def perform(self, agent):
        # perform the action
        maximun_gatherers = 5
        gather_table = {}
        #gathering_types = ["collectOre", "collectLogs"]
        gathering_types = ["collect" + s for s in ["Ore", "Logs"]] # ÓwÒ

        all_workers = agent.get_units("Worker")
        idle_workers = [e for e in all_workers if e.goal_state is None] # worker is idle

        if not idle_workers: # no idle workers -> skip
            self.finished = True
            return True

        for gather_type in gathering_types:
            gather_table[gather_type] = len([e for e in all_workers if not e.goal_state is None and e.goal_state.get(gather_type)]) # construct initial gathering table
        current_gatherers = sum(gather_table.values())
        diff = min(maximun_gatherers - current_gatherers, len(idle_workers)) # get potential number of gatherers or minimun available workers

        for i in range(diff):      
            least_gathered = min(gather_table, key=gather_table.get) # get the least gathered resource <-- this defines the gathering behavior

            goal_state = ActionSet()
            goal_state.add(least_gathered, True)
            idle_workers[i].set_goal_state(goal_state) # check if locked from gathering?

            gather_table[least_gathered] = gather_table.get(least_gathered) + 1
            current_gatherers += 1

        if current_gatherers >= maximun_gatherers:
            self.finished = True

        return True
    def __init__(self):
        self.preconditions = ActionSet()
        self.effects = ActionSet() = None
        self.started = False
        self.in_range = False
        self.minimun_range = 0
        self.cost = 1.0
Example #3
    def perform(self, agent):
        # didn't get free worker
        if not self.target_worker:
            return False

        # perform the action
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add(self.target_command, True)
        self.finished = True

        return True
Example #4
    def check_precondition(self, agent):
        # get free worker
        workers = agent.get_units("Worker")
        for worker in workers:
            if not worker.goal_state: # has no set goal

                goal_state = ActionSet()
                goal_state.add("recievingPlan", True)
                worker.goal_state = goal_state

                self.target_worker = worker

        return True
class GOAPAction:
    def __init__(self):
        self.preconditions = ActionSet()
        self.effects = ActionSet() = None
        self.started = False
        self.in_range = False
        self.minimun_range = 0
        self.cost = 1.0

    def reset(self): = None
        self.started = False
        self.in_range = False

    def requires_in_range(self):

    def get_cost(self, agent):
        return self.cost

    def completed(self):

    def check_precondition(self, agent):  # more like setup/initialize

    def on_start(self, agent):
        self.started = True

    def perform(self, agent):

    def on_end(self, agent):

    def is_in_range(self):
        return self.in_range

    def set_in_range(self, value):
        self.in_range = value

    def add_precondition(self, key, value, amount=0):
        self.preconditions.add(key, value, amount)

    def remove_precondition(self, key):
        for k in self.preconditions.keys():
            if key == k:
                self.preconditions[key] = None

    def add_effect(self, key, value, amount=0):
        self.effects.add(key, value, amount)

    def remove_effect(self, key):
        for k in self.effects.keys():
            if key == k:
                self.effects[key] = None
    def create_goal_state(self):
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("produceSword", True)

        return goal_state
Example #7
    def create_goal_state(self):
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("doJob", True)

        return goal_state
Example #8
 def populate_state(self, parent_state, action_effects):
     new_state = ActionSet()
     new_state.update(parent_state)  # update with current base values
     new_state.update(action_effects)  # update with new values
     return new_state
    def create_goal_state(self):        
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("isExploring", True)

        return goal_state
    def create_goal_state(self):
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("satisfyDragon", True)

        return goal_state
Example #11
    def create_goal_state(self):
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("gatherResources", True)
        goal_state.add("haveFreeWorker", True)

        return goal_state
Example #12
    def create_world_state(self):
        # Returns an evaluated set of the world state
        world_data = ActionSet()

        return world_data
    def create_goal_state(self):
        goal_state = ActionSet()
        goal_state.add("stayAlive", True)
        goal_state.add("staySatisfied", True)

        return goal_state