def __init__(self): self.CONTENTXML = 'content.xml' self.STYLESXML = 'styles.xml' self.fd = FontData() self.outputFont = "ABC-TEXT-05" self.outputFontSize = None = self.fd.unicodeData(self.outputFont)
def convertTxtFile(inputFile, outputFile, outputFont): """ This function creates plain text file from the khmer unicode to legacy. """ if (inputFile == outputFile): raise TypeError('Input file and output file must be different!') fd = FontData() if (not fd.isConvertable(outputFont)): raise TypeError('Unknown output font ' + outputFont + ' !') try: fileIn = open(inputFile, 'r') except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + inputFile + '" for reading!') try: fileOut = open(outputFile, 'w') except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + outputFile + '" for writing!') data = fd.unicodeData(outputFont) # reading line by line from the input file, until end of file. for line in fileIn: result = line.decode('utf-8') result = legacyReorder.reorder(result) result = legacyConverter.converter(result, data) fileOut.write(result) fileIn.close() fileOut.close()
def convertTxtFile(inputFileName, outputFileName, fontType, encoding): """ converts Khmer legacy plain text file and produce a unicode output file inputfilename: Legacy plain text file outputfilename: Khmer Unicode plain text file fontType: type "abc" or font name "ABC-TEXT-5" encoding: cp1252, utf-8, iso-8859-1 """ if (inputFileName == outputFileName): raise TypeError('input file and output file must not be the same!') fd = FontData() if (not fd.canDecode(encoding)): raise TypeError('unknow encoding!') try: fin = open(inputFileName, "r") except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + inputFileName + '" for reading!') try: fout = open(outputFileName, "w") except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + outputFileName + '" for writing!') data = fd.legacyData(fontType) # reading line by line from the input file, until end of file. for line in fin: sin = fd.changeEncoding(line, encoding) result = unicodeProcess.process(sin, data) bufout = unicodeReorder.reorder(result) fout.write(bufout.encode('utf-8')) fin.close() fout.close()
def __init__(self): self.CONTENTXML = 'content.xml' self.STYLESXML = 'styles.xml' self.convertibleStyle = {} self.nonConvertibleStyle = {} self.fd = FontData() self.outputFont = "Khmer OS" self.outputFontSize = None
class TestFontData(unittest.TestCase): dataClass = FontData() def setUp(self): self.dataClass.readXML("fontdata.xml") def testABCDataLegacy(self): data = self.dataClass.legacyData("abc") self.assertEqual(data[1][0xb2], unichr(0x201c)) self.assertEqual(data[1][0xb3], unichr(0x201d)) def testABCDataUnicode(self): data = self.dataClass.unicodeData("abc") self.assertEqual(data[0][0][unichr(0x201c)], chr(0xb2)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][unichr(0x201d)], chr(0xb3)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][u'«'], chr(0xb2)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][u'»'], chr(0xb3)) def testLimonDataLegacy(self): data = self.dataClass.legacyData("limon") self.assertEqual(data[1][0x7b], unichr(0x201c)) self.assertEqual(data[1][0x7d], unichr(0x201d)) def testLimonDataUnicode(self): data = self.dataClass.unicodeData("limon") self.assertEqual(data[0][0][unichr(0x201c)], chr(0x7b)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][unichr(0x201d)], chr(0x7d)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][u'«'], chr(0x7b)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][u'»'], chr(0x7d)) self.assertEqual(data[0][0][u'ឲ'], chr(0x5b))
class legacyConvertOdt: def __init__(self): self.CONTENTXML = 'content.xml' self.STYLESXML = 'styles.xml' self.fd = FontData() self.outputFont = "ABC-TEXT-05" self.outputFontSize = None = self.fd.unicodeData(self.outputFont) def convertOdtFile(self, inputFileName, outputFileName, outputFont, outputFontSize = None): """This function converts Writer file. inputFileName : name of input file to convert outputFileName : name of output file. Default value is converted-inputFileName. outputFont : legacy output font name. Default depends on the font type. outputFontSize : force the font size the output file will use. value = None to ignore. """ if (not self.fd.isConvertable(outputFont)): raise TypeError('unknown output font ' + outputFont + '!') if (inputFileName == outputFileName): raise TypeError('input file and output file must be different!') try: # read zip file (.odt) zipIn = zipfile.ZipFile(inputFileName, "r") except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + inputFileName + '" for reading!') if (not (self.CONTENTXML and self.STYLESXML) in zipIn.namelist()): raise TypeError('Input file' + inputFileName + 'is not an odt file!') try: # create new zip file (.odt) zipOut = zipfile.ZipFile(outputFileName, "w", DEFLATED) except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + outputFileName + '" for writing!') # get data for the font self.outputFont = self.fd.defaultFont(outputFont) = self.fd.unicodeData(self.outputFont) if (outputFontSize): self.outputFontSize = str(outputFontSize) + 'pt' for file in zipIn.namelist(): fdata = # do the converting for content.xml only if (file == self.CONTENTXML): fdata = self.processContent(fdata) # TODO: do we need to test the type? When do we not want to encode in UTF-8 ? if (type(fdata) == unicode): fdata = fdata.encode('utf-8') elif (file == self.STYLESXML): fdata = self.processStyle(fdata) # TODO: do we need to test the type? When do we not want to encode in UTF-8 ? if (type(fdata) == unicode): fdata = fdata.encode('utf-8') zipOut.writestr(file, fdata) zipOut.close() zipIn.close() def processContent(self, xmlData): """ input: xml data in unicode string return: xml data string in legacy encoding where text is converted """ self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmlData) officeNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:text') officeAutoStylesNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:automatic-styles')[0] officeFontFaceDecls = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:font-face-decls')[0] # add font information self.addFontInfo(officeAutoStylesNode, officeFontFaceDecls) # go through office node and convert to legacy. self.goThru(officeNode, self.convertIfUnicode) return self.xmldoc.toxml() def processStyle(self, xmldata): """change font name and size, convert data to legacy in xmldata @param xmldata: xml string to parse.""" self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) officeAutoStylesNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:automatic-styles')[0] officeFontFaceDecls = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:font-face-decls')[0] officeMasterStylesNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:master-styles') # go through node, replace font, and convert data to legacy. self.addFontInfo(officeAutoStylesNode, officeFontFaceDecls) self.goThru(officeMasterStylesNode, self.convertIfUnicode) return self.xmldoc.toxml('utf-8') def goThru (self, nodelist, function): """go through nodelist and call function with child node as argument. @param nodelist: dom's node list. @param function: function to call, child argument will be provided by goThru.""" for node in nodelist: if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: function(child) self.goThru (node.childNodes, function) def addFontInfo(self, autoStyleNode, declsNode): """add "style:style" to node.""" # add font declaration styleFontFaceNode = self.xmldoc.createElement('style:font-face') styleFontFaceNode.setAttribute('style:name', self.outputFont) styleFontFaceNode.setAttribute('svg:font-family', self.outputFont) declsNode.appendChild(styleFontFaceNode) # add font style styleNode = self.xmldoc.createElement('style:style') styleNode.setAttribute('style:family', 'text') styleNode.setAttribute('style:name', KHMERSTYLE) styleTextPropNode = self.xmldoc.createElement('style:text-properties') styleTextPropNode.setAttribute('style:font-name', self.outputFont) if (self.outputFontSize): styleTextPropNode.setAttribute('fo:font-size', self.outputFontSize) styleNode.appendChild(styleTextPropNode) autoStyleNode.appendChild(styleNode) def convertIfUnicode(self, node): """ take Khmer Unicode data out of current node, convert it and put it in a new node which mark as khmerConverter_DefaultStyle. """ if not node.nodeValue: return node sin = newNode = self.xmldoc.createDocumentFragment() cursor = 0 charCount = len(sin) while (cursor < charCount): khmStr = u'' othStr = u'' while (cursor < charCount): val = ord(sin[cursor]) # in khmer range if ((val >= MINUNIC) and (val <= MAXUNIC)) or (STARTKHMER.find(unichr(val)) != -1) or (len(khmStr) > 0 and INKHMER.find(unichr(val)) != -1): if (othStr): break khmStr += sin[cursor] # in other range else: if (khmStr): break othStr += sin[cursor] cursor += 1 # end of while (khmer string or other string found) if (khmStr): # convert khmer text khmStr = legacyReorder.reorder(khmStr) khmStr = legacyConverter.converter(khmStr, khmStr = khmStr.decode('cp1252') # add new khmer node khmNode = self.xmldoc.createElement('text:span') khmNode.setAttribute('text:style-name', KHMERSTYLE) # add data txtNode = self.xmldoc.createTextNode(khmStr) khmNode.appendChild(txtNode) newNode.appendChild(khmNode) elif (othStr): txtNode = self.xmldoc.createTextNode(othStr) newNode.appendChild(txtNode) node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node)
class unicodeConvertOdt: def __init__(self): self.CONTENTXML = 'content.xml' self.STYLESXML = 'styles.xml' self.convertibleStyle = {} self.nonConvertibleStyle = {} self.fd = FontData() self.outputFont = "Khmer OS" self.outputFontSize = None def convertOdtFile(self, inputFileName, outputFileName, outputFont=None, outputFontSize=None): """This function convert OpenOffice.Org writer file inputFileName: the name of file you want to convert. outputFileName: the result file name. Default value is converted-inputFileName outputFont: font name to override. default value is Khmer OS. outputFontSize: a value to override font size in odt file, value = None to ignore.""" self.outputFont = outputFont if (outputFontSize): self.outputFontSize = str(outputFontSize) + 'pt' if (inputFileName == outputFileName): raise TypeError('input file and output file must be different!') try: # read zip file (.odt) zipIn = zipfile.ZipFile(inputFileName, "r") except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + inputFileName + '" for reading!') if (not (self.CONTENTXML and self.STYLESXML) in zipIn.namelist()): raise TypeError('Input file' + inputFileName + 'is not an odt file!') try: # create new zip file (.odt) zipOut = zipfile.ZipFile(outputFileName, "w", DEFLATED) except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + outputFileName + '" for writing!') zipOut.debug = 3 for file in zipIn.namelist(): fdata = if (file == self.CONTENTXML): # read data to contentXml for later processing. contentXml = fdata continue elif (file == self.STYLESXML): fdata = self.processStyle(fdata) zipOut.writestr(file, fdata) # process the content.xml only after already read the styles.xml. fdata = self.processContent(contentXml) zipOut.writestr(self.CONTENTXML, fdata) zipOut.close() zipIn.close() def processContent(self, xmldata): """change font name and size, convert data to unicode in xmldata @param xmldata: xml string to parse.""" self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) officeNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:text') officeDocContentNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName( 'office:document-content') # go through node, replace font, and convert data to unicode. self.goThru(officeDocContentNode, self.replaceFont) self.goThru(officeNode, self.convertIfLegacy) return self.xmldoc.toxml('utf-8') def processStyle(self, xmldata): """change font name and size, convert data to unicode in xmldata @param xmldata: xml string to parse.""" self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) officeDocStylesNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName( 'office:document-styles') # go through node, replace font, and convert data to unicode. self.goThru(officeDocStylesNode, self.replaceFont) self.goThru(officeDocStylesNode, self.convertIfLegacy) return self.xmldoc.toxml('utf-8') def goThru(self, nodelist, function): """go through nodelist and call function with child node as argument. @param nodelist: dom's node list. @param function: function to call, child argument will be provided by goThru.""" for node in nodelist: if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: function(child) self.goThru(node.childNodes, function) def replaceFont(self, node): """look for node which has "style:font-name" attribute and change its value to fontName.""" if (not hasattr(node, "getAttribute")): return fontName = node.getAttribute('style:font-name') fontType = None if (fontName): try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(fontName) except: pass if (fontType and hasattr(node.parentNode, "getAttribute")): # add name to convertible list self.convertibleStyle[unicode( node.parentNode.getAttribute('style:name'))] = fontType node.removeAttribute('style:font-name') node.setAttribute('style:font-name-complex', self.outputFont) if (self.outputFontSize): node.setAttribute('style:font-size-complex', self.outputFontSize) styleName = node.getAttribute('style:name') if (styleName): # if node's parent style is also convertible, node is also convertible. # search in child if child also has style:font-name (which will override parent) # then will not add to convertible list. if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: if (child.hasAttribute('style:font-name')) and (hasattr( child, "getAttribute")): fontName = child.getAttribute('style:font-name') if fontName: try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(fontName) except: self.nonConvertibleStyle[styleName] = True return parentStyleName = node.getAttribute('style:parent-style-name') if parentStyleName and self.convertibleStyle.has_key( parentStyleName): self.convertibleStyle[styleName] = self.convertibleStyle[ parentStyleName] node.setAttribute('style:name', self.outputFont) node.setAttribute('svg:font-family', self.outputFont) try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(styleName) except: return self.convertibleStyle[styleName] = fontType node.setAttribute('style:name', self.outputFont) node.setAttribute('svg:font-family', self.outputFont) def convertIfLegacy(self, node): """look the node for information of legacy font and convert to unicode, otherwise return False. @param node: node to look to and convert if necessary.""" if (not node.nodeValue): return False if (not (hasattr(node, "parentNode") or hasattr(node.parentNode, "getAttribute") or hasattr(node.parentNode, "parentNode") or hasattr(node.parentNode.parentNode, "getAttribute"))): return False # if font is not specified on node, but node is under a parent that is # in the convertible list, convert the node. styleName = node.parentNode.getAttribute(u'text:style-name') parentStyleName = node.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute( u'text:style-name') if (styleName in self.convertibleStyle): style = styleName elif (styleName in self.nonConvertibleStyle): return False style = parentStyleName else: return False # legacy font data's referal. fontname = self.convertibleStyle[style] sin = try: sin = sin.encode('cp1252') except UnicodeEncodeError: result = u'' part = '' for char in sin: try: tmpChar = char.encode('cp1252') except UnicodeEncodeError: if (part): part = unicodeProcess.process( part, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) result += unicodeReorder.reorder(part) part = '' result += char else: part += tmpChar if (part): part = unicodeProcess.process(part, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) result += unicodeReorder.reorder(part) sin = result else: sin = unicodeProcess.process(sin, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) sin = unicodeReorder.reorder(sin) newtext = self.xmldoc.createTextNode(sin) # create text of Node node.parentNode.replaceChild(newtext, node)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_kconvert() self.ui.setupUi(self) = "Leg" self.originExt = ".txt" settingOrg = "KhmerConverter" settingApp = "Khmer Converter" self.settings = QtCore.QSettings(QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat, QtCore.QSettings.UserScope, settingOrg, settingApp) self.setWindowTitle(settingApp + ' ' + __version__.ver) self.connect(self.ui.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentChanged(int)"), self.tabChanged) #---------------------------------------Legacy to Unicode------------------------------------------ # legacy to Unicode -- signal for browsing folder self.connect(self.ui.btnBrowseInL, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.openDialog) self.connect(self.ui.btnBrowseOutL, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.saveDialog) self.connect(self.ui.cmbDocTypeL, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.docTypeChangedL) self.connect(self.ui.cmbDocTypeU, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.docTypeChangedU) # add items into combo box doctType for legacy self.typeOdt = " Writer (*.odt)" self.typeText = "Plain Text" self.typeHtml = "Web page, HTML" self.docTypes = [self.typeOdt, self.typeText, self.typeHtml] for doctType in self.docTypes: self.ui.cmbDocTypeL.addItem( # add items into combo box legacy font for legacy for font in FontData().listFontTypes(): self.ui.cmbFontInputL.addItem(font) for fontName in FontData().listFontNamesForType(font): self.ui.cmbFontInputL.addItem(" " + fontName) # add items into combo box unicode font for legacy self.unicodeFontList = [ 'Khmer OS', 'Khmer OS Bokor', 'Khmer OS Battambang', 'Khmer OS Content', 'Khmer OS Fasthand', 'Khmer OS Freehand', 'Khmer OS Metal Chrieng', 'Khmer OS Muol', 'Khmer OS Muol Light', 'Khmer OS Muol Pali', 'Khmer OS SiemReap', 'Khmer OS System' ] for i in self.unicodeFontList: self.ui.cmbFontOutputL.addItem(i) self.defaultUniFont() # add items into combo box ecoding for legacy self.encodings = { "Plain Text (cp1252)": 'cp1252', "Plain Text (latin-1/iso-8859-1)": 'iso-8859-1', "Unicode (utf-8)": 'utf-8' } for key in self.encodings: self.ui.cmbEncodingL.addItem( self.connect(self.ui.lineInputL, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.detectDocType) self.connect(self.ui.chbOverrideSizeL, QtCore.SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.toggleSize) #---------------------------------------Unicode to Legacy------------------------------------------ # unicode to legacy -- signal for browsing folder self.connect(self.ui.btnBrowseInU, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.openDialog) self.connect(self.ui.btnBrowseOutU, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.saveDialog) # add item into combo box doctType for unicode for doctType in self.docTypes: self.ui.cmbDocTypeU.addItem( # add items into combo box legacy font for unicode self.legacyFontList = [] for font in FontData().listFontTypes(): self.ui.cmbFontOutputU.addItem(font) self.legacyFontList.append(font) for fontName in FontData().listFontNamesForType(font): self.ui.cmbFontOutputU.addItem(" " + fontName) self.legacyFontList.append(fontName) self.defaultLegFont() self.connect(self.ui.lineInputU, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.detectDocType) self.connect(self.ui.chbOverrideSizeU, QtCore.SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.toggleSize) # menubar self.connect(self.ui.actionQuit, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), QtCore.SLOT("close()")) self.connect(self.ui.actionAboutQt, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), QtGui.qApp, QtCore.SLOT("aboutQt()")) # Help menu self.aboutKConvert = AboutKConvert(self) self.connect(self.ui.actionAboutKConverter, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.aboutKConvert.showDialog) # set default value self.defaultValue() # instance of mime type = MimeTypes() self.connect(self.ui.btnConvert, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.convert) self.connect(self.ui.btnReset, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.defaultValue)
class unicodeConvertOdt: def __init__(self): self.CONTENTXML = 'content.xml' self.STYLESXML = 'styles.xml' self.convertibleStyle = {} self.nonConvertibleStyle = {} self.fd = FontData() self.outputFont = "Khmer OS" self.outputFontSize = None def convertOdtFile(self, inputFileName, outputFileName, outputFont = None, outputFontSize = None): """This function convert OpenOffice.Org writer file inputFileName: the name of file you want to convert. outputFileName: the result file name. Default value is converted-inputFileName outputFont: font name to override. default value is Khmer OS. outputFontSize: a value to override font size in odt file, value = None to ignore.""" self.outputFont = outputFont if (outputFontSize): self.outputFontSize = str(outputFontSize) + 'pt' if (inputFileName == outputFileName): raise TypeError('input file and output file must be different!') try: # read zip file (.odt) zipIn = zipfile.ZipFile(inputFileName, "r") except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + inputFileName + '" for reading!') if (not (self.CONTENTXML and self.STYLESXML) in zipIn.namelist()): raise TypeError('Input file' + inputFileName + 'is not an odt file!') try: # create new zip file (.odt) zipOut = zipfile.ZipFile(outputFileName, "w", DEFLATED) except IOError: raise IOError('Cannot open file "' + outputFileName + '" for writing!') zipOut.debug = 3 for file in zipIn.namelist(): fdata = if (file == self.CONTENTXML): # read data to contentXml for later processing. contentXml = fdata continue elif (file == self.STYLESXML): fdata = self.processStyle(fdata) zipOut.writestr(file, fdata) # process the content.xml only after already read the styles.xml. fdata = self.processContent(contentXml) zipOut.writestr(self.CONTENTXML, fdata) zipOut.close() zipIn.close() def processContent(self, xmldata): """change font name and size, convert data to unicode in xmldata @param xmldata: xml string to parse.""" self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) officeNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:text') officeDocContentNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:document-content') # go through node, replace font, and convert data to unicode. self.goThru(officeDocContentNode, self.replaceFont) self.goThru(officeNode, self.convertIfLegacy) return self.xmldoc.toxml('utf-8') def processStyle(self, xmldata): """change font name and size, convert data to unicode in xmldata @param xmldata: xml string to parse.""" self.xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) officeDocStylesNode = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('office:document-styles') # go through node, replace font, and convert data to unicode. self.goThru(officeDocStylesNode, self.replaceFont) self.goThru(officeDocStylesNode, self.convertIfLegacy) return self.xmldoc.toxml('utf-8') def goThru (self, nodelist, function): """go through nodelist and call function with child node as argument. @param nodelist: dom's node list. @param function: function to call, child argument will be provided by goThru.""" for node in nodelist: if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: function(child) self.goThru (node.childNodes, function) def replaceFont(self, node): """look for node which has "style:font-name" attribute and change its value to fontName.""" if (not hasattr(node, "getAttribute")): return fontName = node.getAttribute('style:font-name') fontType = None if (fontName): try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(fontName) except: pass if (fontType and hasattr(node.parentNode, "getAttribute")): # add name to convertible list self.convertibleStyle[unicode(node.parentNode.getAttribute('style:name'))] = fontType node.removeAttribute('style:font-name') node.setAttribute('style:font-name-complex', self.outputFont) if (self.outputFontSize): node.setAttribute('style:font-size-complex', self.outputFontSize) styleName = node.getAttribute('style:name') if (styleName): # if node's parent style is also convertible, node is also convertible. # search in child if child also has style:font-name (which will override parent) # then will not add to convertible list. if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: if (child.hasAttribute('style:font-name')) and (hasattr(child, "getAttribute")): fontName = child.getAttribute('style:font-name') if fontName: try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(fontName) except: self.nonConvertibleStyle[styleName] = True return parentStyleName = node.getAttribute('style:parent-style-name') if parentStyleName and self.convertibleStyle.has_key(parentStyleName): self.convertibleStyle[styleName] = self.convertibleStyle[parentStyleName] node.setAttribute('style:name', self.outputFont) node.setAttribute('svg:font-family', self.outputFont) try: fontType = self.fd.typeForFontname(styleName) except: return self.convertibleStyle[styleName] = fontType node.setAttribute('style:name', self.outputFont) node.setAttribute('svg:font-family', self.outputFont) def convertIfLegacy(self, node): """look the node for information of legacy font and convert to unicode, otherwise return False. @param node: node to look to and convert if necessary.""" if (not node.nodeValue): return False if (not (hasattr(node, "parentNode") or hasattr(node.parentNode, "getAttribute") or hasattr(node.parentNode, "parentNode") or hasattr(node.parentNode.parentNode, "getAttribute"))): return False # if font is not specified on node, but node is under a parent that is # in the convertible list, convert the node. styleName = node.parentNode.getAttribute(u'text:style-name') parentStyleName = node.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute(u'text:style-name') if (styleName in self.convertibleStyle): style = styleName elif (styleName in self.nonConvertibleStyle): return False style = parentStyleName else: return False # legacy font data's referal. fontname = self.convertibleStyle[style] sin = try: sin = sin.encode('cp1252') except UnicodeEncodeError: result = u'' part = '' for char in sin: try: tmpChar = char.encode('cp1252') except UnicodeEncodeError: if (part): part = unicodeProcess.process(part, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) result += unicodeReorder.reorder(part) part = '' result += char else: part += tmpChar if (part): part = unicodeProcess.process(part, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) result += unicodeReorder.reorder(part) sin = result else: sin = unicodeProcess.process(sin, self.fd.legacyData(fontname)) sin = unicodeReorder.reorder(sin) newtext = self.xmldoc.createTextNode(sin) # create text of Node node.parentNode.replaceChild(newtext, node)