def plot_surface(hdf5_file, case, time=[0], variable="Vx", plt_name="test.png", p=(0, 0)):
    """ Plots the velocity values for the given component at the given time

       hdf5_file: HDF5 file to read from
       case: case name to read from
       time: the time step to read from
       variable: the variable to read (["Vx"],"Vy","Vz")
       plt_name: the output name of the plot (default is test.png)
    import h5py
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from Functions import find_nearest
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata

    tooth_length = 40.0

    h5 = h5py.File(hdf5_file, "r")

    # Read the available coordinates
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "x": np.array(h5["{0}/y".format(case)].value) / tooth_length,
            "y": -np.array(h5["{0}/x".format(case)].value) / tooth_length,
    mask = h5["{0}/mask".format(case)].value / 40.0
    mask = mask - mask[1]

    # Rotate requested coordinate points
    angle = -h5["{0}".format(case)].attrs["angle"]
    # angle = -np.deg2rad(15)
    # flow_angle = h5["{0}".format(case)].attrs['flow_angle']
    flow_angle = angle

    for mi in range(len(mask)):
        mask[mi][0], mask[mi][1] = rotate(mask[mi][0], mask[mi][1], angle)

    for ti in time:
        df["vx"] = np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vy")].value)
        df["vy"] = -np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vx")].value)
        df["vz"] = np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vz")].value)

        print "   Rotating the flow to angle {0:.2f}".format(np.rad2deg(flow_angle))
        df["vx_rot"], df["vy_rot"] = rotate(df.vx, df.vy, flow_angle)

        df["x_rot"], df["y_rot"] = rotate(df.x, df.y, angle)

        grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[
            df["x_rot"].min() : df["x_rot"].max() : 75j, df["y_rot"].min() : df["y_rot"].max() : 150j
        grid_vx = griddata(
            (df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vx_rot"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic"
        grid_vy = griddata(
            (df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vy_rot"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic"
        grid_vz = griddata((df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vz"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic")

        df_interpolated = pd.DataFrame(
                "x": grid_x.ravel(),
                "y": grid_y.ravel(),
                "vx": grid_vx.ravel(),
                "vy": grid_vy.ravel(),
                "vz": grid_vz.ravel(),

        # Re-center the array to the TE location at (0,0)
        df_interpolated.y = df_interpolated.y - find_nearest(0, df_interpolated.y.values)[0]
        df_interpolated.x = df_interpolated.x - find_nearest(0, df_interpolated.x.values)[0]

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
        base_cmap = plt.get_cmap("RdYlBu_r")
        plt.subplot(111, aspect=1)
        cf = plt.contourf(
            # levels=[-200., -160., -120.,  -80.,  -40., 40.,   80.,  120.,
            # 160.,  200.],
        df_interpolated = df_interpolated.sort("y")

        clb = plt.colorbar(cf)

        plt.ylabel("$\\tilde x/2h$")
        plt.xlabel("$\\tilde y/2h$")

        # co = plt.contour(
        #        grid_x,
        #        grid_y,
        #        grid_z,
        #        c='k'
        #        )

        plt.fill_between(mask[:, 1], min(-mask[:, 0]), -mask[:, 0], color="k")
        # plt.scatter(0,0,s=300,color='r')

        # plt.scatter(x_rot,y_rot,s=300)
        if len(time) == 1:
            plt.savefig("{0:05d}_{1}".format(ti, plt_name), bbox_inches="tight")

    return df["vx_rot"], df["vy_rot"], df["vz"]
def read_hdf5_time_series(hdf5_file, case, loc=(-0.1, 1)):
    """ Reads an HDF5 file and returns the velocity components time series

        hdf5_file: which HDF5 file to read
        case: which case to extract the data from
        (x,y): normalized coordinate location where to extract the data 
            from. (0,0) is the TE. This is in DaVis coordinates,
            meaning that -x is the airfoil y coordinate

        df: DataFrame
        Returns zero if the coordinate is beyond the frame of view

    from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA, SimpleProgress
    import h5py
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import re
    from Functions import find_nearest

    x = loc[0]
    y = loc[1]

    tooth_length = 40.0

    h5 = h5py.File(hdf5_file, "r")
    # Read all the available time steps
    tn = sorted(map(int, re.findall("[0-9]+", " ".join([n for n in h5[case]]))))
    # Prepare the velocity arrays
    vx = np.zeros(len(tn))
    vy = np.zeros(len(tn))
    vz = np.zeros(len(tn))
    time = np.zeros(len(tn))

    # Read the available coordinates
    h5_x = h5["{0}/x".format(case)].value / tooth_length
    h5_y = h5["{0}/y".format(case)].value / tooth_length

    # This is just 'angle' so that the flow is analized
    # as going parallel to the serration surface, and not
    # in the direction of the standard coordinate system
    angle = -h5["{0}".format(case)].attrs["angle"]

    x_rot, y_rot = rotate(x, y, angle)

    xi, xn, xd = find_nearest(x_rot, np.unique(h5_x))
    yi, yn, yd = find_nearest(y_rot, np.unique(h5_y))

    if x_rot < min(h5_x) or x_rot > max(h5_x) or y_rot < min(h5_y) or y_rot > max(h5_y):
        return None

    ind = (xn == h5_x) * (yn == h5_y)  # TODO: IS THIS RIGHT?!

    print "   Looking for coordinate points close to x = {0:.2f}" + " and y = {1:.2f}".format(x_rot, y_rot)

    print "      Found x = {0:.2f} and y = {1:.2f}".format(float(h5_x[ind]), float(h5_y[ind]))

    progress = ProgressBar(
        widgets=[Bar(), " ", Percentage(), " ", ETA(), " (timestep ", SimpleProgress(), ")"], maxval=len(tn)
    for t, i in zip(tn, range(len(tn))):
        vx[i] = h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, t, "Vx")][ind]
        vy[i] = h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, t, "Vy")][ind]
        vz[i] = h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, t, "Vz")][ind]
        time[i] = h5["{0}/{1}".format(case, t)].attrs["time"]

    print "   Rotating to angle {0:.2f}".format(np.rad2deg(angle))
    vx_rot, vy_rot = rotate(vx, vy, angle)

    return pd.DataFrame({"vx": vx_rot, "vy": vy_rot, "vz": vz, "t": time})
def get_time_resolved_wall_normal_line(
    """ Gets a wall normal line, interpolated data and creates a 
   time-resolved data frame with its information

       hdf5_file: HDF5 file to read from
       case: case name to read from
       x: the 2h normalized location to read, where x=0 is the airfoil TE
       output_hdf: how to name the pickle of the resulting data frame

    # The coordinates coming from the HDF5 file are the
    # vertical freestream coordinates of DaVis.
    # The coordinates used for the local variables are
    # already put to the left-to-right freestream
    # coordinates
    # Further, all coordinates are normalized to the
    # tooth length, 2h

    from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA, SimpleProgress
    import h5py
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata
    from copy import copy
    from Functions import find_nearest
    from os.path import isfile

    if isfile(output_hdf) and not overwrite:
        print "   Pickle already exists; skipping, or specify " + "overwrite next time"
        return 0

    print "   Extracting locations {0} \n".format(x_locs) + "   for case {0} from its HDF5 database\n".format(
    ) + "   into HDF {0}".format(output_hdf)

    tooth_length = 40.0

    aq_freq = 10000.0

    h5 = h5py.File(hdf5_file, "r")

    # Read the available coordinates
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "x": np.array(h5["{0}/y".format(case)].value) / tooth_length,
            "y": -np.array(h5["{0}/x".format(case)].value) / tooth_length,

    # Rotate requested coordinate points
    angle = -h5["{0}".format(case)].attrs["angle"]

    flow_angle = angle

    mask = h5["{0}/mask".format(case)].value / 40.0
    mask = mask - mask[1]

    mask_rot = copy(mask)

    for mi in range(len(mask)):
        mask_rot[mi][0], mask_rot[mi][1] = rotate(mask[mi][0], mask[mi][1], angle)

    df["x_rot"], df["y_rot"] = rotate(df.x, df.y, angle)

    available_times = sorted(
        [int(f[0]) for f in h5["{0}".format(case)].iteritems() if not "mask" in f and not "x" in f and not "y" in f]

    wall_normal_lines_DF = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "vx", "vy", "vz"])

    progress = ProgressBar(
        widgets=[Bar(), " ", Percentage(), " ", ETA(), " (time step ", SimpleProgress(), ")"],

    t_x_cnt = 0
    cnt = 50

    df_columns = ["x", "y", "vx", "vy", "vz"]

    hdf = pd.HDFStore(output_hdf)
    df_xloc_wall_normal = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns)

    for ti in available_times:
        df["vx"] = np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vy")].value)
        df["vy"] = -np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vx")].value)
        df["vz"] = np.array(h5["{0}/{1}/{2}".format(case, ti, "Vz")].value)

        df["vx_rot"], df["vy_rot"] = rotate(df.vx, df.vy, flow_angle)

        df["x_rot"], df["y_rot"] = rotate(df.x, df.y, angle)

        grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[
            df["x_rot"].min() : df["x_rot"].max() : 150j, df["y_rot"].min() : df["y_rot"].max() : 75j
        grid_vx = griddata(
            (df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vx_rot"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic"
        grid_vy = griddata(
            (df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vy_rot"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic"
        grid_vz = griddata((df["x_rot"].values, df["y_rot"].values), df["vz"].values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic")

        df_interpolated = pd.DataFrame(
                "x": grid_x.ravel(),
                "y": grid_y.ravel(),
                "vx": grid_vx.ravel(),
                "vy": grid_vy.ravel(),
                "vz": grid_vz.ravel(),

        # Re-center the array to the TE location at (0,0)
        df_interpolated.y = df_interpolated.y - find_nearest(0, df_interpolated.y.values)[0]
        df_interpolated.x = df_interpolated.x - find_nearest(0, df_interpolated.x.values)[0]

        # Rotate x_locs
        x_locs_rotated = []
        for x_loc in x_locs:
            x_loc_rotated, y0 = rotate(x_loc, 0, angle)

        if plot and ti == 0:
            quick_plot_time_step(df=df_interpolated, mask=mask_rot, variable="vx", x_locs=x_locs_rotated)

        for x_loc_rotated in x_locs_rotated:

            nearest_available_x, tmp = find_nearest(x_loc_rotated, df_interpolated[df_interpolated.y == 0].x.values)

            df_xloc_wall_normal_step = df_interpolated[
                (df_interpolated.x == nearest_available_x)
                & (df_interpolated.y > 0)
                & (df_interpolated.y < 0.95 * df_interpolated.y.max())

            df_xloc_wall_normal_step["ti"] = ti
            df_xloc_wall_normal_step["t_real"] = ti / aq_freq

            if df_xloc_wall_normal_step.empty:
                print "Error, available rotated x coordinate not in mesh"
                print x_loc_rotated

            if cnt == 50:
                if t_x_cnt == cnt:
                    hdf.put(case, df_xloc_wall_normal.convert_objects(), format="table", data_columns=True)
                    hdf.append(case, df_xloc_wall_normal.convert_objects(), format="table", data_columns=True)

                df_xloc_wall_normal = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns)
                cnt = 0
                df_xloc_wall_normal = df_xloc_wall_normal.append(df_xloc_wall_normal_step, ignore_index=True)
                cnt += 1

        t_x_cnt += 1


    return wall_normal_lines_DF
    vy = np.zeros(len(tn))
    vz = np.zeros(len(tn))
    time = np.zeros(len(tn))

    # Read the available coordinates
    h5_x = h5["{0}/x".format(case)].value / tooth_length
    h5_y = h5["{0}/y".format(case)].value / tooth_length

    # This is just 'angle' so that the flow is analized
    # as going parallel to the serration surface, and not
    # in the direction of the standard coordinate system
    angle = -h5["{0}".format(case)].attrs['angle']

    x_rot, y_rot = rotate(x, y, angle)

    xi, xn, xd = find_nearest(x_rot, np.unique(h5_x))
    yi, yn, yd = find_nearest(y_rot, np.unique(h5_y))

    if x_rot<min(h5_x) or x_rot>max(h5_x)\
       or y_rot<min(h5_y) or y_rot>max(h5_y):
        return None

    ind = (xn == h5_x) * (yn == h5_y)  # TODO: IS THIS RIGHT?!

    print "   Looking for coordinate points close to x = {0:.2f}"\
            +" and y = {1:.2f}".format(x_rot,y_rot)

    print "      Found x = {0:.2f} and y = {1:.2f}".format(
        float(h5_x[ind]), float(h5_y[ind]))

    progress = ProgressBar(widgets=[