Example #1
if ('sampleList' in dir()) or ('sampleFile' in dir()):
  # Provide input for the FileStager here
  ## import filestager tool
  from FileStager.FileStagerTool import FileStagerTool
  if ('sampleList' in dir()):
    stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleList=sampleList)
  elif ('sampleFile' in dir()):
    printfunc ("FileStager() : Now processing sample file : %s" % sampleFile)
    stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleFile=sampleFile)
  ## Configure copy command used by the stager; default is 'lcg-cp -v --vo altas -t 1200'.
  stagetool.CpCommand = "wrapper_lcg-cp"
  stagetool.CpArguments = []
  #stagetool.OutfilePrefix = "file:"
  #stagetool.checkGridProxy = True
  #stagetool.LogfileDir = "./"
  # Configure the FileStager -- no need to change these lines
  ## get Reference to existing Athena job
  from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
  thejob = AlgSequence()
  ## check if collection names begin with "gridcopy"
  printfunc ("FileStager() : doStaging ?", stagetool.DoStaging())
if ('sampleList' in dir()) or ('sampleFile' in dir()):
    # Provide input for the FileStager here

    ## import filestager tool
    from FileStager.FileStagerTool import FileStagerTool

    if ('sampleList' in dir()):
        stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleList=sampleList)
    elif ('sampleFile' in dir()):
        print "FileStager() : Processing sample file : %s" % sampleFile
        stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleFile=sampleFile)

    ## Configure rf copy command used by the stager; default is 'lcg-cp -v --vo altas -t 1200'
    stagetool.CpCommand = "/afs/cern.ch/user/p/peters/public/xrfcp/bin/xrfcp"
    stagetool.CpArguments = [
        "-b", "131072"
    ]  # to restrict file copy speed, add : -t 10 (10 Mb/s)
    stagetool.OutfilePrefix = ""
    stagetool.checkGridProxy = False
    #stagetool.LogfileDir = "./"

    # Configure the FileStager -- no need to change these lines

    ## get Reference to existing Athena job
    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    thejob = AlgSequence()
if ('sampleList' in dir()) or ('sampleFile' in dir()):
    # Provide input for the FileStager here

    ## import filestager tool
    from FileStager.FileStagerTool import FileStagerTool

    if ('sampleList' in dir()):
        stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleList=sampleList)
    elif ('sampleFile' in dir()):
        print "FileStager() : Processing sample file : %s" % sampleFile
        stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleFile=sampleFile)

    ## Configure rf copy command used by the stager; default is 'lcg-cp -v --vo altas -t 1200'
    stagetool.CpCommand = "rfcp"
    stagetool.CpArguments = []
    stagetool.OutfilePrefix = ""
    stagetool.checkGridProxy = False
    #stagetool.LogfileDir = "./"

    # Configure the FileStager -- no need to change these lines

    ## get Reference to existing Athena job
    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    thejob = AlgSequence()

    ## check if collection names begin with "gridcopy"
    print "FileStager() : doStaging ?", stagetool.DoStaging()
if ('sampleList' in dir()) or ('sampleFile' in dir()):
  # Provide input for the FileStager here
  ## import filestager tool
  from FileStager.FileStagerTool import FileStagerTool
  if ('sampleList' in dir()):
    stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleList=sampleList)
  elif ('sampleFile' in dir()):
    print "FileStager() : Now processing sample file : %s" % sampleFile
    stagetool = FileStagerTool(sampleFile=sampleFile)
  ## Configure copy command used by the stager; default is 'lcg-cp -v --vo altas -t 1200'.
  stagetool.CpCommand = "lcg-cp" #"wrapper_lcg-cp"
  stagetool.CpArguments = ["-v","-n","5","--connect-timeout","60","--sendreceive-timeout","300","--bdii-timeout","60","--srm-timeout","300","--vo","atlas","-b","-D","srmv2"]
  #stagetool.OutfilePrefix = "file:"
  #stagetool.checkGridProxy = True
  stagetool.LogfileDir = "./"
  # Configure the FileStager -- no need to change these lines
  ## get Reference to existing Athena job
  from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
  thejob = AlgSequence()
  ## check if collection names begin with "gridcopy"
  print "FileStager() : doStaging ?", stagetool.DoStaging()