Example #1
class Scheduler(object):
	""" Scheduling flows """

	def __init__(self, topo) :
		self.topology = topo

		self.fdb = FlowDatabase()

	def findNewPath(self, fid) : 
		""" Perform a greedy depth first search for finding new path for fid """
		src = self.fdb.getSourceSwitch(fid)
		dst = self.fdb.getSourceSwitch(fid)

	def greedyDFS(self, sw, fc, dst, cThres) :
		""" At switch sw with flow characteristics fc, find a greedy path to dst"""
		neighbours = self.topology.getSwitchNeighbours(sw)
		swPairList = []
		for n in neighbours : 
			ct = self.fdb.computeCriticalEvent(sw, n, fc) 
			# Computes critical event time if flow of fc is sent from sw to n
			# Check with cThres, should not even consider events in the same epoch
			if ct > cThres : 
				swPairList.append([n, ct])

		swPairList = sorted(swPairList, key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True) # Sort by critical times
		# Greedy path search, explore switch with greatest critical time
		for pair in swPairList :
			nextsw = pair[0]
			if nextsw == dst : 
				# Found a path to destination
				return [sw, dst]
			updatedfc = 0 # If  sw-nextsw link is chosen, find updated fc
			path = self.greedyDFS(nextsw, updatedfc, dst, cThres) 
			if path <> None : 
				path.insert(sw, 0)
				return path

		# if none of the neighbours have permissible values, return None
		return None
Example #2
	def __init__(self):
		log.debug("Enabling NetworkMapper Module")

		# Adjacency map.  [sw1][sw2] -> port from sw1 to sw2
		self.adjacency = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(lambda:None))
		self.switchMap = dict()
		self.switchConnections = dict()

		self.topology = Topology()

		self.fdb = FlowDatabase(self.topology, QUEUE_SIZE)

		self.routeStatus = []

		self.startTime = time.time()

		self.measurementEpoch = 2
		self.measurementInfra = Timer(self.measurementEpoch, self._measurement, recurring=True)

		self.schedulerEpoch = 20
		self.scheduler = Timer(self.schedulerEpoch, self._scheduler, recurring=True)
Example #3
	def __init__(self, topo) : 
		self.topology = topo
		self.fdb = FlowDatabase(self.topology, QUEUE_SIZE)
		self.flows = dict()
Example #4
class Simulator(object) :
	def __init__(self, topo) : 
		self.topology = topo
		self.fdb = FlowDatabase(self.topology, QUEUE_SIZE)
		self.flows = dict()

	def addFlow(self, src, dst, fc, mice) :
		fid = self.fdb.addFlow([], src, dst, fc)
		if mice :
			self.flows[fid] = True # Mice flow
		else :
			self.flows[fid] = False # Elephant flow

		path = self.topology.getPath(src, dst)
		self.fdb.changePath(fid, path)

	def schedule(self) :

		reroutes = self.fdb.scheduleEpoch()
		print "Number of reroutes", len(reroutes)
		return self.computeCriticalFlowCount()

	def computeCriticalFlowCount(self) :
		swCount = self.topology.getSwitchCount()
		criticalFlows = dict()

		for f in self.flows :
			criticalFlows[f] = False

		for sw1 in range(1, swCount + 1) :
			neighbours = self.topology.getSwitchNeighbours(sw1)
			flowCaps = dict()
			# Decide input characteristics
			for sw0 in neighbours : 
				flows = self.fdb.getSwitchFlows(sw0, sw1)

				totalCap = 0
				for f in flows : 
					if self.flows[f] : 
						totalCap += 1
					else : 
						totalCap += 10

				if totalCap > 100 : 
					scalingFactor = 100/totalCap
				else :
					scalingFactor = 1

				for f in flows :
					if self.flows[f] :
						flowCaps[f] = 1 * scalingFactor
					else :
						flowCaps[f] = 10 * scalingFactor

			for sw2 in neighbours : 
				flows = self.fdb.getSwitchFlows(sw1, sw2)
				totalCap = 0
				for f in flows : 
					if f in flowCaps : 
						totalCap += flowCaps[f]
					else :
						if self.flows[f] : 
							totalCap += 1
						else : 
							totalCap += 10	
				if totalCap > 120 : 
					# Critical switch queue! 
					for f in flows : 
						if self.flows[f] :
							criticalFlows[f] = True

		criticalCount = 0
		for f in criticalFlows : 
			if criticalFlows[f] : 
				criticalCount += 1

		return criticalCount 
Example #5
class Scheduler (EventMixin):

	def __init__(self):
		log.debug("Enabling NetworkMapper Module")

		# Adjacency map.  [sw1][sw2] -> port from sw1 to sw2
		self.adjacency = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(lambda:None))
		self.switchMap = dict()
		self.switchConnections = dict()

		self.topology = Topology()

		self.fdb = FlowDatabase(self.topology, QUEUE_SIZE)

		self.routeStatus = []

		self.startTime = time.time()

		self.measurementEpoch = 2
		self.measurementInfra = Timer(self.measurementEpoch, self._measurement, recurring=True)

		self.schedulerEpoch = 20
		self.scheduler = Timer(self.schedulerEpoch, self._scheduler, recurring=True)

	"""This event will be raised each time a switch will connect to the controller"""
	def _handle_ConnectionUp(self, event):
		# Use dpid to differentiate between switches (datapath-id)
		# Each switch has its own flow table. As we'll see in this 
		# example we need to write different rules in different tables.
		dpid = dpidToStr(event.dpid)
		switchName = ""
		for m in event.connection.features.ports:
			name = m.name.split("-")
			if switchName == "" :
				switchName = name[0]
			if not switchName == name[0] :
				log.debug("Some Error in mapping name from the OpenFlow Switch Up Message.")

		swID = self.topology.addSwitch(switchName, [])
		self.switchMap[switchName] = dpid
		self.switchConnections[swID] = event.connection

		# msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
		# msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = of.OFPP_FLOOD))
  # 		event.connection.send(msg)

	def findSwitchName(self, dpid) :
		for name in self.switchMap.iterkeys() :
			if self.switchMap[name] == dpid :
				return name

	def getSwitchMacAddr(self, sw) :
		if sw == None : 
			return None
		else : 
			dpid = self.switchMap[sw]
			mac = dpid.replace("-", ":")
			return mac

	def findOutputPort(self, curr, next, prev = None) :
		#curr and next are not adjacent. Find the next switch.
		sw = self.findNeighbour(src = curr, dst = next)
		if sw == prev :
			return of.OFPP_IN_PORT # send back on the input port.

		elif not self.adjacency[self.switchMap[curr]][self.switchMap[sw]] == None :
			return self.adjacency[self.switchMap[curr]][self.switchMap[sw]]
		else :	
			print "[ERROR] No edge present."
			return None

	def _handle_LinkEvent (self, event):
		l = event.link
		swdpid1 = dpid_to_str(l.dpid1)
		swdpid2 = dpid_to_str(l.dpid2)

		log.debug ("link %s[%d] <-> %s[%d]",
				   swdpid1, l.port1,
				   swdpid2, l.port2)

		sw1 = self.topology.getSwID(self.findSwitchName(swdpid1))
		sw2 = self.topology.getSwID(self.findSwitchName(swdpid2))

		self.adjacency[sw1][sw2] = int(l.port1)
		self.adjacency[sw2][sw1] = int(l.port2)

		self.topology.addLink(sw1, sw2)

	def _handle_PacketIn (self, event):
		Handle packet in messages from the switch.
		packet = event.parsed

		def install_fwdrule(event,srcip,dstip,outport,vlan=0):
			msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
			msg.match = of.ofp_match()
			msg.match.dl_type = ethernet.IP_TYPE
			msg.match.set_nw_src(IPAddr(srcip, 32), 32)
			msg.match.set_nw_dst(IPAddr(dstip, 32), 32)

			if not vlan == 0 : 
				# Need to set VLAN Tag for isolation of tenant traffic.
				msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_vlan_vid(vlan_vid = vlan)) 

			msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = outport))

			msg.data = event.ofp
			msg.in_port = event.port

		def installFloodRule(event,packet,outport,vlan=0):
			msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
			msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet, event.port)		
			msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = outport))
			msg.data = event.ofp
			msg.in_port = event.port
		def handle_IP_packet (event, packet):
			ip = packet.find('ipv4')
			if ip is None:
				#print "Non IP packet"
				match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet)
				if  match.dl_type == packet.ARP_TYPE and match.nw_proto == arp.REQUEST :
					ip = match.nw_dst
					self.respondToARP(ip, packet, match, event)

			else :
				#print ip.__str__() 
				if str(ip.srcip) not in hostMap or str(ip.dstip) not in hostMap :
					return # Ignore packet

				srcSw = self.topology.getSwID(hostMap[str(ip.srcip)])
				dstSw = self.topology.getSwID(hostMap[str(ip.dstip)])

				# Find path from srcSw to dstSw and add rules for ip.srcip and ip.dstip
				self.addForwardingRules(ip.srcip, srcSw, ip.dstip, dstSw)
				#switch is event.dpid

		handle_IP_packet(event, packet)

		# flood and install the flow table entry for the flood
	def respondToARP(self, ip, packet, match, event):
		# reply to ARP request
		r = arp()
		r.opcode = arp.REPLY
		r.hwdst = match.dl_src
		r.protosrc = ip
		r.protodst = match.nw_src
		r.hwsrc = EthAddr(macMap[str(ip)])
		e = ethernet(type=packet.ARP_TYPE, src=r.hwsrc, dst=r.hwdst)
		log.debug("%i %i answering ARP for %s" %
		 ( event.dpid, event.port,
		msg = of.ofp_packet_out()
		msg.data = e.pack()
		msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = of.OFPP_IN_PORT))
		msg.in_port = event.port

	def addForwardingRules(self, srcip, srcSw, dstip, dstSw, path=[]) :
		if path == [] and self.checkRouteStatus(srcip, dstip) : return

		print "Adding forwarding rules for", srcip, "->", dstip, ":", srcSw, "->", dstSw
		if path == [] :
			path = self.topology.getPath(srcSw, dstSw) 

		# Create flow characteristic for flow
		fc = FlowCharacteristic()
		fid = self.fdb.addFlow([srcip, dstip], srcSw, dstSw, fc) # Adding flow to flow database
		#self.fdb.changePath(fid, path)
		status = [srcip, dstip, path, fc, fid]
		for i in range(len(path) - 1) :
			sw1 = path[i]
			sw2 = path[i + 1]

			# add rule to go from sw1 to sw2
			self.addRule(srcip, dstip, sw1, sw2)

		# add flooding rule for dst :
		self.addRule(srcip, dstip, dstSw, None)

	def addRule(self, srcip, dstip, sw1, sw2) : 
		msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
		connection = self.switchConnections[sw1]
		if sw2 == None : 
			outport = of.OFPP_FLOOD
		else :
			outport = self.adjacency[sw1][sw2]

		msg.match = of.ofp_match()
		msg.match.dl_type = ethernet.IP_TYPE
		msg.match.set_nw_src(IPAddr(srcip, 32), 32)
		msg.match.set_nw_dst(IPAddr(dstip, 32), 32)
		msg.priority = of.OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY
		msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = outport))


	def deleteRule(self, srcip, dstip, sw1, sw2) : 
		msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
		connection = self.switchConnections[sw1]
		msg.command = of.OFPFC_DELETE
		msg.match = of.ofp_match()
		msg.match.dl_type = ethernet.IP_TYPE
		msg.match.set_nw_src(IPAddr(srcip, 32), 32)
		msg.match.set_nw_dst(IPAddr(dstip, 32), 32)

	def printPath(self, path) :
		namedPath = []
		for i in range(len(path)) : 
		print namedPath

	def checkRouteStatus(self, srcip, dstip) :
		for stat in self.routeStatus : 
			if stat[0] == srcip and stat[1] == dstip : 
				return True
		return False

	def deleteStaleForwardingRules(self,srcip, dstip, path) :
		""" Delete stale rules for srcip -> dstip on path """

		for i in range(len(path) - 1) :
			sw1 = path[i]
			sw2 = path[i + 1]

			# delete rule to go from sw1 to sw2
			self.deleteRule(srcip, dstip, sw1, sw2)

	def _handle_FlowStatsReceived (self, event):
		#stats = flow_stats_to_list(event.stats)
		swdpid = dpidToStr(event.dpid)
		swID = self.topology.getSwID(self.findSwitchName(swdpid))

		for f in event.stats:
			for stat in self.routeStatus : 
				if f.match.nw_src == stat[0] and f.match.nw_dst == stat[1] and stat[2][0] == swID : 
					# Edge switch for flow. Update Flow Characteristics
					fc = stat[3]
					val = fc.insert(f.byte_count / 1000, time.time() - self.startTime)

	# def _handle_PortStatsReceived(self, event) :
	# 	print "Port event"
	# 	swdpid = dpidToStr(event.dpid)
	# 	swID = self.topology.getSwID(self.findSwitchName(swdpid))

	# 	swBytes = 0
	# 	print event.stats
	# 	for f in event.stats:
	# 		print f.port_no, f.tx_bytes, f.rx_bytes
	# 		swBytes += f.rx_bytes - f.tx_bytes 

	# 	print "Updating Switch ", swID, swBytes
	# 	#self.fdb.addSwitchBytes(swID, swBytes)

	def _measurement (self) :
		for connection in self.switchConnections.values():

	def _scheduler(self) :
		# Update new and learned flows
		for stat in self.routeStatus : 
			fid = stat[4]
			fc = stat[3]
			path = stat[2]
			if fc.learned() and len(self.fdb.getPath(fid)) == 0 :
				# Add this flow to the scheduler
				self.fdb.changePath(fid, path)

		# perform scheduling for events in the current epoch.

		rerouteDecisions = self.fdb.scheduleEpoch()

		for dec in rerouteDecisions :
			fid = dec[0]
			oldpath = dec[1]
			newpath = dec[2]
			self.deleteStaleForwardingRules(srcip=self.fdb.getSourceIP(fid), dstip=self.fdb.getDestinationIP(fid), path=oldpath)
			self.addForwardingRules(srcip=self.fdb.getSourceIP(fid), srcSw=newpath[0], dstip=self.fdb.getDestinationIP(fid), dstSw=newpath[len(newpath)-1], path=newpath)

			# update stat
			for stat in self.routeStatus : 
				if fid == stat[4] : stat[2] = newpath
Example #6
	def __init__(self, topo) :
		self.topology = topo

		self.fdb = FlowDatabase()