def notify( title: str, subtitle: str, info_text: str, delay: int = 0, sound: bool = False, user_info: Dict[str, str] = None, ) -> None: """ Python method to show a desktop notification on Mountain Lion. Where: title: Title of notification subtitle: Subtitle of notification info_text: Informative text of notification delay: Delay (in seconds) before showing the notification sound: Play the default notification sound userInfo: a dictionary that can be used to handle clicks in your app's applicationDidFinishLaunching:aNotification method """ notification = NSUserNotification.alloc().init() notification.setTitle_(title) notification.setSubtitle_(subtitle) notification.setInformativeText_(info_text) user_info = user_info or {} user_info = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init().setDictionary_(user_info) notification.setUserInfo_(user_info) if sound: notification.setSoundName_("NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName") center = NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter() if center is not None: center.deliverNotification_(notification)
def notification(title, subtitle, message, data=None, sound=True): """Send a notification to Notification Center (OS X 10.8+). If running on a version of macOS that does not support notifications, a ``RuntimeError`` will be raised. Apple says, "The userInfo content must be of reasonable serialized size (less than 1k) or an exception will be thrown." So don't do that! :param title: text in a larger font. :param subtitle: text in a smaller font below the `title`. :param message: text representing the body of the notification below the `subtitle`. :param data: will be passed to the application's "notification center" (see :func:`rumps.notifications`) when this notification is clicked. :param sound: whether the notification should make a noise when it arrives. """ if not _NOTIFICATIONS: raise RuntimeError('OS X 10.8+ is required to send notifications') if data is not None and not isinstance(data, Mapping): raise TypeError('notification data must be a mapping') _require_string_or_none(title, subtitle, message) notification = NSUserNotification.alloc().init() notification.setTitle_(title) notification.setSubtitle_(subtitle) notification.setInformativeText_(message) infoDict = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() infoDict.setDictionary_({} if data is None else data) notification.setUserInfo_(infoDict) if sound: notification.setSoundName_("NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName") notification.setDeliveryDate_(NSDate.dateWithTimeInterval_sinceDate_(0, notification_center = _default_user_notification_center() notification_center.scheduleNotification_(notification)
def export(self, canvasname, file, format='pdf', force=False, is_checksum=False): """ Exports one canvas named {@code canvasname} """ format = format.lower() chksum = None if os.path.isfile(file) and not force: existing_chksum = checksum(file) if format != 'pdf' \ else checksum_pdf(file) new_chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) if existing_chksum == new_chksum and existing_chksum != None: logging.debug('No exporting - canvas %s not changed' % canvasname) return False else: chksum = new_chksum elif format == 'pdf': chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) win = canvas = [c for c in self.doc.canvases() if == canvasname] if len(canvas) == 1: canvas = canvas[0] else: logging.warn('Canvas %s does not exist in %s' % (canvasname, self.schemafile)) return False self.og.set(win.canvas, to=canvas) export_format = OmniGraffleSchema.EXPORT_FORMATS[format] if (export_format == None): else:, in_=file) if not is_checksum and self.options.verbose: print "%s" % file logging.debug("Exported `%s' into `%s' as %s" % (canvasname, file, format)) if format == 'pdf': # save the checksum url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(pdfdoc.documentAttributes()) attrs[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] = \ '%s%s' % (OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE, chksum) pdfdoc.setDocumentAttributes_(attrs) pdfdoc.writeToFile_(file) return True
def SetPathValue(self, path, value): """Sets the path value for a given path.""" base = os.path.basename(path) if not base: raise SysconfigError('Updating %s not permitted.' % path) tree = os.path.dirname(path) settings = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(self.session, tree) if not settings: settings = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() settings[base] = value SCPreferencesPathSetValue(self.session, tree, settings)
def _ns_update_attributed_title(self): if self._color: ns_button = self._ns_view ns_attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() ns_attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = ns_button.font() ns_attrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = self._color._ns_color ns_parstyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.alloc().init() ns_parstyle.setAlignment_(ns_button.alignment()) ns_attrs[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] = ns_parstyle ns_attstr = NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithString_attributes_( ns_button.title(), ns_attrs) ns_button.setAttributedTitle_(ns_attstr)
def modify_ncprefs_plist(key, value, item_index): # make an immutuble copy of the 'apps' array in ncprefs new_apps_array = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithArray_(pl) # make a mutable copy of the target dict within the array new_dict = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_copyItems_( new_apps_array[item_index], True) # set the value new_dict[key] = value # replace the mutible dict within the mutable array new_apps_array.replaceObjectAtIndex_withObject_(item_index, new_dict) # replace the array in the ncprefs plist CFPreferencesSetAppValue("apps", new_apps_array, NCPREFS_PLIST)
def SetPlistKey(plist, key, value): """Sets the value for a given key in a plist. Args: plist: plist to operate on key: key to change value: value to set Returns: boolean: success Raises: MissingImportsError: if NSMutableDictionary is missing """ if NSMutableDictionary: mach_info = NSMutableDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_(plist) if not mach_info: mach_info = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() mach_info[key] = value return mach_info.writeToFile_atomically_(plist, True) else: raise MissingImportsError('NSMutableDictionary not imported successfully.')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: {} in.pdf out.pdf \"creator string\"".format(__file__)) sys.exit(1) in_PDF = os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1]) out_PDF = os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[2]) creator_str = sys.argv[3] fn = os.path.expanduser(in_PDF) url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(fn) pdfdoc = PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) attrs = (NSMutableDictionary.alloc() .initWithDictionary_(pdfdoc.documentAttributes())) attrs[PDFDocumentCreatorAttribute] = creator_str pdfdoc.setDocumentAttributes_(attrs) pdfdoc.writeToFile_(out_PDF)
def AxisMapperMain(self, sender=None): try: # clear macro window log: Glyphs.clearLog() # update settings to the latest user input: if not self.SavePreferences(): print("Note: 'Axis Mapper' could not write preferences.") thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font if thisFont is None: Message( title="No Font Open", message= "The script requires a font. Open a font and run the script again.", OKButton=None) else: print("Axis Mapper Report for %s" % thisFont.familyName) if thisFont.filepath: print(thisFont.filepath) else: print("ā ļø The font file has not been saved yet.") print() minValue = float( Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.AxisMapper.minValue"]) maxValue = float( Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.AxisMapper.maxValue"]) mappingRecipe = Glyphs.defaults[ "com.mekkablue.AxisMapper.mappingRecipe"] axisTag = Glyphs.defaults[ "com.mekkablue.AxisMapper.axisPicker"] print("š Building Mapping for: %s" % axisTag) axisMapping = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() # axis extremes must be there: nativeLow, nativeHigh = extremeMasterValuesNative( thisFont, axisTag=axisTag) for masterExtreme in (nativeLow, nativeHigh): axisMapping.addObject_forKey_(masterExtreme, masterExtreme) print("ā Added axis extremes to mapping: %iā%i, %iā%i" % (nativeLow, nativeLow, nativeHigh, nativeHigh)) # process line for line in mappingRecipe.splitlines(): if "#" in line: line = line[:line.find("#")] if "->" in line: line = line.strip() userValue, targetValue = [ float(v.strip()) for v in line.split("->") ] userCoeff = coefficient(userValue, minValue, maxValue) targetCoeff = coefficient(targetValue, minValue, maxValue) nativeUserValue = valueForCoefficient( userCoeff, nativeLow, nativeHigh) nativeTargetValue = valueForCoefficient( targetCoeff, nativeLow, nativeHigh) axisMapping.addObject_forKey_(nativeTargetValue, nativeUserValue) print("ā Translating %iā%i to %iā%i" % (userValue, targetValue, nativeUserValue, nativeTargetValue)) parameterName = "Axis Mappings" mappings = Font.customParameters[parameterName] if not mappings: print("š Adding new %s parameter" % parameterName) mappings = NSMutableDictionary.alloc( ).initWithObject_forKey_(axisMapping, "wght") mappings.addObject_forKey_(axisMapping, axisTag) else: print("š§© Inserting %s mapping into existing %s parameter" % (axisTag, parameterName)) mappings.setObject_forKey_(axisMapping, axisTag) thisFont.customParameters[parameterName] = mappings # Final report: Glyphs.showNotification( "ā%sā mapping for %s" % (axisTag, thisFont.familyName), "Inserted ā%sā mapping with %i entries. Details in Macro Window" % (axisTag, len(axisMapping.allKeys())), ) print("\nDone.") except Exception as e: # brings macro window to front and reports error: Glyphs.showMacroWindow() print("Axis Mapper Error: %s" % e) import traceback print(traceback.format_exc())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__ = """ Inserts (or resets) a default Axis Mappings parameter for all style values currently present in the font. Ignores style values outside the designspace bounds defined by the masters. """ from Foundation import NSMutableDictionary from axisMethods import * if Glyphs.versionNumber < 3.0: Message(title="Glyphs Version Error", message="This script requires Glyphs 3.0 or later.", OKButton=None) # return mappings = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() font = Glyphs.font for axis in font.axes: axisTag = axis.axisTag minAxisPos, maxAxisPos = extremeMasterValuesNative(font, axisTag=axisTag) # add axis extremes: axisMapping = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init() for masterExtreme in nativeMasterExtremes: axisMapping.addObject_forKey_(masterExtreme, masterExtreme) # add style positions for style in font.instances: styleValue = styleValueForAxisTag(style, axisTag) if minAxisPos < styleValue < maxAxisPos: axisMapping.addObject_forKey_(styleValue, styleValue)
def export_one(schema, filename, canvasname, format='pdf', force=False): def _checksum(filepath): assert os.path.isfile(filepath), '%s is not a file' % filepath c = hashlib.md5() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''): c.update(chunk) return c.hexdigest() def _checksum_pdf(filepath): assert os.path.isfile(filepath), '%s is not a file' % filepath url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filepath) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) assert pdfdoc != None chsum = None attrs = pdfdoc.documentAttributes() if PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute in attrs: chksum = pdfdoc.documentAttributes()[ PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] else: return None if not chksum.startswith(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE): return None else: return chksum[len(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE):] def _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname): tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png')[1] os.unlink(tmpfile) export_one(schema, tmpfile, canvasname, 'png') try: chksum = _checksum(tmpfile) return chksum finally: os.unlink(tmpfile) # checksum chksum = None if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force: existing_chksum = _checksum(filename) if format != 'pdf' \ else _checksum_pdf(filename) new_chksum = _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) if existing_chksum == new_chksum and existing_chksum != None: logging.debug( 'Not exporting `%s` into `%s` as `%s` - canvas has not been changed' % (canvasname, filename, format)) return False else: chksum = new_chksum elif format == 'pdf': chksum = _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) try: schema.export(canvasname, filename, format=format) except RuntimeError as e: print >> sys.stderr, e.message return False # update checksum if format == 'pdf': # save the checksum url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filename) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_( pdfdoc.documentAttributes()) attrs[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] = \ '%s%s' % (OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE, chksum) pdfdoc.setDocumentAttributes_(attrs) pdfdoc.writeToFile_(filename) return True
def export_one(schema, filename, canvasname, format='pdf', force=False): def _checksum(filepath): assert os.path.isfile(filepath), '%s is not a file' % filepath c = hashlib.md5() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''): c.update(chunk) return c.hexdigest() def _checksum_pdf(filepath): assert os.path.isfile(filepath), '%s is not a file' % filepath url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filepath) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) assert pdfdoc != None chsum = None attrs = pdfdoc.documentAttributes() if PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute in attrs: chksum = pdfdoc.documentAttributes()[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] else: return None if not chksum.startswith(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE): return None else: return chksum[len(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE):] def _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname): tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png')[1] os.unlink(tmpfile) export_one(schema, tmpfile, canvasname, 'png') try: chksum = _checksum(tmpfile) return chksum finally: os.unlink(tmpfile) # checksum chksum = None if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force: existing_chksum = _checksum(filename) if format != 'pdf' \ else _checksum_pdf(filename) new_chksum = _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) if existing_chksum == new_chksum and existing_chksum != None: logging.debug( 'Not exporting `%s` into `%s` as `%s` - canvas has not been changed' % (canvasname, filename, format)) return False else: chksum = new_chksum elif format == 'pdf': chksum = _compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) try: schema.export(canvasname, filename, format=format) except RuntimeError as e: print >> sys.stderr, e.message return False # update checksum if format == 'pdf': # save the checksum url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filename) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(pdfdoc.documentAttributes()) attrs[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] = \ '%s%s' % (OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE, chksum) pdfdoc.setDocumentAttributes_(attrs) pdfdoc.writeToFile_(filename) return True
def export(self, canvasname, filename, format='pdf', force=False): """ Exports one canvas named {@code canvasname} """ # canvas name if not canvasname or len(canvasname) == 0: raise Exception('canvasname is missing') logging.debug('Exporting canvas: %s ' % canvasname) # format if not format or len(format) == 0: format = 'pdf' else: format = format.lower() if format not in OmniGraffleSchema.EXPORT_FORMATS: raise Exception('Unknown format: %s' % format) logging.debug('Exporting into format: %s ' % format) filename = os.path.abspath(filename) # suffix if filename[filename.rfind('.')+1:].lower() != format: filename = '%s.%s' % (filename, format) logging.debug('Exporting into: %s ' % filename) # checksum chksum = None if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force: existing_chksum = checksum(filename) if format != 'pdf' \ else checksum_pdf(filename) new_chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) if existing_chksum == new_chksum and existing_chksum != None: logging.debug('No exporting - canvas %s not changed' % canvasname) return False else: chksum = new_chksum elif format == 'pdf': chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname) if self._export_internal(canvasname, filename, format): if self.verbose: print "%s" % filename else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to export canvas: %s to %s' % \ (canvasname, filename) # update checksum if format == 'pdf': # save the checksum url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filename) pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url) attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_( pdfdoc.documentAttributes()) attrs[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] = \ '%s%s' % (OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE, chksum) pdfdoc.setDocumentAttributes_(attrs) pdfdoc.writeToFile_(filename) return True
def __init__(self): = "" self.favoriteservers = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_copyItems_(CoreFoundation.CFPreferencesCopyAppValue("favoriteservers",, True) self.items = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithArray_(self.favoriteservers["CustomListItems"] if self.favoriteservers.get("CustomListItems") else list()) self.labels = [item["Name"] for item in self.items]
import plistlib import CoreFoundation from Foundation import NSDate, NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary # read the current ManagedPlugInPolicies policy = CoreFoundation.CFPreferencesCopyAppValue("ManagedPlugInPolicies", "") if policy: # policy is an immutable dict, so we have to make a mutable copy my_policy = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_copyItems_( policy, True) else: # create an empty dict my_policy = {} if '' in my_policy: # make a mutable copy of the dict current_dict = my_policy[''] my_policy[''] = NSMutableDictionary.alloc( ).initWithDictionary_copyItems_(current_dict, True) else: # create an empty dict my_policy[''] = {} if 'PlugInHostnamePolicies' in my_policy['']: # make a mutable copy of the array current_array = my_policy[''][ 'PlugInHostnamePolicies'] my_policy[''][ 'PlugInHostnamePolicies'] = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithArray_(