class Plan(object): plots = None field = None def __init__(self): pass def read_plot_json(self, filename): # # Loads, sets and returns a research plan from a json-file. # fob = open(filename,'r') # plan = json.load(fob) # self.plan = plan # return self.plan pass def read_plot_csv(self, filename, is_utm=False, is_latlon=False, utm_zone=None, work=True, hitch_height=0.6, working_speed=1.0, pto_rpm=0): # Assumes, that csv-file has no header and 4 columns: latitude, longitude, altitude, and id. # If is_utm or is_latlon is set to True, it will try to reinforce that interpretation. Otherwise, it will try to guess it based on the size of the numbers. plot_id = [] P = [] with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in csvreader: if (is_utm): P.append( Point(north=float(row[0]), east=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) elif (is_latlon): P.append( Point(latitude=float(row[0]), longitude=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) else: P.append( Point(x=float(row[0]), y=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) plot_id.append(str(row[3])) plot_ids_unique = list(set(plot_id)) plots = [] for this_id in plot_ids_unique: corner_points = [p for p, i in zip(P, plot_id) if (i == this_id)] assert (len(corner_points) == 4) plot = Plot(corners=corner_points, ID=this_id, work=work, hitch_height=hitch_height, working_speed=working_speed, pto_rpm=pto_rpm) plots.append(plot) self.plots = plots # def from_plot_xls(self, filename, sheetname=None, sheetIdx=0): # wb = load_workbook(filename) # # if (sheetname is None): # sheetnames = wb.sheetnames # sheetname = sheetnames[sheetIdx] # print(sheetname) # sheet = wb[sheetname] # # Read header # sheet.row # # Read body # for row in sheet.rows: # print(row[0].value) # pass def read_field_csv(self, filename, is_utm=False, is_latlon=False): P = [] with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in csvreader: if (is_utm): P.append( Point(north=float(row[0]), east=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) elif (is_latlon): P.append( Point(latitude=float(row[0]), longitude=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) else: P.append( Point(x=float(row[0]), y=float(row[1]), altitude=float(row[2]))) self.field = Field(points=P) def export_plots(self, filename): rows = [] for plot in self.plots: A = { 'latitude': float(plot.ab_line[0].latitude), 'longitude': float(plot.ab_line[0].longitude) } B = { 'latitude': float(plot.ab_line[1].latitude), 'longitude': float(plot.ab_line[1].longitude) } ab_line = {'A': A, 'B': B} point_1 = { 'latitude': float(plot.end_points[0].latitude), 'longitude': float(plot.end_points[0].longitude) } point_2 = { 'latitude': float(plot.end_points[1].latitude), 'longitude': float(plot.end_points[1].longitude) } plot_dict = { 'id': plot.ID, 'point_1': point_1, 'point_2': point_2, 'work': 0 if is False else 1, 'hitch_height': plot.hitch_height, 'working_speed': plot.working_speed, 'pto_rpm': plot.pto_rpm } row = { 'ab_line': ab_line, 'plots': [plot_dict], 'ignored': 0 if plot.ignored is False else 1, 'force_direction': 0 if plot.force_direction is False else 1 } rows.append(row) robotti_plan = {'rows': rows} fob = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(robotti_plan, fob, indent=3) def export_field(self, filename): field_dict = [{ 'latitude': float(point.latitude), 'longitude': float(point.longitude) } for point in self.field.points] robotti_field = {'field': field_dict} fob = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(robotti_field, fob, indent=3) def to_json(self, filename): # fob = open(filename, 'w') # json.dump(self.plan, fob, indent=3) pass def draw(self, ax=None, show_ID=True, show_plot=True, show_AB_line=True, show_AB=True, show_end_points=True, hide_idle_plots=True, show_field=True): if (ax is None): ax = plt.gca() if (self.field is not None and show_field): self.field.draw(ax=ax) if (self.plots is not None): for plot in self.plots: if (hide_idle_plots and (not or plot.ignored)): idle_alpha = 0.3 else: idle_alpha = 1.0 plot.draw(ax=ax, show_ID=show_ID, show_plot=show_plot, show_AB_line=show_AB_line, show_AB=show_AB, show_end_points=show_end_points, idle_alpha=idle_alpha) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('East, m') ax.set_ylabel('North, m') return ax
load_level(1) label.text = "Поздравляю! Игра пройдена!" menu.visible = True menu.start = True else: load_level(field.level + 1) label.visible = True # если упал, то начинаем уровень заново if human.rect.y > h: load_level(field.level) # рисуем поле, человека, порталы, пулю screen.fill(pygame.Color('white')) field.draw(screen) human.draw(screen) if red_portal.visible: red_portal.draw(screen) if blue_portal.visible: blue_portal.draw(screen) if bullet.visible: bullet.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(fps) # если начали игру, то автосохранение if field.level > 0: save_game()