Example #1
 def setGameData(w,
     FlxG._cache = {}
     FlxG.width = w
     FlxG.height = h
     _muted = 1.0
     _volume = 1.0
     _musicVolume = 1.0
     _masterVolume = 0.5
     FlxG._musicPosition = -1
     mouse = FlxPoint()
     FlxG._switchState = Switchstate
     FlxG._log = Log
     _quake = Quake
     _flash = Flash
     _fade = Fade
     _setCursor = SetCursor
     FlxG._keys = []
     FlxG._oldKeys = []
     for i in range(7):
     FlxG.levels = FlxArray()
     FlxG.scores = FlxArray()
     level = 0
     score = 0
Example #2
    def __init__(self, MapData, TileGraphic, CollisionIndex=1, DrawIndex=1):
        #image = pyglet.resource.image("data/logo.png")
        self.CollideIndex = CollisionIndex
        self.DrawIndex = 1
        self._ci = CollisionIndex
        self.widthInTiles = 0
        self.heightInTiles = 0
        self._data = FlxArray()
        rows = open(MapData).read().split("\n")

        rows = rows[2:]
        self.heightInTiles = len(rows)
        for r in range(self.heightInTiles):
            cols = rows[r].split(",")
            if (len(cols) <= 1):
                self.heightInTiles -= 1
            if (self.widthInTiles == 0):
                self.widthInTiles = len(cols)
            for c in range(self.widthInTiles):

        self._pixels = TileGraphic
        self._rects = FlxArray()
        self._p = FlxPoint()
        self._tileSize = self._pixels.height
        self.width = self.widthInTiles * self._tileSize
        self.height = self.heightInTiles * self._tileSize
        self.numTiles = self.widthInTiles * self.heightInTiles
        for i in range(self.numTiles):
            if (self._data[i] >= DrawIndex):
                    FlxRect(self._tileSize * self._data[i], 0, self._tileSize,
        #self._block = FlxBlock(0,0,self._tileSize,self._tileSize,None);

        self._screenRows = int(Math.ceil(FlxG.height / self._tileSize) + 1)
        if (self._screenRows > self.heightInTiles):
            self._screenRows = self.heightInTiles
        self._screenCols = int(Math.ceil(FlxG.width / self._tileSize) + 1)
        if (self._screenCols > self.widthInTiles):
            self._screenCols = self.widthInTiles

        self._tileObjects = range(self._pixels.width / self._pixels.height)
        i = 0
        while (i < self._pixels.width / self._pixels.height):
            collide = FlxCore.NONE
            if (i >= self.CollideIndex):
                collide = self.allowCollisions
            self._tileObjects[i] = FlxTile(self, i, self._tileSize,
                                           (i >= self.DrawIndex), collide)
            i += 1
Example #3
    def __init__(self,

        self.visible = false
        self.x = X
        self.y = Y
        self.width = Width
        self.height = Height

        self.minVelocity = FlxPoint(MinVelocityX, MinVelocityY)
        self.maxVelocity = FlxPoint(MaxVelocityX, MaxVelocityY)
        self._minRotation = MinRotation
        self._maxRotation = MaxRotation
        self._gravity = Gravity
        self._drag = Drag
        self._delay = Delay
        self._timer = 0
        self._particle = 0
        if (Graphics != None):
            self._sprites = FlxArray()
            for i in range(Quantity):
                if (Multiple):
                    (self._sprites.add(FlxSprite(Graphics, 0, 0,
            for i in range(len(self._sprites)):
                if (Parent == None):
            self._sprites = Sprites
        if (self._delay > 0):
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self._children = FlxArray()
Example #5
 def __init__(self,Graphic=None,X=0,Y=0,Animated=false,Reverse=false,Width=0,Height=0,Color=0):
     if(Graphic != None):
         #image = pyglet.resource.image(Graphic)
         self.pixels = Graphic;
         self.pixels= pygame.image.load("data/logo.png")
         #pixels = FlxG.createBitmap(Width,Height,Color);
     #print dir(self.pixels)
     self.x = X;
     self.y = Y;
     if(Width == 0):
             Width = self.pixels.height;
             Width = self.pixels.width;
     self.width =Width 
     self._bw = Width;
     self.height = self.pixels.height;
     self._bh = self.height;
     self.offset = FlxPoint();
     self.velocity = FlxPoint();
     self.acceleration = FlxPoint();
     self.drag = FlxPoint();
     self.maxVelocity = FlxPoint(10000,10000);
     self.angle = 0;
     self.angularVelocity = 0;
     self.angularAacceleration = 0;
     self.angularDrag = 0;
     self.maxAngular = 10000;
     self.thrust = 0;
     self.scale = FlxPoint(1,1);
     self.finished = false;
     self._facing = true;
     self._animations = FlxArray();
         self._flipped = self.pixels.width>>1;
         self._flipped = 0;
     self._curAnim = None;
     self._curFrame = 0;
     self._frameTimer = 0;
     self._p = FlxPoint(self.x,self.y);
     self._pZero = FlxPoint();
     self._r = FlxRect(0,0,self._bw,self._bh);
     #self._pixels = BitmapData(width,height);
     #print self._bw,self._bh
     self.health = 1;
     self._alpha = 1;
     self._callback = None;
Example #6
class FlxG:
    #@desc Represents the amount of time in seconds that passed since last frame
    elapsed = 0.0
    #@desc A reference or pointer to the current FlxFlxG.state object being used by the game
    state = None
    width = 0
    height = 0
    level = 0
    levels = FlxArray()
    score = 0
    scores = FlxArray()

    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    LEFT = 0
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    RIGHT = 1
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    UP = 2
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    DOWN = 3
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    A = 4
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    B = 5
    #@desc These are the constants for use with the Pressed and Releases functions
    MOUSE = 6

    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kUp = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kDown = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kLeft = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kRight = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kA = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kB = false
    #@desc A shortcut way of checking if a particular key is pressed
    kMouse = false
    #@desc The current game coordinates of the mouse pointer (not necessarily the screen coordinates)
    # mouse=FlxPoint();
    _keys = []
    _oldKeys = []

    # #audio
    # _muted;
    # _music:Sound;
    _musicChannel = None
    _musicPosition = None
    # _volume;
    # _musicVolume;
    # _masterVolume;

    # #Ccmera system variables
    followTarget = None
    followLead = FlxPoint()
    followLerp = 1
    followMin = FlxPoint()
    followMax = FlxPoint()
    _scrollTarget = FlxPoint()

    # #graphics stuff
    scroll = FlxPoint()
    # buffer:BitmapData;
    _cache = {}

    # #function reflectors
    # _quake;
    # _flash;
    # _fade;
    # _switchFlxG.state;
    # _log;
    # _setCursor;

    #@desc        Resets the key register and shortcut booleans to "off"
    def resetKeys():
        kUp = kDown = kLeft = kRight = kA = kB = kMouse = false
        for i in range(len(FlxG._keys)):
            FlxG._keys[i] = 0

    #@desc        Check to see if this key is pressed
    #@param    Key        One of the key constants listed above (e.g. LEFT or A)
    #@return    Whether the key is pressed
    def pressed(Key):
        return FlxG._keys[Key] > 0

    #@desc        Check to see if this key was JUST pressed
    #@param    Key        One of the key constants listed above (e.g. LEFT or A)
    #@return    Whether the key was just pressed
    def justPressed(Key):
        return FlxG._keys[Key] == 2

    #@desc        Check to see if this key is NOT pressed
    #@param    Key        One of the key constants listed above (e.g. LEFT or A)
    #@return    Whether the key is not pressed
    def justReleased(Key):
        return FlxG._keys[Key] == -1

    #@desc        Set up and autoplay a music track
    #@param    Music        The sound file you want to loop in the background
    #@param    Volume        How loud the sound should be, from 0 to 1
    #@param    Autoplay    Whether to automatically start the music or not (defaults to true)
    def setMusic(Music, Volume=1, Autoplay=true):
        FlxG._music = Music
        FlxG._musicVolume = Volume
        if (Autoplay):

    #@desc        Plays a sound effect once
    #@param    SoundEffect        The sound you want to play
    #@param    Volume            How loud to play it (0 to 1)
    def play(SoundEffect, Volume=1):
            0, 0, SoundTransform(Volume * _muted * _volume * _masterVolume))

    #@desc        Plays or resumes the music file set up using setMusic()
    def playMusic():
        if (FlxG._musicPosition < 0):
        if (FlxG._musicPosition == 0):
            if (FlxG._musicChannel == None):
                FlxG._musicChannel = _music.play(
                    0, 9999,
                    SoundTransform(_muted * _volume * _musicVolume *
            FlxG._musicChannel = _music.play(
                FlxG._musicPosition, 0,
                SoundTransform(_muted * _volume * _musicVolume *
        FlxG._musicPosition = 0

    #@desc        An internal helper function used to help Flash resume playing a looped music track
    def loopMusic(event=None):
        if (FlxG._musicChannel == None):
        FlxG._musicChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopMusic)
        FlxG._musicChannel = None

    #@desc        Pauses the current music track
    def pauseMusic():
        if (FlxG._musicChannel == None):
            FlxG._musicPosition = -1
        FlxG._musicPosition = FlxG._musicChannel.position
        while (FlxG._musicPosition >= _music.length):
            FlxG._musicPosition -= _music.length
        FlxG._musicChannel = None

    #@desc        Stops the current music track
    def stopMusic():
        FlxG._musicPosition = 0
        if (FlxG._musicChannel <> None):
            FlxG._musicChannel = None

    #@desc        Mutes the sound
    #@param    SoundOff    Whether the sound should be off or on
    def setMute(SoundOff):
        if (SoundOff):
            _muted = 0
            _muted = 1

    #@desc        Check to see if the game is muted
    #@return    Whether the game is muted
    def getMute():
        if (_muted == 0):
            return true
        return false

    #@desc        Change the volume of the game
    #@param    Volume        A number from 0 to 1
    def setVolume(Volume):
        _volume = Volume

    #@desc        Find out how load the game is currently
    #@param    A number from 0 to 1
    def getVolume():
        return _volume

    #@desc        Change the volume of just the music
    #@param    Volume        A number from 0 to 1
    def setMusicVolume(Volume):
        _musicVolume = Volume

    #@desc        Find out how loud the music is
    #@return    A number from 0 to 1
    def getMusicVolume():
        return _musicVolume

    #@desc        An internal function that adjust the volume levels and the music channel after a change
    def adjustMusicVolume():
        if (_muted < 0):
            _muted = 0
        elif (_muted > 1):
            _muted = 1
        if (_volume < 0):
            _volume = 0
        elif (_volume > 1):
            _volume = 1
        if (_musicVolume < 0):
            _musicVolume = 0
        elif (_musicVolume > 1):
            _musicVolume = 1
        if (_masterVolume < 0):
            _masterVolume = 0
        elif (_masterVolume > 1):
            _masterVolume = 1
        if (FlxG._musicChannel <> None):
            FlxG._musicChannel.soundTransform = SoundTransform(
                _muted * _volume * _musicVolume * _masterVolume)

    #@desc        Generates a BitmapData object (basically a colored square :P) and caches it
    #@param    FlxG.width    How wide the square should be
    #@param    FlxG.height    How high the square should be
    #@param    Color    What color the square should be
    #@return    This object is used during the sprite blitting process
    def createBitmap(width, height, Color):
        key = str(width) + "x" + str(height) + ":" + str(Color)
        if (FlxG._cache.get(key) == None):
            FlxG._cache[key] = BitmapData(width, height, true, Color)
        return FlxG._cache[key]

    #@desc        Loads a bitmap from a file, caches it, and generates a horizontally flipped version if necessary
    #@param    Graphic        The image file that you want to load
    #@param    Reverse        Whether to generate a flipped version
    def addBitmap(Graphic, Reverse=false):
        needReverse = false
        key = str(Graphic)
        print Graphic
        if (FlxG._cache.get(key) == None):
            FlxG._cache[key] = Graphic().bitmapData
            if (Reverse):
                needReverse = true
        pixels = FlxG._cache[key]
        if (not needReverse and Reverse
                and (pixels.width == (Graphic).bitmapData.width)):
            needReverse = true
        if (needReverse):
            newPixels = BitmapData(pixels.width << 1, pixels.height, true,
            mtx = Matrix()
            mtx.scale(-1, 1)
            mtx.translate(newPixels.width, 0)
            newPixels.draw(pixels, mtx)
            pixels = newPixels
        return pixels

    #@desc        Rotates a point in 2D space around another point by the given angle
    #@param    X        The X coordinate of the point you want to rotate
    #@param    Y        The Y coordinate of the point you want to rotate
    #@param    PivotX    The X coordinate of the point you want to rotate around
    #@param    PivotY    The Y coordinate of the point you want to rotate around
    #@param    Angle    Rotate the point by this many degrees
    #@return    A Flash Point object containing the coordinates of the rotated point
    def rotatePoint(X, Y, PivotX, PivotY, Angle):
        radians = -Angle / 180 * math.PI
        dx = X - PivotX
        dy = PivotY - Y
        return Point(
            PivotX + math.cos(radians) * dx - math.sin(radians) * dy,
            PivotY - (math.sin(radians) * dx + math.cos(radians) * dy))

    #@desc        Calculates the angle between a point and the origin (0,0)
    #@param    X        The X coordinate of the point
    #@param    Y        The Y coordinate of the point
    #@return    The angle in degrees
    def getAngle(X, Y):
        return math.atan2(Y, X) * 180 / math.PI

    #@desc        Tells the camera subsystem what FlxCore object to follow
    #@param    Target        The object to follow
    #@param    Lerp        How much lag the camera should have (can help smooth out the camera movement)
    def follow(Target, Lerp=1):
        FlxG.followTarget = Target
        FlxG.followLerp = Lerp
        FlxG._scrollTarget.x = (FlxG.width >> 1) - FlxG.followTarget.x - (
            FlxG.followTarget.width >> 1)
        FlxG.scroll.x = FlxG._scrollTarget.x
        FlxG._scrollTarget.y = (FlxG.height >> 1) - FlxG.followTarget.y - (
            FlxG.followTarget.height >> 1)
        FlxG.scroll.y = FlxG._scrollTarget.y

    #@desc        Specify an additional camera component - the velocity-based "lead", or amount the camera should track in front of a sprite
    #@param    LeadX        Percentage of X velocity to add to the camera's motion
    #@param    LeadY        Percentage of Y velocity to add to the camera's motion
    def followAdjust(LeadX=0, LeadY=0):
        FlxG.followLead = FlxPoint(LeadX, LeadY)

    #@desc        Specify an additional camera component - the boundaries of the level or where the camera is allowed to move
    #@param    MinX    The smallest X value of your level (usually 0)
    #@param    MinY    The smallest Y value of your level (usually 0)
    #@param    MaxX    The largest X value of your level (usually the level FlxG.width)
    #@param    MaxY    The largest Y value of your level (usually the level FlxG.height)
    def followBounds(MinX=0, MinY=0, MaxX=0, MaxY=0):
        FlxG.followMin = FlxPoint(-MinX, -MinY)
        FlxG.followMax = FlxPoint(-MaxX + FlxG.width, -MaxY + FlxG.height)
        if (FlxG.followMax.x > FlxG.followMin.x):
            FlxG.followMax.x = FlxG.followMin.x
        if (FlxG.followMax.y > FlxG.followMin.y):
            FlxG.followMax.y = FlxG.followMin.y

    #@desc        A fairly stupid tween-like function that takes a starting velocity and some other factors and returns an altered velocity
    #@param    Velocity        Any component of velocity (e.g. 20)
    #@param    Acceleration    Rate at which the velocity is changing
    #@param    Drag            Really kind of a deceleration, this is how much the velocity changes if Acceleration is not set
    #@param    Max                An absolute value cap for the velocity
    def computeVelocity(Velocity, Acceleration=0, Drag=0, Max=10000):
        if (Acceleration <> 0):
            Velocity += Acceleration * FlxG.elapsed
        elif (Drag <> 0):
            d = Drag * FlxG.elapsed
            if (Velocity - d > 0):
                Velocity -= d
            elif (Velocity + d < 0):
                Velocity += d
                Velocity = 0
        if ((Velocity <> 0) and (Max <> 10000)):
            if (Velocity > Max):
                Velocity = Max
            elif (Velocity < -Max):
                Velocity = -Max
        return Velocity

    #@desc        Checks to see if a FlxCore overlaps any of the FlxCores in the array, and calls a function when they do
    #@param    Array        An array of FlxCore objects
    #@param    Core        A FlxCore object
    #@param    Collide        A function that takes two sprites as parameters (first the one from Array, then Sprite)
    def overlapArray(Array, Core, Collide):
        if ((Core == None) or not Core.exists or Core.dead):
        for i in range(len(Array)):
            c = Array[i]
            if ((c == Core) or (c == None) or not c.exists or c.dead):
            if (c.overlaps(Core)):
                Collide(c, Core)

    #@desc        Checks to see if any FlxCore in Array1 overlaps any FlxCore in Array2, and calls Collide when they do
    #@param    Array1        An array of FlxCore objects
    #@param    Array2        Another array of FlxCore objects
    #@param    Collide        A function that takes two FlxCore objects as parameters (first the one from Array1, then the one from Array2)
    def overlapArrays(Array1, Array2, Collide):
        if (Array1 == Array2):
            for i in range(len(Array1)):
                core1 = Array1[i]
                if ((core1 == None) or not core1.exists or core1.dead):
                j = i + 1
                while (j < Array2.length):
                    core2 = Array2[j]
                    if ((core2 == None) or not core2.exists or core2.dead):
                    if (core1.overlaps(core2)):
                        Collide(core1, core2)
                    j += 1
            for i in range(len(Array1)):
                core1 = Array1[i]
                if ((core1 == None) or not core1.exists or core1.dead):
                for j in range(len(Array2)):
                    core2 = Array2[j]
                    if ((core1 == core2) or (core2 == None) or not core2.exists
                            or core2.dead):
                    if (core1.overlaps(core2)):
                        Collide(core1, core2)

    #@desc        Collides a FlxSprite against the FlxCores in the array
    #@param    Array        An array of FlxCore objects
    #@param    Sprite        A FlxSprite object
    def collideArray(Cores, Sprite):
        #print "collideArray"
        if ((Sprite == None) or not Sprite.exists or Sprite.dead):
        for i in range(len(Cores)):
            core = Cores[i]
            if ((core == Sprite) or (core == None) or not core.exists
                    or core.dead):

    #@desc        Collides an array of FlxSprites against a FlxCore object
    #@param    Sprites        An array of FlxSprites
    #@param    Core        A FlxCore object
    def collideArray2(Core, Sprites):
        if ((Core == None) or not Core.exists or Core.dead):
        for i in range(len(Sprites)):
            sprite = Sprites[i]
            if ((Core == sprite) or (sprite == None) or (not sprite.exists)
                    or sprite.dead):

    #@desc        Collides the array of FlxSprites against the array of FlxCores
    #@param    Cores        An array of FlxCore objects
    #@param    Sprites        An array of FlxSprite objects
    def collideArrays(Cores, Sprites):
        if (Cores == Sprites):
            for i in range(len(Cores)):
                core = Cores[i]
                if ((core == None) or not core.exists or core.dead):
                j = i + 1
                while (j < Sprites.length):
                    sprite = Sprites[j]
                    if ((sprite == None) or not sprite.exists or sprite.dead):
                    j += 1
            for i in range(len(Cores)):
                core = Cores[i]
                if ((core == None) or not core.exists or core.dead):
                for j in range(len(Sprites)):
                    sprite = Sprites[j]
                    if ((core == sprite) or (sprite == None)
                            or not sprite.exists or sprite.dead):

    #@desc        Switch from one FlxFlxG.state to another
    #@param    FlxG.state        The class name of the FlxG.state you want (e.g. PlayFlxG.state)
    def switchState(state):

    #@desc        Log data to the developer console
    #@param    Data        The data (in string format) that you wanted to write to the console
    def log(Data):

    #@desc        Shake the screen
    #@param    Intensity    Percentage of screen size representing the maximum distance that the screen can move during the 'quake'
    #@param    Duration    The length in seconds that the "quake" should last
    def quake(Intensity, Duration=0.5):

    #@desc        Temporarily fill the screen with a certain color, then fade it out
    #@param    Color            The color you want to use
    #@param    Duration        How long it takes for the flash to fade
    #@param    FlashComplete    A function you want to run when the flash finishes
    #@param    Force            Force the effect to reset
    def flash(Color, Duration=1, FlashComplete=None, Force=false):

    #@desc        Fade the screen out to this color
    #@param    Color            The color you want to use
    #@param    Duration        How long it should take to fade the screen out
    #@param    FadeComplete    A function you want to run when the fade finishes
    #@param    Force            Force the effect to reset
    def fade(Color, Duration=1, FadeComplete=None, Force=false):

    #@desc        Set the mouse cursor to some graphic file
    #@param    CursorGraphic    The image you want to use for the cursor
    def setCursor(CursorGraphic):

    #@desc        Switch to a different web page
    def openURL(URL):

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def setGameData(w,
        FlxG._cache = {}
        FlxG.width = w
        FlxG.height = h
        _muted = 1.0
        _volume = 1.0
        _musicVolume = 1.0
        _masterVolume = 0.5
        FlxG._musicPosition = -1
        mouse = FlxPoint()
        FlxG._switchState = Switchstate
        FlxG._log = Log
        _quake = Quake
        _flash = Flash
        _fade = Fade
        _setCursor = SetCursor
        FlxG._keys = []
        FlxG._oldKeys = []
        for i in range(7):
        FlxG.levels = FlxArray()
        FlxG.scores = FlxArray()
        level = 0
        score = 0

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def setMasterVolume(Volume):
        FlxG._masterVolume = Volume

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def getMasterVolume():
        return FlxG._masterVolume

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def doFollow():
        from FlxSprite import FlxSprite
        if (FlxG.followTarget <> None):
            if (FlxG.followTarget.exists and not FlxG.followTarget.dead):
                FlxG._scrollTarget.x = (
                    FlxG.width >> 1) - FlxG.followTarget.x - (
                        FlxG.followTarget.width >> 1)
                FlxG._scrollTarget.y = (
                    FlxG.height >> 1) - FlxG.followTarget.y - (
                        FlxG.followTarget.height >> 1)
                if ((FlxG.followLead <> None)
                        and (type(FlxG.followTarget) == FlxSprite)):
                    FlxG._scrollTarget.x -= (
                        FlxG.followTarget).velocity.x * FlxG.followLead.x
                    FlxG._scrollTarget.y -= (
                        FlxG.followTarget).velocity.y * FlxG.followLead.y
            FlxG.scroll.x += (FlxG._scrollTarget.x -
                              FlxG.scroll.x) * FlxG.followLerp * FlxG.elapsed
            FlxG.scroll.y += (FlxG._scrollTarget.y -
                              FlxG.scroll.y) * FlxG.followLerp * FlxG.elapsed

            if (FlxG.followMin <> None):
                if (FlxG.scroll.x > FlxG.followMin.x):
                    FlxG.scroll.x = FlxG.followMin.x
                if (FlxG.scroll.y > FlxG.followMin.y):
                    FlxG.scroll.y = FlxG.followMin.y

            if (FlxG.followMax <> None):
                if (FlxG.scroll.x < FlxG.followMax.x):
                    FlxG.scroll.x = FlxG.followMax.x
                if (FlxG.scroll.y < FlxG.followMax.y):
                    FlxG.scroll.y = FlxG.followMax.y

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def unfollow():
        FlxG.followTarget = None
        FlxG.followLead = None
        FlxG.followLerp = 1
        FlxG.followMin = None
        FlxG.followMax = None
        FlxG.scroll = FlxPoint()
        FlxG._scrollTarget = FlxPoint()

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def pressKey(k):
        if (FlxG._keys[k] > 0):
            FlxG._keys[k] = 1
            FlxG._keys[k] = 2

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def releaseKey(k):
        if (FlxG._keys[k] > 0):
            FlxG._keys[k] = -1
            FlxG._keys[k] = 0

    #@desc        This function is only used by the FlxGame class to do important internal management stuff
    def updateKeys():
        for i in range(7):
            if ((FlxG._oldKeys[i] == -1) and (FlxG._keys[i] == -1)):
                FlxG._keys[i] = 0
            elif ((FlxG._oldKeys[i] == 2) and (FlxG._keys[i] == 2)):
                FlxG._keys[i] = 1
            FlxG._oldKeys[i] = FlxG._keys[i]