Example #1
def simulateSpatialCorr(tau, rho, c, D, w0, z0):
    w0 = np.resize(w0, (5, 5))
    z0 = np.resize(z0, (5, 5))
    G = correlations()
    if type(tau) == float:
        tau = [tau]
    Nt = len(tau)
    Gall = np.zeros((9, 9, Nt))
    for i in range(Nt):
        Gsinglet = np.zeros((9, 9))
        for shifty in np.arange(-4, 5):
            print('shifty: ' + str(shifty))
            for shiftx in np.arange(-4, 5):
                print(' shiftx: ' + str(shiftx))
                # go through all detector elements
                n = 0  # number of overlapping detector elements
                Gtemp = 0
                for detx in np.arange(np.max((0, shiftx)),
                                      np.min((5, 5 + shiftx))):
                    print('  detx: ' + str(detx))
                    for dety in np.arange(np.max((0, shifty)),
                                          np.min((5, 5 + shifty))):
                        print('   dety: ' + str(dety))
                        dummy, Gout = twoFocusFCS(
                            tau[i], shiftx * rho, shifty * rho, 0, c, D,
                            w0[dety, detx], w0[dety - shifty, detx - shiftx],
                            z0[dety, detx], z0[dety - shifty, detx - shiftx])
                        Gtemp += Gout[0, 1]
                        n += 1
                Gtemp /= n
                Gsinglet[shifty + 4, shiftx + 4] = Gtemp
        Gall[:, :, i] = Gsinglet
    G.autoSpatial = Gall
    G.dwellTime = tau[0]
    return G
Example #2
def FCSvectors2G(tau, G, fieldName='central'):
    Gmatrix = np.zeros((np.size(tau, 0), 2))
    Gmatrix[:, 0] = tau
    Gmatrix[:, 1] = G
    G = correlations()
    setattr(G, fieldName, Gmatrix)
    return G
Example #3
def FCSLoadG(fnameRoot, folderName="", printFileNames=True):
    G = correlations()
    files = listFiles(folderName, "csv", fnameRoot)
    for file in files:
        setattr(G, stripGfname(file, fnameRoot, printFileNames), csv2array(file, ','))
    G.dwellTime = 1e6 * csv2array(file, ',')[1, 0] # in µs
    print(str(len(files)) + ' files found.')
    return G
Example #4
def simulateTwoFocusCrossCenter(tau, c, D, w, z, shift):
    G = correlations()
    N = np.size(w, 0)
    for i in range(N):
        rhoy = np.floor(i / 5)
        rhox = np.mod(i, 5)
        [xx, Gtemp] = twoFocusFCS(tau, (rhox - 2) * shift, (rhoy - 2) * shift,
                                  0, c, D, w[12], w[i], z[12], z[i])
        setattr(G, 'det12x' + str(i), Gtemp)
    return G
Example #5
def twoFocusFCS(tau, rhox, rhoy, rhoz, c, D, w0, w1, z0, z1):
    Calculate the FCS cross correlation between two PSFs
    ==========  ===============================================================
    Input       Meaning
    tau         Lag time [s]
    rhox        Spatial shift in the x, y, and z direction between two detector
    rhoy         elements [m]. Usually, rhoz = 0. Rhox and rhoy correspond to
    rhoz         the spatial shifts in the sample space
    c           Concentration of fluorophores/particles [/m^3]
    D           Diffusion coefficient of the fluorophores/particles [µm^2/s]
    w0          Lateral 1/e^2 radius of the first PSF
    w1          Lateral 1/e^2 radius of the second PSF
    z0          Axial 1/e^2 value of the first PSF
    z1          Axial 1/e^2 value of the second PSF
    ==========  ===============================================================

    ==========  ===============================================================
    Output      Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    G           Object with all autocorrelations
    ==========  ===============================================================


    factorW = 8 * D * tau + w0**2 + w1**2
    factorZ = 8 * D * tau + z0**2 + z1**2

    G0 = 2 * np.sqrt(2) / np.pi**(3 / 2) / c / factorW / np.sqrt(factorZ)

    expTerm = 16 * D * tau * (rhox**2 + rhoy**2)
    expTerm = expTerm + 2 * (z0**2 + z1**2) * (rhox**2 + rhoy**2)
    expTerm = expTerm + 2 * (w0**2 + w1**2) * rhoz**2
    expTerm = -1 * expTerm / factorW / factorZ
    expTerm = np.exp(expTerm)

    Gy = G0 * expTerm

    if type(Gy) == np.float64:
        Garray = np.zeros((1, 2))
        Garray = np.zeros((np.size(Gy, 0), 2))
    Garray[:, 0] = tau
    Garray[:, 1] = Gy

    G = correlations()
    setattr(G, 'theory', Garray)

    return G, Garray
def aTimes2CorrsParallel(data, listOfCorr, accuracy=50, taumax="auto", performCoarsening=True, split=10):
    Calculate correlations between several photon streams with arrival times
    stored in macrotimes, using parallel computing to speed up the process
    ==========  ===============================================================
    Input       Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    data        Object having fields det0, det1, ..., det24 which contain
                the macrotimes of the photon arrivals [in a.u.]
    listOfCorr  List of correlations to calculate
    split       Chunk size [s]
    ==========  ===============================================================
    Output      Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    G           [N x 2] matrix with tau and G values
    ==========  ===============================================================
    if taumax == "auto":
        taumax = 1 / data.macrotime
    G = correlations()
    Ndet = 21
    calcAv = False
    if 'av' in listOfCorr:
        # calculate the correlations of all channels and calculate average
        listOfCorr += list(range(Ndet))
        calcAv = True
    for corr in listOfCorr:
        print("Calculating correlation " + str(corr))
        # EXTRACT DATA
        if type(corr) == int:
            dataExtr = getattr(data, 'det' + str(corr))
            t0 = dataExtr[:, 0]
            corrname = 'det' + str(corr)
        elif corr == "sum5" or corr == "sum3":
            print("Extracting and sorting photons")
            dataExtr = extractSpadPhotonStreams(data, corr)
            t0 = dataExtr[:, 0]
            corrname = corr
        duration = t0[-1] * data.macrotime
        Nchunks = int(np.floor(duration / split))
        # go over all filters
        for j in range(np.shape(dataExtr)[1] - 1):
            print("   Filter " + str(j))
            if j == 0:
                Processed_list = Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1)(delayed(parallelG)(t0, [1], data.macrotime, j, split, accuracy, taumax, performCoarsening, chunk) for chunk in list(range(Nchunks)))
                w0 = dataExtr[:, j+1]
                Processed_list = Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1)(delayed(parallelG)(t0, w0, data.macrotime, j, split, accuracy, taumax, performCoarsening, chunk) for chunk in list(range(Nchunks)))
            for chunk in range(Nchunks):
                setattr(G, corrname + "F" + str(j) + '_chunk' + str(chunk), Processed_list[chunk])
            # average over all chunks
            listOfFields = list(G.__dict__.keys())
            listOfFields = [i for i in listOfFields if i.startswith(corrname + "F" + str(j) + "_chunk")]
            Gav = sum(getattr(G, i) for i in listOfFields) / len(listOfFields)
            setattr(G, corrname + "F" + str(j) + '_average', Gav)
    if calcAv:
        # calculate average correlation of all detector elements
        for f in range(np.shape(dataExtr)[1] - 1):
            # start with correlation of detector 20 (last one)
            Gav = getattr(G, 'det' + str(Ndet-1) + 'F' + str(f) + '_average')
            # add correlations detector elements 0-19
            for det in range(Ndet - 1):
                Gav += getattr(G, 'det' + str(det) + 'F' + str(f) + '_average')
            # divide by the number of detector elements to get the average
            Gav = Gav / Ndet
            # store average in G
            setattr(G, 'F' + str(f) + '_average', Gav)
    return G