def postrun_tsfit(dict_output_tsfit, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 3, tsfit. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_tsfit') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) # Create the output sheets sheetname = dict_output_tsfit['sheet_tsfit'] sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.4f}'.format try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.Colorindex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: action = 'Unable to access sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # end of loop over output sheetvars # Write out tsfit results cond_quant = dict_output_tsfit['data'] df_pdf = dict_output_tsfit['dfpdf'] res = dict_output_tsfit['result'] sheetname = dict_output_tsfit['sheet_tsfit'] try: wb.sheets[sheetname].pictures[0].delete() except: pass try: wb.sheets[sheetname].pictures[1].delete() except: pass try: wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').value = res wb.sheets[sheetname].range('M1').value = df_pdf wb.sheets[sheetname].range('M:M').clear() wb.sheets[sheetname].range('R1').value = cond_quant action = 'T-skew fit saved succesfully.' except: action = 'Unable to output t-skew fit result.' tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out figure sheetname = dict_output_tsfit['sheet_tsfit'] sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] fig = dict_output_tsfit['fig'] fig2 = dict_output_tsfit['fig2'] # Set the path of the output file to be in the same dir as the # calling Excel file fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\tskfit_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig.savefig(outfilename, dpi='figure') except: print('Fail to save t-skew fit figure.') try: partitionfiglist = glob(fullpath + '\\partition*.png') pimgfile = max(partitionfiglist) qautfiglist = glob(fullpath + '\\quantfit*.png') qimgfile = max(qautfiglist) print(pimgfile, qimgfile) pimgr = plt.imread(pimgfile) qimgr = plt.imread(qimgfile) pfig, pax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(57, 38)) pax.imshow(pimgr) plt.axis('off') qfig, qax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(35, 14)) qax.imshow(qimgr) plt.axis('off') print(pimgfile, qimgfile) pdfile = fullpath + '\\resultplots_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.pdf' print(pdfile) pp = PdfPages(pdfile) pp.savefig(pfig) pp.savefig(qfig) pp.savefig(fig) pp.close() except: print('Unable to save PDF plots.') try:, name='MyPlot', update=True, left=sheet.range('B14').left, top=sheet.range('B14').top, height=250, width=500) action = 'Skewed T distribution fit figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname try:, name='MyPlot_2', update=True, left=sheet.range('B33').left, top=sheet.range('B33').top, height=250, width=500) action = 'Skewed T distribution fit figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname sheet.autofit() # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=5)
def postrun_partition(dict_output_partition, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 1, partition. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of run_partition') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) # Create the output sheets for sheetvar in [ key for key in dict_output_partition if key.find('sheet') != -1 ]: # Check that sheetvar exists as a key in dict_output_partition if sheetvar not in dict_output_partition: message = 'sheetvar ' + sheetvar + ' is not a key for dict_output_partition' show_message(message, halt=True) # Get the actual sheet name sheetname = dict_output_partition[sheetvar] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.Colorindex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: action = 'Unable to access sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # end of loop over output sheetvars # Write out partition and loadings try: sheetname = dict_output_partition['sheet_partitions'] wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=False).value = dict_output_partition['frame'] wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() sheetname = dict_output_partition['sheet_loadings'] wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=False).value = dict_output_partition['loading'] wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() action = 'Partitions and loadings saved succesfully.' except: action = 'Unable to output partitions and loadings.' sheetname = dict_output_partition['sheet_partitions'] for p in wb.sheets[sheetname].shapes: try: p.delete() except Exception as e: print(e) sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] if dict_output_partition['method'] == 'PLS': for i, fig in enumerate(dict_output_partition['figs']): fullpath = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) group = dict_output_partition['groups'][i] outfilename = fullpath + '\\partition_PLS_' + group + ).strftime('%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' fig.savefig(outfilename) try: X = str(2 + i * 38), name='MyPlot_P' + str(i + 1), update=True, left=sheet.range('M' + X).left, top=sheet.range('M' + X).top, height=500, width=750) action = 'Partition figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname else: fig = dict_output_partition['figs'][0] # Set the path of the output file to be in the same dir as the # calling Excel file fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\partition_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' fig.savefig(outfilename) cr = len(dict_output_partition['groups']) try:, name='MyPlot_P1', update=True, left=sheet.range('M2').left, top=sheet.range('M2').top, height=720, width=cr * 255) action = 'Partition figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) fig1 = dict_output_partition['figs'][1] if dict_output_partition['method'] == 'PLS': ht = 700 wd = 480 else: ht = 320 wd = 320 try:, name='MyPlot_P2', update=True, left=sheet.range('M54').left, top=sheet.range('M54').top, height=ht, width=wd) action = 'Partition figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=1)
def postrun_segment(dict_output_segment, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 2, segment. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_segment') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) sheetname = dict_output_segment['sheet_segment'] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.ColorIndex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: print('Unable to acess ' + sheetname) for p in wb.sheets[sheetname].shapes: try: p.delete() except Exception as e: print(e) tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.4f}'.format df_pdf = dict_output_segment['dfpdf'].round(decimals=5) df_cqs = dict_output_segment['cqs'].round(decimals=5) df_term = dict_output_segment['dfterm'].round(decimals=5) nhz = dict_output_segment['nhz'] nrg = dict_output_segment['nrg'] # Write out segment resul res = dict_output_segment['res'] wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').value = res wb.sheets[sheetname].range('O1').options(index=False).value = df_cqs wb.sheets[sheetname].range('N' + str(len(df_cqs) + 4)).options( index=False).value = df_pdf fig = dict_output_segment['fig'] fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\segment_pdf' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig.savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save segment figure.') try: pic =, name='MyPlot', update=True, left=sheet.range('B12').left, top=sheet.range('B12').top, height=250, width=500) pic.height = 250 pic.width = 500 action = 'segment figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname fig2 = dict_output_segment['fig2'] outfilename = fullpath + '\\segment_cdf' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig2.savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save segment figure.') try: pic =, name='MyPlot_2', update=True, left=sheet.range('B32').left, top=sheet.range('B32').top, height=250, width=500) pic.height = 250 pic.width = 500 action = 'segment figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname fig3 = dict_output_segment['fig3'] outfilename = fullpath + '\\segment_qcoef' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig3.savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save segment figure.') try: pic =, name='MyPlot_3', update=True, left=sheet.range('B52').left, top=sheet.range('B52').top, height=230 * nrg, width=500) pic.height = 230 * nrg pic.width = 500 action = 'segment figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) sheetname = dict_output_segment['sheet_term'] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.ColorIndex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: print('Unable to acess ' + sheetname) for p in wb.sheets[sheetname].shapes: try: p.delete() except Exception as e: print(e) wb.sheets[sheetname].range('T1').options(index=True).value = df_term sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() termfigs = dict_output_segment['termfigs'] rs = (nhz - 1) // 4 + 1 cs = min(4, nhz) for i, fig in enumerate(termfigs): outfilename = fullpath + '\\termstruct_' + str( i + 1) + '_' +'%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig.savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save term structure figure.') try: pic =, name='Termplot_' + str(i), update=True, left=sheet.range('B3').left, top=sheet.range('B' + str(3 + i * rs * 21)).top, height=300 * rs - 40, width=200 * cs) pic.height = 300 * rs - 40 pic.width = 200 * cs action = 'Term structure figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=3)
def postrun_scenario(dict_output_scenario, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 2, scenario. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_scenario') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) sheetname = dict_output_scenario['sheet_scenario'] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.ColorIndex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: print('Unable to acess ' + sheetname) try: wb.sheets[sheetname].pictures[0].delete() except: pass tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.4f}'.format df_pdf = dict_output_scenario['dfpdf'] df_data = dict_output_scenario['data'] # Write out scenario resul res = dict_output_scenario['res'] wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').value = res wb.sheets[sheetname].range('N1').options(index=False).value = df_pdf wb.sheets[sheetname].range('T1').options(index=True).value = df_data wb.sheets[sheetname].range('T1').value = 'Variables : ' fig = dict_output_scenario['fig'] # Set the path of the output file to be in the same dir as the # calling Excel file fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\scenario_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: fig.savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save scenario figure.') try: pic =, name='MyPlot', update=True, left=sheet.range('B12').left, top=sheet.range('B12').top, height=250, width=500) pic.height = 250 pic.width = 500 action = 'Scenario figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=3)
def postrun_historical(dict_output_historical, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 2, historical. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_historical') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) sheetname = dict_output_historical['sheet_historical'] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.ColorIndex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: print('Unable to acess ' + sheetname) for p in wb.sheets[sheetname].shapes: try: p.delete() except Exception as e: print(e) tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] # Write out historical results figs = dict_output_historical['figs'] res = dict_output_historical['data'] charts = dict_output_historical['charts'] # Set the path of the output file to be in the same dir as the # calling Excel file fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\historical_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: figs['res'].savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save historical figure.') try: pic =['res'], name='MyPlot', update=True, left=sheet.range('B30').left, top=sheet.range('B30').top, height=1700, width=480) pic.height = 1700 pic.width = 480 action = 'historical figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname outfilename = fullpath + '\\pittest_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: figs['pit'].savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save pit figure.') try: pic =['pit'], name='MyPlot2', update=True, left=sheet.range('B3').left, top=sheet.range('B3').top, height=360, width=350) pic.height = 360 pic.width = 350 action = 'historical figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname outfilename = fullpath + '\\logscore_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' try: figs['ls'].savefig(outfilename) except: print('Fail to save logscore figure.') try: pic =['ls'], name='MyPlot3', update=True, left=sheet.range('J3').left, top=sheet.range('J3').top, height=360, width=480) pic.height = 360 pic.width = 480 action = 'historical figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname try: wb.sheets[sheetname].range('U1').value = res except: action = 'Unable to output historical result.' try: pdfile = fullpath + '\\historicalcharts_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.pdf' pp = PdfPages(pdfile) for e in charts: pp.savefig(e) pp.close() except: print('Unable to save PDF chartpacks.') wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=3)
def postrun_quantfit(dict_output_quantfit, debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 2, quantfit. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_quantfit') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) # Create the output sheets sheetvars = [ key for key in dict_output_quantfit if key.find('sheet') != -1 ] for sheetvar in sheetvars: # Don't do anything for the input sheet if sheetvar == 'sheet_input': continue # Check that sheetvar exists as a key in dict_output_quantfit if sheetvar not in dict_output_quantfit: message = 'sheetvar ' + sheetvar + ' is not a key for dict_output_quantfit' show_message(message, halt=True) # Get the actual sheet name sheetname = dict_output_quantfit[sheetvar] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.ColorIndex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: action = 'Unable to access sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # end of loop over output sheetvars # Write out quantfit results try: for sheetvar in sheetvars: sheetname = dict_output_quantfit[sheetvar] if sheetvar == 'sheet_quantreg': wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=False).value = dict_output_quantfit['qcoef'] wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() elif sheetvar == 'sheet_cond_quant': wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=True).value = dict_output_quantfit['cond_quant'] wb.sheets[sheetname].autofit() action = 'Quantfit results saved succesfully.' except: action = 'Unable to output quantfit results.' print(action) sheetname = dict_output_quantfit['sheet_quantreg'] try: wb.sheets[sheetname].pictures[0].delete() except: pass sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] fig = dict_output_quantfit['figs'] # Set the path of the output file to be in the same dir as the # calling Excel file fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname) + '/figures') if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): os.makedirs(fullpath) outfilename = fullpath + '\\quantfit_' + '%Y_%m-%d@%H_%M-%S') + '.png' fig.savefig(outfilename) cr = len(dict_output_quantfit['regressors'].keys()) try: pic =, name='MyPlot_q', update=True, left=sheet.range('N6').left, top=sheet.range('N6').top, height=340 * (cr // 4 + 1), width=240 * (min(4, cr + 1))) pic.height = 340 * (cr // 4 + 1) pic.width = 240 * (min(4, cr + 1)) action = 'Quantile figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=3)
def postrun_quantfit(dict_output_quantfit, path='.', debug=False): ''' Postrun function for step 2, quantfit. Takes as input dict from main run function. This function cannot return any values due to limitations of the RunPython VBA code in xlwings. ''' if debug: print('=' * 30) print('start of postrun_quantfit') print('=' * 30) # Create DataFrame for log log_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Action']) # Create the output sheets sheetvars = [ key for key in dict_output_quantfit if key.find('sheet') != -1 ] for sheetvar in sheetvars: # Don't do anything for the input sheet if sheetvar == 'sheet_input': continue # Check that sheetvar exists as a key in dict_output_quantfit if sheetvar not in dict_output_quantfit: message = 'sheetvar ' + sheetvar + ' is not a key for dict_output_quantfit' show_message(message, halt=True) # Get the actual sheet name sheetname = dict_output_quantfit[sheetvar] # Get existing sheetnames sheetnames = [ for sheet in wb.sheets] try: # Clear the sheet if it already exists if sheetname in sheetnames: wb.sheets[sheetname].clear() action = 'Cleared sheet ' + sheetname # Otherwise add it after the "Data" sheet else: wb.sheets.add(sheetname, after='Data') # Set output sheet colors to blue wb.sheets[sheetname].api.Tab.Colorindex = 23 action = 'Created sheet ' + sheetname except: action = 'Unable to access sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # end of loop over output sheetvars # Write out quantfit results try: for sheetvar in sheetvars: sheetname = dict_output_quantfit[sheetvar] if sheetvar == 'sheet_quantreg': wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=False).value = dict_output_quantfit['qcoef'] elif sheetvar == 'sheet_cond_quant': wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=True).value = dict_output_quantfit['cond_quant'] elif sheetvar == 'sheet_local_proj': wb.sheets[sheetname].range('A1').options( index=False).value = dict_output_quantfit['localprj'] action = 'Quantfit results saved succesfully.' except: action = 'Unable to output quantfit results.' print(action) sheetname = dict_output_quantfit['sheet_quantreg'] try: wb.sheets[sheetname].pictures[0].delete() except: pass sheet = wb.sheets[sheetname] fig = dict_output_quantfit['figs'] fig.savefig(path + '\\quantfit' +'%Y%m%d-%H-%M') + '.png') try:, name='MyPlot_q', update=True, left=sheet.range('L7').left, top=sheet.range('L7').top, height=260, width=1040) action = 'Quantile figure saved' except: action = 'Unable to add figure to sheet ' + sheetname # Add to log tn ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log = pd.Series({'Time': tn, 'Action': action}) log_frame = log_frame.append(log, ignore_index=True) # Write out log_frame add_logsheet(wb, log_frame, colnum=3)