Example #1
def _getAllAttachedConstraints(oofuns):
    from FuncDesigner import broadcast
    r = set()
    def F(oof):
    broadcast(F, oofuns, useAttachedConstraints=True)
    return r
Example #2
def _getAllAttachedConstraints(oofuns):
    from FuncDesigner import broadcast
    r = set()

    def F(oof):

    broadcast(F, oofuns, useAttachedConstraints=True)
    return r
Example #3
def formDepCounter(oofuns):
    # TODO: mb exclude fixed oovars/oofuncs?
    from FuncDesigner import broadcast, oofun
    R = {}
    def func(oof):
        if oof.is_oovar:
            R[oof] = {oof: 1}
        dicts = [R.get(inp) for inp in oof.input if isinstance(inp, oofun)]
        R[oof] = dictSum(dicts)
    broadcast(func, oofuns, useAttachedConstraints=False)
    return R 
Example #4
def formDepCounter(oofuns):
    # TODO: mb exclude fixed oovars/oofuncs?
    from FuncDesigner import broadcast, oofun
    R = {}

    def func(oof):
        if oof.is_oovar:
            R[oof] = {oof: 1}
        dicts = [R.get(inp) for inp in oof.input if isinstance(inp, oofun)]
        R[oof] = dictSum(dicts)

    broadcast(func, oofuns, useAttachedConstraints=False)
    return R
Example #5
def formResolveSchedule(oof):
    depsNumber = formDepCounter(oof)
    def F(ff, depsNumberDict, baseFuncDepsNumber, R):
        tmp = depsNumberDict[ff]
        s = []
        for k, v in tmp.items():
            if baseFuncDepsNumber[k] == v:
                baseFuncDepsNumber[k] -= 1
        if len(s):
            R[ff] = s
    R = {}
    broadcast(F, oof, False, depsNumber, depsNumber[oof].copy(), R)
    R.pop(oof, None)
    oof.resolveSchedule = R
Example #6
def formResolveSchedule(oof):
    depsNumber = formDepCounter(oof)

    def F(ff, depsNumberDict, baseFuncDepsNumber, R):
        tmp = depsNumberDict[ff]
        s = []
        for k, v in tmp.items():
            if baseFuncDepsNumber[k] == v:
                baseFuncDepsNumber[k] -= 1
        if len(s):
            R[ff] = s

    R = {}
    broadcast(F, oof, False, depsNumber, depsNumber[oof].copy(), R)
    R.pop(oof, None)
    oof.resolveSchedule = R
Example #7
    def handleConstraint(self, c, StartPointVars, areFixed, oovD, A, b, Aeq, beq, Z, D_kwargs, LB, UB, inplaceLinearRender):
        #import FuncDesigner as fd
        from FuncDesigner.constraints import SmoothFDConstraint
        from FuncDesigner.BooleanOOFun import BooleanOOFun
        if not isinstance(c, SmoothFDConstraint) and isinstance(c, BooleanOOFun): 
            self.hasLogicalConstraints = True
        probtol = self.contol
        f, tol = c.oofun, c.tol
        _lb, _ub = c.lb, c.ub
        Name = f.name
        dep = set([f]) if f.is_oovar else f._getDep()
        isFixed = areFixed(dep)

        if f.is_oovar and isFixed:  
            if self._x0 is None or f not in self._x0: 
                self.err('your problem has fixed oovar '+ Name + ' but no value for the one in start point is provided')
            return True
        if not dep.issubset(StartPointVars):
            self.err('your start point has no enough variables to define constraint ' + c.name)

        if tol < 0:
            if any(_lb  == _ub):
                self.err("You can't use negative tolerance for the equality constraint " + c.name)
            elif any(_lb - tol >= _ub + tol):
                self.err("You can't use negative tolerance for so small gap in constraint" + c.name)

            Shift = (1.0+1e-13)*probtol 
            # not inplace modification!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            _lb = _lb + Shift
            _ub = _ub - Shift
        if tol != 0: self.useScaledResidualOutput = True
        # TODO: omit it for interalg
        if tol not in (0, probtol, -probtol):
            scaleFactor = abs(probtol / tol)
            f *= scaleFactor
            #c.oofun = f#c.oofun * scaleFactor
            _lb, _ub = _lb * scaleFactor, _ub * scaleFactor
            Contol = tol
            Contol2 = Contol * scaleFactor
            Contol = asscalar(copy(probtol))
            Contol2 = Contol 
        if isFixed:
            # TODO: get rid of self.contol, use separate contols for each constraint
            if not c(self._x0, tol=Contol2):
                s = """'constraint "%s" with all-fixed optimization variables it depends on is infeasible in start point, 
                hence the problem is infeasible, maybe you should change start point'""" % c.name
            return True

        from FuncDesigner import broadcast
        broadcast(formDictOfFixedFuncs, f, self.useAttachedConstraints, self.dictOfFixedFuncs, areFixed, self._x0)
            #self.dictOfFixedFuncs[f] = f(self.x0)

        f_order = f.getOrder(self.freeVarsSet, self.fixedVarsSet, fixedVarsScheduleID = self._FDVarsID)
        if self.probType in ['LP', 'MILP', 'LLSP', 'LLAVP'] and f_order > 1:
            self.err('for LP/MILP/LLSP/LLAVP all constraints have to be linear, while ' + f.name + ' is not')
        if not f.is_oovar and f_order < 2:
            D_kwargs2 = D_kwargs.copy()
            if inplaceLinearRender:
                # interalg only
                D_kwargs2['useSparse'] = False
            D = f.D(Z, **D_kwargs2)
            if inplaceLinearRender:
                # interalg only
                if any([asarray(val).size > 1 for val in D.values()]):
                    self.err('currently interalg can handle only FuncDesigner.oovars(n), not FuncDesigner.oovar() with size > 1')
                f = linear_render(f, D, Z)
            D = 0
        # TODO: simplify condition of box-bounded oovar detection
        if f.is_oovar:
            inds = oovD[f]
            f_size = inds[1] - inds[0]

            if any(isfinite(_lb)):
                if _lb.size not in (f_size, 1): 
                    self.err('incorrect size of lower box-bound constraint for %s: 1 or %d expected, %d obtained' % (Name, f_size, _lb.size))
                # for PyPy compatibility
                if type(_lb) == ndarray and _lb.size == 1:
                    _lb = _lb.item()
                val = array(f_size*[_lb] if type(_lb) == ndarray and _lb.size < f_size else _lb)
                LB[f] = val if f not in LB else where(val > LB[f], val, LB[f])

            if any(isfinite(_ub)):
                if _ub.size not in (f_size, 1): 
                    self.err('incorrect size of upper box-bound constraint for %s: 1 or %d expected, %d obtained' % (Name, f_size, _ub.size))
                # for PyPy compatibility
                if type(_ub) == ndarray and _ub.size == 1:
                    _ub = _ub.item()
                val = array(f_size*[_ub] if type(_ub) == ndarray and _ub.size < f_size else _ub)
                UB[f] = val if f not in UB else where(val < UB[f], val, UB[f])
        elif _lb == _ub:
            if f_order < 2:
            elif self.h is None: self.h = [f-_lb]
            else: self.h.append(f-_lb)
        elif isfinite(_ub):
            if f_order < 2:
            elif self.c is None: self.c = [f - _ub]
            else: self.c.append(f - _ub)
        elif isfinite(_lb):
            if f_order < 2:
                b.append(f(Z) - _lb)                        
            elif self.c is None: self.c = [- f + _lb]
            else: self.c.append(- f + _lb)
            self.err('inform OpenOpt developers of the bug')
        if not f.is_oovar:
            Contol = max((0, Contol2))
            # TODO: handle it more properly, especially  for lb, ub of array type
            # FIXME: name of f0 vs f
#            self._FD.nonBoxConsWithTolShift.append((f0, lb_0 - Contol, ub_0 + Contol))
#            self._FD.nonBoxCons.append((f0, lb_0, ub_0, Contol))
            self._FD.nonBoxConsWithTolShift.append((c, f, _lb - Contol, _ub + Contol))
            self._FD.nonBoxCons.append((c, f, _lb, _ub, Contol))
#            if tol not in (0, probtol, -probtol):
#                print('!', f, _lb, _ub, Contol)
        return False
Example #8
    def _prepare(self): 
        if self._baseProblemIsPrepared: return
        if self.useSparse == 0:
            self.useSparse = False
        elif self.useSparse == 1:
            self.useSparse = True
        if self.useSparse == 'auto' and not scipyInstalled:
            self.useSparse = False
        if self.useSparse == True and not scipyInstalled:
            self.err("You can't set useSparse=True without scipy installed")
        if self._isFDmodel():
            self.isFDmodel = True
            self._FD = EmptyClass()
            self._FD.nonBoxConsWithTolShift = []
            self._FD.nonBoxCons = []
            from FuncDesigner import _getAllAttachedConstraints, _getDiffVarsID, ooarray, oopoint, oofun#, _Stochastic
            self._FDVarsID = _getDiffVarsID()
            probDep = set()
            updateDep = lambda Dep, elem: \
            [updateDep(Dep, f) for f in elem] if isinstance(elem, (tuple, list, set))\
            else [updateDep(Dep, f) for f in atleast_1d(elem)] if isinstance(elem, ndarray)\
            else Dep.update(set([elem]) if elem.is_oovar else elem._getDep()) if isinstance(elem, oofun) else None
            if self.probType in ['SLE', 'NLSP', 'SNLE', 'LLSP']:
                equations = self.C if self.probType in ('SLE', 'LLSP') else self.f
                F = equations
                updateDep(probDep, equations)
                ConstraintTags = [(elem if not isinstance(elem, (set, list, tuple, ndarray)) else elem[0]).isConstraint for elem in equations]
                cond_all_oofuns_but_not_cons = not any(ConstraintTags) 
                cond_cons = all(ConstraintTags) 
                if not cond_all_oofuns_but_not_cons and not cond_cons:
                    raise OpenOptException('for FuncDesigner SLE/SNLE constructors args must be either all-equalities or all-oofuns')            
                if self.fTol is not None:
                    fTol = min((self.ftol, self.fTol))
                    both ftol and fTol are passed to the SNLE;
                    minimal value of the pair will be used (%0.1e);
                    also, you can modify each personal tolerance for equation, e.g. 
                    equations = [(sin(x)+cos(y)=-0.5)(tol = 0.001), ...]
                    ''' % fTol)
                    fTol = self.ftol
                self.fTol = self.ftol = fTol
                appender = lambda arg: [appender(elem) for elem in arg] if isinstance(arg, (ndarray, list, tuple, set))\
                else ((arg.oofun*(fTol/arg.tol) if arg.tol != fTol and arg.tol != 0 else arg.oofun) if arg.isConstraint else arg)
                EQs = []
                for eq in equations:
                    rr = appender(eq)
                    if type(rr) == list:
                        EQs += rr
                #EQs = [((elem.oofun*(fTol/elem.tol) if elem.tol != 0 else elem.oofun) if elem.isConstraint else elem) for elem in equations]
                if self.probType in ('SLE', 'LLSP'): self.C = EQs
                elif self.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'): 
                    self.f = EQs
#                    self.user.F = EQs
                else: raise OpenOptException('bug in OO kernel')
                F = [self.f]
                updateDep(probDep, self.f)
            updateDep(probDep, self.constraints)
            # TODO: implement it
#            startPointVars = set(self.x0.keys())
#            D = startPointVars.difference(probDep)
#            if len(D):
#                print('values for variables %s are missing in start point' % D)
#            D2 = probDep.difference(startPointVars)
#            if len(D2):
#                self.x0 = dict([(key, self.x0[key]) for key in D2])

            for fn in ['lb', 'ub', 'A', 'Aeq', 'b', 'beq']:
                if not hasattr(self, fn): continue
                val = getattr(self, fn)
                if val is not None and any(isfinite(val)):
                    self.err('while using oovars providing lb, ub, A, Aeq for whole prob is forbidden, use for each oovar instead')
            if not isinstance(self.x0, dict):
                self.err('Unexpected start point type: ooPoint or Python dict expected, '+ str(type(self.x0)) + ' obtained')
            x0 = self.x0.copy()

            tmp = []
            for key, val in x0.items():
                if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple, ndarray)):
                    tmp.append((key, val))
                else: # can be only ooarray although
                    val = atleast_1d(val)
                    if len(key) != val.size:
                        for the sake of possible bugs prevention lenght of oovars array 
                        must be equal to lenght of its start point value, 
                        assignments like x = oovars(m); startPoint[x] = 0 are forbidden, 
                        use startPoint[x] = [0]*m or np.zeros(m) instead''')
                    for i in range(val.size):
                        tmp.append((key[i], val[i]))
            Tmp = dict(tmp)
            if isinstance(self.fixedVars, dict):
                for key, val in self.fixedVars.items():
                    if isinstance(key, (list, tuple, ndarray)): # can be only ooarray although
                        if len(key) != len(val):
                            for the sake of possible bugs prevention lenght of oovars array 
                            must be equal to lenght of its start point value, 
                            assignments like x = oovars(m); fixedVars[x] = 0 are forbidden, 
                            use fixedVars[x] = [0]*m or np.zeros(m) instead''')
                        for i in range(len(val)):
                            Tmp[key[i]] = val[i]
                        Tmp[key] = val
                self.fixedVars = set(self.fixedVars.keys())
            # mb other operations will speedup it?
            if self.probType != 'ODE':
                Keys = set(Tmp.keys()).difference(probDep)
                for key in Keys:
            self.probDep = probDep
            self.x0 = Tmp
            self._stringVars = set()
            for key, val in self.x0.items():
                #if key.domain is not None and key.domain is not bool and key.domain is not 'bool':
                if type(val) in (str, string_):
                    self.x0[key] = key.aux_domain[val]#searchsorted(key.aux_domain, val, 'left')
                elif key.fields == () and key.domain is not None and key.domain is not bool and key.domain is not 'bool' \
                and key.domain is not int and key.domain is not 'int' and val not in key.domain:
                    self.x0[key] = key.domain[0]
            self.x0 = oopoint(self.x0)
            self.x0.maxDistributionSize = self.maxDistributionSize

            if self.probType in ['LP', 'MILP', 'SOCP'] and self.f.getOrder(self.freeVarsSet, self.fixedVarsSet, fixedVarsScheduleID = self._FDVarsID) > 1:
                self.err('for LP/MILP objective function has to be linear, while this one ("%s") is not' % self.f.name)
            if self.fixedVars is None:
               D_kwargs = {'fixedVars':self.fixedVarsSet}
            elif self.freeVars is not None and len(self.freeVars)<len(self.fixedVars):
                D_kwargs = {'Vars':self.freeVarsSet}
                D_kwargs = {'fixedVars':self.fixedVarsSet}
            D_kwargs['useSparse'] = self.useSparse
            D_kwargs['fixedVarsScheduleID'] = self._FDVarsID
            D_kwargs['exactShape'] = True
            self._D_kwargs = D_kwargs
            variableTolerancesDict = dict((v, v.tol) for v in self._freeVars)
            self.variableTolerances = self._point2vector(variableTolerancesDict)
            if len(self._fixedVars) < len(self._freeVars) and 'isdisjoint' in dir(set()):
                areFixed = lambda dep: dep.issubset(self.fixedVarsSet)
                #isFixed = lambda v: v in self._fixedVars
                Z = dict((v, zeros_like(val) if v not in self.fixedVarsSet else val) for v, val in self._x0.items())
                areFixed = lambda dep: dep.isdisjoint(self.freeVarsSet)
                #isFixed = lambda v: v not in self._freeVars
                Z = dict((v, zeros_like(val) if v in self.freeVarsSet else val) for v, val in self._x0.items())
            Z = oopoint(Z, maxDistributionSize = self.maxDistributionSize)
            self._Z = Z
            #p.isFixed = isFixed
            lb, ub = -inf*ones(self.n), inf*ones(self.n)

            # TODO: get rid of start c, h = None, use [] instead
            A, b, Aeq, beq = [], [], [], []
            if type(self.constraints) not in (list, tuple, set):
                self.constraints = [self.constraints]
            oovD = self._oovarsIndDict
            LB = {}
            UB = {}
            """                                    gather attached constraints                                    """
            C = list(self.constraints)

            self.constraints = set(self.constraints)
            for v in self._x0.keys():
#                if v.fields != ():
#                    v.aux_domain = Copy(v.domain)
##                    # TODO: mb rework it
##                    ind_numeric = [j for j, elem in enumerate(v.aux_domain[0]) if type(elem) not in (str, np.str_)]
##                    if len(ind_numeric):
##                        ind_first_numeric = ind_numeric[0]
##                        v.aux_domain.sort(key = lambda elem: elem[ind_first_numeric])
#                    v.domain = np.arange(len(v.domain))
                if not array_equal(v.lb, -inf):
                    self.constraints.add(v >= v.lb)
                if not array_equal(v.ub, inf):
                    self.constraints.add(v <= v.ub)            

            if self.useAttachedConstraints: 
                if hasattr(self, 'f'):
                    if type(self.f) in [list, tuple, set]:
                        C += list(self.f)
                    else: # self.f is oofun
            FF = self.constraints.copy()
            for _F in F:
                if isinstance(_F, (tuple, list, set)):
                elif isinstance(_F, ndarray):
                    if _F.size > 1:
            unvectorizableFuncs = set()
            #unvectorizableVariables = set([var for var, val in self._x0.items() if isinstance(val, _Stochastic) or asarray(val).size > 1])
            # TODO: use this
            unvectorizableVariables = set([])
            # temporary replacement:
            #unvectorizableVariables = set([var for var, val in self._x0.items() if asarray(val).size > 1])
            cond = False
#            unvectorizableVariables = set(self._x0.keys())
#            hasVectorizableFuncs = False
#            cond = True
            #debug end
            if 1 and isPyPy:
                hasVectorizableFuncs = False
                unvectorizableFuncs = FF
                hasVectorizableFuncs = False
                if len(unvectorizableVariables) != 0:
                    for ff in FF:
                        _dep = ff._getDep()
                        if cond or len(_dep & unvectorizableVariables) != 0:
                            hasVectorizableFuncs = True
                    hasVectorizableFuncs = True
            self.unvectorizableFuncs = unvectorizableFuncs
            self.hasVectorizableFuncs = hasVectorizableFuncs
            for v in self.freeVarsSet:
                d = v.domain
                if d is bool or d is 'bool':
                    self.constraints.update([v>0, v<1])
                elif d is not None and d is not int and d is not 'int':
                    # TODO: mb add integer domains?
                    v.domain = array(list(d))
                    self.constraints.update([v >= v.domain[0], v <= v.domain[-1]])
                    if hasattr(v, 'aux_domain'):
                        self.constraints.add(v <= len(v.aux_domain)-1)
#            for v in self._stringVars:
#                if isFixed(v):
#                    ind = searchsorted(v.aux_domain, p._x0[v], 'left')
#                    if v.aux_domain

            """                                         handling constraints                                         """
            StartPointVars = set(self._x0.keys())
            self.dictOfFixedFuncs = {}
            from FuncDesigner import broadcast
            if self.probType in ['SLE', 'NLSP', 'SNLE', 'LLSP']:
                for eq in equations:
                    broadcast(formDictOfFixedFuncs, eq, self.useAttachedConstraints, self.dictOfFixedFuncs, areFixed, self._x0)
                broadcast(formDictOfFixedFuncs, self.f, self.useAttachedConstraints, self.dictOfFixedFuncs, areFixed, self._x0)

            if oosolver(self.solver).useLinePoints:
                self._firstLinePointDict = {}
                self._secondLinePointDict = {}
                self._currLinePointDict = {}
            inplaceLinearRender = oosolver(self.solver).__name__ == 'interalg'
            if inplaceLinearRender and hasattr(self, 'f'):
                D_kwargs2 = D_kwargs.copy()
                D_kwargs2['useSparse'] = False
                if type(self.f) in [list, tuple, set]:
                    ff = []
                    for f in self.f:
                        if f.getOrder(self.freeVarsSet, self.fixedVarsSet, fixedVarsScheduleID = self._FDVarsID) < 2:
                            D = f.D(Z, **D_kwargs2)
                            f2 = linear_render(f, D, Z)
                    self.f = ff
                else: # self.f is oofun
                    if self.f.getOrder(self.freeVarsSet, self.fixedVarsSet, fixedVarsScheduleID = self._FDVarsID) < 2:
                        D = self.f.D(Z, **D_kwargs2)
                        self.f = linear_render(self.f, D, Z)
                        if self.isObjFunValueASingleNumber:
                            self._linear_objective = True
                            self._linear_objective_factor = self._pointDerivative2array(D).flatten()
                            self._linear_objective_scalar = self.f(Z)
            handleConstraint_args = (StartPointVars, areFixed, oovD, A, b, Aeq, beq, Z, D_kwargs, LB, UB, inplaceLinearRender)
            for c in self.constraints:
                if isinstance(c, ooarray):
                    for elem in c: 
                        self.handleConstraint(elem, *handleConstraint_args) 
                elif c is True:
                elif c is False:
                    self.err('one of elements from constraints is "False", solution is impossible')
                elif not hasattr(c, 'isConstraint'): 
                    self.err('The type ' + str(type(c)) + ' is inappropriate for problem constraints')
                    self.handleConstraint(c, *handleConstraint_args)

            if len(b) != 0:
                self.A, self.b = Vstack(A), Hstack([asfarray(elem).flatten() for elem in b])#Vstack(b).flatten()
                if hasattr(self.b, 'toarray'): self.b = self.b.toarray()
            if len(beq) != 0:
                self.Aeq, self.beq = Vstack(Aeq), Hstack([ravel(elem) for elem in beq])#Vstack(beq).flatten()
                if hasattr(self.beq, 'toarray'): self.beq = self.beq.toarray()
            for vName, vVal in LB.items():
                inds = oovD[vName]
                lb[inds[0]:inds[1]] = vVal
            for vName, vVal in UB.items():
                inds = oovD[vName]
                ub[inds[0]:inds[1]] = vVal
            self.lb, self.ub = lb, ub
        else: # not FuncDesigner
            if self.fixedVars is not None or self.freeVars is not None:
                self.err('fixedVars and freeVars are valid for optimization of FuncDesigner models only')
        if self.x0 is None: 
            arr = ['lb', 'ub']
            if self.probType in ['LP', 'MILP', 'QP', 'SOCP', 'SDP']: arr.append('f')
            if self.probType in ['LLSP', 'LLAVP', 'LUNP']: arr.append('D')
            for fn in arr:
                if not hasattr(self, fn): continue
                tmp = getattr(self, fn)
                fv = asarray(tmp) if not isspmatrix(tmp) else tmp.A
                if any(isfinite(fv)):
                    self.x0 = np.zeros(fv.size)
        self.x0 = ravel(self.x0)
        if not hasattr(self, 'n'): self.n = self.x0.size
        if not hasattr(self, 'lb'): self.lb = -inf * ones(self.n)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ub'): self.ub =  inf * ones(self.n)        

        for fn in ('A', 'Aeq'):
            fv = getattr(self, fn)
            if fv is not None:
                #afv = asfarray(fv) if not isspmatrix(fv) else fv.toarray() # TODO: omit casting to dense matrix
                afv = asfarray(fv)  if type(fv) in [list, tuple] else fv
                if len(afv.shape) > 1:
                    if afv.shape[1] != self.n:
                        self.err('incorrect ' + fn + ' size')
                    if afv.shape != () and afv.shape[0] == self.n: afv = afv.reshape(1, self.n)
                setattr(self, fn, afv)
                setattr(self, fn, asfarray([]).reshape(0, self.n))
        nA, nAeq = prod(self.A.shape), prod(self.Aeq.shape) 
        SizeThreshold = 2 ** 15
        if scipyInstalled:
            from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
            if isspmatrix(self.A) or (nA > SizeThreshold  and np.flatnonzero(self.A).size < 0.25*nA):
                self._A = csc_matrix(self.A)
            if isspmatrix(self.Aeq) or (nAeq > SizeThreshold and np.flatnonzero(self.Aeq).size < 0.25*nAeq):
                self._Aeq = csc_matrix(self.Aeq)
        elif nA > SizeThreshold or nAeq > SizeThreshold:
        self._baseProblemIsPrepared = True