class Device: def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('Ipod.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/Cubierta") self.base.reparentTo(render) #self.base.setHpr(0, 0, 0), -5, 0) = EventDispatcher(self, "Ipod Shuffle") alight = AmbientLight('alight') alight.setColor(VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1)) alnp = render.attachNewNode(alight) render.setLight(alnp) self.apps = {} self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = MusicApp(self) self.launch("Reproductor de Audio") def run(self): print "I'm in a race and I'm winning" run() def get_model(self): return self.model def get_base(self): return self.base def launch(self, app_name): if app_name in self.apps: self.apps[app_name].activate( else: print "unknown command: " + app_name
def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('finepixr.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/Base_cam") self.base.reparentTo(render) self.base.setHpr(0, -90, 0) base.disableMouse(), -20, 0) mat = Mat4(camera.getMat()) mat.invertInPlace() base.mouseInterfaceNode.setMat(mat) base.enableMouse() self.screen = self.base.find("**/pantalla") self.screen.reparentTo(self.base) self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Fujifilm Finepix 470") self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) self.apps["Fotografia"]= CameraApp(self) self.screen.setTexture(loader.loadTexture(OptionManager.get_texture_filename()), 1) self.launch("Album Fotografico")
def __init__(self, raw_in, outstream): """ raw_data is the raw content of a midi file as a string. """ # internal values, don't mess with 'em directly self.raw_in = raw_in self.dispatch = EventDispatcher(outstream) # Used to keep track of stuff self._running_status = None
class Device: def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('finepixr.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/Base_cam") self.base.reparentTo(render) self.base.setHpr(0, -90, 0) base.disableMouse(), -20, 0) mat = Mat4(camera.getMat()) mat.invertInPlace() base.mouseInterfaceNode.setMat(mat) base.enableMouse() self.screen = self.base.find("**/pantalla") self.screen.reparentTo(self.base) self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Fujifilm Finepix 470") self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) self.apps["Fotografia"]= CameraApp(self) self.screen.setTexture(loader.loadTexture(OptionManager.get_texture_filename()), 1) self.launch("Album Fotografico") def run(self): print "I'm in a race and I'm winning" print run() def get_model(self): return self.model def get_base(self): return self.base def get_screen(self): return self.screen def repaint(self): self.screen.getTexture().reload() def launch(self, app_name): if app_name in self.apps: self.apps[app_name].activate( self.repaint() else: print "unknown command: " + app_name
def __init__(self): self.base = ShowBase() self.model = self.base.loader.loadModel('device.egg') self.model.reparentTo(self.base.render) self.base.disableMouse(), -10, 0) self.model.setHpr(0,90,0) mat = Mat4( mat.invertInPlace() self.base.mouseInterfaceNode.setMat(mat) self.base.enableMouse() self.screen = self.model.find("**/pantalla") self.list_app = ListApp(self) self.music_app = MusicApp(self) self.dial_app = DialApp(self) self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Sony Ericsson W200") self.apps["init"] = InitApp(self) self.apps["Dial"] = self.display_dial_screen self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self) self.apps["Reproductor"] = self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = self.display_list self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) self.apps["Llamadas"] = self.display_list self.apps["Contactos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Mensajes"] = self.display_list self.apps["Juegos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Utileria"] = self.display_list self.apps["Reproducir Todas"] = self.apps["Lista de Albums"] = self.list_albums self.apps["Lista de Artistas"] = self.list_artists self.apps["Lista de Contactos"] = self.list_contacts self.apps["Dial Contact"] = self.dial_contact self.apps["Llamadas Perdidas"] = self.list_lost_calls self.apps["Llamadas Contestadas"] = self.list_answered_calls self.apps["Llamadas Marcadas"] = self.list_done_calls self.launch("init")
class Device: def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('device.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/base") self.base.setHpr(0, 90, 0) self.screen = self.base.find("**/pantalla") print self.screen.getPos() print self.screen.getHpr() self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Sony Ericsson W200") self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self) self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) #self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = MusicApp(self) self.launch("menu") def run(self): #print "I'm in a race and I'm winning" run() def get_model(self): return self.model def get_base(self): return self.base def get_screen(self): return self.screen def repaint(self): self.screen.getTexture().reload() def launch(self, app_name): if app_name in self.apps: self.screen.setTexture(loader.loadTexture( OptionManager.get_texture_filename()), 1) self.apps[app_name].activate( self.repaint() else: print "unknown command: " + app_name
class Device: def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('device.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/base") self.base.setHpr(0, 90, 0) self.screen = self.base.find("**/pantalla") print self.screen.getPos() print self.screen.getHpr() self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Sony Ericsson W200") self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self) self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) #self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = MusicApp(self) self.launch("menu") def run(self): #print "I'm in a race and I'm winning" run() def get_model(self): return self.model def get_base(self): return self.base def get_screen(self): return self.screen def repaint(self): self.screen.getTexture().reload() def launch(self, app_name): if app_name in self.apps: self.screen.setTexture( loader.loadTexture(OptionManager.get_texture_filename()), 1) self.apps[app_name].activate( self.repaint() else: print "unknown command: " + app_name
def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('Ipod.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/Cubierta") self.base.reparentTo(render) #self.base.setHpr(0, 0, 0), -5, 0) = EventDispatcher(self, "Ipod Shuffle") alight = AmbientLight('alight') alight.setColor(VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1)) alnp = render.attachNewNode(alight) render.setLight(alnp) self.apps = {} self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = MusicApp(self) self.launch("Reproductor de Audio")
class IRCBot: def __init__(self, configname): self.config = ConfigLoader(configname) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.irc = IRCInterface(self.socket) self.plugins = {} self.dispatcher = EventDispatcher(self.irc) def rise(self): self.loadAllPlugins() self.connect() def loadPlugin(self, pluginName): plugin = importlib.import_module("plugins." + pluginName) for name in dir(plugin): local = getattr(plugin, name) if hasattr(local, "_ircEvent"): self.dispatcher.hookEvent(getattr(local, "_ircEvent"), local) def loadAllPlugins(self): for m in self.config.get("plugins"): self.loadPlugin(m) def connect(self): self.socket.connect( (self.config.get("server"), int(self.config.get("port"))) ) self.handshake() self.loop() def handshake(self): self.irc.nick(self.config.get("nick")) self.irc.user(self.config.get("nick"), "...", "...", "...") for channel in self.config.get("channels"): self.irc.join(channel) def loop(self): buffer = "" while True: data = for cmd in data: if cmd["command"] == "PING": self.irc.pong(cmd["params"][0]) self.dispatcher.dispatch(cmd)
def __init__(self): self.model = loader.loadModel('device.egg') self.model.reparentTo(render) self.base = self.model.find("**/base") self.base.setHpr(0, 90, 0) self.screen = self.base.find("**/pantalla") print self.screen.getPos() print self.screen.getHpr() self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Sony Ericsson W200") self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self) self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) #self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = MusicApp(self) self.launch("menu")
class MidiFileParser: """ The MidiFileParser is the lowest level parser that see the data as midi data. It generates events that gets triggered on the outstream. """ def __init__(self, raw_in, outstream): """ raw_data is the raw content of a midi file as a string. """ # internal values, don't mess with 'em directly self.raw_in = raw_in self.dispatch = EventDispatcher(outstream) # Used to keep track of stuff self._running_status = None def parseMThdChunk(self): "Parses the header chunk" raw_in = self.raw_in header_chunk_type = raw_in.nextSlice(4) header_chunk_zise = raw_in.readBew(4) # check if it is a proper midi file if header_chunk_type != 'MThd': raise TypeError, "It is not a valid midi file!" # Header values are at fixed locations, so no reason to be clever self.format = raw_in.readBew(2) self.nTracks = raw_in.readBew(2) self.division = raw_in.readBew(2) # Theoretically a header larger than 6 bytes can exist # but no one has seen one in the wild # But correctly ignore unknown data if it is though if header_chunk_zise > 6: raw_in.moveCursor(header_chunk_zise-6) # call the header event handler on the stream self.dispatch.header(self.format, self.nTracks, self.division) def parseMTrkChunk(self): "Parses a track chunk. This is the most important part of the parser." # set time to 0 at start of a track self.dispatch.reset_time() dispatch = self.dispatch raw_in = self.raw_in # Trigger event at the start of a track dispatch.start_of_track(self._current_track) # position cursor after track header raw_in.moveCursor(4) # unsigned long is 4 bytes tracklength = raw_in.readBew(4) track_endposition = raw_in.getCursor() + tracklength # absolute position! while raw_in.getCursor() < track_endposition: # find relative time of the event time = raw_in.readVarLen() dispatch.update_time(time) # be aware of running status!!!! peak_ahead = raw_in.readBew(move_cursor=0) if (peak_ahead & 0x80): # the status byte has the high bit set, so it # was not running data but proper status byte status = self._running_status = raw_in.readBew() else: # use that darn running status status = self._running_status # could it be illegal data ?? Do we need to test for that? # I need more example midi files to be shure. # Also, while I am almost certain that no realtime # messages will pop up in a midi file, I might need to # change my mind later. # we need to look at nibbles here hi_nible, lo_nible = status & 0xF0, status & 0x0F # match up with events # Is it a meta_event ?? # these only exists in midi files, not in transmitted midi data # In transmitted data META_EVENT (0xFF) is a system reset if status == META_EVENT: meta_type = raw_in.readBew() meta_length = raw_in.readVarLen() meta_data = raw_in.nextSlice(meta_length) dispatch.meta_event(meta_type, meta_data) # Is it a sysex_event ?? elif status == SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE: # ignore sysex events sysex_length = raw_in.readVarLen() # don't read sysex terminator sysex_data = raw_in.nextSlice(sysex_length-1) # only read last data byte if it is a sysex terminator # It should allways be there, but better safe than sorry if raw_in.readBew(move_cursor=0) == END_OFF_EXCLUSIVE: eo_sysex = raw_in.readBew() dispatch.sysex_event(sysex_data) # the sysex code has not been properly tested, and might be fishy! # is it a system common event? elif hi_nible == 0xF0: # Hi bits are set then data_sizes = { MTC:1, SONG_POSITION_POINTER:2, SONG_SELECT:1, } data_size = data_sizes.get(hi_nible, 0) common_data = raw_in.nextSlice(data_size) common_type = lo_nible dispatch.system_common(common_type, common_data) # Oh! Then it must be a midi event (channel voice message) else: data_sizes = { PATCH_CHANGE:1, CHANNEL_PRESSURE:1, NOTE_OFF:2, NOTE_ON:2, AFTERTOUCH:2, CONTINUOUS_CONTROLLER:2, PITCH_BEND:2, } data_size = data_sizes.get(hi_nible, 0) channel_data = raw_in.nextSlice(data_size) event_type, channel = hi_nible, lo_nible dispatch.channel_messages(event_type, channel, channel_data) def parseMTrkChunks(self): "Parses all track chunks." for t in range(self.nTracks): self._current_track = t self.parseMTrkChunk() # this is where it's at! self.dispatch.eof()
def __init__(self, configname): self.config = ConfigLoader(configname) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.irc = IRCInterface(self.socket) self.plugins = {} self.dispatcher = EventDispatcher(self.irc)
def __init__(self): self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher() self.initializePlugins()
def __init__(self): self.devconf = ConfigLoader('./res/models/sony_ericsson_w200.json') #with open('./res/models/sony_ericsson_w200.json') as f: # self.devconf = json.load(f) self.base = ShowBase() self.loader = self.base.loader self.model = self.loader.loadModel(self.devconf.model_path) self.model.reparentTo(self.base.render) self.base.disableMouse() self.devconf.initial_position['x'], self.devconf.initial_position['y'], self.devconf.initial_position['z']) self.model.setHpr( self.devconf.model_transformation['x'], self.devconf.model_transformation['y'], self.devconf.model_transformation['z']) mat = Mat4( mat.invertInPlace() self.base.mouseInterfaceNode.setMat(mat) self.base.enableMouse() self.screen = self.model.find(self.devconf.model_texture_path) self.list_app = ListApp(self, self.devconf) #self.music_app = MusicApp(self) self.dial_app = DialApp(self, self.devconf) self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, self.devconf.device_name) self.apps["init"] = InitApp(self, self.devconf) self.apps["Dial"] = self.display_dial_screen self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self, self.devconf) #self.apps["Reproductor"] = #self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = self.display_list #self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) #self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) self.apps["Llamadas"] = self.display_list self.apps["Contactos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Mensajes"] = self.display_list self.apps["Juegos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Utileria"] = self.display_list #self.apps["Reproducir Todas"] = #self.apps["Lista de Albums"] = self.list_albums #self.apps["Lista de Artistas"] = self.list_artists #self.apps["Lista de Contactos"] = self.list_contacts #self.apps["Dial Contact"] = self.dial_contact #self.apps["Llamadas Perdidas"] = self.list_lost_calls #self.apps["Llamadas Contestadas"] = self.list_answered_calls #self.apps["Llamadas Marcadas"] = self.list_done_calls self.launch("init")
class Device(): def __init__(self): self.base = ShowBase() self.model = self.base.loader.loadModel('device.egg') self.model.reparentTo(self.base.render) self.base.disableMouse(), -10, 0) self.model.setHpr(0,90,0) mat = Mat4( mat.invertInPlace() self.base.mouseInterfaceNode.setMat(mat) self.base.enableMouse() self.screen = self.model.find("**/pantalla") self.list_app = ListApp(self) self.music_app = MusicApp(self) self.dial_app = DialApp(self) self.apps = {} = EventDispatcher(self, "Sony Ericsson W200") self.apps["init"] = InitApp(self) self.apps["Dial"] = self.display_dial_screen self.apps["menu"] = MainMenu(self) self.apps["Reproductor"] = self.apps["Reproductor de Audio"] = self.display_list self.apps["Camara"] = CameraApp(self) self.apps["Album Fotografico"] = PhotoApp(self) self.apps["Llamadas"] = self.display_list self.apps["Contactos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Mensajes"] = self.display_list self.apps["Juegos"] = self.display_list self.apps["Utileria"] = self.display_list self.apps["Reproducir Todas"] = self.apps["Lista de Albums"] = self.list_albums self.apps["Lista de Artistas"] = self.list_artists self.apps["Lista de Contactos"] = self.list_contacts self.apps["Dial Contact"] = self.dial_contact self.apps["Llamadas Perdidas"] = self.list_lost_calls self.apps["Llamadas Contestadas"] = self.list_answered_calls self.apps["Llamadas Marcadas"] = self.list_done_calls self.launch("init") def list_lost_calls(self, arg = None): manager = GestorRegistros() self.list_app.set_options(manager.get_logs_by_state("PERDIDA")) return self.list_app def list_answered_calls(self, arg = None): manager = GestorRegistros() self.list_app.set_options(manager.get_logs_by_state("RECIBIDA")) return self.list_app def list_done_calls(self, arg = None): manager = GestorRegistros() self.list_app.set_options(manager.get_logs_by_state("REALIZADA")) return self.list_app def dial_contact(self, arg = None): cntct = self.list_app.get_selected_option()[2] self.dial_app.write_number(cntct[1]) return self.dial_app def list_contacts(self, arg = None): manager = GestorContactos() self.list_app.set_options(manager.get_contactos()) return self.list_app def display_dial_screen(self, arg = None): self.dial_app.write_number(self.apps["init"].get_number()) return self.dial_app def display_list(self, option): temp_list = OptionManager.get_option_subtree(option) self.list_app.set_options(temp_list) return self.list_app def list_albums(self, arg = None): manager = GestorMusica() temp_list = manager.get_albums() self.list_app.set_options(temp_list) return self.list_app def list_artists(self, arg = None): manager = GestorMusica() temp_list = manager.get_artists() self.list_app.set_options(temp_list) return self.list_app def play(self, arg = None): args = self.list_app.get_selected_option() print "args:" + str(args) if args: print args manager = GestorMusica() temp_list = None if args[2] == "all": temp_list = manager.get_tracks() if args[2] == "artist": temp_list = manager.get_tracks_by_artist(args[0]) if args[2] == "album": temp_list = manager.get_tracks_by_album(args[0]) if temp_list: self.music_app.set_track_list(temp_list) print "Music loading succesfull" return self.music_app return None def run(self): def get_model(self): return self.model def get_base(self): return self.base def get_screen(self): return self.screen def repaint(self): self.screen.getTexture().reload() def launch(self, app_name): if app_name in self.apps: self.screen.setTexture(loader.loadTexture( OptionManager.get_texture_filename()), 1) if "instancemethod" in str(type(self.apps[app_name])): app = self.apps[app_name](app_name) if app: app.renderer.set_title(app_name) app.activate( else: print "Launching " + app_name self.apps[app_name].activate( self.repaint() else: print "unknown command: " + app_name