def __init__(self, video_str, current_frame, controller): """In order to manage everythin in the main window, the MainFrame needs to know the `controller` that handles everything, as well as the number `current_frame` and a string representation of the video image in `video_str`. For more information about `video_str`, please see L{StringImage}.""" wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title="FixCat", size=(900, 600)) icon = wx.Icon('icon.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(icon) self.controller = controller self.InitUI() self.Centre() self.Maximize() self.Show() self.video_str = video_str self.current_frame = current_frame self.frames_total = 0 # used for video export progress bar self.fps = 30 # used for time indicator in statusbar self.reloadTimer = wx.CallLater(1.0/35.0*1000, self.loadImage) self.reloadTimer.Stop() self.playing = False self.speed = 1.0 self.loopthrough_categorykey = None self.needs_save = False self.config = Config() self.save_file = None asm = self.config.get('general', 'autosave_minutes') if asm is None: self.autosave_timer = wx.CallLater(10, lambda: None) self.autosave_timer.Restart = lambda: None else: self.autosave_timer = wx.CallLater(asm*60*1000, self.autosave) # activated on project load self.autosave_timer.Stop() self.OnOpen(bootstrap_phase=True) self.ActivateMouseAndKeyCatching()
class MainFrame(wx.Frame): """This class handles the main window of FixCat.""" def __init__(self, video_str, current_frame, controller): """In order to manage everythin in the main window, the MainFrame needs to know the `controller` that handles everything, as well as the number `current_frame` and a string representation of the video image in `video_str`. For more information about `video_str`, please see L{StringImage}.""" wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title="FixCat", size=(900, 600)) icon = wx.Icon('icon.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(icon) self.controller = controller self.InitUI() self.Centre() self.Maximize() self.Show() self.video_str = video_str self.current_frame = current_frame self.frames_total = 0 # used for video export progress bar self.fps = 30 # used for time indicator in statusbar self.reloadTimer = wx.CallLater(1.0/35.0*1000, self.loadImage) self.reloadTimer.Stop() self.playing = False self.speed = 1.0 self.loopthrough_categorykey = None self.needs_save = False self.config = Config() self.save_file = None asm = self.config.get('general', 'autosave_minutes') if asm is None: self.autosave_timer = wx.CallLater(10, lambda: None) self.autosave_timer.Restart = lambda: None else: self.autosave_timer = wx.CallLater(asm*60*1000, self.autosave) # activated on project load self.autosave_timer.Stop() self.OnOpen(bootstrap_phase=True) self.ActivateMouseAndKeyCatching() def autosave(self): """Handles the behaviour of autosave, as well as the dialog that pops up.""" if self.save_file is None: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "This is the auto save dialog. You have not yet saved your modified project. Do you want to save the modifications? This dialog will only show up once.", style=wx.YES_NO) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.OnSave() d.Destroy() else: self.statusBar.SetStatusText('auto saveing...', 0) self.controller.save_project(self.save_file+"_autosave") self.autosave_timer.Restart() self.statusBar.SetStatusText('', 0) def InitMenu(self): """Draws the menu at the top of the window.""" # menubar elements fileMenu = wx.Menu() menuOpen = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "&Open", "Open") menuAbout = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", "About PyPsy") menuSave = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, '&Save', "Save") fileMenu.AppendSeparator() menuExit = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "Quit" , "Quit") categoryMenu = wx.Menu() categoryEdit = categoryMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Manage categories") videoMenu = wx.Menu() exportVideo = videoMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Export", "Export video data to avi file") category_export = categoryMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Export categorisations", "Export categorisations to CSV file") menuBar = wx.MenuBar() menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "File") menuBar.Append(categoryMenu, "Category") menuBar.Append(videoMenu, "Video") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpen, menuOpen) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit, menuExit) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, menuAbout) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSave, menuSave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExport, exportVideo) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCategoryExport, category_export) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnEditCategory, categoryEdit) def InitUIControlls(self): """Initializes and draws the buttons and UI elements used for playback control or boxes defining which eyemovement data is used in the overlayed video.""" play_bmp = images.getplayBitmap() pause_bmp = images.getpauseBitmap() next_f_bmp = images.getn_frameBitmap() prev_f_bmp = images.getp_frameBitmap() next_uncat_bmp = images.getnext_uncatBitmap() self.controllspanel = wx.Panel(self.mainpanel, wx.ID_ANY) self.slider = wx.Slider(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, 1, 0, 1000) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnSliderScroll, self.slider) pause = wx.BitmapButton(self.controllspanel, -1, pause_bmp) pause.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Pause playback')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPause, pause) play = wx.BitmapButton(self.controllspanel, -1, play_bmp) play.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Start/resume playback')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPlay, play) next = wx.BitmapButton(self.controllspanel, -1, next_f_bmp) next.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Jump to next frame')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNextFrame, next) prev = wx.BitmapButton(self.controllspanel, -1, prev_f_bmp) prev.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Jump to previous frame')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPrevFrame, prev) self.speedslider = wx.Slider(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, 100, 10, 1000) self.speedslider.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Change playback speed')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnSpeedSliderScroll, self.speedslider) self.speed_text = wx.StaticText(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, "Playback speed") next_uncategorised = wx.BitmapButton(self.controllspanel, -1, next_uncat_bmp) next_uncategorised.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Jump to next uncategorised frame')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNextUncategorisedObject, next_uncategorised) self.left_eye = wx.CheckBox(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, "L") self.left_eye.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Display position of the left eye')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnLeftEyeCheckbox, self.left_eye) self.right_eye = wx.CheckBox(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, "R") self.right_eye.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Display position of the right eye')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnRightEyeCheckbox, self.right_eye) self.mean_eye = wx.CheckBox(self.controllspanel, wx.ID_ANY, "M") self.mean_eye.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Display mean position of both eyes')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnMeanEyeCheckbox, self.mean_eye) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox1.Add(self.slider, 1) hbox2.Add(prev) hbox2.Add(play) hbox2.Add(pause) hbox2.Add(next) hbox2.Add(next_uncategorised) hbox2.Add(self.left_eye, flag=wx.LEFT, border=15) hbox2.Add(self.right_eye) hbox2.Add(self.mean_eye) hbox2.Add((150, wx.ID_ANY), 1) hbox2.Add(self.speed_text) hbox2.Add((5, wx.ID_ANY)) hbox2.Add(self.speedslider, 1) #hbox2.Add(slower) #hbox2.Add(normal) #hbox2.Add(faster) vbox.Add(hbox1, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(hbox2, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.controllspanel.SetSizer(vbox) def seek(self, frame): """Helper function for handling the slider events.""" self.loadImage() def InitUI(self): """Initializes the different parts of the UI and adds the widget that displays the video.""" self.InitMenu() self.statusBar = self.CreateStatusBar(4) self.statusBar.SetStatusWidths([-4,-1,40,150]) # correct colors in windows 7 self.mainpanel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY) # this sizer will locate the widgets contentsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.mainpanel.SetSizer(contentsizer) # upper side: video image and categorylist uppersizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.videoimage = StringImage(self.mainpanel, wx.ID_ANY) self.category_list = CategoryList(self.mainpanel, wx.ID_ANY, uppersizer.Add(self.videoimage, 1, flag=wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND, border=5) uppersizer.Add(self.category_list, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.EXPAND) contentsizer.Add(uppersizer, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND) # lower side: controlls self.InitUIControlls() contentsizer.Add(self.controllspanel, 0, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM, border=5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnExit) def ActivateMouseAndKeyCatching(self): """Check for mouse or keyboard input of the user.""" # ------ global mouse and key events ------------ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.OnMousewheel) # catching key events is a lot more complicated. they are not propagated to parent classes... # so we have to get them from the app itself wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyPressed) # to also get arrow key and so on windows: wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, self.OnKeyPressed) def DeactivateMouseAndKeyCatching(self): """Stop checking for mouse or keyboard input of the user.""" # ------ global mouse and key events ------------ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, None) # catching key events is a lot more complicated. they are not propagated to parent classes... # so we have to get them from the app itself wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, None) wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, None) def setEyeCheckboxStates(self): """Sets the checkboxes for which eyemovement data is currently displayed to what the user chose or to what is stored in the saved state.""" left, right, mean = self.controller.getEyeStatus() self.left_eye.SetValue(left) self.right_eye.SetValue(right) self.mean_eye.SetValue(mean) def loadImage(self): """Updates the image of the video widget and displays the first frame of the video if a new project is started. This method also handles the status of the video, eg. current time, beeing displayed in the lower right corner of the MainFrame.""" image_str = self.video_str.get_obj().raw[:self.video_str_length] self.videoimage.SetImage(image_str) self.slider.SetValue(self.current_frame.value) self.category_list.MarkFrame(self.current_frame.value) current_time = round(self.current_frame.value/self.fps) total_time = round(self.frames_total/self.fps) self.statusBar.SetStatusText('%i:%02i/%i:%02i (%i/%i)'%(current_time/60, current_time%60, total_time/60, total_time%60, self.current_frame.value,self.frames_total), 3) self.speed = self.speedslider.GetValue() * 0.01 self.statusBar.SetStatusText('%.1fx'%self.speed, 2) if self.controller.isClockRunning(): self.reloadTimer.Restart() def newProject(self, video_filepath, eyemovement_filepath, trialid_target, categorise_frames, categorising_eye_is_left): """Initializes a new project with the input the user set in the OpenDialog.""" self.controller.new_project(video_filepath, eyemovement_filepath, trialid_target, categorise_frames, categorising_eye_is_left) self.save_file = None self.needs_save = False self._loadProjectInfo() def newProjectPlausible(self): """This method runs the plausibleCheck() of the Controller in order to check if the video and the eyemovement data match to a certain degree or not. If this is not the case, the user will see a dialog window asking, if he wants to continue.""" return self.controller.plausibleCheck() def getMaxFramesOfEyeMovement(self): """Returns the overall number of frames contained in the trial of the eyemovement file by using getMaxFramesOfEyeMovement() of the Controller.""" return self.controller.getMaxFramesOfEyeMovement() def loadProject(self, filepath, overwrite_video_filepath=None): """Loads an existing project and its data.""" self.controller.load_project(filepath, overwrite_video_filepath) self.save_file = filepath self.needs_save = False self._loadProjectInfo() def _loadProjectInfo(self): """Helper function for `loadProject()` that takes care of resetting the necessary parts of the UI for the project.""" self.video_str_length = self.controller.getVideoStrLength() self.frames_total = self.controller.getVideoFrameCount() self.fps = self.controller.getVideoFrameRate() self.videoimage.SetImageSize(self.controller.getVideoWidth(), self.controller.getVideoHeight()) self.slider.SetMax(self.controller.getVideoFrameCount()) self.setEyeCheckboxStates() self.category_list.SetCategorisationOrder(self.controller.getCategorisationsOrder()) self.loadCategorisationInToList() self.loadImage() if self.controller.categorisationEye() == 'left': status_text = "Left eye|" elif self.controller.categorisationEye() == 'right': status_text = "Right eye|" else: status_text = "Mean|" if self.controller.categorisationObjects() == 'frames': status_text += "Frames" else: status_text += "Fixations" self.statusBar.SetStatusText(status_text, 1) # start autosave timer self.autosave_timer.Restart() def loadCategorisationInToList(self): """Loads the list of categorisations from the controller into the widget on the right of the MainFrame, which displays the categorisations made so far.""" self.category_list.FillInCategorisations(self.controller.getCategorisations()) def getCategories(self): """Gets the categories from the Controller.""" return self.controller.getCategories() def editCategory(self, old_shortcut, new_shortcut, category_name): """Called if the user edited a category. Either its `category_name` is changed or the `old_shortcut` is changed to a `new_shortcut`.""" self.needs_save = True return self.controller.editCategory(old_shortcut, new_shortcut, category_name) def importCategories(self, filepath): """Imports categories from an existing project into the one currently opened, by calling importCategories() in the Controller.""" self.needs_save = True self.controller.importCategories(filepath) def controllerIO(self): """This method checks if the Controller is ready for use. Returns False if it is not.""" if self.controller is None: return False if not self.controller.ready(): return False return True # ----- SHORTCUTS ---- def OnMousewheel(self, event): """Handles user input from the mouse.""" if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: self.OnNextFrame(event) else: self.OnPrevFrame(event) def OnKeyPressed(self, event): """Handles user input from the keyboard.""" key_code = event.GetKeyCode() if key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'prev_frame'): self.OnPrevFrame() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'next_frame'): self.OnNextFrame() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'next_fixation'): self.OnNextFixation() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'prev_fixation'): self.OnPrevFixation() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'faster'): self.OnFaster() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'slower'): self.OnSlower() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'play/pause'): if self.playing: self.OnPause() else: self.OnPlay() elif key_code == self.config.get('keyboard_shortcuts', 'delete'): for to_delete in self.category_list.GetSelected(): self.controller.deleteCategorisation(to_delete[0]) self.category_list.Update(to_delete, "-") self.needs_save = True else: # try to categorise the current frame to the category which may belong tho key_code if self.categorise(key_code) and event.GetEventType() == wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN: if self.controller.categorisationObjects() == 'frames': self.OnNextFrame() else: self.OnNextFixation() def categorise(self, key_code, overwrite=True): """Categorises the current frame with the category that belongs to `key_code`. This method also takes care of the loopthrough of a category from one fixation/frame to the next.""" if key_code is None: return if not overwrite and not self.controller.getCategoryOfFrame(self.current_frame.value) is None: return try: return_info = self.controller.categorise(key_code) except CategoryContainerError: # the category container will raise an error when the keycode is not assigned # and as we forward nearly all pressed keys this would be quite annoying return_info = False return False if return_info: self.needs_save = True index, category = return_info self.category_list.Update(index, category) # load Image so category_list will jump to categorised frame self.category_list.MarkFrame(self.current_frame.value) self.loopthrough_categorykey = key_code return True # ---------------- PLAYBACK CONTROLL -------------- def OnPlay(self, event=None): """Playback of the video, either if the button in the UI was used, or if the user used the keybaord shortcut.""" self.loopthrough_categorykey = None self.playing = True self.loadImage() def OnPause(self, event=None): """Stops playback, either if the button in the UI was used, or if the user used the keybaord shortcut.""" self.loopthrough_categorykey = None self.playing = False self.controller.pause() self.loadImage() def OnNextFrame(self, event=None): """Loads and displays the next frame, either if the button in the UI was used or if the user used the keyboard shortcut. The user can also jump to the next frame by using the mousewheel.""" self.controller.nextFrame() self.loadImage() self.categorise(self.loopthrough_categorykey, False) def OnPrevFrame(self, event=None): """Loads and displays the previous frame, either if the button in the UI was used or if the user used the keyboard shortcut. The user can also jump to the previous frame by using the mousewheel.""" self.controller.prevFrame() self.loadImage() self.categorise(self.loopthrough_categorykey, False) def OnNextFixation(self, event=None): """Jumps to the next fixation, either if the user used the UI button or the keyboard shortcut.""" self.controller.nextFixation() self.loadImage() self.categorise(self.loopthrough_categorykey, False) def OnPrevFixation(self, event=None): """Jumps to the previous fixation, either if the user used the UI button or the keyboard shortcut.""" self.controller.prevFixation() self.loadImage() self.categorise(self.loopthrough_categorykey, False) def OnSlower(self, event=None): """Reduces playback speed to 90% if the user used the custom slower shortcut.""" if(self.speed > 0.1): self.speed = self.speed * 0.9 print self.speed self.controller.slowerPlayback() self.speedslider.SetValue(self.speed * 100.0) self.loadImage() def OnFaster(self, event=None): """Increases playback speed to 110% if the user used the custom faster shortcut.""" if(self.speed <= 8.9): self.speed = self.speed * 1.1 print self.speed self.controller.fasterPlayback() self.speedslider.SetValue(self.speed * 100.0) self.loadImage() def OnSliderScroll(self, event): """Sets the slider to the new value produced by moving the slider.""" self.loopthrough_categorykey = None def OnSpeedSliderScroll(self, event=None): """Sets the slider for playback speed control to the new value produced by moving the speedslider. This method also handles the update of the status information of the video displayed in the lower right corner.""" self.speed = self.speedslider.GetValue() * 0.01 self.controller.setPlaybackSpeed(self.speed) self.loadImage() def OnNextUncategorisedObject(self,event): """Called if the user clicked on the UI button for the next_uncategorised frame or fixation.""" self.loopthrough_categorykey = None self.controller.jumpToNextUncategorisedObject() self.loadImage() # ---------------- PLAYBACK CONTROLL END ---------- # ---------------- SHOWING EYE STATUS CONTROLLS --- def OnLeftEyeCheckbox(self, event): """Called, if the checkbox for the left eye in the UI controls panel is checked.""" self.controller.leftEyeStatus(event.Checked()) # load changed image, important if we currently not playing self.loadImage() def OnRightEyeCheckbox(self, event): """Called, if the checkbox for the right eye in the UI controls panel is checked.""" self.controller.rightEyeStatus(event.Checked()) # load changed image, important if we currently not playing self.loadImage() def OnMeanEyeCheckbox(self, event): """Called, if the checkbox for the mean eye status in the UI controls panel is checked.""" self.controller.meanEyeStatus(event.Checked()) # load changed image, important if we currently not playing self.loadImage() # ---------------- SHOWING EYE STATUS END -------- #----------------- MENU ITEMS -------------------- def OnCategoryExport(self, event): """Guides the user through the process of exporting categories. After the user selected the output file in the dialog, exportCategorisations() of the Controller is called and handles the export.""" file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Export CSV", style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard="CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv") if file_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = file_dialog.GetPath() if not "." in path: path += ".csv" self.controller.exportCategorisations(path) def OnAbout(self, e): """Shows the about text of FixCat.""" info = wx.AboutDialogInfo() info.Name = 'FixCat' info.Version = '0.9' info.Copyright = 'GNU GPLv3' info.Description = wordwrap('FixCat is a tool for processing eyetracking data', 400, wx.ClientDC(self)) info.WebSite = ('', 'GitHub project page') info.Developers = ["Alexandra Weiss", "Franz Gregor"] info.License = wordwrap(License.gpl, 400, wx.ClientDC(self)) wx.AboutBox(info) def SaveAsk(self): """Called, if the user has made changes to the project and if `OnExit()` is called. This method takes care of showing a dialog if the user wants to continue or save the changes. If yes was selected, `OnSave()` is called.""" if self.needs_save: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "The project has been modified. Do you want to save your changes?", "Save changes?", wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.OnSave() def OnExit(self, e): """Closes FixCat and shows a dialog if the user wants to save the changes made if necessary.""" self.SaveAsk() self.Destroy() def OnOpen(self, event=None, bootstrap_phase=False): """Opens the OpenDialog that guides the user through the process of either loading an existing project or creating a new one.""" self.SaveAsk() open_dialog = OpenDialog(self, bootstrap_phase) open_dialog.ShowModal() def OnEditCategory(self, e): """Opens the CategoryDialog that displays all categories and their shortcuts. In this dialog, the user can add, delete, edit and import categories.""" CategoryDialog(self, wx.ID_ANY).ShowModal() def OnSave(self, event=None): """Opens a dialog for saving the project to a file.""" file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save project", style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard="PYPS Datei (*.pyps)|*.pyps") if file_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = file_dialog.GetPath() if not "." in path: path += ".pyps" self.controller.save_project(path) self.save_file = path self.needs_save = False self.autosave_timer.Restart() def OnExport(self, event): """This method takes care of the export of a video. For better performance, this is handled in a new thread waiting_thread. While this thread works, a progress dialog will show up. """ file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Export video", style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard="AVI file (*.avi)|*.avi") if file_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = file_dialog.GetPath() if not "." in path: path += ".avi" self.autosave_timer.Stop() progress_dialog = wx.ProgressDialog('Video Export', 'Exporting video...', parent=self, maximum=self.frames_total, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL|wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME|wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME|wx.PD_SMOOTH) # show progress by displaying the current frame waiting_thread = threading.Thread() = lambda: self.controller.exportVideo(path) waiting_thread.start() while waiting_thread.isAlive(): wx.MilliSleep(900) self.loadImage() progress_dialog.Update(self.current_frame.value) progress_dialog.Destroy() self.autosave_timer.Restart() self.loadImage()