Example #1
	def setFieldValueCommand(self, field, value):
		'''Be careful, this is usually called from a qt callback, so we mustn't rebuild qt objects here.'''
		if self.value_is_adjusting: return
		#print 'setFieldValueCommand', repr(field), repr(value)
		#print '/%s/attrs/%s' % (State.getSel(),field)
		State.setKey('/%s/attrs/%s' % (State.getSel(),field),value)
		self.edit_signal.emit(State.getSel(),field,value) # DH
		self.clean_state() # if changing the field has side effects, these should happen before the push (I think)
		State.push('Set %s' % str(field))
		undoCmd = State.getUndoCmd()
		self.undoItem.setText('&Undo' if undoCmd is None else '&Undo [%s]' % undoCmd)
		redoCmd = State.getRedoCmd()
		self.redoItem.setText('Re&do' if redoCmd is None else 'Re&do [%s]' % redoCmd)
Example #2
	def updateMenus(self):
		'''Keeps the GUI menus and the attribute editor in sync with the actual state.'''
		undoCmd = State.getUndoCmd()
		self.undoItem.setText('&Undo' if undoCmd is None else '&Undo [%s]' % undoCmd)
		redoCmd = State.getRedoCmd()
		self.redoItem.setText('Re&do' if redoCmd is None else 'Re&do [%s]' % redoCmd)
		#print undoCmd, redoCmd
		if self.attributeEditor is not None:
			sel = State.getSel()
			if sel is None: self.qfields.setFields('',[],{})
				st = State.getKey(sel+'/type',None)
				sa = State.getKey(sel+'/attrs',{})
				global fields
				self.qfields.setFields(sel, fields.get(st,[]), sa)
Example #3
	def sure():
		if State.getUndoCmd() not in [None, 'save']:
			ok = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, State.appName(), 'Your changes will be lost. Are you sure?',
										QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Default, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
			return ok != QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel
		return True