def for_value(prompt_text,
              convert=(lambda x: x),
              is_legal=(lambda x: True),
    Prompt for value using the specified prompt_text (with default in brackets
      appended if it is non-None) followed by ': '; convert the entered value
      (or use the default if the user just presses enter), ensure is_legal
      returns True when called on it, and return that value.
    Display error_messages for all possible failures
    See the comments in the code for more details
    See the calls to for_value below, for examples of how it is called.
    while True:
            # display answer (and default, if supplied) and ': '; read str that is user's answer
            response = input(prompt_text + ('[' + str(default) +
                                            ']' if default != None else '') +
                             ': ')

            # if there is no answer, and no default, print error message and reprompt
            # kludge: so the user cannot enter an empty string unless the empty string is a default!
            if len(response) == 0 and default == None:
                    leading(prompt_text, extra=2) +
                    'Must enter a value: there is no default')

            # set answer to either be the default (if there is no answer) or convert the user's answer
            # see except clause, in case conversion fails: e.g., int('abc') throws an exception
            answer = default if len(
                response) == 0 and default != None else convert(response)

            # if the answer (default or user's) is legal, return it, other print the error message
            if is_legal(answer):
                return answer
                    leading(prompt_text, extra=2) + 'Entry Error:',
                    "'" + str(answer) + "'; ", error_message)
        # if conversion raises an exception, print an error message and reprompt
        except Exception as x:
            print(leading(prompt_text, extra=2) + 'Exception:', x)
            print(leading(prompt_text, extra=2) +
                  'Possible error: cannot convert str \'',
                  '\' to specified type of value',
def for_int_between(prompt_text, low, high, default=None, error_message=''):
    lead = leading(prompt_text, extra=2)
    return for_value(
        prompt_text + '(' + str(low) + '..' + str(high) + ')', int,
        (lambda x: type(x) is int and low <= x <= high), default,
        error_message + '\n' + lead + 'Please enter a value in the range [' +
        str(low) + ',' + str(high) + ']')
def for_char(
        error_message='Please enter one char in the range (if specified)'):
    lead = leading(prompt_text, extra=2)
    return for_value(
        prompt_text + ('(' + legal + ')' if legal != None else ''),
        (lambda x: x[0]), (lambda x: x in legal) if legal != None else
        (lambda x: True), default,
        error_message + ('\n' + lead + 'Please enter one of ' +
                         legal if legal != None else ''))
def for_float(prompt_text,
              is_legal=(lambda x: True),
              error_message='not a legal value'):
    Prompt for a float; use the specified prompt_text (with default in brackets
      appended if it is non-None) followed by ': '; verify that the entered value
      (using default if the user just presses enter) is a float and is_legal
      returns True when called on it (and if not display the error_message)
    See the call to for_value below, and the documentation and code for for_value above.
    lead = leading(prompt_text, extra=2)
    return for_value(
        prompt_text, float, (lambda x: type(x) is float and is_legal(x)),
        default, error_message + ':\n' + lead + 'Please enter a legal value')
def for_string(prompt_text,
               is_legal=(lambda x: True),
    Prompt for a string; use the specified prompt_text (with default in brackets
      appended if it is non-None) followed by ': '; verify that the entered value
      (using default if the user just presses enter) returns True when is_legal is
      called on it (and if not display the error_message)
    See the call to for_value below, and the documentation and code for for_value above.
    lead = leading(prompt_text, extra=2)
    return for_value(
        prompt_text, (lambda x: x), is_legal, default,
        error_message + '\n' + lead + 'Please enter a legal String')