def run_combined(k=8, n=32, dim=1, savefile=None, **kwargs): init_cond = get_init_cond(dim) res_air_steel = verify_adaptive(init_cond, 1e4, k, n=n, dim=dim, **get_parameters('air_steel')) res_air_water = verify_adaptive(init_cond, 1e4, k, n=n, dim=dim, **get_parameters('air_water')) res_water_steel = verify_adaptive(init_cond, 1e4, k, n=n, dim=dim, **get_parameters('water_steel')) results = { 'air_steel': res_air_steel, 'air_water': res_air_water, 'water_steel': res_water_steel, 'n': n, 'dim': dim } with open(savefile, 'w') as myfile: myfile.write(json.dumps(results, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
def get_opt_theta(n, T, steps_range, which, label = 'label'): parameters = get_parameters(which) prob = Problem_FSI_1D(n = n, **parameters) dx = prob.dx N_steps = np.array([int(2**i) for i in np.linspace(0, 50, 1000)]) dts = T/N_steps CFL = [dt/(dx**2) for dt in dts] theta = [prob.DNWR_theta_opt(dt, dt) for dt in dts] lim_zero = parameters['alpha_2']/(parameters['alpha_1'] + parameters['alpha_2']) lim_inf = parameters['lambda_2']/(parameters['lambda_1'] + parameters['lambda_2']) pl.figure() pl.semilogx(CFL, theta, label = label) pl.axhline(lim_zero, ls = '--', color = 'k', label = r'$\theta_{c \rightarrow 0}$') pl.axhline(lim_inf, ls = ':', color = 'k', label = r'$\theta_{c \rightarrow \infty}$') pl.legend() pl.xlabel('c', labelpad = -30, position = (1.05, -1), fontsize = 20) lp = -50 if label == 'Air-Steel' else -20 pl.ylabel(r'$\theta_{opt}$', rotation = 0, labelpad = lp, position = (2., 1.), fontsize = 20) pl.title(label) pl.savefig('plots/CFL_vs_opt_theta_{}.png'.format(which), dpi = 100) return
for i in range(N): uold = unew w = self.linear_solver(self.M + self.a*dt*self.A, unew = self.linear_solver(self.M + self.a*dt*self.A, - dt*(1-self.a)* ## slicing to get solutions for the suitable domains/interface u1 = unew[:self.n_int_1] u2 = unew[self.n_int_1:self.n_int_1 + self.n_int_2] ug = unew[-self.ny:] flux = self.get_flux(dt, u1, uold[:self.n_int_1], ug, uold[-self.ny:]) return u1, u2, ug, flux if __name__ == '__main__': from FSI_verification import get_parameters, get_init_cond from FSI_verification import verify_mono_time, visual_verification, verify_space_error p_base = get_parameters('test') ## basic testing parameters init_cond_1d = get_init_cond(1) init_cond_2d = get_init_cond(2) a, lam = 1., 0.1 ################# Verification of time-integration of monolithic solution ## 1D p1 = {'init_cond': init_cond_1d, 'n': 50, 'dim': 1, 'tf': 1, 'savefig': 'verify/base/', **p_base} verify_mono_time(order = 1, k = 12, **p1) ## IE verify_mono_time(order = 2, k = 12, **p1) ## SDIRK 2 visual_verification(order = 1, **p1) ## 2D p2 = {'init_cond': init_cond_2d, 'n': 32, 'dim': 2, 'tf': 1, 'savefig': 'verify/base/', **p_base} verify_mono_time(order = 1, k = 10, **p2) ## IE
s2 = s1 + dt * (1 - self.a) * k1 # stage 2 b = b[-n:] -= dta * flux2(t + dt) U2 = self.linear_solver(self.Neumann_M + dta * self.Neumann_A, b) k2 = (U2 - s2) / dta localu = dt * ((self.a - self.ahat) * k2 + (self.ahat - self.a) * k1) return U2[:-n], U1[-n:], U2[-n:], localu if __name__ == '__main__': from FSI_verification import get_problem, get_solver, solve_monolithic from FSI_verification import get_parameters, get_init_cond from FSI_verification import verify_with_monolithic, verify_comb_error, verify_splitting_error, verify_test, verify_MR_comb p_base = get_parameters('test') ## basic testing parameters init_cond_1d = get_init_cond(1) init_cond_2d = get_init_cond(2) p1 = { 'init_cond': init_cond_1d, 'n': 50, 'dim': 1, 'order': 22, 'WR_type': 'DNWR', **p_base } p2 = { 'init_cond': init_cond_2d, 'n': 32, 'dim': 2, 'order': 22,
## interface assumed to be at x = 0 n = self.n x1 = np.linspace(-self.len_1, 0, (self.n + 1)*self.len_1 + 1) x2 = np.linspace(0, self.len_2, (self.n + 1)*self.len_2 + 1) y = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n + 2) u1, u2, ug = np.zeros(self.n_int_1), np.zeros(self.n_int_2), np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): ug[i] = init_cond(0., y[i+1]) for i in range(n): for j, x in enumerate(x1[1:-1]): u1[j*n + i] = init_cond(x, y[i+1]) for j, x in enumerate(x2[1:-1]): u2[j*n + i] = init_cond(x, y[i+1]) return u1, u2, ug if __name__ == '__main__': from FSI_verification import get_parameters ## discrete L2 norm test pp = get_parameters('test') n_list = [2**i for i in range(6)] discr, mass = [], [] for n in n_list: prob = Problem_FSI_2D(n, **pp, len_1 = 3, len_2 = 4, WR_type = 'DNWR') u0_f = lambda x, y: 500 u1, u2, ug = prob.get_initial_values(u0_f) uu = np.hstack((u1, u2, ug)) print(prob.norm_interface(ug), prob.norm_inner(u1, 'D'), prob.norm_inner(np.hstack([u2, ug]), 'N'), prob.norm_inner(u1, u2, ug))
pl.figure() for res, label, marker, ls in [(results['IE_1D'], 'IE 1D', None, '-'), (results['IE_2D'], 'IE 2D', None, '-'), (results['S2_1D'], 'SD2 1D', 'o', ''), (results['S2_2D'], 'SD2 2D', '*', '')]: conv_rates = [] for updates in res['updates']: x = np.array(updates[:-1]) conv_rates.append(np.mean(x[1:]/x[:-1])) pl.semilogy(res['theta'], conv_rates, label = label, marker = marker, linestyle = ls) pl.semilogy(thetas, conv_rates_theo, label = r'$\Sigma(\Theta)$', ls = '--', linewidth = 3) pl.axvline(res_IE_1D['theta_opt'], ls = '-', color = 'k', label = r'$\Theta_{opt}$') a, b = res_IE_1D['theta_CFL_inf'], res_IE_1D['theta_CFL_zero'] pl.xlim(res_IE_1D['theta_start'], res_IE_1D['theta_stop']) pl.ylim(1e-7, 2) pl.fill_between([min(a,b), max(a,b)], [min(pl.ylim())/100]*2, [max(pl.ylim())*100]*2, alpha = 0.2) pl.xlabel(r'$\Theta$', labelpad = -20, position = (1.08, -1), fontsize = 20) lp = -50 if label == 'Air-Steel' else -70 pl.ylabel('Conv. rate', rotation = 0, labelpad = lp, position = (2., 1.05), fontsize = 20) pl.legend(loc = 3) pl.savefig(savefile, dpi = 100) if __name__ == "__main__": kmax = 6 # for tf, which, C1, C2, thmin, thmax in [(1e4, 'air_water', 1, 1, 0.9, 1)]: # for tf, which, C1, C2, thmin, thmax in [(1e4, 'air_steel', 1, 1, 0.9992, 0.9999)]: for tf, which, C1, C2, thmin, thmax in [(1e4, 'water_steel', 1, 1, 0.2, 1)]: tf = int(tf) file = f'plots_data/theta_opt_test_non_square_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.txt' run_all(file, **get_parameters(which), tf = tf, n1 = 199, n2 = 5, s = 30, C1 = C1, C2 = C2, thmin = thmin, thmax = thmax) # run_all(file, **get_parameters(which), tf = tf, n1 = 9, n2 = 9, s = 10, C1 = C1, C2 = C2, thmin = thmin, thmax = thmax) plotting(file, f'plots/theta_opt_test_non_square_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.png')
pl.ylabel('Conv. rate', rotation=0, labelpad=lp, position=(2., 1.05), fontsize=20) pl.legend(loc=4) # lower right pl.savefig(savefile, dpi=100) if __name__ == "__main__": ## mpiexec -n 2 python3 kmax = 6 for tf, which, C1, C2, thmin, thmax in [(1e4, 'air_water', 10, 1, 0, 0.06), (1e4, 'air_steel', 1, 1, 0, 0.0008), (1e4, 'water_steel', 1, 10, 0, 0.3) ]: tf = int(tf) file = f'plots_data/NNWR_theta_opt_test_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.txt' # run_all(file, **get_parameters(which), tf = tf, n1 = 9, n2 = 9, s = 30, C1 = C1, C2 = C2, thmin = thmin, thmax = thmax) run_all(file, **get_parameters(which), tf=tf, n1=199, n2=99, s=30, C1=C1, C2=C2, thmin=thmin, thmax=thmax) plotting(file, f'plots/NNWR_theta_opt_test_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.png')
myfile.write(json.dumps(results, indent = 2, sort_keys = True)) def plotting(input_file, savefile): with open(input_file, 'r') as myfile: results = json.load(myfile) pl.figure() for up, label, marker in [(results['min'], 'Min', 'o'), (results['max'], 'Max', '*'), (results['actual'], 'Mix', '^'), (results['avg'], 'Avg', '+')]: conv_rates = [] for updates in up: x = np.array(updates[:-1]) conv_rates.append(np.mean(x[1:]/x[:-1])) pl.loglog(results['cfl'], conv_rates, label = label, marker = marker) pl.xlabel('C', labelpad = -20, position = (1.08, -1), fontsize = 20) lp = -50 if label == 'Air-Steel' else -70 pl.ylabel('Conv. rate', rotation = 0, labelpad = lp, position = (2., 1.05), fontsize = 20) pl.ylim(1e-8, 2) ## manually setting limits pl.grid(True, 'major') pl.legend() pl.savefig(savefile, dpi = 100) if __name__ == "__main__": kmax = 6 for C1, C2 in [(1, 10), (10, 1)]: for tf, which in [(1e4, 'air_water'), (1e4, 'air_steel'), (1e4, 'water_steel')]: tf = int(tf) file = f'plots_data/MR_theta_opt_test_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.txt' run_all(file, **get_parameters(which), tf = tf, s = 40, n = 199, C1 = C1, C2 = C2) plotting(file, f'plots/MR_theta_opt_test_{which}_{C1}_{C2}_{tf}.png')
marker='o') pl.plot(results['iters_adaptive'], label='adaptive', linestyle='-', marker='*') pl.ylabel('Iters', rotation=0, labelpad=-30, position=(2., 1.0), fontsize=20) pl.legend() pl.savefig(savefile[:-4] + '_iters.png', dpi=100) if __name__ == '__main__': n, k_mr, k_adap = 99, 6, 6 for i in [1, 2]: # for tf, which in [(1e4, 'air_water')]: # for tf, which in [(1e4, 'air_steel')]: for tf, which in [(1e4, 'water_steel')]: para = get_parameters(which) D1 = para['lambda_1'] / para['alpha_1'] D2 = para['lambda_2'] / para['alpha_2'] C1 = max(1, int(D1 / D2)) C2 = max(1, int(D2 / D1)) print(i, tf, which, C1, C2) out_file = 'plots_data/err_work_u0_{}_{}.txt'.format(i, which) get_err_work(out_file, get_init_cond(2, num=i), tf, C1, C2, n, k_mr, k_adap, **get_parameters(which)) plotting(out_file, 'plots/err_work_u0_{}_{}.png'.format(i, which))