def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ # define the default tree lines default_tree_lines = [ '(((a:0.05, b:0.05):0.15, c:0.2):0.8, x:1.0, (((m:0.05, n:0.05):0.15, p:0.2):0.8, y:1.0):1.0);', '(a:1.062, c:0.190, (d:1.080, b:2.30):2.112);', '((d:0.083, b:0.614):0.150, e:0.581, (c:1.290, a:0.359):1.070);', '((b:1.749, d:0.523):0.107, e:1.703, (a:0.746, c:0.070):4.025);' ] # define the list of form objects form_objects = [ Form.MultiLine('trees', 'newick trees (one tree per line)', '\n'.join(default_tree_lines)), Form.Float('epsilon', 'non-negligible eigenvalue', '1e-9'), Form.CheckGroup('options', 'show these tree sets', [ CheckItem('show_all', 'all reconstructed trees', True), CheckItem('show_incomplete', 'incompletely resolved reconstructed trees', True), CheckItem('show_conflicting', 'conflicting reconstructed trees', True), CheckItem('show_negligible', 'trees with potentially informative but small loadings', True) ]) ] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ # define the default tree string tree = NewickIO.parse(g_default_string, FelTree.NewickTree) formatted_tree_string = NewickIO.get_narrow_newick_string(tree, 60) # define the form objects form_objects = [ Form.MultiLine('tree', 'newick tree', formatted_tree_string), Form.RadioGroup('matrix', 'nodes used for the distance matrix', [ RadioItem('standard', 'tips only', True), RadioItem('augmented', 'all nodes'), RadioItem('named', 'all named nodes') ]), Form.CheckGroup('output_options', 'output options', [ CheckItem('show_split', 'exact criterion partition', True), CheckItem('show_value', 'exact criterion value', True), CheckItem('show_value_minus_trace', 'exact criterion value minus trace', True), CheckItem('show_fiedler_split', 'show the spectral sign partition', True), CheckItem('show_fiedler_eigenvector', 'show the eigenvector of interest', True), CheckItem('show_labels', 'ordered labels', True), CheckItem('show_distance_matrix', 'distance matrix', True), CheckItem('show_M_matrix', 'M matrix', True) ]) ] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ # define the default tree string tree = get_default_original_tree() formatted_tree_string = NewickIO.get_narrow_newick_string(tree, 60) # define the form objects form_objects = [ Form.MultiLine('tree', 'original tree with branch lengths', formatted_tree_string), Form.Integer('iterations', 'reconstruct this many trees', 10, low=1), Form.Integer('length', 'use sequences that are this long', 100, low=2), Form.RadioGroup('criterion', 'bipartition function', [ RadioItem('exact', 'exact criterion'), RadioItem('sign', 'spectral sign approximation', True), RadioItem('threshold', 'spectral threshold approximation'), RadioItem('nj', 'neighbor joining criterion'), RadioItem('random', 'random bipartition') ]), Form.RadioGroup('recourse', 'recourse for degenerate partitions', [ RadioItem('njrecourse', 'neighbor joining', True), RadioItem('halvingrecourse', 'leaf stem length halving') ]), Form.CheckGroup( 'output_options', 'extra output option', [CheckItem('showtrees', 'show reconstructed tree topologies')]) ] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ # define the default tree string and ordered tip labels tree_string = '(a:1, (b:2, d:5):1, c:4);' tree = NewickIO.parse(tree_string, FelTree.NewickTree) formatted_tree_string = NewickIO.get_narrow_newick_string(tree, 60) labels = list(sorted( for tip in tree.gen_tips())) # define the form objects form_objects = [ Form.MultiLine('tree', 'newick tree', formatted_tree_string), Form.MultiLine('inlabels', 'ordered labels', '\n'.join(labels)), Form.Float('strength', 'perturbation strength', 0.1, low_inclusive=0), Form.CheckGroup('options', 'output options', [ CheckItem('perturbed', 'a perturbed distance matrix', True), CheckItem('distance', 'the original distance matrix'), CheckItem('outlabels', 'ordered labels') ]) ] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ form_objects = [ Form.RadioGroup('leaf_options', 'number of leaves', [ RadioItem('six_leaves', '6', True), RadioItem('seven_leaves', '7')]), Form.CheckGroup('requirements', 'requirements', [ CheckItem('invalid_dendrogram', 'the topology of the naive dendrogram must be incorrect', True), CheckItem('informative_children', 'splits of the child trees must be informative', True), CheckItem('force_difference', 'full graph split must differ from Schur graph split', False), CheckItem('informative_full_split', 'full graph split must be informative', False)]), Form.CheckGroup('sampling_options', 'branch length sampling', [ CheckItem('allow_integers', 'allow single digit integer branch lengths', True), CheckItem('allow_reciprocals', 'allow reciprocal single digit integer branch lengths', False)])] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ L = np.array([ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 3.0]]) # define the form objects form_objects = [ Form.Matrix('laplacian', 'combinatorial Laplacian matrix', L, MatrixUtil.assert_symmetric), Form.RadioGroup('normalization', 'use this matrix', [ RadioItem('combinatorial', 'combinatorial Laplacian', True), RadioItem('normalized', 'normalized Laplacian')]), Form.CheckGroup('options', 'output options', [ CheckItem('show_magnitudes', 'show the distance of each point from the origin'), CheckItem('show_contrasts', 'show the contrast loading matrix')])] return form_objects
def get_form(): """ @return: the body of a form """ form_objects = [ RadioGroup('distance_options', 'recursive matrix construction', [ RadioItem('like_pruning', 'go through the Laplacian, like Felsenstein pruning', True), RadioItem('like_nj', 'directly use distances, like neighbor joining') ]), CheckGroup('format_options', 'options', [ CheckItem('supplementary', 'download the supplementary data', True) ]) ] return form_objects