defaultNet is True: simType = 'specific' net = 'vascular_network_arterial_right_arm.xml' bound = 'boundary_conditions_arterial_right_arm.xml' elif template == 'willis': simType = 'specific' wdir = 'XML/Models/WillisCircle' net = 'vascular_network_willis.xml' bound = 'boundary_conditions_willis.xml' elif simType == 'specific': if net is None and bound is not None: sys.exit( "Please provide a network graph XML input file or choose a generic simulation type." ) elif net is not None and bound is None: sys.exit( "Please provide a boundary conditions XML input file or choose a generic simulation type." ) elif net is None and bound is None: sys.exit( "Please provide either a network graph XML input file and a boundary conditions XML input file or choose a generic simulation type." ) '''Checking matplotlib module for optional plotting methods.''' if plotImages or plotFlow or plotPressure or plotWss or plotReynolds or velocityProfile is True: try: import matplotlib except ImportError: sys.exit( 'Matplotlib package is required for plotting solutions in .png files or computing velocityProfile videos.\nPlease download matplotlib from' ) '''Loading previous specific results.''' if results is not False: while True: print "Starting webServer for post-processing results. Close it with CTRL-C." Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler try: port = 8000 httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", port), Handler) except: try: pid = None for line in os.popen("lsof -i:8000"): fields = line.split() pid = fields[1] if pid: os.system("kill %s" % pid) time.sleep(5) httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", port), Handler) except: connected = False startPort = 8000 while not connected: try: httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer( ("localhost", startPort), Handler) connected = True port = startPort except: startPort += 1 if results == 'last': ip = "http://localhost:%s" % port webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip + '/Results/results.html') else: if os.path.exists('Results/' + results): ip = "http://localhost:%s" % port webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip + "/Results/" + results + "/results.html") else: sys.exit('Error: ' + results + ' directory does not exist.') httpd.serve_forever() '''Checking for webserver instance''' if automaticResults: try: ip = "http://localhost:8000" pid = None for line in os.popen("lsof -i:8000"): fields = line.split() pid = fields[1] if pid: os.system("kill %s" % pid) Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", 8000), Handler) except: connected = False startPort = 8000 while not connected: try: Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", startPort), Handler) connected = True port = startPort ip = "http://localhost:%s" % port except: startPort += 1 '''SIMULATION''' '''Create XML and image directories''' if not os.path.exists(wdir): os.mkdir(wdir) if not os.path.exists(xsd): os.mkdir(xsd) '''If needed, creating output directory(s).''' if xmlSol is True or xmlMesh is True or writeFlow is True or writePressure is True or writeWss is True or writeReynolds is True: if not os.path.exists(odir): os.mkdir(odir) if writeFlow is True: ofdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Flow/') if not os.path.exists(ofdir): os.mkdir(ofdir) if writePressure is True: opdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Pressure/') if not os.path.exists(opdir): os.mkdir(opdir) if writeWss is True: owdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Wss/') if not os.path.exists(owdir): os.mkdir(owdir) if writeReynolds is True: oodir = os.path.join(odir, 'Other/') if not os.path.exists(oodir): os.mkdir(oodir) '''If needed, creating images directory.''' if plotImages is True: f_images = os.path.join(images, 'Flow/') p_images = os.path.join(images, 'Pressure/') w_images = os.path.join(images, 'Wss/') o_images = os.path.join(images, 'Other/') if not os.path.exists(images): os.mkdir(images) os.mkdir(f_images) os.mkdir(p_images) os.mkdir(w_images) os.mkdir(o_images) '''Setting variables.''' testTube = 'XML/TEST/CircularStraightTube/' netTube = 'vascular_network_v3.0_TUBE.xml' boundTube = 'boundary_conditions_v2.0_TUBE.xml' testTape = 'XML/TEST/CircularTaperedTube/' netTape = 'vascular_network_v3.0_TAPE.xml' boundTape = 'boundary_conditions_v2.0_TAPE.xml' testSimple = 'XML/TEST/SimpleNetwork/' netSimple = 'vascular_network_simple.xml' boundSimple = 'boundary_conditions_simple.xml' testing = 'XML/TEST/Testing/' testingNetwork = 'vascular_network_test.xml' testingBoundary = 'boundary_conditions_test.xml' if simType == 'specific': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(wdir, net) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(wdir, bound) preRun = True if simType == 'tube': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testTube, netTube) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testTube, boundTube) preRun = False if simType == 'tape': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testTape, netTape) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testTape, boundTape) preRun = False if simType == 'simple': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testSimple, netSimple) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testSimple, boundSimple) preRun = False if simType == 'testing': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testing, testingNetwork) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testing, testingBoundary) preRun = False xmlmeshpath = os.path.join(wdir, mesh) xmloutpath = os.path.join(odir, xmlout) xsdnetpath = os.path.join(xsd, netSchema) xsdboundpath = os.path.join(xsd, boundSchema) '''Setting adaptation and simulation days''' adaptation = Adaptation() daysList = map(int, list(linspace(-1, days, days + 2))) if excludeWss is True and days > 0: sys.exit( "Error: You can't exclude Wss computing for adaptation algorithm") '''Setting Simulation Context Parameters for Simulation''' simulationContext = SimulationContext() evaluator = Evaluator() evaluator.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) simulationContext.SetEvaluator(evaluator) for day in daysList: if day <= 0: '''Parameters Model Adaptor''' if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor = ModelAdaptor() modelAdaptor.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) modelAdaptor.SetEvaluator(evaluator) modelAdaptor.ChoosingTemplate(parameters) if template == 'arm': if day == -1: modelAdaptor.ftype = 7 if modelAdaptor.arm == 0: if modelAdaptor.ftype == 0: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#0.Lower_RC_EE' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 1: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#1.Lower_RC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 2: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 3: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#3.Upper_BC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 4: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 5: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#5.Upper_BB_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 6: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 7: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/PRE' preRun = False if modelAdaptor.arm == 1: if modelAdaptor.ftype == 0: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#0.Lower_RC_EE' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 1: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#1.Lower_RC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 2: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 3: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#3.Upper_BC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 4: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 5: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#5.Upper_BB_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 6: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 7: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/PRE' preRun = False netPostGeneric = 'vascular_network.xml' boundPostGeneric = 'boundary_conditions.xml' netPost = modelAdaptor.Idpat + '_vascular_network.xml' boundPost = modelAdaptor.Idpat + '_boundary_conditions.xml' xmlnetpathGeneric = os.path.join(wdir, netPostGeneric) xmlboundpathGeneric = os.path.join(wdir, boundPostGeneric) xmlnetpath = os.path.join(wdir, netPost) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(wdir, boundPost) simulationContext.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpathGeneric, xsdboundpath) else: simulationContext.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor.SettingParameters(parameters) modelAdaptor.AdaptingParameters(xmlboundpathGeneric, xmlboundpath) '''Creating NetworkGraph Object From its XML''' networkGraph = NetworkGraph() if simType == 'generic': networkGraph.ReadFromXML(xmlnetpathGeneric, xsdnetpath) else: networkGraph.ReadFromXML(xmlnetpath, xsdnetpath) '''NetworkGraph Model Adaptor''' if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) evaluator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) if diameters is False: csvfilepath = modelAdaptor.AdaptingModel( xmlnetpathGeneric, xmlnetpath) else: csvfilepath = modelAdaptor.AdaptingModel( xmlnetpathGeneric, xmlnetpath, diameters) '''Setting results directory based on PatientID in networkGraph XML file''' if plotImages is False: try: shutil.rmtree('Results/json') except: pass try: os.mkdir('Results/json') except: pass if simType == 'generic': idPat = modelAdaptor.Idpat elif template == 'willis': idPat = template else: idPat = simType if os.path.exists('Results/%s' % idPat): pass else: os.mkdir('Results/%s' % idPat) os.mkdir('Results/%s/json' % idPat) shutil.copytree('Results/css', 'Results/%s/css' % idPat) shutil.copytree('Results/js', 'Results/%s/js' % idPat) shutil.copy('Results/results.html', 'Results/%s/results.html' % idPat) '''Mesh generation, XML Network Graph is needed for creating XML Network Mesh.''' meshGenerator = MeshGenerator() meshGenerator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) networkMesh = NetworkMesh() meshGenerator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) meshGenerator.SetMaxLength(5.0e-2) meshGenerator.GenerateMesh() '''Setting Boundary Conditions Mesh input and reading XML Boundary Conditions File''' boundaryConditions = BoundaryConditions() boundaryConditions.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) boundaryConditions.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) boundaryConditions.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) boundaryConditions.SetSpecificCardiacOutput() '''In case of a generic simulation, patient-specific generated files will be moved to Results folder.''' if simType == 'generic' and day < 0: shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath), ('Results/%s/%s_pre_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath), ('Results/%s/%s_pre_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath), ('Results/%s/%s_pre_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat, idPat))) if simType == 'generic' and day == 0: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath), ('Results/%s/%s_post_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath), ('Results/%s/%s_post_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath), ('Results/%s/%s_post_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat, idPat))) if simType == 'generic' and day > 0 and day == days: shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath), ('Results/%s/%s_adapted_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath), ('Results/%s/%s_adapted_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat, idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath), ('Results/%s/%s_adapted_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat, idPat))) '''Setting Evaluator''' evaluator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) evaluator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) '''Adaptation Model''' adaptation.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) adaptation.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) preRun = adaptation.Adapt(day) if len(daysList) == 1: pass else: print "Day %d " % (day * 10) #1 step represent 10 days ''' Setting Solver Class''' solver = SolverFirstTrapezoid() solver.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) solver.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) solver.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) solver.SetEvaluator(evaluator) '''Pre-run''' if preRun is True: solver.SetSteadyFlow() print "Steady Pre-Run, setting non-linear parameters" solver.Solve() parametersToLinear = ["Radius", "Compliance"] for el in networkMesh.Elements: el.SetLinearValues(parametersToLinear) networkMesh.checkLinearConsistence() '''Run''' evaluator.ExpressionCache = {} solver = SolverFirstTrapezoid() solver.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) solver.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) solver.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) solver.SetEvaluator(evaluator) solver.SetPulseFlow() print "Solving system" solver.Solve() '''Post Processing: Setting Solutions input and plotting some information and/or writing solutions to XML Solutions File''' '''User can choose two different post processing strategies. Saving images using matplotlib or visualize results in its browser''' '''If needed, pyNS writes xml mesh file''' if xmlMesh is True: meshdirpath = os.path.join(odir, str(day)) if not os.path.exists(meshdirpath): os.mkdir(meshdirpath) xmlmeshpath = os.path.join(meshdirpath, mesh) outdirpath = os.path.join(odir, str(day)) if not os.path.exists(outdirpath): os.mkdir(outdirpath) xmloutpath = os.path.join(outdirpath, xmlout) networkMesh.WriteToXML(xmlmeshpath) '''Setting NetworkSolutions''' print "->100%, Running post-processing" networkSolutions = NetworkSolutions() networkSolutions.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) networkSolutions.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) networkSolutions.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) networkSolutions.SetSolutions(solver.Solutions) networkSolutions.WriteJsonInfo(days, networkMesh.Elements, idPat) adaptation.SetSolutions(day, networkSolutions) adaptation.SetRefValues(day, networkMesh) '''If needed, pyNS creates images subdirectory(s) for each adaptation step.''' if plotImages is True: daystr = str(day) + '/' f_dayImages = os.path.join(f_images, daystr) p_dayImages = os.path.join(p_images, daystr) w_dayImages = os.path.join(w_images, daystr) o_dayImages = os.path.join(o_images, daystr) if not os.path.exists(images): os.mkdir(images) if not os.path.exists(f_dayImages): os.mkdir(f_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(p_dayImages): os.mkdir(p_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(w_dayImages): os.mkdir(w_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(o_dayImages): os.mkdir(o_dayImages) networkSolutions.SetImagesPath({ 'im': images, 'f': f_dayImages, 'p': p_dayImages, 'w': w_dayImages, 'o': o_dayImages }) '''If needed, pyNS creates output subdirectory(s) for each adaptation step.''' if writeFlow is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day) + '/' f_dayOutput = os.path.join(ofdir, daystr) if not os.path.exists(f_dayOutput): os.mkdir(f_dayOutput) if writePressure is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day) + '/' p_dayOutput = os.path.join(opdir, daystr) if not os.path.exists(p_dayOutput): os.mkdir(p_dayOutput) if writeWss is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day) + '/' w_dayOutput = os.path.join(owdir, daystr) if not os.path.exists(w_dayOutput): os.mkdir(w_dayOutput) if writeReynolds is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day) + '/' o_dayOutput = os.path.join(oodir, daystr) if not os.path.exists(o_dayOutput): os.mkdir(o_dayOutput) '''If needed, pyNS writes xml Solution file.''' if xmlSol is True: networkSolutions.WriteToXML(xmloutpath) '''Post process solution for each element of the network''' for element in networkMesh.Elements: if element.Type == 'WavePropagation' or element.Type == 'Resistance': networkSolutions.WriteJson(element.Id, day, excludeWss, idPat) if velocityProfile is True: networkSolutions.SaveVelocityProfile(element, str(day)) if plotFlow is True: networkSolutions.PlotFlow(element.Id) if plotPressure is True: networkSolutions.PlotPressure(element.Id) if plotWss is True: networkSolutions.PlotWSS(element) if plotReynolds is True: networkSolutions.PlotReynolds(element.Id) if writeFlow is True: networkSolutions.WriteFlowOutput( element.Id, f_dayOutput + 'Flow_' + element.Name + '.txt') if writePressure is True: networkSolutions.WritePressureInput( element.Id, p_dayOutput + '/p_in_' + element.Name + '.txt') networkSolutions.WritePressureOutput( element.Id, p_dayOutput + '/p_out_' + element.Name + '.txt') networkSolutions.WritePressureDrop( element.Id, p_dayOutput + '/p_drop_' + element.Name + '.txt') if writeWss is True: networkSolutions.WriteWSSOutput( element.Id, w_dayOutput + 'WSS_' + element.Name + '.txt') if writeReynolds is True: networkSolutions.WriteReynolds( element.Id, o_dayOutput + 'Reynolds' + element.Name + '.txt') '''Adaptation data''' if days > 0: networkSolutions.WriteJsonAdapt(adaptation, idPat) if writeCsv is True: networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Diameter') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Pressure') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Flow') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Wss') '''Export GNUID''' if inputGnuid: networkSolutions.GetGnuidInformation(idPat, inputGnuid) print "\nJOB FINISHED" if automaticResults: try: shutil.copytree('Results/%s/json' % idPat, 'Results/json', symlinks=True) except OSError: shutil.rmtree('Results/json') shutil.copytree('Results/%s/json' % idPat, 'Results/json', symlinks=True) print "Starting webServer for post-processing results. Close it with CTRL-C." webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip + '/Results/results.html') httpd.serve_forever()
ml = MovieLens() print(BeginGREEN + "Loading movie ratings..." + EndGREEN) data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print( BeginGREEN + "Computing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." + EndGREEN) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) # Throw in an SVD recommender SVDAlgorithm = SVD(random_state=10) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(SVDAlgorithm, BeginBgBLUE + "SVD" + EndBgBLUE) # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, BeginBgBLUE + "Random" + EndBgBLUE) # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(True)
def evaluator(name=None): from Evaluator import Evaluator return Evaluator(name)
def train_model(model, optim, train_q_embed, dev_q_embed, dev_q_cand_ids, train_pairs, dev_pairs, hparams, log_path, seed): """Train model using negative sampling. Args: - model - optim: optimizer - train_q_embed: Embedding object for training queries, shape (nb train queries, dim) - dev_q_embed: Embedding object for dev queries, shape (nb dev queries, dim) - dev_q_cand_ids: list containing candidate ID of each dev query (None if it is not a candidate), used to compute MAP on dev set. - train_pairs: array of (query ID, hypernym ID) pairs for training - dev_pairs: array of (query ID, hypernym ID) pairs for validation - hparams: dict containing settings of hyperparameters - log_path: path of log file - seed: seed for RNG """ # Extract hyperparameter settings nb_neg_samples = hparams["nb_neg_samples"] subsample = hparams["subsample"] max_epochs = hparams["max_epochs"] patience = hparams["patience"] batch_size = hparams["batch_size"] clip = hparams["clip"] if seed: random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) # Prepare sampling of negative examples candidate_ids = list(range(model.get_nb_candidates())) cand_sampler = make_sampler(candidate_ids) # Prepare subsampling of positive examples pos_sample_prob = {} if subsample: hyp_fd = {} for h_id in train_pairs[:, 1]: if h_id not in hyp_fd: hyp_fd[h_id] = 0 hyp_fd[h_id] += 1 min_freq = min(hyp_fd.values()) for (h_id, freq) in hyp_fd.items(): pos_sample_prob[h_id] = sqrt(min_freq / freq) # Check if we're using CUDA if model.use_cuda: device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") # Initialize training batch for query IDs, positive hypernym IDs, # negative hypernym IDs, positive targets, and negative targets. # targets. We separate positive and negative examples to compute # the losses separately. Note that this is a bit inefficient, as # we compute the query projections twice. batch_q = np.zeros(batch_size, 'int64') batch_h_pos = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), 'int64') batch_h_neg = np.zeros((batch_size, nb_neg_samples), 'int64') t_pos_var = torch.ones((batch_size, 1), requires_grad=False, device=device) t_neg_var = torch.zeros((batch_size, nb_neg_samples), requires_grad=False, device=device) # Prepare list of sets of gold hypernym IDs for queries in # training set. This is used for negative sampling. nb_train_queries = train_q_embed.weight.shape[0] train_gold_ids = [set() for _ in range(nb_train_queries)] nb_train_pairs = train_pairs.shape[0] for i in range(nb_train_pairs): q_id = int(train_pairs[i, 0]) h_id = int(train_pairs[i, 1]) train_gold_ids[q_id].add(h_id) # Prepare list of sets of gold hypernym IDs for queries in dev set # to compute score (MAP) nb_dev_queries = dev_q_embed.weight.shape[0] dev_gold_ids = [set() for _ in range(nb_dev_queries)] nb_dev_pairs = dev_pairs.shape[0] for i in range(nb_dev_pairs): q_id = int(dev_pairs[i, 0]) h_id = int(dev_pairs[i, 1]) dev_gold_ids[q_id].add(h_id) # Prepare input variables to compute loss on dev set dev_q_ids = torch.tensor(dev_pairs[:, 0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device) dev_q_var = dev_q_embed(dev_q_ids) dev_h_var = torch.tensor(dev_pairs[:, 1], dtype=torch.int64, requires_grad=False, device=device).unsqueeze(1) dev_t_var = torch.ones((nb_dev_pairs, 1), dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False, device=device) # Make Evaluator to compute MAP on dev set dev_eval = Evaluator(model, dev_q_embed, dev_q_cand_ids) print("\nEvaluating untrained model on dev set...") MAP = dev_eval.get_MAP(dev_gold_ids) print("MAP: {:.4f}".format(MAP)) checkpoint_header = [ "Epoch", "Updates", "PosLoss", "NegLoss", "DevLoss", "DevMAP", "TimeElapsed" ] with open(log_path, "w") as f: f.write("\t".join(checkpoint_header) + "\n") # Train model best_model = deepcopy(model) best_score = float("-inf") nb_no_gain = 0 batch_row_id = 0 done = False start_time = time.time() print("\nStarting training...\n") print("\t".join(checkpoint_header)) for epoch in range(1, max_epochs + 1): model.train() np.random.shuffle(train_pairs) total_pos_loss = 0.0 total_neg_loss = 0.0 # Loop through training pairs nb_updates = 0 for pair_ix in range(train_pairs.shape[0]): q_id = train_pairs[pair_ix, 0] h_id = train_pairs[pair_ix, 1] if subsample and random.random() >= pos_sample_prob[h_id]: continue batch_q[batch_row_id] = q_id batch_h_pos[batch_row_id] = h_id # Get negative examples neg_samples = [] while len(neg_samples) < nb_neg_samples: cand_id = next(cand_sampler) if cand_id not in train_gold_ids[q_id]: neg_samples.append(cand_id) batch_h_neg[batch_row_id] = neg_samples # Update on batch batch_row_id = (batch_row_id + 1) % batch_size if batch_row_id + 1 == batch_size: q_ids = torch.tensor(batch_q, dtype=torch.int64, requires_grad=False, device=device) q_var = train_q_embed(q_ids) h_pos_var = torch.tensor(batch_h_pos, dtype=torch.int64, requires_grad=False, device=device) h_neg_var = torch.tensor(batch_h_neg, dtype=torch.int64, requires_grad=False, device=device) optim.zero_grad() pos_loss = model.get_loss(q_var, h_pos_var, t_pos_var) neg_loss = model.get_loss(q_var, h_neg_var, t_neg_var) loss = pos_loss + neg_loss loss.backward() if clip > 0: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(train_q_embed.parameters(), clip) torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip) optim.step() total_pos_loss += pos_loss.item() total_neg_loss += neg_loss.item() nb_updates += 1 # Check progress avg_pos_loss = total_pos_loss / (nb_updates * batch_size) avg_neg_loss = total_neg_loss / (nb_updates * batch_size) # Compute loss and MAP on dev set model.eval() dev_loss = model.get_loss(dev_q_var, dev_h_var, dev_t_var) avg_dev_loss = dev_loss.item() / nb_dev_pairs MAP = dev_eval.get_MAP(dev_gold_ids) checkpoint_data = [] checkpoint_data.append(str(epoch)) checkpoint_data.append(str(nb_updates)) checkpoint_data.append("{:.4f}".format(avg_pos_loss)) checkpoint_data.append("{:.4f}".format(avg_neg_loss)) checkpoint_data.append("{:.4f}".format(avg_dev_loss)) checkpoint_data.append("{:.4f}".format(MAP)) checkpoint_data.append("{:.1f}s".format(time.time() - start_time)) print("\t".join(checkpoint_data)) with open(log_path, "a") as f: f.write("\t".join(checkpoint_data) + "\n") # Early stopping if MAP > best_score: best_score = MAP best_model = deepcopy(model) nb_no_gain = 0 else: nb_no_gain += 1 if nb_no_gain >= patience: print("EARLY STOP!") done = True print("\nEvaluating best model on dev set...") dev_eval.set_model(best_model) MAP = dev_eval.get_MAP(dev_gold_ids) print("MAP of best model: {:.3f}".format(MAP)) if done: break print("\nTraining finished after {} epochs".format(epoch)) return best_model
def __init__(self, listOfPredicates, listOfActions, initialState, goalState, compliantConditions, goalCompliantConditions, Mrref, M, cost_flag = False): Evaluator.__init__(self, listOfPredicates, listOfActions, initialState, goalState, compliantConditions, goalCompliantConditions, Mrref, M, cost_flag)
heuristicName = sys.argv[4].strip() print else: raise Exception('Invalid Input! Usage: >> python <domainfile> <problemfile> -h <heuristic_name>') except: heuristicName = 'equality' print bcolors.OKGREEN + "--> Default heuristic 'equality'" + bcolors.ENDC # parse SAS/PDDL data # listOfPredicates, initialState, goalState, listOfActions, compliantConditions, goalCompliantConditions = grounded_data.returnParsedData() # generate transformation # Mrref, M = compute_transform(listOfPredicates, listOfActions, goalCompliantConditions, debug_flag) # evaluate # evaluation_object = Evaluator(listOfPredicates, listOfActions, initialState, goalState, compliantConditions, goalCompliantConditions, Mrref, M, cost_flag) print bcolors.HEADER + "\n>> Initial state evaluation = " + bcolors.OKBLUE + str(float(evaluation_object.evaluate(initialState, heuristicName))) + bcolors.ENDC sys.exit(0) # solve # plan_object = Planner(listOfPredicates, listOfActions, initialState, goalState, compliantConditions, goalCompliantConditions, Mrref, M, cost_flag) plan, cost = plan_object.aStarSearch(heuristicName) if plan: print bcolors.HEADER + "\n>> FINAL PLAN\n--> " + bcolors.OKBLUE + '\n--> '.join(plan) + "\n" + bcolors.OKGREEN + "\nCost of Plan: " + str(cost) + '\n' + bcolors.ENDC else: if cost == 0.0: print bcolors.HEADER + "*** NO PLAN REQUIRED ***" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.HEADER + "*** NO PLAN FOUND ***" + bcolors.ENDC
def runSimulation(simType, defaultNet, wdir, odir, images, xsd, net, mesh, xmlout, bound, netSchema, boundSchema, template, parameters, diameters, days, xmlSol, xmlMesh, writeCsv, plotImages, plotPressure, plotFlow, plotWss, plotReynolds, writePressure, writeFlow, writeWss, writeReynolds, velocityProfile, results, excludeWss, export, automaticResults, inputGnuid): '''Welcome and instructions messages.''' print "##########################################" print "############ Welcome to pyNS #############" print "## ./pyNS -h or --help for instructions ##" print "##########################################\n" '''Exporting results into txt files''' if export is not False: if not os.path.exists ('Results/%s/exportedSolutions' % export): os.mkdir('Results/%s/exportedSolutions' % export) for f in mylistdir('Results/%s/json' % export): if f == 'info.json': pass else: print "exporting Results/%s/json/" % export + f exporting('Results/%s/json/' % export + f) new_file = f.split('.')[0]+'.txt' shutil.move('Results/%s/json/' % export + new_file, 'Results/%s/exportedSolutions/' % export + new_file) sys.exit('All %s solutions exported successfully in Results/%s/exportedSolutions/ folder' % (export,export)) if not results: if defaultNet is True: simType = 'specific' net = 'vascular_network_arterial_right_arm.xml' bound = 'boundary_conditions_arterial_right_arm.xml' elif template == 'willis': simType = 'specific' wdir = 'XML/Models/WillisCircle' net = 'vascular_network_willis.xml' bound = 'boundary_conditions_willis.xml' elif simType == 'specific': if net is None and bound is not None: sys.exit("Please provide a network graph XML input file or choose a generic simulation type.") elif net is not None and bound is None: sys.exit("Please provide a boundary conditions XML input file or choose a generic simulation type.") elif net is None and bound is None: sys.exit("Please provide either a network graph XML input file and a boundary conditions XML input file or choose a generic simulation type.") '''Checking matplotlib module for optional plotting methods.''' if plotImages or plotFlow or plotPressure or plotWss or plotReynolds or velocityProfile is True: try: import matplotlib except ImportError: sys.exit('Matplotlib package is required for plotting solutions in .png files or computing velocityProfile videos.\nPlease download matplotlib from') '''Loading previous specific results.''' if results is not False: while True: print "Starting webServer for post-processing results. Close it with CTRL-C." Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler try: port = 8000 httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", port), Handler) except: try: pid = None for line in os.popen("lsof -i:8000"): fields = line.split() pid = fields[1] if pid: os.system("kill %s" %pid) time.sleep(5) httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", port), Handler) except: connected = False startPort = 8000 while not connected: try: httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", startPort), Handler) connected = True port = startPort except: startPort+=1 if results == 'last': ip = "http://localhost:%s" %port webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip+'/Results/results.html') else: if os.path.exists('Results/'+results): ip = "http://localhost:%s" %port webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip+"/Results/"+results+"/results.html") else: sys.exit('Error: '+results+' directory does not exist.') httpd.serve_forever() '''Checking for webserver instance''' if automaticResults: try: ip = "http://localhost:8000" pid = None for line in os.popen("lsof -i:8000"): fields = line.split() pid = fields[1] if pid: os.system("kill %s" %pid) Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", 8000), Handler) except: connected = False startPort = 8000 while not connected: try: Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("localhost", startPort), Handler) connected = True port = startPort ip = "http://localhost:%s" %port except: startPort+=1 '''SIMULATION''' '''Create XML and image directories''' if not os.path.exists (wdir): os.mkdir(wdir) if not os.path.exists (xsd): os.mkdir(xsd) '''If needed, creating output directory(s).''' if xmlSol is True or xmlMesh is True or writeFlow is True or writePressure is True or writeWss is True or writeReynolds is True: if not os.path.exists (odir): os.mkdir(odir) if writeFlow is True: ofdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Flow/') if not os.path.exists (ofdir): os.mkdir(ofdir) if writePressure is True: opdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Pressure/') if not os.path.exists (opdir): os.mkdir(opdir) if writeWss is True: owdir = os.path.join(odir, 'Wss/') if not os.path.exists (owdir): os.mkdir(owdir) if writeReynolds is True: oodir = os.path.join(odir, 'Other/') if not os.path.exists (oodir): os.mkdir(oodir) '''If needed, creating images directory.''' if plotImages is True: f_images = os.path.join(images, 'Flow/') p_images = os.path.join(images, 'Pressure/') w_images = os.path.join(images, 'Wss/') o_images = os.path.join(images, 'Other/') if not os.path.exists (images): os.mkdir(images) os.mkdir(f_images) os.mkdir(p_images) os.mkdir(w_images) os.mkdir(o_images) '''Setting variables.''' testTube = 'XML/TEST/CircularStraightTube/' netTube = 'vascular_network_v3.0_TUBE.xml' boundTube = 'boundary_conditions_v2.0_TUBE.xml' testTape = 'XML/TEST/CircularTaperedTube/' netTape = 'vascular_network_v3.0_TAPE.xml' boundTape = 'boundary_conditions_v2.0_TAPE.xml' testSimple = 'XML/TEST/SimpleNetwork/' netSimple = 'vascular_network_simple.xml' boundSimple = 'boundary_conditions_simple.xml' testing = 'XML/TEST/Testing/' testingNetwork = 'vascular_network_test.xml' testingBoundary = 'boundary_conditions_test.xml' if simType == 'specific': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(wdir, net) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(wdir, bound) preRun = True if simType == 'tube': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testTube,netTube) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testTube, boundTube) preRun = False if simType == 'tape': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testTape,netTape) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testTape, boundTape) preRun = False if simType == 'simple': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testSimple,netSimple) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testSimple, boundSimple) preRun = False if simType == 'testing': xmlnetpath = os.path.join(testing,testingNetwork) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(testing, testingBoundary) preRun = False xmlmeshpath = os.path.join(wdir, mesh) xmloutpath = os.path.join(odir, xmlout) xsdnetpath = os.path.join(xsd, netSchema) xsdboundpath = os.path.join(xsd, boundSchema) '''Setting adaptation and simulation days''' adaptation = Adaptation() daysList = map(int,list(linspace(-1,days,days+2))) if excludeWss is True and days > 0: sys.exit("Error: You can't exclude Wss computing for adaptation algorithm") '''Setting Simulation Context Parameters for Simulation''' simulationContext = SimulationContext() evaluator = Evaluator() evaluator.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) simulationContext.SetEvaluator(evaluator) for day in daysList: if day <= 0: '''Parameters Model Adaptor''' if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor = ModelAdaptor() modelAdaptor.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) modelAdaptor.SetEvaluator(evaluator) modelAdaptor.ChoosingTemplate(parameters) if template == 'arm': if day == -1: modelAdaptor.ftype = 7 if modelAdaptor.arm == 0: if modelAdaptor.ftype == 0: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#0.Lower_RC_EE' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 1: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#1.Lower_RC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 2: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 3: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#3.Upper_BC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 4: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 5: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/#5.Upper_BB_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 6: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 7: wdir = 'XML/Models/Left_Arm/PRE' preRun = False if modelAdaptor.arm == 1: if modelAdaptor.ftype == 0: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#0.Lower_RC_EE' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 1: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#1.Lower_RC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 2: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 3: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#3.Upper_BC_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 4: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 5: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/#5.Upper_BB_ES' preRun = True if modelAdaptor.ftype == 6: pass if modelAdaptor.ftype == 7: wdir = 'XML/Models/Right_Arm/PRE' preRun = False netPostGeneric = 'vascular_network.xml' boundPostGeneric = 'boundary_conditions.xml' netPost = modelAdaptor.Idpat+'_vascular_network.xml' boundPost = modelAdaptor.Idpat+'_boundary_conditions.xml' xmlnetpathGeneric = os.path.join(wdir, netPostGeneric) xmlboundpathGeneric = os.path.join(wdir, boundPostGeneric) xmlnetpath = os.path.join(wdir, netPost) xmlboundpath = os.path.join(wdir, boundPost) simulationContext.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpathGeneric, xsdboundpath) else: simulationContext.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor.SettingParameters(parameters) modelAdaptor.AdaptingParameters(xmlboundpathGeneric,xmlboundpath) '''Creating NetworkGraph Object From its XML''' networkGraph = NetworkGraph() if simType == 'generic': networkGraph.ReadFromXML(xmlnetpathGeneric, xsdnetpath) else: networkGraph.ReadFromXML(xmlnetpath, xsdnetpath) '''NetworkGraph Model Adaptor''' if simType == 'generic': modelAdaptor.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) evaluator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) if diameters is False: csvfilepath = modelAdaptor.AdaptingModel(xmlnetpathGeneric,xmlnetpath) else: csvfilepath = modelAdaptor.AdaptingModel(xmlnetpathGeneric,xmlnetpath,diameters) '''Setting results directory based on PatientID in networkGraph XML file''' if plotImages is False: try: shutil.rmtree('Results/json') except: pass try: os.mkdir('Results/json') except: pass if simType == 'generic': idPat = modelAdaptor.Idpat elif template == 'willis': idPat = template else: idPat = simType if os.path.exists('Results/%s' % idPat): pass else: os.mkdir('Results/%s' % idPat) os.mkdir('Results/%s/json' % idPat) shutil.copytree('Results/css','Results/%s/css' % idPat) shutil.copytree('Results/js','Results/%s/js' % idPat) shutil.copy('Results/results.html','Results/%s/results.html' % idPat) '''Mesh generation, XML Network Graph is needed for creating XML Network Mesh.''' meshGenerator = MeshGenerator() meshGenerator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) networkMesh = NetworkMesh() meshGenerator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) meshGenerator.SetMaxLength(5.0e-2) meshGenerator.GenerateMesh() '''Setting Boundary Conditions Mesh input and reading XML Boundary Conditions File''' boundaryConditions = BoundaryConditions() boundaryConditions.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) boundaryConditions.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) boundaryConditions.ReadFromXML(xmlboundpath, xsdboundpath) boundaryConditions.SetSpecificCardiacOutput() '''In case of a generic simulation, patient-specific generated files will be moved to Results folder.''' if simType == 'generic' and day < 0: shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath),('Results/%s/%s_pre_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath),('Results/%s/%s_pre_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath),('Results/%s/%s_pre_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat,idPat))) if simType == 'generic' and day == 0: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath),('Results/%s/%s_post_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath),('Results/%s/%s_post_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath),('Results/%s/%s_post_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat,idPat))) if simType == 'generic' and day > 0 and day == days: shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlnetpath),('Results/%s/%s_adapted_vascular_network.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(xmlboundpath),('Results/%s/%s_adapted_boundary_conditions.xml' % (idPat,idPat))) shutil.move(os.path.abspath(csvfilepath),('Results/%s/%s_adapted_patient_specific.csv' % (idPat,idPat))) '''Setting Evaluator''' evaluator.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) evaluator.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) '''Adaptation Model''' adaptation.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) adaptation.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) preRun = adaptation.Adapt(day) if len(daysList)==1: pass else: print "Day %d " %(day*10) #1 step represent 10 days ''' Setting Solver Class''' solver = SolverFirstTrapezoid() solver.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) solver.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) solver.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) solver.SetEvaluator(evaluator) '''Pre-run''' if preRun is True: solver.SetSteadyFlow() print "Steady Pre-Run, setting non-linear parameters" solver.Solve() parametersToLinear = ["Radius","Compliance"] for el in networkMesh.Elements: el.SetLinearValues(parametersToLinear) networkMesh.checkLinearConsistence() '''Run''' evaluator.ExpressionCache = {} solver = SolverFirstTrapezoid() solver.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) solver.SetBoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions) solver.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) solver.SetEvaluator(evaluator) solver.SetPulseFlow() print "Solving system" solver.Solve() '''Post Processing: Setting Solutions input and plotting some information and/or writing solutions to XML Solutions File''' '''User can choose two different post processing strategies. Saving images using matplotlib or visualize results in its browser''' '''If needed, pyNS writes xml mesh file''' if xmlMesh is True: meshdirpath = os.path.join(odir,str(day)) if not os.path.exists(meshdirpath): os.mkdir(meshdirpath) xmlmeshpath = os.path.join(meshdirpath,mesh) outdirpath = os.path.join(odir,str(day)) if not os.path.exists(outdirpath): os.mkdir(outdirpath) xmloutpath = os.path.join(outdirpath,xmlout) networkMesh.WriteToXML(xmlmeshpath) '''Setting NetworkSolutions''' print "->100%, Running post-processing" networkSolutions = NetworkSolutions() networkSolutions.SetNetworkMesh(networkMesh) networkSolutions.SetNetworkGraph(networkGraph) networkSolutions.SetSimulationContext(simulationContext) networkSolutions.SetSolutions(solver.Solutions) networkSolutions.WriteJsonInfo(days,networkMesh.Elements,idPat) adaptation.SetSolutions(day, networkSolutions) adaptation.SetRefValues(day, networkMesh) '''If needed, pyNS creates images subdirectory(s) for each adaptation step.''' if plotImages is True: daystr = str(day)+'/' f_dayImages = os.path.join(f_images,daystr) p_dayImages = os.path.join(p_images,daystr) w_dayImages = os.path.join(w_images,daystr) o_dayImages = os.path.join(o_images,daystr) if not os.path.exists(images): os.mkdir(images) if not os.path.exists(f_dayImages): os.mkdir(f_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(p_dayImages): os.mkdir(p_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(w_dayImages): os.mkdir(w_dayImages) if not os.path.exists(o_dayImages): os.mkdir(o_dayImages) networkSolutions.SetImagesPath({'im':images,'f':f_dayImages,'p':p_dayImages,'w':w_dayImages,'o':o_dayImages}) '''If needed, pyNS creates output subdirectory(s) for each adaptation step.''' if writeFlow is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day)+'/' f_dayOutput = os.path.join(ofdir,daystr) if not os.path.exists(f_dayOutput): os.mkdir(f_dayOutput) if writePressure is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day)+'/' p_dayOutput = os.path.join(opdir,daystr) if not os.path.exists(p_dayOutput): os.mkdir(p_dayOutput) if writeWss is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day)+'/' w_dayOutput = os.path.join(owdir,daystr) if not os.path.exists(w_dayOutput): os.mkdir(w_dayOutput) if writeReynolds is True: if day == -1: daystr = 'pre/' else: daystr = str(day)+'/' o_dayOutput = os.path.join(oodir,daystr) if not os.path.exists(o_dayOutput): os.mkdir(o_dayOutput) '''If needed, pyNS writes xml Solution file.''' if xmlSol is True: networkSolutions.WriteToXML(xmloutpath) '''Post process solution for each element of the network''' for element in networkMesh.Elements: if element.Type == 'WavePropagation' or element.Type == 'Resistance': networkSolutions.WriteJson(element.Id, day, excludeWss, idPat) if velocityProfile is True: networkSolutions.SaveVelocityProfile(element,str(day)) if plotFlow is True: networkSolutions.PlotFlow(element.Id) if plotPressure is True: networkSolutions.PlotPressure(element.Id) if plotWss is True: networkSolutions.PlotWSS(element) if plotReynolds is True: networkSolutions.PlotReynolds(element.Id) if writeFlow is True: networkSolutions.WriteFlowOutput(element.Id,f_dayOutput+'Flow_'+element.Name+'.txt') if writePressure is True: networkSolutions.WritePressureInput(element.Id,p_dayOutput+'/p_in_'+element.Name+'.txt') networkSolutions.WritePressureOutput(element.Id,p_dayOutput+'/p_out_'+element.Name+'.txt') networkSolutions.WritePressureDrop(element.Id,p_dayOutput+'/p_drop_'+element.Name+'.txt') if writeWss is True: networkSolutions.WriteWSSOutput(element.Id,w_dayOutput+'WSS_'+element.Name+'.txt') if writeReynolds is True: networkSolutions.WriteReynolds(element.Id,o_dayOutput+'Reynolds'+element.Name+'.txt') '''Adaptation data''' if days > 0: networkSolutions.WriteJsonAdapt(adaptation, idPat) if writeCsv is True: networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Diameter') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Pressure') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Flow') networkSolutions.WriteToCsv(adaptation, 'Wss') '''Export GNUID''' if inputGnuid: networkSolutions.GetGnuidInformation(idPat, inputGnuid) print "\nJOB FINISHED" if automaticResults: try: shutil.copytree('Results/%s/json' % idPat,'Results/json',symlinks=True) except OSError: shutil.rmtree('Results/json') shutil.copytree('Results/%s/json' % idPat,'Results/json',symlinks=True) print "Starting webServer for post-processing results. Close it with CTRL-C." webbrowser.open_new_tab(ip+'/Results/results.html') httpd.serve_forever()
def evaluate(logger, graph, database_dir, test_data_dir, num_similar, treshold): """ Evaluates the classifier frozen in graph using the images of database_dir for comparison and the images of test_image_path for evaluation. The parameters num_similar nad treshold describe how many of the most similar images should be considered for construction of the convex hull and which images to consider similar at all. """ evaluator = Evaluator(logger, graph, database_dir, NN_START_RELIABILITY, NN_RELIABILITY_DELTA) iterations = 1 nn_reliability = 100 datasetStart = sum_classification_time = 0 min_classification_time = 100000 max_classification_time = 0 sum_prediction_time = 0 min_prediction_time = 100000 max_prediction_time = 0 sum_error = 0 min_error = 100000 max_error = 0 # Write CSV file header HEADER = "Data set;N;D_N;D_%;C_Min;C_Avg;C_Max;P_Min;P_Avg;P_Max;E_Min;E_Avg;E_Max;TP;FP\n" if not os.path.isfile(CSV_FILE): with open(CSV_FILE, "a") as myfile: myfile.write(HEADER) # Start estimation"[Main] Base NN reliability is: " + str(nn_reliability)) differences = [] for filename in sorted(os.listdir(test_data_dir)): if filename.endswith(".png"): path = test_data_dir + filename failure, error, c_time, p_time = evaluator.evaluate_nn_for_image(path, IM_RESIZE_HEIGHT, IM_RESIZE_WIDTH) if not failure is None: differences.append(failure) min_classification_time = min(min_classification_time, c_time) max_classification_time = max(max_classification_time, c_time) sum_classification_time = sum_classification_time + c_time min_prediction_time = min(min_prediction_time, p_time) max_prediction_time = max(max_prediction_time, p_time) sum_prediction_time = sum_prediction_time + p_time# min_error = min(min_error, error) max_error = max(max_error, error) sum_error = sum_error + error"[Main] NN reliability after seeing " + str(iterations) + " files is now: " + str(evaluator.get_nn_reliability())) iterations += 1 datasetDuration = ( - datasetStart).total_seconds() difference_quota = float(len(differences)) / iterations avg_classification_time = float(sum_classification_time) / iterations avg_prediction_time = float(sum_prediction_time) / iterations avg_error = float(sum_error) / iterations"[Main] Resulting NN reliability is: " + str(evaluator.get_nn_reliability()))"[Main] NN and predictor differ in " + str(difference_quota) + " %: " + str(differences))"[Main] Overall data set processing time = " + str(datasetDuration) + " s")"[Main] Classfication times (min,mean,max)s = (" + str(min_classification_time) + ", " + str(avg_classification_time) + ", " + str(max_classification_time) + ")")"[Main] Prediction times (min,mean,max)s = (" + str(min_prediction_time) + ", " + str(avg_prediction_time) + ", " + str(max_prediction_time) + ")")"[Main] Absolute errors (min,mean,max)px = (" + str(min_error) + ", " + str(avg_error) + ", " + str(max_error) + ")") line = test_data_dir + ";" \ + str(iterations-1) \ + ";" + str(len(differences)) \ + ";" + str(difference_quota) \ + ";" + str(min_classification_time) \ + ";" + str(avg_classification_time) \ + ";" + str(max_classification_time) \ + ";" + str(min_prediction_time) \ + ";" + str(avg_prediction_time) \ + ";" + str(max_prediction_time) \ + ";" + str(min_error) \ + ";" + str(avg_error) \ + ";" + str(max_error) \ + "\n""[Main] For CSV <" + line + ">") with open(CSV_FILE, "a") as myfile: myfile.write(line) if len(differences) > 0: # Report differences failure_dir = test_data_dir.replace('/test-data','/tmp') # Maybe create output dir if not os.path.exists(failure_dir): os.makedirs(failure_dir)"[Main] Reporting " + str(len(differences)) + " differences to " + failure_dir) for diff in differences: path = diff[0] expectation = diff[1] x = diff[2] # Load differencing image img = cv2.imread(path,0) # Annotate and save image failure_path = path.replace('.png', '.error.png').replace('/test-data','/tmp')"[Main] Reporting failed image to " + failure_path), (x,0), 5, (255,255,255), -1) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(img,expectation,(30,260), font, 1,(255,255,255), 2) cv2.imwrite(failure_path, img)
class BPRMF(InputData): ''' BPRMF: implicit matrix factorization, Bayesian Personalized Ranking ''' def __init__(self, train_file, test_file, topK=20, num_factor=30, num_iteration=10, learning_rate=0.05, bias_reg_param = 1, reg_param = 0.0025, \ neg_reg_param = 0.00025, num_neg_sample=10): InputData.__init__(self, train_file, test_file) num_item = len(self.item_hash) num_user = len(self.uid_hash) self.topK = topK self.num_item = num_item self.num_user = num_user self.num_factor = num_factor self.num_iteration = num_iteration self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.bias_reg_param = bias_reg_param self.reg_param = reg_param self.neg_reg_param = neg_reg_param self.num_neg_sample = num_neg_sample self.counts = None self.uid_predict = {} self.uid_recommend = {} self.evaluator = None self.user_vectors = np.random.random_sample((self.num_user, self.num_factor)) self.item_vectors = np.random.random_sample((self.num_item, self.num_factor)) self.item_bias = np.zeros(self.num_item) print "number of user % i" % self.num_user print "number of item %i " % self.num_item self.recommend() def recommend(self, ): self.__train_model() for i in xrange(self.num_user): self.uid_predict[i] = {} for j in xrange(self.num_item): if j not in self.train_tuple[i]: self.uid_predict[i][j] =[i], self.item_vectors[j]) + self.item_bias[j] predict = self.uid_predict[i] predict = sorted(predict.iteritems(), key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) recommend_result = predict[:self.topK] recommend_result = [elem[0] for elem in recommend_result] self.uid_recommend[i] = recommend_result def evaluation(self, ): self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.test_tuple, self.uid_recommend, self.num_user, self.num_item, self.topK) self.evaluator.prec_recall() def __update(self, u, i, j): x = self.item_bias[i] - self.item_bias[j] +[u, :], self.item_vectors[i, :]-self.item_vectors[j, :]) if x > 9: z = 0 elif x < -9: z = 1 else: z = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(x)) #update parameters self.item_bias[i] += self.learning_rate * (z - self.bias_reg_param * self.item_bias[i]) self.item_bias[j] += self.learning_rate * (-z - self.bias_reg_param * self.item_bias[j]) self.user_vectors[u, :] += self.learning_rate * ((self.item_vectors[i, :] - self.item_vectors[j, :]) * z - self.reg_param * self.user_vectors[u, :]) self.item_vectors[i, :] += self.learning_rate * (self.user_vectors[u, :] * z - self.reg_param * self.item_vectors[i, :]) self.item_vectors[j, :] += self.learning_rate * (-self.user_vectors[u, :] * z - self.neg_reg_param * self.item_vectors[j, :]) def __iteration(self): for u in xrange(self.num_user): for i in self.train_tuple[u]: num_sample = self.num_neg_sample while num_sample: num_sample -= 1 j = np.random.randint(0, self.num_item) while j in self.train_tuple[u]: j = np.random.randint(0, self.num_item) self.__update(u, i, j) def __random_iteration(self,): user_item_pairs = [] for u in xrange(self.num_user): for i in self.train_tuple[u]: user_item_pairs.append((u, i)) import random random.shuffle(user_item_pairs) for u, i in user_item_pairs: num_sample = self.num_neg_sample while num_sample: num_sample -= 1 j = np.random.randint(0, self.num_item) while j in self.train_tuple[u]: j = np.random.randint(0, self.num_item) self.__update(u, i, j) def __train_model(self): for i in xrange(self.num_iteration): t0 = time.time() self.__iteration() print 'iteration %i costs time %f' % (i+1, time.time() - t0)
def LoadMovieLensData(): ml = MovieLens() print(BeginGREEN + "Loading movie ratings..." + EndGREEN) data = ml.loadMovieLensLatestSmall() print(BeginGREEN + "Computing movie popularity ranks so we can measure novelty later..." + EndGREEN) rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) # Load up common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() # Construct an Evaluator evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) # User-based KNN UserKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': True}) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(UserKNN, BeginBgBLUE + "User KNN" + EndBLUE) # Item-based KNN ItemKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': False}) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(ItemKNN, BeginBgBLUE + "Item KNN" + EndBLUE) # Just make random recommendations Random = NormalPredictor() evaluator.AddAlgorithm(Random, BeginBgBLUE + "Random" + EndBLUE) # Fight! evaluator.Evaluate(False)
from Evaluator import Evaluator from surprise import KNNBasic from time import time def LoadMovieLensData(): ml = MovieLens() print('Loading movie ratings..') data = ml.loadMovieLensDataset() #Compute movie popularity ranks to measure novelty rankings = ml.getPopularityRanks() return (ml, data, rankings) #Load the common data set for the recommender algorithms (ml, evaluationData, rankings) = LoadMovieLensData() #create an evaluator which is an object of Evaluator class evaluator = Evaluator(evaluationData, rankings) t0 = time() #User-Based KNN sim_options_user = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': True} userKNN = KNNBasic(sim_options=sim_options_user) evaluator.AddAlgorithm(userKNN, "User KNN") evaluator.Evaluate(True) evaluator.SampleTopNRecs(ml) tt = time() - t0 print("User based CF Model trained in %s seconds" % round(tt, 3))
# # Min Lee # [email protected] # MacOS # Python # # In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code, # I certify that, with the exceptions of the class resources and those # items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance # on this project. # import sys from Classifier import backprop from Evaluator import Evaluator classifier = backprop(sys.argv) evaluator = Evaluator(sys.argv) performance = evaluator.evaluate(classifier, sys.argv) print performance
def evaluation(self, ): self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.test_tuple, self.uid_recommend, self.num_user, self.num_item, self.topK) self.evaluator.prec_recall()