if args.GOPs:
    GOPs = int(args.GOPs)
if args.clayers:
    clayers = str(args.clayers) # 'int' to 'str'
if args.quantization:
    quantization = str(args.quantization) # 'int' to 'str'
if args.TRLs:
    TRLs = int(args.TRLs)

if block_size < block_size_min:
    block_size_min = block_size

## Initializes the class GOP (Group Of Pictures).
## Extract the value of the size of a GOP, that is, the number of images.
GOP_size = gop.get_size(TRLs)
## Number of images to process.
pictures = GOPs * GOP_size + 1
## Total number of temporary iterations.
iterations  = TRLs - 1
## Current temporal iteration.
iteration   = 1
## Number of pictures of a temporal resolution.
fields      = pictures / 2
## Number of blocks in the Y direction.
blocks_in_y = pixels_in_y / block_size
## Number of blocks in the X direction.
blocks_in_x = pixels_in_x / block_size
Example #2
parser = MCTF_parser(description="Information of codestream.")

## A script may only parse a few of the command-line arguments,
## passing the remaining arguments on to another script or program.
args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
if args.GOPs:
    GOPs = int(args.GOPs)
if args.TRLs:
    TRLs = int(args.TRLs)
if args.FPS:
    FPS = int(args.FPS)

## Initializes the class GOP (Group Of Pictures).
gop = GOP()
## Extract the value of the size of a GOP, that is, the number of images.
GOP_size = gop.get_size(TRLs)
## Calculate the total number of video images.
pictures = GOPs * GOP_size + 1
## Duration of the sequence.
duration = pictures / (FPS * 1.0)

## Number of bytes of an entire directory. The size in bytes, and a
## codestream Kbps, even detailed subband level and neglecting headers
## is performed in info.py.
#  @param the_path Directory path.
#  @param key If you want to have only a certain type of files in the directory.
#  @return Files size.
def get_size(the_path, key):
    if o in ("-t", "--temporal_levels"):
        temporal_levels = int(a)
        display.info(sys.argv[0] + ": temporal_levels=" + str(temporal_levels) + '\n')
    if o in ("-h", "--help"):

bidirectional_motion_vectors_in_a_field = blocks_in_y * blocks_in_x
components = 4
bytes_per_component = 1
field_size_in_bytes = bidirectional_motion_vectors_in_a_field * components * bytes_per_component

gop = GOP();
GOP_size = gop.get_size(temporal_levels)
sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[0] + ": GOP_size=" + str(GOP_size) + '\n')
number_of_GOPs = pictures / GOP_size
sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[0] + ": number_of_GOPs=" + str(number_of_GOPs) + '\n')

fields_per_GOP = GOP_size / (2 ** iteration)
sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[0] + ": fields_per_GOP=" + str(fields_per_GOP) + '\n')

print field_size_in_bytes * fields_per_GOP
        ifdef({{DEBUG}}, display.info(sys.argv[0] + ": file=" + file + '\n'))
    if o in ("-p", "--pictures"):
        pictures = int(a)
              display.info(sys.argv[0] + ": pictures=" + str(pictures) + '\n'))
    if o in ("-t", "--temporal_levels"):
        temporal_levels = int(a)
              display.info(sys.argv[0] + ": temporal_levels=" +
                           str(temporal_levels) + '\n'))
    if o in ("-h", "--help"):

## Initializes the class GOP (Group Of Pictures).
gop = GOP()

## Extract the value of the size of a GOP, that is, the number of pictures.
GOP_size = gop.get_size(temporal_levels)
      sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[0] + ": GOP_size=" + str(GOP_size) + '\n'))

## Number of GOPs.
number_of_GOPs = pictures / GOP_size
      sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[0] + ": number_of_GOPs=" +
                       str(number_of_GOPs) + '\n'))

## Instruction compression by gzip.
command = "cat " + file + ".gz | gzip -d > " + file
Example #5
import logging

log = logging.getLogger("info")

parser = arguments_parser(description="Show information.")
parser.add_argument("--FPS", help="Frames Per Second", default=30)

args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
FPS = int(args.FPS)
GOPs = int(args.GOPs)
TRLs = int(args.TRLs)

gop = GOP()
GOP_size = gop.get_size(
    TRLs)  # number_of_GOPs = int(math.ceil((self.pictures * 1.0)/ GOP_size))
pictures = GOP_size * GOPs + 1
# Weighting value, to be applied between the GOP0, and the rest.
average_ponderation = (pictures - 1.0) / pictures
GOP0_time = 1.0 / FPS
GOP_time = float(GOP_size) / FPS

sys.stdout.write("\n" + sys.argv[0] + ":\n\n")
sys.stdout.write("TRLs           = " + str(TRLs) +
                 " temporal resolution levels\n")
sys.stdout.write("Pictures       = " + str(pictures) + " pictures\n")
sys.stdout.write("FPS            = " + str(FPS) + " frames/second\n")
sys.stdout.write("GOP size       = " + str(GOP_size) + " pictures\n")
sys.stdout.write("Number of GOPs = " + str(GOPs) + " groups of pictures\n")
Example #6
    def __init__(self, GOPs, TRLs, FPS):

        ## Total number of GOPs (Group of Pictures) in the sequence.
        self.GOPs = GOPs
        ## Total number of Temporal Resolution Level.
        self.TRLs = TRLs
        ##  Frames per Second.
        self.FPS = FPS

        ## Number of images from the GOP.
        GOP_size = GOP.get_size(
            self, self.TRLs
        )  # number_of_GOPs = int(math.ceil((self.pictures * 1.0)/ GOP_size))
        ## Total number of images in the sequence.
        pictures = GOP_size * self.GOPs + 1
        ## Weighting value, to be applied between the GOP0, and the rest.
        average_ponderation = (pictures - 1.0) / pictures
        ## The duration of GOP0.
        GOP0_time = 1.0 / self.FPS
        ## The duration of a GOP.
        GOP_time = float(GOP_size) / self.FPS

        sys.stdout.write("\n\n" + sys.argv[0] + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("TRLs           = " + str(self.TRLs) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("Pictures       = " + str(pictures) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("FPS            = " + str(self.FPS) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP size       = " + str(GOP_size) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("Number of GOPs = " + str(self.GOPs) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP_0 time     = " + str(GOP0_time) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP   time     = " + str(GOP_time) + "\n")
            "All the values are given in thousands of bits per second (Kbps).\n\n"

        # Table header.

        # First line. (TRL4 TRL3 TRL2 TRL1 TRL0).
        sys.stdout.write("\n     ")
        sys.stdout.write("    TRL" + str(self.TRLs - 1))

        for i in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            sys.stdout.write("           ")
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - i)):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")
            sys.stdout.write("TRL" + str(i - 1))

        # Second line. (GOP low_4 motion_4+high_4 motion_3+hight_3 motion_2+high2 motion_1+high_1 Total).
        sys.stdout.write("    low_" + str(self.TRLs - 1))

        for i in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - i)):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")
            sys.stdout.write("motion_" + str(i) + " high_" + str(i))
        sys.stdout.write("    Total\n")

        # Third line.
        sys.stdout.write("---- ")
        sys.stdout.write("-------- ")
        for i in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - i)):
            sys.stdout.write("-------------- ")

        # VARIABLES.

        # Displays the bit-rate of each subband of each
        # GOP. Therefore, an array of integers, to store for each
        # subband, the bit-rate required of the previous GOP. The
        # bit-rate of the current GOP for each subband, is calculated
        # by subtracting the value for the previous GOP, less the
        # present value. Recall that the files with the code-streams,
        # are traversed sequentially, and there is a file for each
        # subband).
        M_prev_GOP = [0] * self.TRLs
        H_prev_GOP = [0] * self.TRLs
        M_prev_image = [0] * self.TRLs
        H_prev_image = [0] * self.TRLs

        # Means for each subband.

        ## List type frame.
        self.types_frame = [None] + [[] for x in xrange(self.TRLs - 1)
                                     ]  # [None, F, F, ..., F]

        # Calculation of bytes (textures and motion) per frame.
        self.bytes_frames_M = [None] + [[] for x in xrange(self.TRLs - 1)
                                        ]  # [None, M, M, ..., M]
        self.bytes_frames_T = [[] for x in xrange(self.TRLs)
                               ]  # [L,    H, H, ..., H]
        self.bytes_frames_TM = [[] for x in xrange(self.TRLs)
                                ]  # [L,    H, H, ..., H]

        # Calculation of bit-rates.

        ## List kbps of high frequency subbands.
        self.kbps_H = [[] for x in xrange(self.GOPs + 1)]
        ## List kbps of motion vectors.
        self.kbps_M = [[] for x in xrange(self.GOPs)]
        ## List kbps of high frequency subbands and motion vectors.
        self.kbps_HM_total = []
        #self.info_RMSE      = []

        # Means for each subband.

        ## Average kbps of motion.
        self.average_M = [0] * (self.TRLs + 1)
        ## Average kbps of high frecuency subbands.
        self.average_H = [0] * (self.TRLs + 1)
        ## Average kbps of low frecuency subbands.
        self.average_L = 0
        ## Average kbps of codestream.
        self.average_total = 0

        # FILES. Open files with temporal subbands and motion fields.
        L_file = self.open_codestream("low_" + str(self.TRLs - 1) +
                                      ".j2c")  # L
        H_file = [None]  # H
        M_file = [None]  # M
        F_file = [None]  # Frame types

        for subband in range(1, self.TRLs):
            H_file.append(self.open_codestream("high_" + str(subband) +
                self.open_codestream("motion_residue_" + str(subband) +
            F_file.append(self.open_codestream("frame_types_" + str(subband)))

        # GOP 0. The GOP0 is formed by the first image in low_<TRLs-1>.
        L_prev_GOP = self.find_next_EOC_texture(L_file)
        self.bytes_frames_T[0].append(L_prev_GOP)  # Bytes per frame

        L_kbps_GOP0 = float(L_prev_GOP) * 8.0 / GOP0_time / 1000.0

        sys.stdout.write("0000 %8d " % L_kbps_GOP0)

        for subband in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - subband)):
            sys.stdout.write("%7d " % 0)
            sys.stdout.write("%6d " % 0)

        sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % L_kbps_GOP0)

        # GOP n. GOPs are formed by a number of subbands.
        for GOP_number in range(1, self.GOPs + 1):
            total = 0  # Total Kbps
            sys.stdout.write("%3s " % '%04d' % GOP_number)

            # SUBBANDA L. Each new image represents a new GOP.
            L_next_GOP = self.find_next_EOC_texture(L_file)
            L_bytes = L_next_GOP - L_prev_GOP
            self.bytes_frames_T[0].append(L_bytes)  # Bytes per frame

            L_prev_GOP = L_next_GOP
            L_kbps = float(L_bytes) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0
            self.average_L += L_kbps
            total += L_kbps

            sys.stdout.write("%8d " % int(L_kbps))

            # SUBBANDAS H. Depending on the level of temporal resolution, each GOP generates a number of different images.
            pics_in_GOP = 1
            for subband in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):

                # Frame_types.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP):
                    frame_type = F_file[subband].read(1)
                    self.types_frame[self.TRLs - subband].append(frame_type)
                    sys.stdout.write("%s" % frame_type)

                # Motion.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP):
                    next_image = self.find_next_EOC_motion(M_file[subband])
                    self.bytes_frames_M[self.TRLs - subband].append(
                        next_image - M_prev_image[subband])  # Bytes per frame
                    M_prev_image[subband] = next_image

                M_kbps = float(next_image -
                               M_prev_GOP[subband]) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0

                self.kbps_M[GOP_number - 1].append(M_kbps)
                self.average_M[subband] += M_kbps
                total += M_kbps
                sys.stdout.write("%7d " % int(M_kbps))

                M_prev_image[subband] = M_prev_GOP[subband] = next_image

                # High frecuency.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP):
                    next_image = self.find_next_EOC_texture(H_file[subband])
                    self.bytes_frames_T[self.TRLs - subband].append(
                        next_image - H_prev_image[subband])  # Bytes per frame
                    H_prev_image[subband] = next_image

                H_kbps = float(next_image -
                               H_prev_GOP[subband]) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0

                self.average_H[subband] += H_kbps
                total += H_kbps
                sys.stdout.write("%6d " % int(H_kbps))

                H_prev_image[subband] = H_prev_GOP[subband] = next_image

                pics_in_GOP *= 2

            sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % total)
            self.average_total += total
            self.kbps_HM_total.append(total)  # < Jse

        # Bytes per frame TM = M + T
        self.bytes_frames_TM[0] = self.bytes_frames_T[0][:]
        for sub in range(1, self.TRLs):
            for pic in range(0, len(self.bytes_frames_M[sub])):
                    self.bytes_frames_M[sub][pic] +

        # bytes_frames_MCTF. (Frame per frame)

        # Add bytes of subband L to all frames.
        bytes_frames_MCTF = []
        for pic in range(0, pictures):

            if pic % GOP_size == 0:  # Is a L image. Then add image 0, from L, from GOPx
                bytes_frames_MCTF.append(self.bytes_frames_TM[0][pic /

            else:  # Is not a L image. Then add image 0 & 1, from L, from GOPx

                ## pic is the image number 'image_number' from subband 'sub'.
                image_number = pic / 2.0
                sub = 1
                check_call("echo \"pic " + str(pic) + "\timage_number " +
                           str(image_number) + "\tsub " + str(sub) + "\" >> " +
                while (image_number - int(image_number)) == 0.0:
                    image_number /= 2.0
                    sub += 1
                    check_call("echo \"pic " + str(pic) + "\timage_number " +
                               str(image_number) + "\tsub " + str(sub) +
                               "\" >> " + "info_picIdentifier",
                check_call("echo \"sub --> " + str(sub) + "\" >> " +

                # Frame type = 'I'
                if self.types_frame[self.TRLs - sub][int(image_number)] == 'I':
                # Frame type = 'B'
                        self.bytes_frames_TM[0][pic / GOP_size] +
                        self.bytes_frames_TM[0][(pic / GOP_size) + 1])

        # Add bytes Hs & Ms as MCTF, to each frame of Hs.
        for Vpic in range(0, pictures):
            pic = Vpic
            for sub in range(1, self.TRLs):
                pic /= 2.0
                if pic - int(pic) > 0.0:
                    if self.types_frame[self.TRLs - sub][int(pic)] == 'I':
                        bytes_frames_MCTF[Vpic] += self.bytes_frames_T[
                            self.TRLs - sub][int(pic)]
                        bytes_frames_MCTF[Vpic] += self.bytes_frames_TM[
                            self.TRLs - sub][int(pic)]

        # bytes_frames_MCTF_Average (Frame per frame)
        bytes_frames_MCTF_average = [0] * (GOP_size + 1)

        # Ls
        for gop in range(0, GOPs + 1):
            bytes_frames_MCTF_average[0] += bytes_frames_MCTF[gop * GOP_size]
        bytes_frames_MCTF_average[0] /= (GOPs + 1.0)

        # Hs
        for Vpic in range(1, GOP_size + 1):
            for gop in range(0, GOPs):
                bytes_frames_MCTF_average[Vpic] += bytes_frames_MCTF[
                    Vpic + (gop * GOP_size)]

        for Vpic in range(1, GOP_size + 1):
            bytes_frames_MCTF_average[Vpic] /= GOPs * 1.0

        # PRINT: Formatted for gnuplot.
        for pic in range(0, len(bytes_frames_MCTF)):
            check_call("echo \"" + str(pic) + "\t " +
                       str(bytes_frames_MCTF[pic]) + "\" >> " +
        for pic in range(0, len(bytes_frames_MCTF_average)):
            check_call("echo \"" + str(pic) + "\t " +
                       str(bytes_frames_MCTF_average[pic]) + "\" >> " +

        # PRINT averages.
        sys.stdout.write("---- ")
        sys.stdout.write("-------- ")
        for subband in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - subband)):
            sys.stdout.write("-------------- ")

        # Average L.
        self.average_L = (L_kbps_GOP0 * (1 - average_ponderation)) + (
            (self.average_L / GOPs) * average_ponderation
        sys.stdout.write("%6d " % int(self.average_L))

        for subband in range(self.TRLs - 1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs - 1 - subband)):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")

            # Average Motion and High frecuency.
            self.average_M[subband] = self.average_M[subband] / self.GOPs
            self.average_H[subband] = self.average_H[subband] / self.GOPs
            sys.stdout.write("%7d " % int(self.average_M[subband]))
            sys.stdout.write("%6d " % int(self.average_H[subband]))

        # Total average.
        self.average_total /= self.GOPs
        self.average_total = (L_kbps_GOP0 * (1 - average_ponderation)) + (
            self.average_total * average_ponderation)  # MEDIA SEMI PONDERADA
        sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % int(self.average_total))

        self.average_M.reverse()  # < Jse
        self.average_H.reverse()  # < Jse
        self.average_M = self.average_M[1:-1]  # < Jse
        self.average_H = self.average_H[1:-1]  # < Jse
        self.average_H.insert(0, self.average_L)  # < Jse


        print(" ")
        print("M_prev_GOP\t" + str(M_prev_GOP))
        print("H_prev_GOP\t" + str(H_prev_GOP))
        print("M_prev_image\t" + str(M_prev_image))
        print("H_prev_image\t" + str(H_prev_image))

        print(" ")
        print("Frame_Types\t" + str(self.types_frame))
        print(" ")
        print("B_frames_M\t" + str(self.bytes_frames_M))
        print(" ")
        print("B_frames_T\t" + str(self.bytes_frames_T))
        print(" ")
        print("B_frames_TM\t" + str(self.bytes_frames_TM))
        print(" ")
        print("B_frames_MCTF\t" + str(bytes_frames_MCTF))
        print(" ")
        print("B_frames_MCTF_average\t" + str(bytes_frames_MCTF_average))
        print(" ")
        print("kbps_M\t\t" + str(self.kbps_M))
        print(" ")
        print("kbps_H\t\t" + str(self.kbps_H))
        print(" ")
        print("kbps_HM_total\t" + str(self.kbps_HM_total))
        print(" ")
        print("average_M\t" + str(self.average_M))
        print(" ")
        print("average_H\t" + str(self.average_H))
        print(" ")
        print("average_total\t" + str(self.average_total))
        print(" ")
Example #7
    def __init__(self, GOPs, TRLs, FPS) :

        ## Total number of GOPs (Group of Pictures) in the sequence.
        self.GOPs = GOPs
        ## Total number of Temporal Resolution Level.
        self.TRLs = TRLs
        ##  Frames per Second.
        self.FPS  = FPS

        ## Number of images from the GOP.
        GOP_size            = GOP.get_size(self, self.TRLs) # number_of_GOPs = int(math.ceil((self.pictures * 1.0)/ GOP_size))
        ## Total number of images in the sequence.
        pictures            = GOP_size * self.GOPs + 1
        ## Weighting value, to be applied between the GOP0, and the rest.
        average_ponderation = (pictures - 1.0) / pictures
        ## The duration of GOP0.
        GOP0_time           = 1.0              / self.FPS
        ## The duration of a GOP.
        GOP_time            = float(GOP_size)  / self.FPS

        sys.stdout.write("\n\n"              + sys.argv[0]    + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("TRLs           = " + str(self.TRLs) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("Pictures       = " + str(pictures)  + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("FPS            = " + str(self.FPS)  + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP size       = " + str(GOP_size)  + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("Number of GOPs = " + str(self.GOPs) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP_0 time     = " + str(GOP0_time) + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("GOP   time     = " + str(GOP_time)  + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("All the values are given in thousands of bits per second (Kbps).\n\n")

        # Table header.

        # First line. (TRL4 TRL3 TRL2 TRL1 TRL0).
        sys.stdout.write("\n     ");
        sys.stdout.write("    TRL" + str(self.TRLs-1))

        for i in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1):
            sys.stdout.write("           ")
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-i)):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")
            sys.stdout.write("TRL" + str(i-1))

        # Second line. (GOP low_4 motion_4+high_4 motion_3+hight_3 motion_2+high2 motion_1+high_1 Total).
        sys.stdout.write("    low_" +  str(self.TRLs-1))

        for i in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-i)):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")
            sys.stdout.write("motion_" + str(i) + " high_" + str(i))
        sys.stdout.write("    Total\n")

        # Third line.
        sys.stdout.write("---- ")
        sys.stdout.write("-------- ")
        for i in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-i)):
            sys.stdout.write("-------------- ")

        # VARIABLES.

        # Displays the bit-rate of each subband of each
        # GOP. Therefore, an array of integers, to store for each
        # subband, the bit-rate required of the previous GOP. The
        # bit-rate of the current GOP for each subband, is calculated
        # by subtracting the value for the previous GOP, less the
        # present value. Recall that the files with the code-streams,
        # are traversed sequentially, and there is a file for each
        # subband).
        M_prev_GOP      = [0] * self.TRLs
        H_prev_GOP      = [0] * self.TRLs
        M_prev_image    = [0] * self.TRLs
        H_prev_image    = [0] * self.TRLs

        # Means for each subband.

        ## List type frame.
        self.types_frame     = [None] + [[] for x in xrange (self.TRLs-1)]   # [None, F, F, ..., F]

        # Calculation of bytes (textures and motion) per frame.
        self.bytes_frames_M  = [None] + [[] for x in xrange (self.TRLs-1)]   # [None, M, M, ..., M]
        self.bytes_frames_T  = [[] for x in xrange (self.TRLs)]              # [L,    H, H, ..., H]
        self.bytes_frames_TM = [[] for x in xrange (self.TRLs)]              # [L,    H, H, ..., H]

        # Calculation of bit-rates.

        ## List kbps of high frequency subbands.
        self.kbps_H          = [[] for x in xrange (self.GOPs+1)]
        ## List kbps of motion vectors.
        self.kbps_M          = [[] for x in xrange (self.GOPs)]
        ## List kbps of high frequency subbands and motion vectors.
        self.kbps_HM_total   = []
        #self.info_RMSE      = []

        # Means for each subband.

        ## Average kbps of motion.
        self.average_M     = [0] * (self.TRLs + 1)
        ## Average kbps of high frecuency subbands.
        self.average_H     = [0] * (self.TRLs + 1)
        ## Average kbps of low frecuency subbands.
        self.average_L     = 0
        ## Average kbps of codestream.
        self.average_total = 0

        # FILES. Open files with temporal subbands and motion fields.
        L_file  = self.open_codestream("low_" + str(self.TRLs - 1) + ".j2c") # L
        H_file  = [None]                                                     # H
        M_file  = [None]                                                     # M
        F_file  = [None]                                                     # Frame types

        for subband in range(1, self.TRLs) :
            H_file.append(self.open_codestream("high_"           + str(subband) + ".j2c"))
            M_file.append(self.open_codestream("motion_residue_" + str(subband) + ".mjc"))
            F_file.append(self.open_codestream("frame_types_"    + str(subband)         ))

        # GOP 0. The GOP0 is formed by the first image in low_<TRLs-1>.
        L_prev_GOP = self.find_next_EOC_texture(L_file)
        self.bytes_frames_T[0].append(L_prev_GOP) # Bytes per frame

        L_kbps_GOP0 = float(L_prev_GOP) * 8.0 / GOP0_time / 1000.0
        self.kbps_H    [0].append(L_kbps_GOP0)

        sys.stdout.write("0000 %8d " % L_kbps_GOP0)

        for subband in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1):
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-subband)) :
            sys.stdout.write("%7d " % 0)
            sys.stdout.write("%6d " % 0)

        sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % L_kbps_GOP0)

        # GOP n. GOPs are formed by a number of subbands.
        for GOP_number in range(1, self.GOPs+1) :
            total = 0 # Total Kbps
            sys.stdout.write("%3s " % '%04d' % GOP_number)

            # SUBBANDA L. Each new image represents a new GOP.
            L_next_GOP = self.find_next_EOC_texture(L_file)
            L_bytes    = L_next_GOP - L_prev_GOP
            self.bytes_frames_T[0].append(L_bytes) # Bytes per frame

            L_prev_GOP                   = L_next_GOP
            L_kbps                       = float(L_bytes) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0
            self.average_L              += L_kbps
            total                       += L_kbps

            sys.stdout.write("%8d " % int(L_kbps))

            # SUBBANDAS H. Depending on the level of temporal resolution, each GOP generates a number of different images.
            pics_in_GOP = 1
            for subband in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1) :

                # Frame_types.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP) :
                    frame_type = F_file[subband].read(1)
                    self.types_frame[self.TRLs - subband].append(frame_type)
                    sys.stdout.write("%s" % frame_type)

                # Motion.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP) :
                    next_image = self.find_next_EOC_motion(M_file[subband])
                    self.bytes_frames_M[self.TRLs - subband].append(next_image - M_prev_image[subband]) # Bytes per frame
                    M_prev_image[subband] = next_image

                M_kbps = float(next_image - M_prev_GOP[subband]) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0

                self.average_M[subband]       += M_kbps
                total                         += M_kbps
                sys.stdout.write("%7d " %    int(M_kbps))

		M_prev_image[subband] = M_prev_GOP[subband] = next_image

                # High frecuency.
                for i in range(0, pics_in_GOP) :
                    next_image = self.find_next_EOC_texture(H_file[subband])
                    self.bytes_frames_T[self.TRLs - subband].append(next_image - H_prev_image[subband]) # Bytes per frame
                    H_prev_image[subband] = next_image

                H_kbps = float(next_image - H_prev_GOP[subband]) * 8.0 / GOP_time / 1000.0

                self.average_H[subband]     += H_kbps
                total                       += H_kbps
                sys.stdout.write("%6d " %  int(H_kbps))

                H_prev_image[subband] = H_prev_GOP[subband] = next_image

                pics_in_GOP *= 2

            sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % total)
            self.average_total      += total
            self.kbps_HM_total.append (total) # < Jse

        # Bytes per frame TM = M + T
        self.bytes_frames_TM[0] = self.bytes_frames_T[0][:]
        for sub in range(1, self.TRLs) :
            for pic in range(0, len(self.bytes_frames_M[sub])) :
                self.bytes_frames_TM[sub].append(self.bytes_frames_M[sub][pic] + self.bytes_frames_T[sub][pic])

        # bytes_frames_MCTF. (Frame per frame)

        # Add bytes of subband L to all frames.
        bytes_frames_MCTF = []
        for pic in range(0, pictures) :

            if pic % GOP_size == 0 : # Is a L image. Then add image 0, from L, from GOPx
                bytes_frames_MCTF.append( self.bytes_frames_TM[0][pic/GOP_size] )

            else : # Is not a L image. Then add image 0 & 1, from L, from GOPx

                ## pic is the image number 'image_number' from subband 'sub'.
                image_number = pic / 2.0
                sub          = 1
                check_call("echo \"pic " + str(pic) + "\timage_number " + str(image_number) + "\tsub " + str(sub) + "\" >> " + "info_picIdentifier", shell=True)
                while (image_number - int(image_number)) == 0.0 :
                    image_number /= 2.0
                    sub          += 1
                    check_call("echo \"pic " + str(pic) + "\timage_number " + str(image_number) + "\tsub " + str(sub) + "\" >> " + "info_picIdentifier", shell=True)
                check_call("echo \"sub --> " + str(sub) + "\" >> " + "info_picIdentifier", shell=True)

                # Frame type = 'I'
                if self.types_frame[self.TRLs-sub][int(image_number)] == 'I' :
                    bytes_frames_MCTF.append( 0 )
                # Frame type = 'B'
                else :
                    bytes_frames_MCTF.append( self.bytes_frames_TM[0][pic/GOP_size] + self.bytes_frames_TM[0][(pic/GOP_size)+1] )

        # Add bytes Hs & Ms as MCTF, to each frame of Hs.
        for Vpic in range(0, pictures) :
            pic = Vpic
            for sub in range(1, self.TRLs) :
                pic /= 2.0
                if pic - int(pic) > 0.0 :
                    if self.types_frame[self.TRLs-sub][int(pic)] == 'I' :
                        bytes_frames_MCTF[Vpic] += self.bytes_frames_T [self.TRLs-sub][int(pic)]
                    else :
                        bytes_frames_MCTF[Vpic] += self.bytes_frames_TM[self.TRLs-sub][int(pic)]

        # bytes_frames_MCTF_Average (Frame per frame)
        bytes_frames_MCTF_average = [0] * (GOP_size + 1)

        # Ls
        for gop in range(0, GOPs+1) :
            bytes_frames_MCTF_average[0] += bytes_frames_MCTF[gop*GOP_size]
        bytes_frames_MCTF_average[0] /= (GOPs + 1.0)

        # Hs
        for Vpic in range(1, GOP_size+1) :
            for gop in range(0, GOPs) :
                bytes_frames_MCTF_average[Vpic] += bytes_frames_MCTF[Vpic + (gop*GOP_size)]

        for Vpic in range(1, GOP_size+1) :
            bytes_frames_MCTF_average[Vpic] /= GOPs * 1.0

        # PRINT: Formatted for gnuplot.
        for pic in range (0, len(bytes_frames_MCTF)) :
            check_call("echo \"" + str(pic) + "\t " + str(bytes_frames_MCTF[pic])         + "\" >> " + "info_bytesFrames_MCTF",             shell=True)
        for pic in range (0, len(bytes_frames_MCTF_average)) :
            check_call("echo \"" + str(pic) + "\t " + str(bytes_frames_MCTF_average[pic]) + "\" >> " + "info_bytesFrames_MCTF_averageGOPs", shell=True)


        # PRINT averages.
        sys.stdout.write("---- ")
        sys.stdout.write("-------- ")
        for subband in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1) :
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-subband)) :
            sys.stdout.write("-------------- ")

        # Average L.
        self.average_L = (L_kbps_GOP0 * (1 - average_ponderation)) + ((self.average_L / GOPs) * average_ponderation) # MEDIA SEMI PONDERADA
        sys.stdout.write("%6d " % int(self.average_L))

        for subband in range(self.TRLs-1, 0, -1) :
            for j in range(0, 2**(self.TRLs-1-subband)) :
                sys.stdout.write(" ")

            # Average Motion and High frecuency.
            self.average_M[subband] = self.average_M[subband] / self.GOPs
            self.average_H[subband] = self.average_H[subband] / self.GOPs
            sys.stdout.write("%7d " % int(self.average_M[subband]))
            sys.stdout.write("%6d " % int(self.average_H[subband]))

        # Total average.
        self.average_total /= self.GOPs
        self.average_total = (L_kbps_GOP0 * (1 - average_ponderation)) + (self.average_total * average_ponderation) # MEDIA SEMI PONDERADA
        sys.stdout.write("%8d\n" % int(self.average_total))

        self.average_M.reverse()                      # < Jse
        self.average_H.reverse()                      # < Jse
        self.average_M = self.average_M[1:-1]         # < Jse
        self.average_H = self.average_H[1:-1]         # < Jse
        self.average_H.insert(0, self.average_L)      # < Jse


        print (" ")
        print ("M_prev_GOP\t"    + str(M_prev_GOP))
        print ("H_prev_GOP\t"    + str(H_prev_GOP))
        print ("M_prev_image\t"  + str(M_prev_image))
        print ("H_prev_image\t"  + str(H_prev_image))

        print (" ")
        print ("Frame_Types\t"           + str(self.types_frame))
        print (" ")
        print ("B_frames_M\t"            + str(self.bytes_frames_M))
        print (" ")
        print ("B_frames_T\t"            + str(self.bytes_frames_T))
        print (" ")
        print ("B_frames_TM\t"           + str(self.bytes_frames_TM))
        print (" ")
        print ("B_frames_MCTF\t"         + str(bytes_frames_MCTF))
        print (" ")
        print ("B_frames_MCTF_average\t" + str(bytes_frames_MCTF_average))
        print (" ")
        print ("kbps_M\t\t"              + str(self.kbps_M))
        print (" ")
        print ("kbps_H\t\t"              + str(self.kbps_H))
        print (" ")
        print ("kbps_HM_total\t"         + str(self.kbps_HM_total))
        print (" ")
        print ("average_M\t"             + str(self.average_M))
        print (" ")
        print ("average_H\t"             + str(self.average_H))
        print (" ")
        print ("average_total\t"         + str(self.average_total))
        print (" ")