def findDynamipsCpuUsage(self): """ Asks Dynamips for its CPU usage """ ret = long(0.0) usage = lib.send(globals.GApp.dynagen.devices[self.router.hostname].dynamips, 'vm cpu_usage %s 0' % self.router.hostname) if usage[1] == "100-OK": if usage[0].lstrip('101 '): ret = long(usage[0].lstrip('101 ')) else: ret = 0.0 else: ret = -1 if ret < 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, "CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Negative return") return ret
def calcIdlePC(self): """ Calculate optimal IdlePC value """ timeout = 4 # time in seconds for testing the cpu usage of an idlepc value success = False # Stop all nodes to gather CPU statistics self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Stopping all devices and creating test node...") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) for item in globals.GApp.topology.nodes.values(): if isinstance(item, IOSRouter) or isinstance(item, AnyEmuDevice) or isinstance(item, AnyVBoxEmuDevice): item.stopNode() self.iosDialog.slotSaveIOS() for symbol in SYMBOLS: if symbol['name'] == "Router " + str(self.iosDialog.comboBoxPlatform.currentText()): self.router = symbol['object'](QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(symbol['normal_svg_file']), QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(symbol['select_svg_file'])) selected_image_name = unicode(self.iosDialog.lineEditIOSImage.text()).strip() self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Starting calculation to find an Idle PC value for IOS image: %s" % selected_image_name) + '</font>') image_to_use = None for (image, conf) in globals.GApp.iosimages.iteritems(): if conf.filename == selected_image_name: image_to_use = image if image_to_use == None: self.textEdit.append('<font color="red">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "IOS image %s is not registered! Please save the settings first" % selected_image_name) + '</font>') break globals.GApp.topology.addNode(self.router, False, image_to_use) try: self.router.startNode() except: self.iosDialog.label_IdlePCWarning.setText('<font color="red">' + translate("IOSDialog", "Cannot start the test node...") + '</font>') break globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Giving some time for the router to boot...") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) time.sleep(20) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) if globals.GApp.dynagen.devices[self.router.hostname].idlepc != None: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Message"), translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "There is already an Idle PC value specified for this IOS, do you want to test it?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Checking CPU usage with current Idle PC value...") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) start = time.time() cpuStart = self.findDynamipsCpuUsage() count = 0 while count < timeout: time.sleep(1) self.progressBar.setValue(self.progressBar.value() + (100 / timeout)) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) count += 1 self.progressBar.setValue(100) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) elapsed = time.time() - start cpuElapsed = self.findDynamipsCpuUsage() - cpuStart cpuUsage = abs(cpuElapsed * 100.0 / elapsed) if cpuUsage > 100: cpuUsage = 100 self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "CPU usage: " + str(int(cpuUsage)) + "%") + '</font>') if cpuUsage < 85.0: globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Message"), translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "This Idle PC value seems to work, do you want to keep it?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.cleanUp() self.reject() return else: self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "This value doesn't seem to work. Continuing...") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) # reset Idle PC value lib.send(globals.GApp.dynagen.devices[self.router.hostname].dynamips, 'vm set_idle_pc_online %s 0 %s' % (self.router.hostname, '0x00000000')) self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Getting Idle PC values from Dynamips...") + '</font>') self.progressBar.setValue(0) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) # getting dynagen's idlepc calculation results result = globals.GApp.dynagen.devices[self.router.hostname].idleprop(lib.IDLEPROPGET) # remove the '100-OK' line result.pop() idles = [] for line in result: (value, count) = line.split()[1:] # Sort table, best values first - if existing iCount = int(count[1:-1]) if 50 < iCount < 60: idles.insert(0, value) else: idles.append(value) length = len(idles) if length == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'CalcIDLEPCDialog', "Dynamips didn't find any Idle PC value. It happens sometimes, please try again.") self.iosDialog.label_IdlePCWarning.setText('<font color="red">' + translate("IOSDialog", "Dynamips didn't find any Idle PC value. It happens sometimes, please try again.")) self.cleanUp() self.reject() return self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Found " + str(length) + " possible values. The test will last at most " + str(length * timeout) + " seconds.") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) # Apply the IDLE PC to the router progress = 0.0 self.progressBar.setValue(0) incr = 100.0 / float(length) / float(timeout) for line in idles: globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) try: for node in globals.GApp.topology.nodes.values(): if success == True: break if isinstance(node, IOSRouter) and node.hostname == self.router.hostname: dyn_router = node.get_dynagen_device() if globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding == '': host = '' else: host = if globals.GApp.iosimages.has_key(host + ':' + dyn_router.image): image = globals.GApp.iosimages[host + ':' + dyn_router.image] image.idlepc = line self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Applying Idle PC value " + line + " and monitoring CPU usage...") + '</font>') globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) lib.send(globals.GApp.dynagen.devices[self.router.hostname].dynamips, 'vm set_idle_pc_online %s 0 %s' % (self.router.hostname, line)) start = time.time() cpuStart = self.findDynamipsCpuUsage() count = 0 while count < timeout: time.sleep(1) progress += incr self.progressBar.setValue(int(progress)) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) count += 1 globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) cpuUsage = 100.0 elapsed = time.time() - start cpuElapsed = self.findDynamipsCpuUsage() - cpuStart cpuUsage = abs(cpuElapsed * 100.0 / elapsed) if cpuUsage > 100: cpuUsage = 100 self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "CPU usage: " + str(int(cpuUsage)) + "%") + '</font>') if cpuUsage < 70.0: self.iosDialog.lineEditIdlePC.setText(line) self.textEdit.append('<font color="gray">' + translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Working Idle PC value found. Applying to other devices using this IOS image...") + '</font>') # Apply idle pc to devices with the same IOS image for device in globals.GApp.topology.nodes.values(): if isinstance(device, IOSRouter) and device.config['image'] == image.filename: device.get_dynagen_device().idlepc = line config = device.get_config() config['idlepc'] = line device.set_config(config) device.setCustomToolTip() success = True except lib.DynamipsError, msg: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Dynamips error"), unicode(msg)) return self.progressBar.setValue(100) self.pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("CalcIDLEPCDialog", "Close", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000)