Example #1
    def gen_usage(self, command=None):
        Generate usage info. This includes description, command line,
        options, and subcommands or arguments.
        command = command or self

        # Rebuild the command string
        command_string = self.script_name
        for cmd in self._build_command_path(command):
            command_string += ' ' + cmd.name

        lines = [self._get_version(command_string)]
        description = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(command.verbose_description,
                                                CONSOLE_WIDTH - 4)
        lines.extend(['  %s' % line for line in description ])
        lines.extend(command._gen_usage('  %s ' % command_string))
        return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #2
    def gen_usage(self, command=None):
        Generate usage info. This includes description, command line,
        options, and subcommands or arguments.
        command = command or self

        # Rebuild the command string
        command_string = self.script_name
        for cmd in self._build_command_path(command):
            command_string += ' ' + cmd.name

        lines = [self._get_version(command_string)]
        description = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(command.verbose_description,
                                                CONSOLE_WIDTH - 4)
        lines.extend(['  %s' % line for line in description])
        lines.extend(command._gen_usage('  %s ' % command_string))
        return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #3
    def gen_command_tree(self):
        Generate the command tree (a show all commands look)
        commands = self.flatten_command_tree(0)
        max_cmd = 0
        for (level, cmd, fullName) in commands:
            if (len(cmd.name) + level * 2) > max_cmd:
                max_cmd = len(cmd.name) + level * 2

        # column width = longest command + gutter
        col_width = max_cmd + 2
        text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - col_width
        big_indent = ' ' * col_width
        lines = []

        last_level = 0
        first_level = 1
        for (level, cmd, fullName) in commands:
            if last_level > level or level == 0:
                lines.append('')  #
            last_level = level

            indent = '  ' * level
            padding = max_cmd - (level * 2)
            text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(cmd.description, text_width)
            lines.append('%s%-*s  %s' % (indent, padding, cmd.name, text[0]))
            for line in text[1:]:
                lines.append(big_indent + line)

            if first_level:
                lines.append('Available Commands:')
                first_level = 0

        lines.append('\nTo see help on a specific command:\n')
        lines.append('  %s command [subcommand]... --help\n' %

        return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #4
    def gen_command_tree(self):
        Generate the command tree (a show all commands look)
        commands = self.flatten_command_tree(0)
        max_cmd = 0
        for (level, cmd,fullName) in commands:
            if (len(cmd.name) + level*2) > max_cmd:
                max_cmd = len(cmd.name) + level*2

        # column width = longest command + gutter
        col_width = max_cmd + 2
        text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - col_width
        big_indent = ' ' * col_width
        lines = []

        last_level = 0
        first_level = 1
        for (level, cmd,fullName) in commands:
            if last_level > level or level == 0:
                lines.append('')    #
            last_level = level

            indent = '  ' * level
            padding = max_cmd - (level * 2)
            text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(cmd.description, text_width)
            lines.append('%s%-*s  %s' % (indent, padding, cmd.name, text[0]))
            for line in text[1:]:
                lines.append(big_indent + line)

            if first_level:
                lines.append('Available Commands:')
                first_level = 0

        lines.append('\nTo see help on a specific command:\n')
        lines.append('  %s command [subcommand]... --help\n' % self.script_name)

        return '\n'.join(lines)