def getBinEfficiencies(self, binnr):
     binmid = generateBinMid(self.myrange, binnr, self.RBins,
     myR0 = self.getR0(binnr)
     reff = rToEff(binmid, myR0)
     print "Bin efficiency is %6.4f" % reff
     return [reff] * self.BurstCount, getBurstSizes(self.BurstCount,
Example #2
def calculateBursts(traj, eprob, conf, nbursts, randseed):
    """calculates efficiencies from trajectories with given probabilities and given configuration, here the burst sizes are determined"""
    nprand.seed(pyrand.randint(0, sys.maxint))
    verbose = conf.get("System", "verbose")

    burstGenerator = getBurstSizeGenerator(conf, verbose)

    if verbose:
        print "Calculating bursts sizes."
    burstsizelist = getBurstSizes(nbursts, burstGenerator)
    return getBursts(traj, eprob, conf, burstsizelist)
Example #3
def getDistanceBursts(trajectories, probabilities, config):
    print "Generating Bursts"
    burstGenerator = getBurstSizeGenerator(config, 1)
    nbursts = config.get("Burst Size Distribution", "nbursts")
    burstsizelist = getBurstSizes(nbursts, burstGenerator)
    burstdists = []
    for bs in burstsizelist:
        burstdists.append(generateBurst(trajectories, probabilities, config, bs))
        if (len(burstdists) % 100 == 0):
            print "\r %d of %d completed." % (len(burstdists), len(burstsizelist)),

    return numpy.array(burstdists)
Example #4
def getDistanceBursts(trajectories, probabilities, config):
    print "Generating Bursts"
    burstGenerator = getBurstSizeGenerator(config, 1)
    nbursts = config.get("Burst Size Distribution", "nbursts")
    burstsizelist = getBurstSizes(nbursts, burstGenerator)
    burstdists = []
    for bs in burstsizelist:
            generateBurst(trajectories, probabilities, config, bs))
        if (len(burstdists) % 100 == 0):
            print "\r %d of %d completed." % (len(burstdists),

    return numpy.array(burstdists)
    def getBinEfficiencies(self, binnr):
        if not self.kappaBinned:

        bursts = getBurstSizes(self.BurstCount, self.burstGenerator)
        beffs = []

        rkprb = np.array(self.rkappaBinned[binnr])
        Rarr = rkprb[:, 0]
        Kappaarr = rkprb[:, 1]
        Prbarr = rkprb[:, 2]**0

        #        R0s_mod = modifyR0(self.R0, Kappaarr)
        #        cumulprb = Prbarr.cumsum()
        #        cumulprb /= cumulprb[-1]
        #        for burst in bursts:
        #            randnrs = np.random.random(burst)
        #            ndxchoice = cumulprb.searchsorted(randnrs)
        #            effs = rToEff(Rarr[ndxchoice], R0s_mod[ndxchoice])
        #            beffs.append(effs)

        cumulprb = Prbarr.cumsum()
        cumulprb /= cumulprb[-1]
        for burst in bursts:
            randnrs = np.random.random(burst)
            ndxchoice = cumulprb.searchsorted(randnrs)
            Ravg = Rarr[ndxchoice].mean()
            Kavg = Kappaarr[ndxchoice].mean()
            R0_mod = modifyR0(self.R0, Kavg)

            effs = rToEff(Ravg, R0_mod)

        print "%d Efficiencies for bursts in bin %d calculated from %d R-K samples" % (
            len(beffs), binnr, R0_mod)
        return beffs, bursts
Example #6
    def getBinEfficiencies(self, binnr):
        if not self.kappaBinned:

        bursts = getBurstSizes(self.BurstCount, self.burstGenerator)
        beffs = []

        rkprb = np.array(self.rkappaBinned[binnr])
        Rarr = rkprb[:, 0]
        Kappaarr = rkprb[:, 1]
        Prbarr = rkprb[:, 2] ** 0

#        R0s_mod = modifyR0(self.R0, Kappaarr)
#        cumulprb = Prbarr.cumsum()
#        cumulprb /= cumulprb[-1]
#        for burst in bursts:
#            randnrs = np.random.random(burst)
#            ndxchoice = cumulprb.searchsorted(randnrs)
#            effs = rToEff(Rarr[ndxchoice], R0s_mod[ndxchoice])
#            beffs.append(effs)

        cumulprb = Prbarr.cumsum()
        cumulprb /= cumulprb[-1]
        for burst in bursts:
            randnrs = np.random.random(burst)
            ndxchoice = cumulprb.searchsorted(randnrs)
            Ravg = Rarr[ndxchoice].mean()
            Kavg = Kappaarr[ndxchoice].mean()
            R0_mod = modifyR0(self.R0, Kavg)

            effs = rToEff(Ravg, R0_mod)

        print "%d Efficiencies for bursts in bin %d calculated from %d R-K samples" % (len(beffs), binnr, R0_mod)
        return beffs, bursts
Example #7
 def getBinEfficiencies(self, binnr):
     binmid = generateBinMid(self.myrange, binnr, self.RBins, self.RRange[0])
     myR0 = self.getR0(binnr)
     reff = rToEff(binmid, myR0)
     print "Bin efficiency is %6.4f" % reff
     return [reff] * self.BurstCount, getBurstSizes(self.BurstCount, self.burstGenerator)