def factor3(N):
    N += 2
    eqn_sieve = [k * k for k in xrange(N)]
    print eqn_sieve
    eqfactlist = [()] * N
    print "!!!", type(eqfactlist[2]), eqfactlist[2]
    primes = RofPrimes(2, N + 1)
    for k in xrange(2, N):
        num = eqn_sieve[k]
        if num > 1:  #  number still needs factoring
            if IsPrime(k):
                j = k
            #j = primes[k]
            while j < N:

                while eqn_sieve[j] % j == 0:

                    eqn_sieve[j] /= j

                    z = eqfactlist[j]

                    z += eval(str(j) + ",")
                    eqfactlist[j] = z

                j += j
    return eqfactlist
Example #2
def prob51():

    primes = RofPrimes(10000, 1000000)

    # test primes in list of primes under 10Meg
    for p in primes:
        if p < 10000: continue
        s = str(p)

        for c in '012':

            if s.count(c) not in (3, 6, 9): continue
            losers = []
            winners = []

            for d in '0123456789':
                n = int(s.replace(c, d))
                # see if candidate family member is prime

                if d >= c and n == primes[bisect(primes, n) - 1]:

# if more than 2 losers, then can't be a
# family of eight primes
            if len(losers) > 2: break

    return winners
def p342(max_n=10**10):
    res = 0
    max_n -= 1  # max_n can be reached.
    p_list = RofPrimes(2, int(sqrt(max_n)))  #primes(sqrt(max_n))
    #print p_list
    for i, p in enumerate(p_list):
        print "!", i, p
        pp = p * p
        ppp = pp * p
        p6 = ppp * ppp
        max_n_new = max_n / pp
        phi = ppp * (p - 1)
        mul = pp
        while max_n_new > 0:
            res += mul * BT(p_list, max_n_new, i, phi)
            max_n_new /= ppp
            phi *= p6
            mul *= ppp
    return res
#  Euler Problem 123
from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time
st = time()

x = RofPrimes(2, 10**7)

n = 15000  #7037
while 1:
    n += 1
    y = x[n - 1]
    z = ((y - 1)**n + (y + 1)**n) % (y * y)
    if z > 10**10:
        print "n found!", n
        print "value z", z

print "process time", time() - st
Example #5
                if diff > maxdiff:
                    #print p,b,n,x,val,diff
                    maxval, bsv, xsv, maxdiff = val, b, x, diff
    return maxval, bsv, xsv, maxdiff


st = time()

MX = 1000000

SubSet = RofPrimes(2, MX)

# Add 1

print "init sum", sum(SubSet)

SqMax = int(MX**.5) + 1

Srch = RofPrimes(SqMax - 1, MX)

SqSet = sorted(RofPrimes(2, SqMax), reverse=False)
pused = []
dupes = []
ctr = 0
prev = 0
Example #6
from Functions import IsPrime, RofPrimes
from itertools import combinations

Spot = 10**3


P = RofPrimes(2, 100)

print P
print len(P)

X = combinations(P, 4)

for x in X:
    print x
Example #7
    phi = 1

    for i in facts:
        phi *= (i - 1)
        #phi /= i

    return phi

st = time()
rato = 0
minrat = 10
answer = 0

primes = RofPrimes(2200, 2500)
primes2 = RofPrimes(3300, 3600)

for a in primes2:
    for b in primes:
        n = a * b
        if n > 10000000: continue

        factors = RetFact(n)
        phi = Phi(n, factors)

        set1 = sorted(list(str(n)))
        set2 = sorted(list(str(phi)))

        if set1 == set2:
            rato = float(n) / float(phi)
Example #8
from Functions import RofPrimes, RetFact, IsPrime, gcd
from itertools import permutations, combinations

pm = [421, 443, 349, 379, 241, 83]

pms = permutations(pm)

for xms in pms:
    print xms, "######"
    x = RofPrimes(2, 200000)
    r = list(x)
    x = sorted(x, reverse=True)
    xs = RofPrimes(2, 444)
    xs = sorted(xs, reverse=False)

    for zz in xms:

    for zz in xms:

    #x = sorted(x, reverse = False)

    ps = []
    ps2 = []

    l = []
    rj = []
    exc = range(2, 20)
    for sp in xs:
    chk1, chk2 = False, False
    #print "Q",int(str(p1)+str(p2)),IsPrime(int(str(p1)+str(p2)))
    #print "T",int(str(p2)+str(p1)),IsPrime(int(str(p1)+str(p2)))

    #print "!",len(primes)

    if not IsPrime(int(str(p1) + str(p2))): return False

    if not IsPrime(int(str(p2) + str(p1))): return False

    return True

##################################  [j]
st = time()
primes = RofPrimes(3, 20001)

for p1 in RofPrimes(3, 10000):
    #if p1==13:print "GRRR"
    for p2 in RofPrimes(p1, 10000):
        #if p2 == 5197: print "GRRRRRRRRR!"
        if ConcPrimes(p1, p2):
            if p1 == 13 and p2 == 5197: print "RAWR!"
            for p3 in RofPrimes(p2, 10000):
                if ConcPrimes(p1, p3) and ConcPrimes(p2, p3):
                    #print "*",p1,p2,p3
                    for p4 in RofPrimes(p3, 10000):
                        if ConcPrimes(p1, p4) and ConcPrimes(
                                p2, p4) and ConcPrimes(p3, p4):
                            #print "**",p1,p2,p3,p4
Example #10
#  Problem 347

from math import log10
from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time

st = time()

N = 10**7

p = RofPrimes(2, N / 2 + 1)  # get range of primes

#print "primes",p
logN = log10(N)
tot = 0

# search through range of prime pairs p[i],p[j]
for i in xrange(0, len(p) + 1):
    isFound = False  # detect when loop is churning out nothing but zeros

    for j in xrange(i + 1, len(p)):
        p1, p2 = p[i], p[
            j]  # pull to save time for searching list multiple times

        m1 = int(logN / log10(p1))  #  find the highest possible exponent
        m2 = int(logN / log10(p2))
        mn = 0  #  set max # found to zero
Example #11
import operator
from Functions import RofPrimes
primes = RofPrimes(2,100001)
def prime_factors(n):
    if n <=1: return []
    for p in primes:
        if n%p==0: break
    while (n%p)==0:  n/=p
    return [p] + prime_factors(n)
def rad(n):
    return reduce(operator.mul, prime_factors(n),1)
print sorted(range(1,100001), key=rad)[10000-1]
#  Euler 358
from Functions import RofPrimes

def HasAll(n):

    nstr = str(n)
    for j in xrange(1, 10):
        if str(j) not in nstr: return False
    return True

b = 10
p = 7

#print (b**(p-1) -1)/p
M = 7
P = RofPrimes(M, M + 100)

for p in P:
    #print p, (pow(b,p-1)-1)/p  #   (b**(p-1) -1)/p
    c = (b**(p - 1) - 1) / p
    l = len(str(c))
    #if c%100000==56789:
    #if HasAll(c):
    print p, c, l, len(str(c * l)), len(str(c * (l + 1)))
    #  break
Example #13
def invmod1(a,p):

  r = a
  d = 1
  for count in xrange(p):
    d = ((p //r + 1) * d) %p
    r = (d*a) % p
    if r ==1:
  return d


st = time()

primes = RofPrimes(1000,5000)

pdict = {}
tot = 0

for P in primes:
  z = Lucas(10**18, 10**9, P)
  pdict[P] = z
  #print P,z

L = len(primes)

for i in xrange(L-2):
  for j in xrange(i+1,L-1):
    for k in xrange(j+1,L):
      # use chinese remainder theorem
Example #14
    f = list(set(RetFact(n)))
    num, div = 1, 1
    for x in f:
        num *= x - 1
        div *= x
    return n * num / div

def chain(m):
    ctr = 1
    while 1:
        ctr += 1
        m = phi(m)
        if m == 1:
            return ctr

x = RofPrimes(2, 40000000)

summ = 0

for i in xrange(len(x) + 1):

    n = x[i - 1]
    l = chain(n)
    print n, l
    if l == 25:
        #print n, l
        summ += n

print "answer is", summ
from Functions import RetFact, IsPrime, RofPrimes

def mobius(n):
    result, i = 1, 2
    while n >= i:
        if n % i == 0:
            n = n / i
            if n % i == 0:
                return 0
            result = -result
        i = i + 1
    return result

mx = 33554432
primes = RofPrimes(2, mx)
lim = 2**50

ctr = 0

print len(primes)

for i in primes:

    fact = i**2
    ctr += int(lim / fact) * mobius(i)

print ctr
Example #16
  for i in range(0,len(nstr)):
     s[int(nstr[i])] += 1
  #print s
  for j in range(0,len(s)):
     if s[j]>m-1:
       retval += (j+1)*s[j]

  #print retval

  return retval


print x
print "________________"

for i in range(0,len(x)):


  if findMults(x[i],m)>m-1:
    temp =str(x[i])
    print temp[4:]
    if temp[5:6]=='33' :
      print "hit!",x[i]
from Functions import RofPrimes

def HasAll(n):

  for j in xrange(1,10):
    if str(j) not in nstr:return False
  return True

b = 10
p = 13

P = RofPrimes(7,100)
for p in P:

 t = 0
 r = 1

 while 1:
   #print "t", t
   t += 1
   x = r*b
   d = int(x/p)
   r = x%p
   n = n*b + d

   if r != 1: continue
#  Euler Problem 274

from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time


st = time()
summ = 0
primes = RofPrimes(3, 10**7)

for p in primes:

    m = pow(10, p - 2, p)
    summ += m

print "total is", summ
print "process time is", time() - st
Example #19
#  Euler 302
# []

from Functions import RofPrimes, RetFact, IsPrime
from itertools import combinations

maxp = 11
p = RofPrimes(2, 11)

lim = 10**4

def tf(f):
    t = list(f)

    for f1 in f:
        zz = RetFact(f1 - 1)
        #print "zz",zz
        for zzz in zz:
            #print "zzz",zzz
            if zzz not in f:
    t = sorted(list(set(t)))
    return t

for x in combinations(p, 2):
    sp = tf(x)
Example #20
#  Euler Problem 187
from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time
from bisect import bisect
from math import sqrt

st = time()

PRIMES = RofPrimes(2, 10**8 / 2)

N = 10**8

for x in range(bisect(PRIMES, sqrt(N))):
    p = PRIMES[x]
    z = bisect(PRIMES, N / p) - x
    print x, p, N / p, z, PRIMES[z - 1]
    TOTAL += z
print TOTAL
print "process time is", time() - st
# Euler 132

from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time

st = time()
P = RofPrimes(11, 10**6)

ctr = 0
tot = 0
for p in P:
    if pow(10, 10**9, p) == 1:
        print p,
        tot += p
        ctr += 1

    if ctr == 40: break
print "Sum of first 40 primes in R(10**9) is", tot
print "process time is", time() - st
Example #22
        s[int(nstr[i])] += 1

    #print s

    for j in range(0, len(s)):
        if s[j] > m - 1:
            retval += (j + 1) * s[j]

    #print retval

    return retval


x = RofPrimes(10000, 1000000)

#print x
print "number of primes searched:", len(x)
print "________________"

y = []
z = []
ctr = 0
for i in range(0, len(x)):

    m = 2

    if findMults(x[i], m) > m - 1:
        temp = str(x[i])
Example #23

from Functions3 import GCD,gcd
from itertools import product
from Functions import RofPrimes,RetFact

def notcoprime(cp,Y):
  for yy in Y:
    if gcd(yy,cp)!=1:
      return yy
  return -1


x = RofPrimes(2,MX)
x2 = RofPrimes(2,444) 


for i in xrange(len(x2)):
  while 1:
    v = x[i]**p
    if v>MX or v0>=MX:break
    #print "!",i,p,x[i],v
Example #24
#  Euler Problem 187

from Functions import IsPrime, RetFact, RofPrimes
from time import time

st = time()
primes1 = RofPrimes(2, (10**8 / 2))
primes2 = RofPrimes(2, int((10**8)**.5) + 1)

ctr = 0

print "!!", len(primes1), len(primes2)

for a in primes2:
    for b in primes1:
        if b >= a:
            if a * b < 10**8:
                ctr += 1

#ctr = len(primes1) * len(primes2)
print "total is", ctr

print "process time is", time() - st
Example #25
  l = len(ns)
  a = ns[:l-1]
  b = ns[-1]

  #print a, b
  x = int(a) + int(b)*m
  return x

print 4407/113.
print x,x/113.
st = time()
summ = 0
primes = RofPrimes(2,10**3)

for p in primes:
  for i in xrange(p,0,-1):
    n = 9*p
    x = f(n,i)
    n1,x1=n/float(p), x/float(p)
    if isInt(n1) and isInt(x1):
      #print p, i
      summ += i

print "total is", summ
print "process time is",time()-st
#  Euler Problem 87
summ = 0
from Functions import RofPrimes
from time import time
st = time()

r1 = RofPrimes(2, 7100)
r2 = RofPrimes(2, 380)
r3 = RofPrimes(2, 92)

numlist = []

for i in r1:
    a = i**2
    for j in r2:
        b = j**3
        for k in r3:
            bignum = a + b + k**4
            if bignum < 50000000:
                #print i,j,k,bignum

numset = set(numlist)
summ = len(numset)

print "Answer is", summ
print "Process time is", time() - st
        if k==0 and l1==0:continue
        if IsPrime(n1):
          #print "hit!",j,i,":",n,n1
          return False
  return True

limit = 2.5 * 10**11

for j in RofPrimes(2,7) :  #in RofPrimes(1,2):
 for i in RofPrimes(2,200000):

  #if i<j:continue
  x = j**3 * i**2
  x2 = j**2 * i**3

  if x<limit and (substr in str(x) and primeproof2(x,j,i)):
    print ctr,j,i,":", x

  if x2<limit and (substr in str(x2) and primeproof2(x2,j,i)):
    print ctr,j,i,"::", x2
Example #28
            return mid
    return lo

def ml(L):

    v = 1
    for lv in L:
        v *= lv
    return v

st = time()

primes = RofPrimes(2, 190)
p = 1
for P in primes:
    p *= P

b = int(p**.5)

#print "b:",b

s1, s2, = [], []
for i in xrange(0, 42):
    if i % 2 == 0:
Example #29
def notcoprime(cp, Y):
    for yy in Y:
        if gcd(yy, cp) != 1:
            return yy
    return -1

st = time()

#for MX in range(200000, 200001):

for MX in range(30, 31):

    x = RofPrimes(2, MX)
    y = list(x)
    tmp = []
    tmpr = []
    for y1 in x:
        z = log(MX) / log(y1)
        z1 = y1**int(z)
        #print y1, z1


    for z in tmp:
    for z in tmpr:
Example #30

def ConcPrimes(p1, p2, primes):
    chk1, chk2 = False, False
    #print "Q",int(str(p1)+str(p2)),IsPrime(int(str(p1)+str(p2)))
    #print "T",int(str(p2)+str(p1)),IsPrime(int(str(p1)+str(p2)))
    if not (int(str(p1) + str(p2)) in primes): return False

    if not (int(str(p2) + str(p1)) in primes): return False

    return True

##################################  [j]

xw = RofPrimes(3, 100000)
x = RofPrimes(3, 10000)
#print x1

for x0 in x1:
  zzz = str(x0)
  #print zzz,type(zzz)
  if int(zzz[::-1]) %2 != 0:
print len(x)
